Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 599 Diga and You Lian

Although the degree of dimness was not obvious, the purpose of You Lian's trip was to meet Diga, and all her attention was focused on that warrior whom humans knew little about.

From other Ultraman, she got the Titan's way of replenishing her strength. A very small number of Ultraman can use superpowers to convert other energy to replenish themselves, and slowly absorbing light energy from the outside world is the normal recovery method for most Ultraman.

But the environment of the earth at this time is extremely harsh for a light life form like Ultraman. Even Tiga, the most powerful person on the earth, can hardly completely conceal the fact that he is constantly weakening.

She actually knew exactly where Tiga was staying, the closest place to Gatanjie on land. The strongest giant and the terrifying evil god face each other across the sea. He is guarding against Gatanje and is also watching over the future of mankind.

But that is the place with the thickest black fog on the land, and it is a paradise for countless small monsters. Diga could care less about monsters that could not pose a threat to him, but You Lian could not.

She is an elite among humans and has experienced strict and cruel training and cultivation. But after all, she is just an ordinary person, and no matter how strong her fighting skills are, she can't compare to the complete power of the monster to crush her.

This is the deepest despair of mankind. When no matter how hard you try to improve yourself, no matter what technology you develop, you cannot save your life in front of the monsters. Does the word "hope" really still exist?

She clearly looked up at the battle that should only exist in her imagination, but her pupils were dilated and she was not attracted by the gorgeous explosion.

Diga noticed something and looked down at the dark-brown woman who seemed to be distracted. Her previous call, the comment in her eyes not long ago, and the special point of not escaping despite the monster attack, made Diga aware of her unusualness.

Although You Lian's clothes did not stick to her skin, they tried to avoid wide sleeves. It can be clearly seen that they were designed so as not to hinder movement.

Especially the weapon she still holds in her hand. Although she doesn't know the scientific principle, Diga can feel the energy inside, which is light energy.

Although they failed to allow humans to evolve into Ultraman, they still analyzed the characteristics of light energy and successfully completed the weaponization of light energy.

Diga withdrew his gaze, and his body was wrapped in brighter light, flying into the distance with a silver trail, turning into a fleeting star in You Lian's sight.

Youlian's eyes still stayed in the direction where Diga disappeared, not paying attention to the approach of the two figures behind him.

"Captain, the two of us have almost recovered. Do you want to see Diga?" Achilles stood on the right side of You Lian, deliberately staying half a step behind and spoke softly.

"No, it's enough for you to come with me. Helaw needs to stay in this city." A speed warrior like Achilles can come back as quickly as possible even if something happens here.

Youlian really wanted to see Diga, but she would not sacrifice the life of a city to fight for this opportunity for herself.

Achilles nodded, raised something that looked like a dagger in his hand, and completed the transformation in the purple light. He bent down lightly and stretched out his palm, held You Lian in front of his chest with one hand, and turned towards Heilongjiang. Flying deep into the fog.

Hero watched his comrades go away without saying a word until Achilles' figure disappeared from the end of his sight.

Achilles's energy was mobilized, turning into a light and shadow and instantly speeding up. At such a high speed that even Saga could not catch up, the short distance was reached in an instant.

The black fog was so thick that the shape of the valley could not be seen at all. Achilles could only rely on Ultraman's special eyes to identify the direction, and he landed silently at the entrance of the valley.

Diga was obviously aware of their visit. As the vague outline of the giant approached, the ground trembled slightly, and the surrounding thick fog became much thinner as if seeing a natural enemy.


You Lian whispered, she knew Diga could hear it. But she was not calling Tiga, but no matter how many times she saw him at close range, it was difficult for her to get used to such god-like power.

"Your Highness Diga, this is You Lian, the leader of the Earth Guard Corps. I'm sorry for visiting so rashly." Achilles still bowed respectfully without any disrespect. Whether it is Tiga's special status or everything he has done for mankind, he deserves the respect of all Ultraman.

Diga didn't react to this, just stood there silently. Achilles was stunned for a moment, then looked worriedly at You Lian in his palm, but his eyes noticed a strange figure on the ground. The figure was sitting in front of a fire with his back to them, and his shadow was constantly illuminated by the swaying flames. swing……

"Can you tell me why you want to see me?" The stranger spoke. His voice didn't sound loud, but it could be clearly captured by You Lian who was dozens of meters tall.

Achilles also reacted and bent down again to put You Lian back on the ground. He also quickly shrank in the light and transformed into a human form.

He was a man who looked tall and thin, compared to someone who exercised regularly and had obvious muscle lines. Achilles looked to be in his thirties or forties, perhaps the age when he gained light.

"Your Highness Diga, you..." Achilles wanted to say something, but he was speechless. According to his understanding, Tiga should have been Ultraman when he first arrived, and had never merged with any human being.

"It's just a pose that relies on the aggregation of light energy." Diga replied calmly, still looking at the fire, but You Lian still remembered this face and planned to go back and rely on the database to try to find it.

"I want to know why you frequently consume your power to clean up monsters. If your energy is exhausted, the evil god..." You Lian did not dare to call Gatanjie by his name, but the worry in his expression could not be hidden at all. live.

"I have found the possibility of completely defeating Gatanjie." Diga turned his head and glanced at them for the first time. His eyes reflected the only moving fire in the dim world, making people subconsciously feel warm. meaning. ..

Orange flames swayed in his pupils, which also reflected the figures of You Lian and Achilles. Both of them saw themselves in Diga's eyes, the one wrapped in warmth and light.

"How to defeat him? Didn't the three of you fail to do it together?" You Lian was a little surprised. A ray of light finally appeared in the desperate future, but she did not dare to grab it immediately, for fear that this last ray of light would only last for a moment. The mirror in between.

"What the three of us have not been able to do, human beings can still hope not to give up in desperate situations. I need... let me be "hope"!" Diga stretched out his palm, and the light of the flame was projected on that palm, bringing with it With reassuring warmth and relaxation.

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