Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1071: Drink one peck

Old Li couldn't listen to persuasion at this time, he ran towards Xiaolan and Mu Ningdai in horror.

The mysterious mutation of Lao Li made Xiaolan very jealous.

After seeing Lao Li's disobedience, Xiao Lan was already murderous:

"you wanna die!"

As he said, Xiao Lan's qi condensed, and suddenly slapped Lao Li with a palm away.

At this time, Lao Li's whole body has become completely transparent, and his whole person has also become motionless like a glass sculpture.

However, Xiaolan's attack has already occurred, and he can no longer hold back, whistling towards Lao Li!


Dream forest.

The giant's big hand grabbed Zhang Yi with unstoppable force.

Seeing Zhang Yi is about to be caught by the giant!

At this moment...

Suddenly, a blue light suddenly appeared.

Zhang Yi glanced intently, and it turned out that it was the wooden hairpin that Jinji Li Gui gave him.

Zhang Yi had already seen that there were some special powers on this wooden hairpin. But that power was too weak, but it didn't help.

However, this green light suddenly submerged into the Jianmu branches. Although the effect of the green light was not great, the Jianmu branches could play a great role!

I saw that after Biguang sank into Jianmu branches, the Jianmu branches were wrapped around like a snake|wound around Zhang Yi's hands, followed by a magical force!

Subsequently, Zhang Yi disappeared quickly. Before that big hand could touch Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi completely disappeared.

However, where Zhang Yi had disappeared, another person appeared quickly.

This person is Lao Li!

Old Li looked horrified and confused. He had no idea how he suddenly appeared in this weird place. Especially when he came to this weird place, he saw a giant stretch out a giant hand towards him. Come!

This can scare Lao Li to the heart!

"Ah!! A ghost!!"

Lao Li yelled in horror, and then he was so frightened that he couldn't restrain himself, and then fainted.

The giant's big hand was also caught at this moment, and it happened to catch Lao Li who had passed out in a coma.

I saw that the giant caught Lao Li, who was in a coma, and took a look in front of him, frowning with:

"Interesting! Interesting! That kid was able to take Jianmu and run away! It seems that Jianmu didn't intend to stay here for a long time, so he still kept a hand. And that kid is also very lucky, and there is such a one at a critical moment. Human race is here to be a substitute for the dead! Okay! You have a seed! This time I was careless!"

The giant's complexion suddenly became unsightly, and he couldn't help but roar towards the night sky.

His huge roar spread throughout this dream forest, shocking countless fluorescent insects flying around in the forest.

And as the giant roared, his body actually changed.

I saw that his eyes actually emitted two gloomy lights, and his pupils changed from round to cat-like crescent-shaped vertical pupils, and his tongue|head turned into a slender and bifurcated snake letter, even A layer of cyan scales faintly appeared on his skin.

"No, I'm almost unable to maintain my human form in the anger!"

Immediately the giant adjusted his emotions quickly, and at the same time began to move.

After a while of the giant's anger, he saw that his eyes, tongue, and skin quickly returned to normal, and he looked no more abnormal.

Finally, he stared at the unconscious old Li Sensen in his palm and said:

"Since there is a substitute for the dead, then naturally I can't let it go! I will take you back to torture, so that we can know how the human world is going through these years, and whether those pesky fly refiners are dead!"

With that, the giant grabbed Lao Li and turned around and left.

His huge figure continued to shuttle, and soon disappeared in the depths of the dense forest.


In secret

Under the great ring.

Zhang Yi was originally as transparent as a glass man, but now he has completely returned to normal.

He has returned to the original place from the mysterious forest.

At the moment when Zhang Yi came back, he happened to see Xiaolan pushing out abruptly.


I saw Xiaolan's palm quickly hit the old Li who had become transparent like a glass man not far away.

The moment Lao Li was touched by external forces, he was disappearing quickly, as if he had become completely transparent and completely invisible.

Zhang Yi happened to see this scene, but it was too late to stop it.

He knew that Lao Li would completely stay in that dream forest.

The ball obscures the light, and there is a projection under the ball. And as the projection disappears, it means that the ball is no longer in place.

Lao Li's "projection" was destroyed by Xiaolan, so Lao Li would never come back.

"This may be the reward for good and evil, one drink and one peck..."

Zhang Yi sighed slightly.

If Lao Li didn't know **** Zhang Yi, he would not touch Zhang Yi on purpose. And if he didn't touch Zhang Yi, it would not cause a series of things to happen later, nor would it cause him to disappear from the earth into another time and space and never come back.

The moment Lao Li touched Zhang Yi, it happened to be the moment when the tree branch opened the space-time channel and brought Zhang Yi back. Lao Li's touch at that moment happened to cause him to suddenly enter the space-time passage, and then to the dream forest.

Everything is done under such a blunder.

