Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1003: Changle City Crisis

Just listen to Zhang Yi speak:

"If I accept you as a righteous daughter, then you are a member of my Zhang family. My Zhang family has been inherited for dozens of generations since ancient times, and passed on for thousands of years. Although ancient, the Zhang family has always been upright and upright, and has never bothered to engage in crimes and thieves! Therefore, my Zhang family can be friendly to a sect composed of thieves and thieves like Youkong Thieves, but I will never let my family become disciples of that sect! So Jia Meng, if you want to be my righteous daughter, you must Innocent. I don’t care about what you did before becoming my righteous daughter, but after becoming my righteous daughter, you must first escape from the thief gate of the sky, and second, you must completely stop stealing. If you can do it, just do it. Worship me as a foster father. If you still do those disgraceful things after worshipping your foster father, then I will take care of the family law.”

Zhang Yi once said to Jiameng that she would only be able to worship her foster father after she escaped from the thief gate of Youkong.

As the young master of the Zhang family, Zhang Yi couldn't make concessions on matters related to the reputation of the Zhang family.

This made Jiameng embarrassed for a while, after all, she was very reluctant to bear her master Gong Sichan.

Although Zhang Yi's conditions have not yet reached the point where Jiameng can choose between Zhang Yi and Gong Sichan, it also makes Jiameng feel very embarrassed.

She didn't know how to tell the master about this matter, which made her feel very embarrassed.

Zhang Yi looked at Jiameng's appearance and shook his head slightly:

"You decide for yourself."

Zhang Yi will not force it.

And such a request is actually nothing, mainly because Jia Meng can pass the hurdle in her heart.

So Zhang Yi asked Jiameng to think about it herself, and would give her enough time to think about it.

Time passed slowly.

Soon I saw Song Lin had returned.

Song Lin brought a group of people from the decoration company to redecorate the Peace Hotel. At the same time, when some employees heard the boss's return, they all came to comfort the boss.

After all, the Peace Hotel was attacked by a monster. Not only did the loss have to be redecorated, but also the medical expenses of the guests had to be compensated. Especially after this time, the business of the hotel would plummet.

These are undoubtedly very significant losses for a restaurant.

So the employees all came to comfort, lest their boss could not even think of opening and closing the Peace Hotel.

Zhang Yi just smiled slightly at this.

When the employees saw this, they felt relieved.

Seeing Zhang Yi so indifferent, the employees knew that Zhang Yi was fine. Zhang Yi has never minded hotel business or anything, and never cares about losses.

But Lulu couldn't help but said to Zhang Yi:

"Boss, I advise you to go out and hide. That monster...very powerful!"

Lulu is a practitioner, but disguised as an ordinary person to come to the Peace Hotel to work.

Although Zhang Yi had known it for a long time, everyone had their own difficulties, so he never exposed her.

And Lulu has repeatedly said that she will help the Peace Hotel.

But today, when the monster did appear, Lulu did not have the courage to protect the Peace Hotel.

Because that monster is really terrifyingly powerful, Lulu felt her soul shudder when she faced the terrifying aura alone.

Just looking at the monster beast, Lulu knew that she would not be an opponent, even if she rushed forward, she would just die.

Therefore, Lulu did not take the initiative to protect the Peace Hotel, but changed to a tortuous way to protect it, such as persuading Zhang Yi to go out and avoid it.

Just listen to Lulu continue to say:

"Boss, you didn't see the monster beast with your own eyes. You don't know how terrifying it is! But I can tell you responsibly that it is definitely not something you can contend, or even the power that this city can contend! Although I I don’t know how you provoke this horrible monster beast, but I advise you to escape here and hide. The ruler of this city will definitely ask the cultivating sect to deal with the monster beast. You will wait until the monster is driven away. Be able to show up."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly:

"It's okay."

Lulu couldn't help but anxiously when she saw Zhang Yi's calm appearance.

"Boss! I'm very serious! Do you think all you need to worry about is the monster beast? Then you are so wrong! What you need to worry about most is people! Human hearts are always more vicious than monsters. In order to avoid being affected by monsters, people will definitely come to arrest you and push you out to be eaten by monsters, instead of fighting together against monsters! Just now when I came, I found it in the Peace Hotel There are already a lot of secret guards around, they are all watching every move of the Peace Hotel, they are afraid that you will run away! And I have a way to make you..."

Zhang Yi shook his head and said:

"Okay, Lulu, don't talk about it. I understand your kindness, but this time I have my own way to deal with it."

Lulu was so anxious that she heard Zhang Yi's constant advice.

But in the end, she could only sigh faintly.

This is easy... but a mortal!

She was already good at talking, but this mortal's short-sightedness was like a frog at the bottom of a well, and he didn't even hear her words.

