Rebirth of the American Tyrant

Chapter 806: False prosperity

The appeal of the lighthouse country is still great, no matter whether you like it or not, it is in that place and is the most powerful country in the world.

Eagle sauce now tells everyone that those traditional industries should dump the pot to developing countries. As for these developed countries, they should focus on high-tech fields.

You can't say this idea is wrong. Lower energy consumption, greater added value, and terrifying financial power. Indeed, for a long period of time, Meidi will continue to lead the world.

Some people say that good financiers are also historians. It is difficult to verify who is actually speaking, but if you are not familiar with history, you will certainly not be a successful economist.

History is always strikingly similar. In 1850, John Bull's industrial production reached its peak. At that time, half of the world's industrial products were produced by them.

John Bull soon discovered that this thing didn't make money at all. With such hard work, apart from making London a fog, there is no longer any gain.

At that time in the world, there were two kinds of the most profitable business, shipping and finance. So, John Bull began to dump the pot, whether in Europe or the Americas. As long as you can produce, I won't do it here myself.

Other people's air is good or bad, they will not care. Whether the colony uses child labor or not, they don't care.

As a result, everyone saw that when the moustache was really coming, John Bull was weak. As long as they cut off their connection with the colony, let alone what industrial products, they can not guarantee even black tea and bread.

Hi-tech is good to say that this is really needed, but it must be done within our abilities. What made William White stunned was that he looked at these situations. The whole world intends to develop a virtual economy.

Lying trough, you have all gone to study rice country, how to deal with these factories?

The big rabbit is very backward now, these are all good for them. Anyway, they have many workers, and they seem to be able to endure hardship.

Eagle sauce is easy to understand if you think so, and you can't bear thinking about it. A lot of so-called emerging economies think this way, and Nima is guilty.

"William, don't you think about it anymore."

"Alas, George, the industrial foundation of the United States no longer exists. Everyone is going out.

The foot basin is good, Smecta is good, and Big Rabbit is also good. They can produce products at lower prices. By the way, we don't seem to care who produced these things. "

"Cough, buddy, it's all done like this. The industry is going to be hollow. Once a crisis occurs, it's a disaster."

Obviously, the current situation in the United States does not satisfy everyone. Little Busu obviously felt wrong, he was trying to persuade William White, if this guy who least likes to produce in the United States can come back, there are some demonstrations.

"Toolate, it's too late. They've been doing this since the 1970s. It's continued. Man, they have been doing it for more than 20 years. No one can change it. I'm sorry."

Xiao Busu was a little disappointed. Now in the United States, he can't understand it, and his father can't understand it either.

The semiconductor industry is okay to say, how much is still a gadget. The Internet is exaggerated, what is this and what. Just an idea, click, valued at hundreds of millions of dollars.

If they all do this, whoever Nima goes to do business with is completely a fool's act.

William White is different from these people. This is not a business, he is not in the United States. Xiao Busu wanted to know if there were any sequelae in doing so.

"George, don't you read history, this matter, our cousin did it in 1850. At that time, the boy was all foggy and had serious air pollution.

Afterwards, John Bull discovered that as long as the finances are controlled, the shipping is controlled. Industry is not necessary. They succeeded.

I think that if they didn't do this, they would still be the kingdom of the sun never set. "

Xiao Busu's face was a bit dark. He had originally thought that he might have made some fuss. The economy of the United States is still very healthy. William White's answer told him that it was not fuss, but it was too late.

"Hahaha, but you don't have to worry too much. In fact, except for a few countries, the world is doing this. You know, now the rabbit country is full of construction sites.

Obviously, they also have some problems. Too fast, they are afraid and are trying to cool the fiery economy.

Of course, we have printed too many beautiful knives. To be honest, the group of old guys should hang up and wait for the air to dry. The act of excessively printing money is simply the pillage of red fruits. "

"I understand why Paul Volcker is leaving get out of class early. He shouldn't be teaching at all."

William White smiled and said nothing. What can he say? This Greenspan has been engaged in quantitative easing. When a dangerous bubble burst in 2008, they made a bigger one.

Unfortunately, this wave of virtual economy, no one to play with them. Heavenly dynasty does not play, foot basin does not care, Germanic people are also lack of interest.

Are there any games for Mao to play backgammon games everywhere?

The unicorn can't sing anymore. If there is no place to shear wool, how can they support the current welfare system? This is an impossible task.

The US emperor should not be a welfare state, nor should it be from the day it was established. You are a country made up of immigrants, and talking about cohesion is to swindle. Once a problem occurs, the first thing most people think of is running.

How bad is industry anymore, without this stuff, how do you solve medical insurance and social security?

You go to check Lao Mei's fiscal expenditures. From Clinton's promotion of medical insurance and social security, government expenditures have increased sharply along the way.

However, these things did not care about William White. When it's really hard to clean up, just run away.

Will the American Emperor really lose his authority?

not necessarily.

The path they took at the moment was the same as John Bull's original choice. You push the time forward. In 1850, who would have thought that John Bull would be unlucky.

Not to mention the control of the ocean, they lost everything they could lose. If you break up with Scotland again, it's really decent.

Was John Bull not strong enough at the time?

Just kidding, whoever dared to blast the thorns cleaned up, the bird's nest of the eagle sauce was burnt, and the American emperor was not as temperless. In the most powerful period, the latter 23456 adds a piece, and you can't do their fleet.

Do you know that John Bull is doing the mainland balance for Mao?

They knew it was not good at the time. Apart from restricting their competitors, they were inflaming the flames everywhere. If you don't pinch, he can't maintain the advantage.

The Germans are not afraid of him, aren't they industrially powerful? At the end, John Bull and Gaul Rooster could not fight together.

It's really a bit daunting. What's wrong with old aesthetics? I just want to learn this cowardly cousin.

"Okay, George, don't worry about it. It's Clinton's responsibility. Besides, John Bull took almost a hundred years to finish the calf. We must be stronger than it."

"Oh, well, I hope so. I think if there is a hundred years, there will be a solution."

"Let's go, let's go, but today is the day of the finals. Alas, it's a pity that our guy met Brazil."

"It's estimated that it won't look good, the Italian will defend. It's really unclear, why would anyone say that Serie A is the best."

"Who said, don't talk nonsense, it doesn't look good at all, I don't want to see the big rabbit, my Premier League is the best."

"Cough, I said, what does the Premier League do to you?"

"Hello, buddy, will you chat, really, it's easy for me to teach the guys who like to use their hands."

The American tyrants who like to be born again please collect: ( The literary update of the American tyrants born again is the fastest.

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