Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1053: Nine Palaces

Under the ancient building, the black ancient building became more and more weird and gloomy.

But the gate of the ancient building opened with a gap, as if people could enter with a push.

It's just as if the light never shines into the ancient building, it's filled with infinite darkness, making people never see whether there is anything other than darkness inside.

Zhang Yi took a look, and suddenly understood:

"The universe in the pot! It seems that it is not at all, but the ancient style full of ancient Qi refiners' spells! But it can be seen that the principle is roughly the same."

The universe in the pot is a very special space spell.

To put it simply, it was in the secret realm, and then created a small secret realm, thus forming a secret realm in the secret realm.

Generally speaking, it takes a lot of mana and a lot of thought to maintain the stability of a secret realm, and it is already a very difficult thing in itself.

And to create a small secret realm in the secret realm would undoubtedly increase the unstable factor of the big secret realm, forming a difficult thing even harder.

Therefore, this kind of magic in the pot is generally very rare, and it can only be achieved by the power that has reached an incredible level of control over time and space.

Zhang Yi saw this secret realm and couldn't help but said indifferently:

"I smelled a scent of poor and rotted people."

Many formation masters and builders, although they may seem like craftsmen at first glance, they are actually almost the same as artists.

And a work of art will more or less contaminate the style of its author, especially the more accomplished the author’s unique style will be.

From the spells left by this ancient gas refiner, Zhang Yi could see that its creator was very arrogant, and a person who liked ingenuity and hated brute force.

In this case, if you want to pass this ancient building smoothly, I am afraid that using tricks will be more effective than direct rampage.

"Okay, let me take a look at how to trick it!"

As Zhang Yi spoke, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door, and stepped into this ancient building.

And his figure was swallowed by darkness at this moment.


A strange feeling began to come.

It was a feeling of traveling between two time and space, and Zhang Yi was no stranger to it.

After experiencing the endless darkness, everything began to gradually turn from the darkness to a little brighter, and Zhang Yi also knew that he had begun to enter the small secret realm in the ancient building.

At this time, I saw some scarlet blood appeared in front of my eyes.

And those blood, unexpectedly began to become rows of blood-red words floating in the air, I saw the above writing:

[The haunted house in the dark night, the forbidden area of ​​the living. 】

[Some old people say that this is Jin Ji's curse before her death. She uses her life and blood to avenge the living in this house! 】

[The people in the town are extremely frightened. They dare not burn this sinful house, for fear that Jin Ji’s resentful spirit will leave the house to harm them. 】

[The common people have invited experts to cast down demons on many occasions. The haunted house was covered with talisman paper, but it failed in the end. 】

[The ignorant people secretly sacrificed the living to this haunted house, begging for killing|killing to quell the resentment of evil spirits. 】

[As long as there is no living person who is tied into the haunted house, no one can come out alive. In the howls of fear and the screams of pain, they turned into piles of withered bones in this ruined courtyard, trapped in insects and weeds, silently watching the arrival of the next batch of sacrifices. 】

[The living people who were sacrificed, you must find a way out as soon as possible to escape from this murderous house, otherwise you will die tragically! 】

[Remember! The talisman on the door can only block Jin Ji's time for a quarter of an hour! 】

【carefully! She is coming...]

The text ends here.

After Zhang Yi read these words, the words floating in front of him began to disappear automatically.

This puzzled Zhang Yiwei:

"What's this? A ghost story? No, it should be some kind of hint...huh, it really smells like a poor man."

With the disappearance of this string of words, the scene in front of me has become very clear.

Zhang Yi looked around, and it seemed to be a deserted ancient house.

Most of the wall skin on the mottled walls of the high house had already fallen off, revealing the gloomy blue bricks inside.

The corners are overgrown with weeds, and there are even vines lying on the wall like huge black centipedes.

In the huge house, in the frosty moonlight, it looked strange and gloomy.

"It seems that this abandoned ancient house is a small secret realm, but it seems that there is not only one small secret realm, but arranged like a honeycomb, and I entered only one of them."

With his unique vision, Zhang Yi had already mastered enough information during the process of entering this secret realm, and he also roughly understood what was going on.

At this time, Zhang Yi was trapped in a cage.

The huge black prison cage was placed in this deserted ancient house, but Zhang Yi was not alone in the cage, but there were many others. And there are still a lot of people, there are a total of six people besides Zhang Yi.

