Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 620: A Different Legend of Ultraman

Before sending him away, Maki Shuo specially hung a crystal necklace made of his own light energy around his neck to calm the impact of genetic defects.

This laboratory was completely destroyed. Apart from the dying child and the few memory samples, nothing of value was left.

"Master, who was that just now?" Pushing open the twisted door, Zero walked in from the outside and looked curiously at the space passage that had just been closed.

"The child was created by Beria's genes. It looks like it should be a failure that is about to be destroyed." Maki Shuo shook his head, feeling a little sad in his heart.

These children who were created as tools may not even survive a day and will be destroyed as failures. If it weren't for him and Zero, I'm afraid the baby just now would have died quietly in the laboratory.

"Sero, Sero..."

An unknown call sounded in Zero's consciousness space. Although he was not the one being called, Maki Shuo also captured the mysterious voice. .Ь.

"Who are you?"

Zero vigilantly spread his Ultra-Psychic power, trying to find possible dangers around him, but apart from them, there was no third life form within the perceived range.

"A certain world is facing the crisis of destruction. Go to Earth quickly!"

The voice did not answer Sero's question, but continued speaking on its own. Maki Shuo's expression was a little strange, he had already guessed what was about to happen.

In "Ultraman Legend", the unknown voice of the universe called Zero and came to that world.

But when Zero was training, he had seen the Baxter spacecraft. This proves that the Baxters in this world cultivated Hyperjackton much earlier than what the plot shows.

He even wondered whether he would run into a complete Hyperjackton head-on after traveling to that universe. This time is enough for ten Hypajton larvae to hatch.

"You mean, Earth?"

Zero asked in surprise, but the unknown voice quietly disappeared, and the special wave also stopped.

"Sero, what is standing in front of you is the biggest crisis you have ever encountered." Zhen Mu Shuo's body changed into a shadow shape in the light package, and he conveyed the message solemnly.

"I know there may be danger, but if someone really needs help, I still want to go and see it." Zero waved his arm, his tone sounded disapproving: "I am Ultraman Zero!"

Gai Ying nodded without any surprise: "Then let's go together. I also want to see what is going on in the world facing crisis."

The bracelet on Zero's wrist released a ray of light that enveloped half of his body, condensing it into the ultimate armor. The silver sword held in his right hand was raised above his head, and the silver light blade extended, easily cutting open the solid alloy ceiling.

The energy of space converged, forming a vortex with a golden edge above the institute. Gai Ying and Zero jumped into the air one after another, passed through the gap in the ceiling, disappeared into the space passage.

In the dazzling space passage, the two Ultraman were moving forward at high speed. Gai Ying's flying movements did not stop, but he was even more vigilant than before.

The closer to the coordinate universe where the sound was, the clearer the energy aura of a very light Emerald ore became.

Sure enough, Dark Lucifer will not let go of a power that can fight the Saga of a single universe. He even wanted to train Hyperjetton to be stronger, strong enough to compete head-on with the real Saka.

In this way, it makes sense why there is an experimental Hyperjackton in Ultraman Mobile's universe. Was the Emerald ore that was sent away used to cultivate Zeton, who was still a larvae?

If it was just the Hyperjetton shown in the tokusatsu, he could defeat it now. But who knows what kind of state that Hyperjetton has been cultivated into over such a long period of time?

Gai Ying couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart, and his flying speed increased again. Sero was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly accelerated to catch up.

The scene of the space passage disappeared on both sides. Gai Ying and Zero rushed out of the passage one after another. What appeared in sight was an empty city.

Looking around, the entire city seemed to have disappeared without a trace in an instant. Out-of-control vehicles collided or fell into the city, leaving only incomplete bodies that were broken and twisted under the huge impact.

The power control center has been completely paralyzed, and there is no large machine that is still running in the cities on the entire earth.

The underground pipelines were out of maintenance and had completely ruptured. The Muhai reactor was out of control, leaving only the ruins of the explosion, which became the lair of some monsters.

On the surface, the earth seems to have become a paradise for monsters. All powerful life responses come from monsters. They are scattered throughout the planet, guarding their respective "territories." .Ь.

Not just the city, the temperature of the entire planet was far lower than it should be for this season. The continuous heavy snow had been falling for an unknown period of time, and only endless silver could be seen.

But they are already gradually melting. The asphalt road and concrete that were originally difficult to penetrate are full of cracks, and green shoots poke out from the thinner snowdrifts.

The outline of the city has not yet been destroyed, but traces of the wilderness have been eager to cover it, presenting a wonderful beauty of intertwining primitiveness and civilization.

Nature has shown the power of self-repair. Thousands of years of brilliant civilization will be mostly wiped out in just a few hundred years.

In the wilderness where jungles and cities are mixed, Gaiying can capture the life fluctuations of animals even without relying on his telekinesis. If monsters hadn't become the new overlords of the planet, perhaps they would have become the ecological protagonists again.

"Where are the humans? Where have all the humans gone?" Puzzled, Zero wanted to release his Ultra-Psychic power, but under the strong spatial fluctuations in mid-air, a horizontal circular spaceship appeared above them.

"It seems like this guy is the culprit." Zero didn't care about looking for traces of humans anymore. He clenched his right fist into the palm of his left hand and rushed towards the spaceship with full energy.

However, Gai Ying did not rush up with him. His gaze stayed in the airspace in the center of the spacecraft. The blue translucent energy rippled like water, forming a spherical barrier there.

Right below the barrier, two fighter planes were inserted with their tips pointed upward.

Ultraman's vision allowed him to ignore the vast distance and see the people in the cockpits of the two fighter planes. One is the Riverview that originally appeared in "Ultraman Legend", and the other is...

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