Zhang Yi raised his hand and glanced at the Jianmu branches that had grown roots, or can be said to be Jianmu seedlings now:

"Don't you like that place? Or, the earth is your home? So even if there is a lake in the forest that can replenish life energy for you, you don't want to stay. Only when you return home will you become calm down."

All Zhang Yi thinks.

He has been a human for two lifetimes. In the previous life, he used to cross the cultivation world. He only felt that the prosperity of cultivation was in the cultivation world, and the earth was just an ordinary backward planet.

In this life, when Zhang Yi used the accumulation of previous lives to re-examine the earth, he was surprised to discover that this blue planet was actually full of so many unexpected secrets, far from being as simple as he thought.

First was the awakening of various abilities, then the discovery of the ancient civilization of comprehension, and then the traces of the ancient gods and so on.

But now, if the earth is really the hometown of the growth of the sacred tree like Jianmu, then it means that the earth must have more secrets!

"This wooden hairpin is certainly extraordinary."

Zhang Yi took out the wooden hairpin given by Jinji Li Gui.

This wooden hairpin, of course, is not something that Jin Ji Li Gui will give away, but it can be regarded as a special reward after the level is completely cleared.

And just now, at the moment when Zhang Yi was almost grabbed by the giant's hand, fortunately, the energy of this wooden hairpin activated Jianmu branches, causing Jianmu branches to return to the earth with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi thought for a while, then said to Jianmu seedlings:

"You continue to be quiet, and when the time is right, I will find a suitable place to plant you."

Jianmu is a sacred tree, and Rao is a seedling but absolutely extraordinary.

Therefore, Zhang Yi never regarded Jianmu seedling as a dead thing, but regarded it as an object that can communicate and understand human nature.

The wooden hairpin Zhang Yi also put it away again, only to study it slowly after returning.

"Big Brother Zhang! Are you okay!"

Along with a female voice, a beautiful shadow ran to Zhang Yi with a burst of fragrance.

It turned out to be Munindai.

I saw Mu Ningdai looking at Zhang Yi worriedly:

"Big Brother Zhang, I just saw you become... I'm so worried about you!"

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"I'm fine."

Mu Ningdai breathed a sigh of relief when Zhang Yi said it was all right.

But then she asked:

"That uncle..."

Zhang Yi answered:

"He will never come back, it's his own fault."

Mu Ningdai nodded silently.

Indeed, she had already told Lao Li not to touch Zhang Yi.

However, Lao Li not only refused to listen, but also wanted to give birth to a heart of harm, but he did not expect to be harmed by himself in the end.

Xiaolan also walked over at this time, but she complained:

"Boy, do you know, because my senior sister was worried about your accident, so she came to get me back to check your situation! Now you have nothing to do, but it has delayed my time to find the treasure! You say, mine How can you compensate for the loss?"

"Xiao Lan!" Mu Ningdai couldn't help but scolded, "You are enough!"

Xiao Lan curled her lips and stopped talking.

Zhang Yi shook his head slightly.

Some people never know how to avenge their gratitude, and even avenge their gratitude.

This Xiaolan not only didn't read Zhang Yi's life-saving grace, but also deliberately asked for trouble.

Had it not been for her senior sister Mu Ningdai who had been reprimanding her to stop her, Zhang Yi would have educate her well.

For this kind of person, if she encounters anything in the future, Zhang Yi will never help her even with a single finger.

And Mu Ningdai is much better than her.

Although she is the two sisters, Mu Ningdai is more sensible.

Immediately Zhang Yi said to Mu Ningdai:

"Miss Mu, you don't need to waste any more time in this secret realm. If there is nothing wrong, you should leave as soon as possible."

This Secret Realm was specially built to hide the branches of Jianmu.

Now that Jianmu branches have fallen into Zhang Yi's hands, the other things in this secret realm have no value anymore, let alone hidden treasures.

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he turned and left.

He has already said what should be said, it is their own business whether to listen or not.

Mu Ningdai hurriedly asked:

"Big Brother Zhang, where are you going?"

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Back to...Changle City."

Zhang Yi originally planned to go home, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that Changle City was not his home.

When Mu Ningdai heard this, she couldn't help but exclaimed:

"After we are busy here, we just have to go to Changle City to find a guy. Brother Zhang might as well give me an address, so I can come to you at that time!"

Zhang Yi answered:

"You and I are just meeting each other, you don't need to ask more."

After speaking, Zhang Yi turned and headed towards the exit of the secret realm.

Mu Ningdai couldn't leave now.

She had to report to the sect about discovering the secret realm here, and she could not leave easily before the sect came here to take over.

Xiaolan wanted to stay here looking for treasure, but it was not without reason.

I saw Mu Ningdai staring at Zhang Yi's leaving back with beautiful eyes:

"Changle City... Brother Zhang, I will find out where you live in Changle City! We will definitely meet again!"

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