Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 422 The Destroyed Earth

"We are ready to attack." The two captains of Yoneda stood at attention at the same time, turned and walked towards the door. The door to the command room opened automatically, and then both Falcon teams froze in place.

Aguru and Gaiying, who were taller than others, stood in front of the two teams, each looking at the Falcons in their own timelines. The leader, Captain Yoneda, blurted out almost at the same time.


"Gai Ying?"

The two Austrians crossed their arms at the same time and launched teleportation in the blue and silver light. Appearing outside the air base, it became gigantic amid the explosion of light.

Several bolts of lightning struck down from the clouds one after another. The two Ultras spread their hands at the same time, and a translucent Ultra barrier formed in front of them, protecting the air base behind them.

A violent explosion rose in front of the barrier, blocking everyone's sight. Gai Ying's hands broke away from the barrier, and in an instant he accelerated to a speed of Mach 15. He closed his hands and stretched forward, crashing into Erroppa.

But the ugly monster that had maintained its dive just disappeared out of thin air again, causing the high-speed flying shadow to hit the air.

If it were just an ability like teleportation, Gai Ying might be able to rely on his own space ability to counterattack, but that was not just a pure space ability, but the result of the joint action of time and space.

His spatial ability may be able to interfere with Elropa to a certain extent, but he will never be able to travel through the timeline with it.

Elropa's power is not very strong. Whether it is lightning or the fire bombs spit out from his mouth, he cannot even break through the defense of the air flash. But its ability in time makes it always invincible.

Among the constantly rotating clouds, Erroppa's figure was looming. The six fighter planes that had just left the air base quickly spread their wings, activated their anti-gravity devices and flew towards the clouds.

"Has that guy returned to the clouds?" Tsukasori took a deep breath and stared at the looming giant monster.

"No, the cloud is just a passage. If it only needs to appear from another location, behind Ultraman is a better choice. There may be more than one such monster."

Captain Yoneda took the lead in pressing the launch button, and the two missiles detached from the fuselage and flew towards Erroppa with a trail of white smoke.

But before the two missiles hit the target, they were detonated by the fire bombs spit out from Elropa's mouth. Then, a huge shadow rushed out of thin air and hit Aguru who was guarding the side.

A large number of sparks were drawn from Elropa's wings on his body that was far larger than ordinary metal. Aguru fell back more than ten meters and almost hit the air base behind him.

"Damn it, are they really two?" Captain Yoneda of this timeline roared angrily, "Lin, Tsukamomo, let's deal with the other one."


Two unhesitating responses sounded, and the three fighter planes broke away from the parallel flight course, drew a semicircle in mid-air, and flew towards the newly appeared Erropa.

Lin, who was aiming at the cloud and firing lasers, shouted loudly: "Captain, the cloud is starting to shrink."

"If you don't keep up, you may never be able to go back." Tsukamori's voice came soon after. Captain Yoneda looked back and looked at the shadow of Elropa, who was next to Aguru, and bit the light blade. Grit your teeth.

"We can't leave behind our comrades fighting side by side. You enter the clouds first, and I'll go support Ultraman Geying!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his fighter plane quickly rose, and then turned around and quickly approached the shadow that was knocking Elro Papa back.

"Captain Yoneda!"

When no response was received, Lin and Tsukasamu spoke almost at the same time.

"You go back along the clouds first, while the captain and I go to support Gai Ying."

"You report back to the air base, and I'll go support the captain."

Both of them fell silent, and then they pulled the joystick in unison, and the two fighter jets accelerated towards Captain Yoneda's position.

Elropa's ability seems to be perfectly displayed based on clouds. When it cannot disappear continuously, it even fails to gain the upper hand against Agur's v2 form.

Several laser beams hit its chest and abdomen one after another, picking up little sparks and causing Elropa to scream in pain.

Gai Ying was slightly relieved, and turned to look at Errobopa, who was gradually disappearing in the clouds. He quickly left the battlefield, and with his mind power, the three fighter planes turned into a stream of light and rushed forward at the last moment when the clouds disappeared. into it.

It was a completely different feeling from traveling through space. Gai Ying could only notice that everything around him was changing rapidly, and he was completely leaving the original space.

Unknown energy enveloped Erropa, Gaiying and the three Falcons' fighter planes, and they jumped out of the "water" and landed in another "water pool".

There was a strong sense of distortion from the telekinesis released to protect the Falcons, and then everything returned to calm. There was a faint light in his sight again, but he didn't see the familiar air base.

The gray mist covered the sky and the sun, and the strange energy everywhere carried a sense of despair and despair, making Ge Ying reluctant to touch it.

The telekinesis protecting the three fighters broke away from the Falcons and swept around them. There was no life, no light from the sky could be seen. Both sunlight and starlight were covered by thick fog.

On the ground that cannot be seen by humans, the wreckage of the air base has been lying there for an unknown period of time. The ubiquitous huge energy underground has also disappeared, and the entire earth has become an empty shell wrapped in gray mist.

But Erropapa, who led them to this timeline, flapped his wings and submerged into the gray mist like a fish in water, as if he was completely integrated with it, lost in the perception of telepathy.

"A... timeline where the Earth is destroyed?"

This thought flashed through Gai Ying's mind subconsciously, but feeling the strange energy everywhere around him, he quickly landed towards the ground.

After passing through more than 10,000 meters of gray fog, the shadow landed on the ground, causing large swaths of soil and gravel to fly up. There are no humans here, so he doesn't have to be careful to prevent himself from causing damage. ..

The Falcon team's three fighter planes also quickly lowered their altitude, but they could not get rid of the ubiquitous gray fog, whether at an altitude of 10,000 meters or on the ground.

Looking out through the cockpit, visibility was barely five meters. Fortunately, the ground was fairly flat and did not make the landing more difficult.

The three cockpits opened one after another, Gai Ying raised his right hand, and a beam of light enveloped the three of them.

This gray energy reminded him of Ketruf's alienated energy. It was not surprising that normal creatures would change their life forms if they were exposed to such energy for too long.

"Is that... an air base?"

Captain Yoneda looked at the remains of the man-made object close at hand, and took another look at the remains, which he could barely capture part of the huge outline.

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