Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1030: Do you have objections?

The result of the lottery came out very quickly. Zhang Yi lifted up the tablet computer that the organizer of the event had equipped for the famous players. On it were the order of the contest, the result of the lottery, and some basic introductions of the contestants.

Zhang Yifan looked at Jiameng and Lulu's opponents. Their opponents only had the most basic photos, names and sect introductions, and there was no other information besides them.

"Lulu, your opponent is a man named Li Fu, you have to be careful with this person."

Since Lulu is about to start the game, Gu Yajun, who is in charge of the assistant in this game, first explained to her:

"I saw Li Fu's battle yesterday. He is a body refiner. His body is very tyrannical. You must avoid close fights with him, and you must pull the distance to grind blood! Your strength is similar to him, remember Don't let him get close, otherwise his explosive power and brute force will be terrible!"

I have to say that Gu Yajun is a genius disciple of the martial arts after all, and her vision is quite unique, so she can't overstate what she said.

Finally, Gu Yajun exhorted:

"You're going to play in the next game. Lulu...If you really are not your opponent, give in as soon as possible! Don't let yourself be in trouble!"

Gu Yajun said very solemnly.

She gets along with Lulu these days and is very clear about Lulu's strength. She could see that Lulu's cultivation level was not much different from that of Li Fu's body refiner, but if the two played against each other, Lulu would suffer very much.

Under the Golden Core Realm, especially under the premise that the use of magic weapons is prohibited, the advantage of body refiners in combat is far greater than that of Qi refiners. It is also true that the ancient martial artist who is similar to the body refiner can exert such powerful power in the early stage.

In particular, Gu Yajun also watched Li Fu's game and knew the horror of Li Fu's explosive power.

Lulu faces Li Fu, winning three to seven. Lulu is three and Li Fu is seven.

That's why Gu Yajun is full of worries about Lulu.

Lulu was nervous when said by Gu Yajun:

"Sister Yajun, is it really that serious?"

Gu Yajun nodded.

Lulu's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

At this time, she suddenly thought of their "coach" Zhang Yi.

Ever since Zhang Yi came to the game, he has been closing his eyes and resting, as if he was asleep.

Immediately Lulu couldn't help but asked in a low voice:

"Boss, boss?"

Zhang Yi opened his eyes slightly:

"Don't worry, you can win."

Lulu couldn't help being surprised:

"But Sister Yajun said..."

Gu Yajun also said:

"Lulu is likely to win, and the probability of winning is very small."

Lulu looked at Zhang Yi and at Gu Yajun, she couldn't figure out who was right.

Zhang Yi smiled softly and said:

"I said if I could win, then I would definitely win."

Zhang Yi hasn't been sitting in the rest area for the past two days. He has seen every game in his eyes.

Zhang Yi also watched the match of Li Fu's body refiner, and he saw it far more clearly than anyone else.

Immediately Zhang Yi said to Lulu:

"Although Li Fu is a body refiner, he is a body refiner who pursues physical extremes, which is commonly known as the ultimate body refiner."

When Lulu and Gu Yajun heard this, they couldn't help being surprised:

"Boss, how did you see it?"

There are many ways to refine the body in the world, but because there is no perfect thing in the world, no matter how powerful these methods are, there are weaknesses.

Ordinary body refiners usually try to go to tightly sealed and weak places as much as possible. Such as the eyes, under the abdomen, the back door, the heart and so on. The cultivation of these weak links often requires a lot of energy and time, but the effect is not very obvious.

But there is a kind of body refiner who pursues the ultimate to find another way. This kind of body refiner pays attention to longer strengths and shorter weaknesses. They devote all their energy and time to cultivating the physical body, and ignore the weak links.

As a result, their physical bodies are often terribly powerful, invulnerable to fire and water, but they have an extremely fatal weakness, and this weakness is called the "door".

The enemy is unable to deal with such a body refiner as if he is beating a tortoise and a hedgehog. Even if he tries his best, he cannot cause harm to him at all. But once attacking its door, then such a body refiner can easily be defeated.

Therefore, such body refiners tend to hide the hood very well, and never tell others where their hood is, even their relatives and even their parents will never say.

Because telling one's own cover, once it is known to outsiders, it means that one's most deadly weakness is exposed, and anyone can easily attack his own weakness and defeat himself.

Therefore, Lulu and Gu Yajun were so surprised when they heard Zhang Yi said that Li Fu was an ultimate body refiner.

