Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1021: Two punches to death

Zhang Yi has never been afraid of anyone than speed.

Although the speed of these three-eyed bats was extremely fast, when Zhang Yi used the somersault cloud, he almost caught up with the three-eyed bat in the blink of an eye, and accurately hit the three-eyed bat's chest.

Zhang Yiren Wangquan was powerful, and with one punch, the three-eyed bat's chest was bombarded with a big hole.

This large hole directly penetrates the body of the three-eyed bat, so that everyone on the ground in the Uokong Gate can even see the blue sky behind it through the large hole in the body of the three-eyed bat.

The three-eyed bat looked at the big hole in his chest unbelievably:

"How dare you..."

However, before he could finish his words smoothly, Zhang Yi's second punch came one after another!

The three-eyed bat was shocked:

"You stop for me..."

Zhang Yi ignored the yelling of the three-eyed bat at all, and his second punch came out again.

Accompanied by a horrible and powerful air current, Zhang Yi's fist strikes at the same time, as if the entire sky was darkened at this moment.

The body of the three-eyed bat, which was huge enough to cover this mountain, was suddenly shattered to pieces.

And everyone on the ground can only see blood red!

All eyes are blood red!

That is the effect of a huge amount of blood bursting out at this moment, it looks as if the entire sky is stained red by blood!

Immediately afterwards, countless blood rushed down, making the ground like a rain of blood.

The buildings and grassland that were not covered by the mountain protection array turned red at this moment, and a huge amount of blood also slowly flowed along the protective cover produced by the mountain protection array.

And everyone in the protective cover stared dumbly at the red blood flowing on the protective cover, which was also mixed with a lot of minced meat and bones.

Such a horrifying and **** scene made the people in the thief of the sky, who had just gotten rid of the ultrasonic waves of the three-eyed bat, were once again terrified by such a scene.

Some disciples with weak-mindedness either bent over and vomited, or even fell to the ground shivering in fright.

As the blood gradually spread on the protective cover, the light shining into the protective cover revealed a mysterious blood red. This red light rendered all the scenery in the protective cover into red.

The gatekeeper and Gong Sichan looked at this scene, and couldn't help but sigh in astonishment:

"Two punches! He smashed the monster beast in the Golden Core Realm with just two punches!"

What kind of terrifying existence would a strong man who can smash a golden core monster beast with two fists?

Gong Sichan's body suddenly became shaky and almost fell.

"That man... unexpectedly... unexpectedly..."

She said two things, but in the end she couldn't tell the result, as if she still couldn't accept what happened before her.

The monster beast that was so horrible that it could easily slaughter the entire Youkong Pirate Gate was easily shattered by a man, especially the scene after the monster beast was shattered, it was too scary.

"I just... scolded such a person?"

When Gong Sichan recalled what he had done, he felt incredible.

She has always known that Zhang Yi's strength is good, but she didn't expect Zhang Yi to be so powerful to such a terrifying state. If she had known this, Gong Sichan would not dare to be rude to Zhang Yi.

At this moment, her heart suddenly felt very regretful.

She finally realized that she did have a prejudice against Zhang Yi, and this kind of ignorant prejudice would harm herself, and possibly even Ukong Thief.

Jiameng said to Gong Sichan at this time:

"Master, I have long said that my godfather is very powerful! He once killed a Golden Core Realm monster beast easily, and now this monster beast is naturally not a problem!"

After Gong Sichan heard Jiameng's words this time, he was speechless.

That's right, Jiameng has always regarded Gong Sichan not only as a master but also as a relative, so Jiameng will tell Gong Sichan many things.

Jiameng has repeatedly told Gong Sichan that Zhang Yi is very strong, but Gong Sichan has been reluctant to believe it because of his deep-rooted prejudice, until today he is beaten by the facts.

"How could I be like this...stupid!"

At this moment, Gong Sichan grabbed his hair and scolded himself.

The surface of the protective cover of the mountain protection array was very smooth, and the blood and minced meat fell on it, and it quickly fell off.

After all the blood slipped, the outside sunlight regained its original color and no longer became so blood red.

The **** rain has also been over, and the sky has been clear again.

Everyone has already seen that Zhang Yi is slowly descending from high altitude.

Zhang Yi, who was falling at this time, did not exude a hint of aura, but gave everyone in Youkong Pirates an inexplicable sense of oppression.

At this moment, even strong people like the door master and Gong Si Chan couldn't help but feel as if there was a heavy stone pressed in their hearts, making their breathing unable to flow smoothly.

This is a kind of awe of the strong!

The so-called awe is respect and fear!

Zhang Yi at this time is like a god!

"Quick! Open the mountain guard! Don't stop Daoyou Zhang's way!"

The doormaster hurriedly yelled to convey the order.