Judging from the clothing of these people, they are all people who have strayed into this secret realm. Some of them are ordinary people, and some are practitioners.

However, these people looked at the surroundings curiously at this time, and then couldn't help screaming or crying:

"We have entered another place full of monsters and monsters! It's over, this time I don't know how many more people will die!"

"God! I don't want to stay here anymore, I don't want to die! Just now my husband died in front of my eyes, and I can't do anything! I want to leave here!"

"Don't quarrel! Let's think of a way to escape from here! Now we are locked in an iron cage. If we don't go out, those demons and monsters will come!"

"Right, right, right! Aren't there two other practitioners alive? Let's just follow them! As long as we can live to the end, we will still have a chance to enter the next level! We can live a little longer!"


People are talking about it, and it seems that they are not too invincible to the surrounding environment.

But Zhang Yi, who had been silent among the crowd, had already understood what was going on.

Sure enough, the inside of this ancient building was the same as what he had discovered, a collection of small secret realms resembling a honeycomb.

And anyone who enters the ancient building will be sent to the small secret realm to break through.

If the barrier is successful, you can leave this ancient building completely and go to the area behind the ancient building.

And if the pass is unsuccessful, if you can survive to the end in the chasing and killing of the secret realm monsters, you will enter the next level to continue to pass the level, and the cycle will continue endlessly.

Those who enter the ancient building will either be able to successfully break through the barrier, or will be completely killed by the monsters in the secret realm.

It is said that when these people first came there were at least 30 people, but they had gone through two levels but none of them were able to successfully break through. Now it is the third level, they only have the last six people left, and the rest are already. All are dead.

Not only ordinary people died, but also many practitioners.

At this time, people began to form a situation led by two people, and those two were two very beautiful girls, and they were the only two practitioners present.

It's just that the condition of these two practitioners is not much better than that of ordinary people. Their beautiful faces are also full of fear, and there are still some scars on their bodies. Obviously they have only experienced a fight not long ago.

Zhang Yi could tell that one of the tall girls had the highest cultivation strength, and had reached the peak of the Begou realm, and the cultivation realm was comparable to Jiameng.

And the girl stared at Zhang Yi and asked:

"The one who broke into the secret realm behind?"

This girl had never seen Zhang Yi in the previous levels, so she judged that Zhang Yi had entered the ancient building behind.

Zhang Yi nodded slightly:


The woman said helplessly:

"We have all torn off the pontoon, and reminded those college students that they must go out and tell others not to break in, it is dangerous inside! But in the end, someone broke in. It's okay now. All die here!"

Zhang Yi just smiled.

It turns out that the floating bridge formed by the lotus leaf raft was torn off by these two people, but apparently they didn’t expect that the college students hadn’t left the secret realm to warn everyone. Instead, they secretly wanted to follow up, and they met. danger.

As far as preventing others from coming in, Zhang Yi's blocking array is effective.

But now, Zhang Yi has to pay attention to other things.

He came to the cage and stretched out his hand to break the fence of the cage.

However, as soon as he exerted his force, Zhang Yi was slightly surprised:

"This material... is celestial real iron!"

Celestial True Iron is a rare and precious mineral. Zhang Yi once discovered a vein of Celestial True Iron on Shaking Star.

The characteristic of this material is that it is very tough, and ordinary forces cannot destroy it at all.

And the strength that Zhang Yi can exert now is not up to the level of destroying this kind of celestial real iron.

Zhang Yi was self-aware, he gave up brute force destruction after a try.

Others didn't know that whether it was the ordinary people or the two female supernatural beings, they were trying hard to destroy the cage at this time, trying to escape by brute force.

Zhang Yi began to look around:

"The person who created this secret realm will not leave a way to crack his mechanism with brute force, but he also won't use brute force to trap people. There must be other mechanisms nearby."

And soon, Zhang Yi really found something.

He found the door of the cage, but it was locked by a big lock.

This big lock is also made of celestial real iron, which is difficult to open.

But there are some wheels on the big lock with numbers on them, which is obviously an ancient coded lock.

On the top of the code lock, a blank was deliberately left, and there were some strange numbers.

These numbers seem to be the constitution that opened this lock:

? ——Nine——Two

three--? --seven

? ——? --six

The question mark is the missing number.

Zhang Yi glanced at these strange numbers, then smiled at the corner of his mouth:

"It turned out to be a picture of the nine palaces, a kid's trick."

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