Gu Yajun then said:

"If Li Fu is really an ultimate body refiner, then Lulu's winning rate will be even lower, and her winning rate will drop to 10%. Because the competition here is limited to the venue, in the horror of Li Fu's ultimate body refiner Under the explosive power, Lulu couldn't insist on discovering Li Fu's cover at all!"

The ultimate refiner obtained a terrifying and powerful body, but also a deadly cover.

However, it is undoubtedly more difficult to find the cover of an ultimate body refiner, especially in the case of limited venues.

Zhang Yi shook his head and said:

"No, Lulu's winning percentage will rise to 90% or more."

Gu Yajun only found it incredible when she heard the words, but she quickly thought of something and asked in amazement:

"Brother Zhang, you have...find that Li Fu's cover?"

Lulu couldn't help but looked at Zhang Yi in surprise.

Zhang Yi nodded slightly:

"Then Li Fu's performance on the court was too deliberately disguised as reckless and sturdy, even he deliberately made his appearance fit the disguise. But in fact, he is a very conservative player. And passed I have seen through his nuances. He deliberately disguised himself like a berserker, but every time his collision was a bit too much, but in fact his hood was under the armpit. Location."

When Gu Yajun heard this, his first reaction was not to believe it.

An extreme body refiner will use various methods in order to hide his cover. Where is it so easy to see through?

But soon, Gu Yajun became skeptical.

Because she realized that the person in front of her was Zhang Yi, many impossible things became possible in Zhang Yi's hands.

However, at this time, suddenly only a piercing man's voice came from:

"Joke! Say you can see that Li Fu's hood by just two eyes? What do you think you are? Do you think you are really a god?"

Gu Yajun, Lulu, Jiameng and others frowned and turned to look, only to see a young man in the rest area next door talking.

Sitting in the rest area next door is a lot of team players, led by a middle-aged man. But at this time, a young but arrogant man laughed at this side:

"It's really bragging not to write drafts. Did you think your eyes are glaring! You also said that you are full of confidence, making it look like it is true."

The middle-aged man beside the young man and the rest of the players couldn't help but frown slightly. They obviously did not hesitate the young man's arrogance.

But in the end, no one spoke to persuade him, and it seemed that no one wanted to offend this man.

But Gu Yajun, Lulu, and Jiameng saw someone say Zhang Yi this way, and their lungs were about to explode with anger.

Instead, Zhang Yi just glanced at the young man lightly and said:

"Do you have an objection?"

The young man laughed and said:

"Tell you, I am Fei Jian, the son of the Nine Star Sect Master! No one in this football stadium can compare to me in terms of eyesight! According to me, that Li Fu's cover is definitely a pair of eyes What underarms? That's nonsense at all!"

The young man who claimed to be Feijian spoke confidently, as if everyone except him was a wise man were fools.

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, naturally he wouldn't care about such self-righteous fools.

However, Na Fei Jian saw that Zhang Yi ignored him, yet he became viciously annoyed:

"What's that look on your face? Do you look down on Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu kindly taught you that Li Fu's cover, but if you are a Lao Tzu, it is the wind in your ears? Fuck! If you are in our Jiuxing Sect, you will die. deal!"

No one thought that Fei Jian's temper would be so perverse, Zhang Yi didn't even intend to pay attention to him, but he was still screaming here.

As the saying goes, the mud bodhisattva also has three points of fire, and he didn't want to pay attention to his Zhang Yi, so he couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly at this time.

I saw Zhang Yi stood up and pointed at Fei Jian:

"If you are upset, come over to me."

This is very provocative.

Under the provocation of such a strong smell of gunpowder, how could the perverse and violent Fei Jian endure?

He exclaimed angrily:

"Dare to talk to me like this? Fuck! See if I don't interrupt your legs today, I won't be called Feijian!"

With that, Fei Jian was about to cross the rest area to find Zhang Yi to do it.

Zhang Yi looked at him coldly, and after Fei Jian came over, he would let Fei Jian know what regret is.

Fei Jian was also furious, as if he had to teach Zhang Yi a lesson.

At this time, the middle-aged man who led the team in the rest area next door finally spoke:

"According to the rules of the competition, any contestant who fights outside of the arena in the arena will be disqualified."

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that there was a certain powerful force that made Fei Jian's footsteps stop.

Fei Jian then angrily asked the middle-aged man:

"Elder Zheng, is there really such a rule?"

The middle-aged man called Elder Zheng raised the tablet in his hand and said:

"All the rules have been recorded above. I usually ask you to read the rules more. You are all in the ears! Now instead, come to ask me?"

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