He was afraid that a mountain-guarding formation that could not stop Zhang Yi at all would provoke Zhang Yi to this irritation, which would undoubtedly have a serious adverse effect on Ukong Thief Gate.

After all, Zhang Yi is a person who can easily kill even that monster beast. How can such a person be offended by the Nether Sky Thief?

The mountain guard formation was quickly opened, and Zhang Yi also slowly landed.

The doorkeeper hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile:

"Friend Daoist Zhang! No, no! Senior Zhang! This time thanks to Senior Zhang’s help, I was finally able to save the Youkong Thiefgate! Junior, on behalf of all the members of Youkong Thiefgate, thank Senior Zhang! Senior Zhang thanked me for Yukong. The great kindness of the stolen door is unforgettable for the younger generation!"

At this time, the sect master was in front of Zhang Yi, and only dared to call himself a junior.

There is an unwritten rule in the spiritual world, that is, respect for the strong first.

As long as you are strong enough, you can be a senior. This is a kind of respect for the strong, but also a kind of flattery to the strong.

Although some decent and generation-conscious people do not bother to follow such low-speed rules, they can't prevent the world from advancing and avoiding disadvantages and bowing down to this rule.

The master of Youkong Pirate Gate is one of them.

While Gong Sichan on the side was full of remorse, but also full of fear.

She was in a state of anxiety, lest Zhang Yi would settle the account with her at this time.

Now that Zhang Yi carried the power of killing the three-eyed bat, if he wanted to retaliate, then Youkong Thief would not dare to protect her, nor could it protect her at all.

However, Zhang Yi only glanced at the doormaster indifferently, and then took Jia Meng with him to leave.

He didn't even look at Gong Si Chan, as if Gong Si Chan didn't exist at all.

But because of this, Gong Sichan couldn't help feeling sad and pale.

"He actually disdains to care about me... It turns out that I am in his heart, it is not worth his anger at all, and it is not worth falling into his eyes..."

Gong Sichan used to think highly of herself, and she also had her own pride, especially she was still in the high position of elder.

However, all she valued and proud of was completely ignored by a man, and even not qualified to be looked at by him.

Such contempt and ignorance, on the contrary, made Gong Sichan to the extreme and caused a heavy blow to her.

However, Zhang Yi didn't care about these.

She is about to leave here with Jia Meng.

Before he started killing the monster beast, he had already negotiated the terms with the sect master. He killed the monster and released the people from the thief in Youkong.

Now that his business has been completed, Jia Meng can be regarded as having left the Youkong Pirate Gate, so naturally he should leave after this matter. After all, Zhang Yi's time is very precious.

And he was not afraid of the sect master's repentance, because once the sect master repented, then he and the quiet thief keeper would bear the price they could not afford.

Seeing that Zhang Yi was about to leave without saying a word, the doorkeeper was suddenly anxious:

"Predecessor! Please also give us a chance to thank the predecessors of the Ukong Pirates! Please also let us entertain you predecessor! If there is any inadequate greeting, please be able to point it out and let us correct it!"

Zhang Yi's silence made the doorkeeper feel uneasy.

Because before that, the two parties weren't very happy getting along.

The owner is afraid that Zhang Yi is still unhappy, and even more afraid of Zhang Yi's future revenge.

That's why the sect master wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to resolve the contradiction between the two parties.

Immediately, I saw the sect master winking desperately at Jiameng who was on the side, hoping that Jiameng could help.

Jiameng saw the master's wink and knew the master's intention.

After hesitating for a while, she still sighed faintly, just as one last thing to do for the quiet door:

"God! Didn't you always want to track down the clues of the ancient gas refiners? There are many confidential files and information in the Ukong Thieves that are related to the ancient gas refiners. I don't think the master would mind keeping these files Let godfather check the information, right?"

When the sect master heard this, he immediately understood, only to hear him quickly say:

"Of course I don't mind! Senior Zhang, please don't hesitate to check it out!"

While speaking, the doorkeeper glanced at Jia Meng gratefully.

Youkong Thief Gate has these data files, but although these things are precious, they are not so precious that they cannot be opened even if the gate is destroyed.

Using these data files can save the entire martial art, which is undoubtedly a very cost-effective thing.

After hearing this, Zhang Yi glanced at Jia Meng.

Of course he knew Jiameng's thoughts, and he also knew that Jiameng was trying his best to repay the kindness that Ukong Thieves had shown her.

And Zhang Yi does need to check these data files. He always feels that what happened in Mount Tai that year cannot be separated from those ancient secrets.

So Zhang Yi said:


The doorkeeper was immediately overjoyed when he heard this, he knew that things had turned for the better!

Next, it depends on whether these data files can satisfy Zhang Yi.

So the sect master immediately led the way for Zhang Yi himself:

"Senior Zhang, please come here!"

With that said, the sect master led Zhang Yi to the warehouse where the archives were stored.

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