For Lulu, she has done her best. Since Zhang Yi still didn't listen, Lulu didn't have to force it.

Immediately Lulu sighed and turned to leave without further persuasion.

Zhang Yi glanced at Lulu, and then went back to the backyard by himself and continued to play around with his flowers and plants.


Falling Snow Valley.

Luoxuegu, as the name suggests, is in a valley.

It is covered with snow all the year round, and it looks silvery white.

And in this snow-covered valley, there are one after another quaint buildings towering here, these are the places where the disciples of Luoxuegu practice, live, live and learn.

At this time, at the entrance of a small attic in Luoxue Valley, there was a young woman kneeling here.

This woman is naturally beautiful and looks very beautiful, and she is dressed in white as if she blends in with the falling snow here.

The woman is not bystander, but Lin Sijia, Miss Lin's family.

I saw a layer of white snow on Lin Sijia's head and shoulders, and it was obvious that she had been kneeling here for a long time.

Just listen to Lin Sijia begging in the small attic:

"Please, Master, save me Changle City!"

When Lin Sijia learned that Changle City would be attacked by monsters from the Golden Core Realm, she immediately ran here to ask Master for help.

Because Lin Sijia knew that the Golden Core Realm monsters would inevitably suffer numerous deaths and injuries when entering the city, she, as the young lady of the Lin family, had to work hard for the safety of Changle City.

However, an indifferent voice came from the small attic:

"Where is the monster beast of the Golden Core Realm so easy to deal with? If you rush to fight with a monster of the Golden Core Realm, then even if you are a teacher, there is a possibility that you may get injured! Besides, the monster is not here to attack me Luoxue Valley, it’s just an attack on an ordinary city. It’s not surprising that this kind of thing happens every day in the world."

Lin Sijia couldn't help but her expression turned gloomy when she heard what the master said.

But she did not give up, still insisting:

"Master! But since we cultivators have powerful strength, shouldn't we get rid of the monsters to protect us and put them in peace? I remember clearly, Master, you taught us this way on weekdays!"

The people in the attic heard Lin Sijia's words and said:

"Chi'er, I naturally said this as a teacher. But how can the truth in the world be so simple? Your Changle City is on the edge of Qingtaoxuan's sphere of influence, so if something goes wrong, you should naturally ask Qingtaoxuan first. It’s right to ask for help! And if we rashly enter Qingtaoxuan’s sphere of influence to eradicate the monsters, then even if we are Zhanli, we will say no, and maybe it will trigger us Luoxuegu and Qingtaoxuan. War! Do you understand this truth?"

Lin Sijia's heart became colder when she heard this.

The monsters are already killing the people, but these famous clans are still hesitating and cowering because of some so-called rules.

But Lin Sijia can only continue to plead:

"But Master, Qing Taoxuan has always been inefficient in handling affairs. Every time my family asked them to do something, they would not pay attention to it without asking for dozens or hundreds of times in a few months. However, the situation is critical now, and the monster beast will always May slaughter the innocent people in the city! Please also ask Master to help!"

I only heard the voice in the attic finally angry:

"Presumptuous! It is not your turn to teach as a teacher! Go back and reflect on yourself, don't be embarrassed here anymore!"

Lin Sijia cried and pleaded:

"If the master doesn't agree, the disciple just kneels and won't leave!"

The voice in the attic said coldly:

"If you have the ability, you are still forced to die? If you want to kneel, kneel, kneel to die and send someone to collect your corpse for your teacher!"

After speaking, the voice in the attic finally disappeared, as if the person had already left.

And outside the attic, only Lin Sijia was still kneeling.

She wept bitterly, knowing that her master would not help her, nor would she help Changle City.

And even though she has some good brothers and sisters, the strength of those people is not enough to deal with the monsters of the Golden Core Realm. But for other master elders, Lin Sijia had no right to ask for it.

By now, Changle City seems to be in a serious crisis.

"Zhang Yi..."

At this time, Lin Sijia remembered this person again.

Lin Sijia's sixth sense has always told her strongly that this man is absolutely extraordinary.

And at the beginning of the Taiping Lake in Fengshan Town, she did confirm this idea.

Now, this man is the only one who can save Changle City. He is the last hope of Changle City.

"I have already told Uncle Lin about this. I don't know if he told my father?"

When Lin Sijia was talking on the phone with Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin told her father that if the situation is critical, she must go to Zhang Yi for help.

Thinking of Zhang Yi, Lin Sijia couldn't help but regret secretly.

If her pursuit were more violent, if she had always stood firmly on Zhang Yi's side by the Taiping Lake, then she and Zhang Yi would still have some feelings.

But now, everything is too late.

"Little girl Lin Sijia prays to heaven, and hopes God bless me in Changle City!"

Now, all Lin Sijia can do is pray.

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