Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1034: I want to fight you again

Lulu, who was overwhelmingly victorious, returned to the rest area amidst the blinking of countless flashes.

Gu Yajun and Jiameng hurried forward to congratulate, but Lulu came to Zhang Yi and bowed respectfully to Zhang Yi:

"Thank you! Boss! If it wasn't your guidance today, then I might have died on the court."

Zhang Yi nodded slightly and said:

"I only mentioned the key points, and you are able to use your own mind to defeat the enemy. This is your credit. I am also very pleased, because you finally know that you rely on your head to fight instead of relying on brute force."

Lulu listened carefully to what Zhang Yi said, thoughtfully.

Zhang Yi continued:

"Take a good rest, think carefully about the details of today's battle, and think about your shortcomings. This will help you in tomorrow's game."

Lulu nodded, and sat down on the chair in the corner of the lounge area alone.

She closed her eyes and stopped paying attention to other things, but began to remember and think seriously.

When Gu Yajun and Jiameng saw this, naturally they wouldn't bother her again.

And at this time, the new event soon began.

This time it was Fei Jian who went to the rest area next door.

Fei Jian stared at Zhang Yiyin deliberately and provocatively before coming onto the court.

However, this Feijian was also very strong. After he came on the field, he immediately killed the opponent with a single move, and the opponent was defeated without even having a chance to fight back.

This is simply the crush of absolute strength!

The victorious Feijian opened his arms and enjoyed the cheers and admiration of the crowd for a long time before he threw a sentence:

"Garbage, it's garbage!"

After speaking, Fei Jian toe proudly walked off the court and returned to the rest area.

He glared at Zhang Yi triumphantly, seeming to show Zhang Yi his strength.

Fei Jian then began to teach his teammates as a kind of overcomer. He could see that each of those teammates was full of impatience, but they could only listen carefully.

One is because Fei Jian has an extraordinary status and is the son of the Nine Star Sect Sect Master. The second is because Fei Jian is indeed strong, and indeed he won.

Fei Jian's reprimands were mostly shown to others, especially Zhang Yi.

He wanted to prove that even if Zhang Yi spotted the cover once, it didn't help. His Feijian was still the strongest!

And since that Lulu has successfully advanced, there is a possibility of meeting Fei Jian tomorrow, and Fei Jian will definitely kill Lulu first to retaliate against Zhang Yi!

The game is still going on.

Soon it finally came to Jia Meng to play.

Jia Meng's opponent is a thin man named Cai Ji, who is known for his swift identity and fierce offensive.

But for Jiameng, Zhang Yi didn't worry much.

After all, Jiameng was already a member of the Zhang family after she entered the Zhang family, so she was carefully taught by Zhang Yi, and even received a special treatment that Lulu and Gu Yajun did not get: teaching unique secrets!

Zhang Yi has learned so many cheats in his previous life, and they are all rare masterpieces in the world.

Now Zhang Yi teaches Jiameng the most suitable cheat book "Cuiyu Xiangong" according to Jiameng's situation, which has made Jiameng's physique completely transformed in these days, and the level of her cultivation has reached an exaggerated state. , Even within a short period of time has reached the peak level of Binggu Jing.

This time, Zhang Yi brought Jiameng to her for training. After returning, Zhang Yi would use some special medicines and medicinal materials to help Jiameng hit the Golden Core Realm!

Today's Jiameng, it is no exaggeration to say that she is completely reborn.

So for such Jiameng, Zhang Yi didn't worry at all. He didn't even mention Jiameng before letting Jiameng play.

After Jia Meng came on the field, at first, when he fought fiercely with his opponent Cai Ji, it seemed very strange.

I saw that Jiameng’s state seemed to fluctuate greatly, the last second seemed to have a big advantage, but the next second seemed to become very dangerous, and then the situation continued to reverse in the next second.

It's like riding a roller coaster, the ups and downs make people nervous.

This made the Gu Yajun watching the game uncontrollable.

But Zhang Yi still didn't move, he knew this was normal.

Jia Meng just didn't have the power to adapt to her.

During this period of time, under Zhang Yi’s careful guidance and the best practice, her strength has grown so fast that she hasn’t been ready to become so strong all at once, and she is still unable to use it proficiently. Suddenly becoming stronger.

And one of Zhang Yi's purposes for bringing Jiameng to experience this time was to let her quickly adapt to her strength during the battle.

After all, there is nothing that can adapt faster than in battle, especially the battle of life and death!

This time Jia Meng’s opponent is the Cai Ji, and he is also a master!

Although his realm of strength and true Qi cultivation may not be strong, the exquisiteness of his moves is very rare.

And such a master is the most effective for Jia Meng's experience!

At first, Jia Meng seemed to be playing very hard.

But as Jiameng became more and more comfortable with her strength, her advantage suddenly came up.

In the end, Cai Ji became her opponent and began to struggle, and at the end Jia Meng showed her absolute strength in crushing, which made Cai Ji hurriedly admit defeat and surrender.

