Rebirth of the 92 Business Tycoon

Vol 6 Chapter 906: Go ahead (middle)

Seeing that the Big Three besides the boss also followed to participate in this conversation, Warren East felt a little better, not because he was taken seriously, but because he felt that this was the treatment the arm should have.

"Warren," Feng Yiping said gently, "arm has developed very well in the past two years."

Jin Ling said, "This year has also had a very good start,"

"Yes, I believe that in addition to the past few years, except this year, under your leadership, arm will also develop very well in the future," Feng Yiping said affirmatively.

Warren said flatly, "Thank you,"

He also understands this kind of routine.

But thinking about the performance of arm over the past two years, he really doesn't feel that whether it is his or his colleagues' actions, there is nowhere to be criticized.

Thinking about the company's huge investment in memory chips and the importance it has just shown to ai chips, the old man suddenly felt a bit wronged after a long absence.

Feng Yiping ignored the reaction on the face of the old English gentleman and said with a smile, "So, under the current conditions, can we do better?"

Warren East froze for a moment, wasn't it a criticism?

But he immediately realized that this was still an old routine, but it was a change of criticism and it became more euphemistic.

In other words, the basic point of what he said is mainly in the affirmation of the results, which sounds a bit more comfortable.

"Can our pace be larger?" Feng Yiping continued, "After all, it is the current rapid development of smartphones, tablets, and other smart mobile devices. The entire industry is enjoying the demographic dividend."

Warren East understands Feng Yiping's meaning a bit. All dividends will have a deadline, and there will always be an end. He accepts this opinion.

"We must realize that although from the current situation, in the mobile field such as smart phones, arm can be said to occupy an absolute dominant position, but the potential threats are not without, on the contrary, the potential threats are justified. Very huge," Feng Yiping looked at Warren East.

"Is it Intel?" Old Ma asked.

At least, he still knows Intel.

Arm has not advertised so far, but over the years, Intel has been advertising on domestic TVs, allowing many people to connect Intel and Pentium processors for the first time.

"Yes, Intel," Feng Yiping nodded, "Why did Intel fail on mobile terminals?"

"Is their technology insufficient? The x86 instruction set architecture is outdated, and the performance of our arm architecture is too good. x86 can't achieve it? Or is our low-power Intel technically unable to do it?"

"I think that's not the case. No one can deny that Intel is a giant in the chip industry, and even a layman like me wants to know that today, when the number of integrated transistors in processors has reached billions or even tens of billions, The myth that the instruction set architecture alone can be defeated is not convincing at all, Warren, what do you think?"

What else can Warren East say about such a problem?

No matter how arrogant, it’s hard to say that in terms of technology, ARM is better than Intel. "Yes Feng, in terms of technology, Intel has a reserve that far exceeds that of its peers."

"So," Feng Yiping looked at everyone, "For top chip manufacturers like Intel, technology will never be a problem."

"The main reason why the arm is successful and Intel's x86 architecture failed in the mobile field is that our arm is open, and Intel has always been banned."

"In the era of mobile Internet, they are still pursuing the wintel duopoly model, which is the root cause of the failure of x86."

This model of monopoly and binding was the main reason for Intel's previous success. As a result, they could not only enjoy high profits, but also firmly control the most perfect ecosystem in the chip field at that time.

However, for downstream customers and partners, such a model means passiveness and squeeze. A business model that is open to the arm and conforms to the characteristics of the mobile Internet is naturally not resistant.

In turn, the arm is the high flame of firewood collection by everyone, so it can quickly achieve such a huge success in the terminal and embedded fields.

"Therefore, what I am always worried about is that when Intel is aware of this problem and makes major changes, adapts to current needs, and learns from our strengths, at that time, facing Intel’s strong technical strength and business model With no opponents different from ours, will we have this ease now?"

"The more we are in good times, the more we must have this sense of worry, everyone," he said somewhat solemnly.

Although in the original, Intel did not seem to make such adjustments, but now it is not the original, arm has been acquired by itself, then, will Intel still be like the original?

He really couldn't tell.

His words made Warren East's complexion heavy.

Although the success of arm has its own inevitability, chance is also inevitable among the inevitability. In other words, the influence of accidental factors is quite large.

If it wasn't for smartphones and other smart devices, which had unexpectedly developed in these years, how could arm be more successful than Intel?

After all, the reason why arm had a chance to develop at the beginning was mainly because Intel really looked down on this one, and the field where arm relied on the rise, at that time, for the entire market, it could only count as three at most. Melon two dates.

If Intel pays attention to it from the beginning, it is very likely. Now there is really nothing wrong with it.

"Warren, so I think the safest way is to make big strides forward before Intel makes changes."

"Considering the current achievements we have achieved, in terms of our own work, we have done a very good job. Our foundation can be said to be very solid. Then, I think our next step should be in Intel’s dominant field, that is, server What do you think is the field force?"

"Yes Feng, I very much agree with you," Warren East said immediately.

If you want to be invincible when competing with Intel in the future, it is best, of course, to become bigger and stronger in your own professional direction, and to make great achievements in the field where the other party is best.

In the server field, that is, the server cpu field, Intel is currently also dominant. The gross profit margin of this piece has long made Warren very jealous-it is said that the gross profit margin exceeds 70%.

"Under this premise, the Chinese market will be a good breakthrough," Feng Yiping said. "With the development of cloud computing and big data, China's demand for servers is increasing."

"But because of monopoly, we have no bargaining power at all. The information I got shows that last year, China purchased a quarter of the global market, but the purchase amount accounted for a third of the market. One,"

This can be said to be an example of what we buy and what price increases.

"So?" Lao Ma frowned, took the information in Feng Yiping's hand and flipped through it. Finally, he could only sigh.

"This is also a good thing to a certain extent. Many domestic companies are ready to make a difference in this field. We should seize this opportunity and actively cooperate with them. My vision is," Feng Yiping drew a picture in the air. Circle, "United with many companies in China, and also established an alliance, an alliance of servers based on arm architecture,"

"This will definitely be a very promising alliance. You see, we have the determination to develop this technology. The important thing is that we have a market."

"It happens that most of the heads of these companies will come to the capital for meetings in the next few days," he looked at the old horse.

Lao Ma immediately raised his hand, "No problem, I will definitely help Warren meet with them,"

He has always liked doing things like Feng Yiping picked up another piece of information, “arm currently has more than a thousand partners in China, this is not enough,” he said, “we are in The Chinese market should be more active and more open,"

"We'd better be able to cooperate with thousands of Chinese software, hardware, middleware, operating systems, as well as various solution vendors and design tool vendors, open authorization to them, and jointly form and promote the development of a huge, A high-tech ecosystem that makes Intel feel weak,"

"Warren, next, I hope you can also meet with some of the representative company leaders to set a big framework as soon as possible."

"There must be a sense of urgency," Feng Yiping stood up and took Warren East's hand. "I hope you can also come up with an outline as soon as possible and give a report to everyone at the enlarged meeting tomorrow."

"The Feng I know, in addition to explaining the prospects to everyone, is mainly to explain to everyone the support we need," Warren East said. "I will prepare now."

He was a bit emotional before, and now he is full of energy...


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