Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1065: Build wood branches

Mu Ningdai couldn't help but feel a little sad.

She doesn't understand what Xiaolan said, but feelings are unreasonable in themselves. Does it mean that you can like whoever you like, or that you can give up if you want to give up?

At this time, Xiaolan continued:

"Senior Sister, if you can't make up your mind, then I can help you! I can prevent that kid from leaving this secret realm alive! In this way, he won't affect your great future!"

Mu Ningdai was surprised, she didn't expect Xiao Lan to say such a thing.

Then she only said in a cold voice:

"Xiao Lan, don't let me hear this again in the future, otherwise we won't even have to do it!"

This sentence is already Mu Ningdai's warning to Xiao Lan.

After speaking, Mu Ningdai turned and chased Zhang Yi.

Looking at Mu Ningdai's back, Xiao Lan couldn't help but shook her head quietly, and finally followed.

The group of three continued to deepen in the building.

Zhang Yi looked around as he walked.

Although he had seen information about this secret realm in the information files of Youkong Thieves Gate, when he came here in person at that time, he was still able to see some content that was not in the information.

He would also stop and stretch out his hand to tear off the moss covered on these buildings, so that some of the carvings on the surface can be revealed.

These sculptures are mostly a huge tree with flowers, fruits, birds, animals, hanging dragons, **** bells and so on.

Zhang Yi looked at these carvings for a while, and couldn't help murmuring:

"There is wood, and its shape is like a cow, and its skin is like a tassel or a yellow snake. Its leaves are like Luo, but in fact it is like a luan. Its wood is like a scorpion, and its name is Jianmu."

After speaking, Zhang Yi looked at these sculptures as if thinking.

Mu Ningdai couldn't help but came to Zhang Yi's side. She stood very close to Zhang Yi, almost touching Zhang Yi, so that Zhang Yi could clearly smell the fragrance on her body.

For some reason, Mu Ningdai felt that the closer she was to Zhang Yi, the more at ease she could be.

"Big Brother Zhang, what did you just say?"

Mu Ningdai asked casually, she didn't really want to ask questions, but wanted to talk to Zhang Yiduo.

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"This is the description of the ancient sacred tree built in ancient books."

Mu Ningdai couldn't help but admire and praise when she heard this:

"Big Brother Zhang, you are really knowledgeable, and you know all this! People like me who only know how to practice cultivating all day, haven't read any books, and the culture is really much worse."

Zhang Yi ignored Mu Ningdai, he was thinking:

"Jianmu, hundred cents without branches, there are nine trees, and there are nine medlars underneath. In fact, it is like hemp, and its leaves are like awns..."

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi continued to walk towards the front.

According to the information recorded by Youkong Pirate Gate, the restriction is not far away.

Zhang Yi kept moving forward, and the surrounding scenes had gradually begun to change.

I saw that this originally green building complex, starting from a certain boundary, has actually become sterile.

After crossing a boundary, there is no grass on the ground, and no moss can be seen on the buildings.

Both the ground and the building present a color similar to charred black, as if this area has been completely isolated from life.

Mu Ningdai and Xiao Lan couldn't help being surprised when they saw this scene:

"Why are you walking? After I came to this area, I couldn't even see any plants? On the way we came just now, there were obviously green plants everywhere."

Although the two have experienced the danger in the cave, they are very repulsive to green plants, but at this time, the environment where there is no grass makes them feel uncomfortable.

But at this time, Zhang Yi grabbed a little black dirt from the ground and sniffed it in front of his nose, then said:

"This place is mixed with potions that specifically kill plants. It seems that the designer of this secret realm wanted to make this place not grow. Then if I am not mistaken, it must be a lime field!"

Speaking, Zhang Yi stretched out his feet and pulled up the black soil on the ground that had been soaked in the potion, exposing the lower layer of soil.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yi had expected, there was a layer of white lime under the black soil.

No wonder there is no grass here, there is a potion that kills plants, and there is lime, it is strange that plants can grow.

When Mu Ningdai saw that Zhang Yi was right, she couldn't help admiring Zhang Yi more:

"Big Brother Zhang, you are so amazing, you can guess it at a glance!"

Mu Ningdai's idiot, even Xiao Lan on the side felt that she was going to lose it.

Zhang Yi did not speak, and continued to walk forward.

As we go deeper into this uncultivated building complex, the shapes of the surrounding buildings become more and more weird.

These buildings are either largely suspended in the air, or completely solid, twisted like a twist, or neatly like a fence.

However, these buildings do not have doors, windows, buildings, houses, etc. that are common in people's daily lives.

No matter how you look at it, these buildings are not for people to live in at all.

There are many buildings in the world that are not for people to live in.