So Jia Meng also became the winner!

The loser, Cai Ji, cursed when he left the game. He thought it was Jia Meng who was deliberately teasing him. Jia Meng obviously has the strength to crush him, but at the beginning of the game deliberately pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger to tease him, and finally showed his true strength to force him to surrender.

So this makes Cai Ji very upset.

But he didn't know that Jia Meng really didn't tease him.

Of course this is not the key, and no one will care.

The game continues.

But in the next game, there was a dark horse that no one had thought of.

The appearance of this person also caused heated discussion and discussion in the game field.

Because this person is Jiang Zhiqiu, the genius disciple of the Foil Foil School who suddenly disappeared after his fame at the beginning!

According to the rumors, Jiang Zhiqiu went to a swords club to teach fencing after being expelled from his division.

No one thought that Jiang Zhiqiu would come back!

People suddenly knew that Jiang Zhiqiu was here to retrieve the glory that should have belonged to him!

The Foil Foil Faction is one of the ten sects. As a genius disciple of the younger generation, Jiang Zhiqiu is eligible to be admitted to the World Youth Extraordinary Competition. He also had the opportunity to become famous internationally.

But because after he was expelled from the division, all of this became a dream bubble.

But now that he returns again, just want to rely on his own strength to regain the place that belongs to him!

But people are not optimistic about him.

The skill of the foil blowing school needs to rely on the sword to be able to display it.

And this game is not allowed to use weapons, which makes Jiang Zhiqiu unable to play his best swordsmanship.

Especially since Jiang Zhiqiu was expelled from the Foil Foil Faction, he could no longer continue to use the skills of the Foil Foil Faction, otherwise he would be punished by the Foil Foil Faction.

Jiang Zhiqiu, who can't use swords, and can't use Foil Sect Swordsmanship, is already not favored by others.

However, when he came on the field, people saw his broken right hand, and suddenly felt that he was completely abolished and it was impossible to win.

But because he is not favored by everyone, he has become the most upset dark horse today!

As soon as he shot, everyone was amazed.

I saw that Jiang Zhiqiu used his only left hand as a sword, and displayed a very special melee left-handed sword!

This kind of melee left-handed swordsmanship is so fierce and terrifying that the audience present can feel the chill of that terrifying sword aura even though they are far away.

And Jiang Zhiqiu also defeated his opponent within three moves!

He just defeated the opponent, but did not kill the opponent.

But Jiang Zhiqiu, who was once rumored, had a cold heart, and he never left alive when he shot.

People realized that Jiang Zhiqiu had changed!

No one knows what he was doing during his disappearance, so much that he has changed so much, not only the swordsmanship, but also the personality of the person.

The most heated discussion is Jiang Zhiqiu's close-up swordsmanship. No one has seen that kind of swordsmanship, but the power and subtlety of that close-up swordsmanship has opened everyone's eyes and marvels at it.

Only Zhang Yi knew the origin of that swordsmanship.

That kind of close-up swordsmanship was learned by Zhang Yi from Yue Zhongzhe when he fought against Huashan School leader Yue Zhongzhe fifty years ago.

At the bottom of the Taiping Lake, Zhang Yi once defeated Jiang Zhiqiu and cut off his right palm with this close-up swordsmanship, but he didn't expect Jiang Zhiqiu to learn a part in the fight, and finally turned it into his own use.

"Unfortunately, I only learned the form, but to learn the god."

After Zhang Yi looked at Jiang Zhiqiu's swordsmanship, he saw that Jiang Zhiqiu was really talented in swordsmanship. He had already learned part of it after Zhang Yi showed off the Huashan School close swordsmanship.

It's just that Jiang Zhiqiu's talent is limited. He hasn't been able to learn 90% of Zhang Yi's time after seeing it, and he has only learned 10% of the close-up swordsmanship.

But even just this layer is enough to make Jiang Zhiqiu shine in the game.

The day's game ended soon.

At the end of the game, everyone began to withdraw, preparing for the next final game tomorrow.

However, at the exit of the exit, Zhang Yi was blocked by others.

This person is not someone else, it is Jiang Zhiqiu!

I saw Jiang Zhiqiu standing coldly at the exit, staring at Zhang Yi with cold eyes.

When the other people saw this, they detoured and avoided. They had seen Jiang Zhiqiu's strength in the game just now.

Fei Jian and Elder Zheng from the Jiuxing Palace also just exited and came here, and they also saw this scene.

Fei Jian stared at Jiang Zhiqiu with some fear.

Because Fei Jian felt the threat from Jiang Zhiqiu, whether it was his cold temperament or the unheard of close-up swordsmanship that made Fei Jian unable to come up with a cracking method.

Fei Jian even felt that Jiang Zhiqiu would be his enemy tomorrow.

However, Jiang Zhiqiu's gaze did not shift at all, just staring at Zhang Yi who was getting closer.

"I want to fight you again!"

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