Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 474 The Unknown Manipulator

The extended tree was ignited and turned into a long flame whip, but it stubbornly resisted the high temperature and grew rapidly. In the two fonts of Yanshan, the scorching flame pillars sprayed out again, and Gaia quickly took a step forward, blocking the dark green behind him.

At the same time, the extremely low temperature suddenly neutralized the high temperature released by Yanshan. The sudden cooling made Gaia couldn't help but focus on the right side.

The glacier actually gave up advancing on the ground and flew into the sky. The collision of hot and cold caused a large amount of water to rise into the clouds in the sky and gathered into large cumulonimbus clouds.

The glacier that had never been seen before fell from the sky, and the extreme cold air intercepted the flames of the burning mountain. On the right side of the dark green, several saplings broke out of the ground again and twined towards the heaven above.

The sky that stopped rotating abruptly ejected a stream of air from the end, blowing up the vitrified sand in the sky. It suddenly rose with a flexibility that was totally out of proportion to its size, entangling the spreading plants.

But soon the lifted crystal particles were shrouded in low temperature. They were shattered under the alternation of hot and cold, turning into smaller particles, and a piece of "dust" was raised by the wind.

The gathering dark clouds revealed an irregular circular gap above the battlefield, but raindrops had already begun to fall hundreds of meters away from the battlefield. The accumulated water on the ground flowed towards the lower direction of the battlefield, and was frozen again, or evaporated and rose up into the clouds. among.

Heavy rain poured down on the fighter plane that had lost power. Kajio, Kitada and Ogamoto stood side by side, looking at the battlefield that was still unobservable.

Ordinary people's vision is completely useless in that area. The sound of howling winds and huge objects colliding from time to time is extremely confusing, and hearing is hardly any help.

Not to mention helping Gaia, once they step into the fighting area, every step they take is like a close dance with the God of Death.

No matter how unwilling they were, they did not rush to the battlefield to cause trouble. The wind speed at the edge was much lower, but the raindrops still hit my face hard, with clear pain.

From the corner of Kajio's eyes, he suddenly caught an approaching figure. The strong wind that could easily overturn an unprepared person only caused the corners of his clothes to swing rapidly and his black hair to fly.

"Hey, get out of here!"

Kajio, who bent down and hid behind a larger stone, shouted loudly, but as soon as his voice left his throat, it was torn to pieces by the strong wind and drifted to no one knows where.

Just when Kajio gave up all hope that the other party could hear him and was about to rush out despite the storm, the figure miraculously stopped and looked in their direction. ..

Kajio was stunned and said subconsciously: "That's Hiroya Fujimiya?"

Fujimiya calmly looked at the three people wearing XIG uniforms in the distance, his eyes seemed to penetrate all obstacles in his sight, and he stood in front of him and looked at him.

After a brief pause, he raised his arm, and Kajio's eyes barely caught the blurry blue on his wrist.

Blue and red lights lit up at the same time. Kajio raised his hand to block the dazzling light. When the light dissipated, Fujimiya Hiroya, who was standing there, disappeared.

A sudden shock came from under their feet, and the three of them staggered. They quickly reached out to hold on to the boulder beside them to stabilize their balance, and then looked up.

In the gray dust, the giant who was tens of meters tall slowly turned his head to look at them. Although his body was blocked and it was difficult to see his detailed appearance, his bright eyes and the life meter on his chest were extremely conspicuous.

"That Ultraman Agur?"

But Aguru, who had completed his transformation, ignored them. Instead, he turned around and walked slowly into the battlefield through the violent airflow.

As he took each step forward, blue and red rays of light lit up from his life meter respectively. Aguru turned into a ray of light and hit the dark green who had just been knocked back by Yanshan.

There was no explosion or impact. The light penetrated directly through the dark green body surface, entered its interior, and transformed into an Agul as tall as a human.

Countless dark green vines intertwined with each other to form walls and pillars. The entire dark green interior seemed to be made of plants, except for a crimson luminous body above the center that was extremely conspicuous.

"Are you Ultraman Agur? The guardian of this era of earth."

Strange fluctuations of thought power connected his consciousness, with a coldness and alienation. A humanoid life that looks somewhat like a fish is standing under the dark red luminous body, controlling the dark green actions.

"Are you also a remnant of an ancient civilization?"

Aguru raised his right hand and pointed at the weird life form, but the other party did not answer him again. Only the ground tilted and shook again and again, proving that this behemoth was still in battle.

"Why wake up Dark Green."

The wave of telepathy was transmitted again, and Aguru took a step forward, intending to release the lightsaber if he disagreed.

"Humanity has not surpassed our technology, nor has it surpassed our guardians. Destruction is only an inevitable result. Give up paying attention to humans, Aguru."

The lifeform with smooth skin and no trace of hair, and a streamlined body shape finally turned his head. This time he did not use telepathy to transmit telepathy, but his tone was still cold.

"Do you know what the natural control machine means to us? When one day the earth's ecology is completely destroyed in the battle with the source of death, the glaciers will maintain the temperature at the poles, the scorching mountains will melt the excess ice and snow, and the heaven will purify the earth's The atmosphere, the deep green, resows the seeds of life.”

"So, in order to defeat the source of death, human beings will become victims, right?" Aguru's lightsaber extended, easily cutting off the vines extending from the upper and lower sides.

"What benefits have humans brought to the earth? Didn't you think so too?" The voice that entered his ears fluctuated slightly, with a hint of sarcasm.

The tip of Aguru's sword was pointed directly at the opponent, but the entire dark green suddenly began to tilt backwards, accompanied by strong vibrations. Not caring about dealing with this guy who was barely considered a friendly force from the standpoint of the earth, Aguru turned into a ray of light and rushed out again.

Gaia raised her arms, and the energy infusion formed an Ultra barrier to block the cyan beam released by the heavens. But before he could launch a counterattack, Yanshan, who broke free from the dark green shackles, turned around and crashed into his direction.

Just when the two huge bodies were about to collide, a blue light ball containing lightning-like energy hit Yanshan, and the impact of the explosion knocked it to the ground.

From the font in front of Binghe, white low-temperature gas spurted out, freezing Yanshan in place. But in just a moment, Yanshan released high temperature again and melted the ice on the body surface.

Gaia turned her head and saw Agur's familiar figure. She took two steps forward and stood side by side with him. She nodded with some joy and said, "Fujimiya!"

Aguru nodded slightly, but the voice that came from the fluctuations of his mind was still calm: "My dream, don't be careless. These two guys are definitely not just the Yanshan and Tianjie in your memory."

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