For example, some palm religious buildings are used for praying, offering sacrifices and kneeling to the gods. These buildings are often used for so-called gods instead of people, especially in some places of worship.

But even so, these buildings generally preserve the imaginary situations that people's idealized gods need to live in, and they are all within the scope of people's understanding.

However, these buildings that appeared at this time have completely exceeded the scope of people's understanding.

These buildings do not have the aesthetics of normal people at all, but are full of gloom, distortion and weirdness. It's like geometric figures that exceed dimensionality, which makes people feel very weird at first glance.

Everyone is walking in this weird atmosphere.

The gloomy surroundings made even the talkative Mu Ningdai couldn't help but stop to please Zhang Yi, and became full of guard.

However, Zhang Yi did not make any warning.

Because he knows through the information of the thief gate in the sky, this road will not be any more dangerous before encountering the restriction.

And that piece of prohibition has also become an obstacle that the Youkong Pirate Gate could not pass through at the beginning.

Zhang Yi continued to move forward, but Mu Ningdai followed Zhang Yi's skills very trustingly, only Xiao Lan looked suspicious.

After a while, Zhang Yi finally reached his destination.

I saw the scene that I had seen in the archive video of Youkong Pirate Door appeared before Zhang Yi's eyes.

That is a large vacant lot.

In the middle of the open space, there is a huge weird ring with a circular inner hollow.

This huge ring is at least more than ten meters high and looks like a huge moon cave gate.

And in the middle of the circle, there was a weird thing floating.

The thing was like a green bamboo-leaf snake, it was still twisting in mid-air.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is a weird branch.

This branch is very soft|soft, which makes it easy to twist its body into any posture, and there are several green leaves growing on it.

The most weird thing is that this branch can continuously create cracks in time and space.

Then the branches wanted to penetrate into the cracks of time and space like a rice field eel, but they were constantly prevented by the restrictions around the circle.

This kind of offense and one defense of the branches and the prohibition, I don't know how many years they lasted, they seem to have reached a balance that cannot be broken.

Seeing such a weird scene, Mu Ningdai and Xiao Lan couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Gosh! What is this?"

As the two of them were talking, they were about to step forward to check.

Zhang Yi reached out his hand to stop them:

"There is a prohibition ahead, it's dangerous."

Mu Ningdai stopped obediently.

But Xiaolan was a little dissatisfied:

"Who are you? You are just an ordinary person! Do you think you can see the prohibition after reading a little book? Even practitioners like us have not seen the prohibition. Can you be more professional than us?"

In Xiaolan's view, it is impossible for an ordinary person to understand the prohibition.

This is like a primary school student, it is difficult to understand the difference and meaning of hydroxy acid, amino acid and fatty acid.

Mu Ningdai rebuked dissatisfiedly again:

"Xiaolan! How can you say that to Big Brother Zhang? If Big Brother Zhang said danger, just stand still for me!"

Although Mu Ningdai felt that Zhang Yi was unlikely to understand things like prohibitions, Mu Ningdai was very concerned about Zhang Yi's words.

Zhang Yi said it was dangerous and told her not to move. From Mu Ningdai's point of view, she was concerned about her at all. Mu Ningdai liked this feeling very much, so she was happily obedient, and would not allow Junior Sister Xiao Lan to contradict Zhang Yi.

Xiaolan closed her mouth helplessly when she heard Mu Ningdai's words, but she was still unconvinced in her heart.

Zhang Yi didn't explain or bother too much, he still stood still and looked at him.

Although it looked like an empty area in front of him, there was nothing but air, but in Zhang Yi's sight and perception, he could perceive other things.

"It's very different from the prohibition I have seen on the video... I understand that this is a prohibition that will constantly change on its own. It does not have a fixed set of mechanisms, but multiple sets of mechanisms are changing immediately, so This difference will appear. And the change interval of each mechanism is five minutes... That is to say, I must break the prohibition within five minutes, otherwise it will be triggered... And this prohibition will have a chain reaction , If I destroy it forcibly, it will cause the block of Jianmu branches to be lifted, causing Jianmu branches to escape into the cracks in the space. In this case, I have to consider how to do so without breaking the chain to lift the prohibition... …"

Zhang Yi thought quickly in his mind, and he stood quietly and constantly observed and perceives the changes in the prohibition.

The restrictions placed by these ancient gas refiners are very different from the style of later generations, and it will take a while for Zhang Yi to see them thoroughly.

So Zhang Yi stood still and watched.

Mu Ningdai had been patiently waiting with Zhang Yi, but Xiao Lan was a little impatient.

Xiao Lan only felt that she was waiting with Zhang Yi that idiot like a fool.

At the end, when Xiaolan couldn't help but complain again, Zhang Yi suddenly moved!

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