Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1073: The injury improves

Zhang Yi took out the bottle of colorful lake water.

At the beginning, Zhang Yi used a transparent crystal bottle to contain the colorful lake water. After he took out the crystal bottle, he saw the colorful light from the lake reflected by the crystal bottle and immediately filled the entire bedroom.

Under the shining of the colorful lake water, the bedroom seems to have fallen into a dreamy and beautiful illusion.

Such a beautiful vision immediately attracted the attention of the little bit.

Xiao Budian lay on the ground, his eyes widened and curiously looked at the agitated colorful luster around him:

"Huh? Oh?"

At the same time, he stretched out his chubby little hand to catch these rainbow-like lights, but naturally he would never be able to catch these rainbow lights.

Zhang Yi took a look at these lakes, and then he opened the bottle of lake water.

Then Zhang Yi brought the lake water to his nose and sniffed, which seemed to be as odorless as water.

However, at this moment, Xiao Budian's eyes suddenly lit up, and then his jet-black eyes stared at the crystal bottle opened in Zhang Yi's hand.

Then I saw Xiao Budian quickly climbed onto Zhang Yi's knee, and then moved his nose to the mouth of the crystal bottle and inhaled in enjoyment:

"Fragrant! Fragrance!"

This makes Zhang Yi a little strange, he can't smell the smell, but this little bit can smell some smells that the human nose can't detect.

After hesitating, Zhang Yi stretched out his finger and dipped a drop of the colorful lake water out.

Zhang Yi is basically sure that there is no harm in this lake. He has seen Jianmu and the giant drink it directly.

Looking at the drop of colorful lake water on his finger, Zhang Yi hesitated and said:

"Let me try, what magical effect do you have?"

With that said, Zhang Yi planned to take that drop of colored lake water.

Who knew that Xiaodian was one step ahead, saw him leaning over his head and opening Xiao|mouth with| holding Zhang Yi's finger, and actually swallowed the drop of colored lake water first.

After taking the colored lake water, I saw a ball of colored light entering his esophagus from his childhood mouth, and then falling into his stomach.

The light of this group of colored light even penetrates the tiny belly, making Zhang Yi clearly visible.

"Oh ah?"

Xiao Budian touched his belly, as if curious about why his belly glowed.

Suddenly, I saw that group of colored light suddenly dispersed, turned into countless paths extending along the small meridians, and then quickly dissipated.

Xiao Budian suddenly showed a very comfortable look.

Zhang Yi looked at all this thoughtfully:

"Pure life energy! And this life energy is not only extremely condensed and abundant, but it can also be completely absorbed without hindrance! It is no wonder that Jianmu needs this colorful lake water to replenish life energy, and it is no wonder that the ancient gods who have been drinking this colorful lake water There is such a terrifying life energy in the blood!"

Naturally, Zhang Yi could see that after taking this drop of colored lake water, Xiao Budian had recovered a little bit of his body that had been damaged by the use of the original Qi.

This result was completely beyond Zhang Yi's expectation. The power of this life energy was too unbelievable, and even subverted the common sense that Zhang Yi knew to a certain extent.

Zhang Yi thoughtfully:

"I don't really need this kind of life energy, but if I get this kind of life energy supplement, it can also make my injury heal faster!"

The more life energy a person has, the faster his injury will recover.

When human beings are young, it is the time when life energy is most abundant. At this time, small injuries and small illnesses will not have any impact on people. Small illnesses and small injuries can quickly heal themselves for young people.

And if human beings begin to grow old, the life energy will quickly fade, at this time, even a small illness or injury of the elderly will not heal for a long time, and even kill people.

If Zhang Yi now supplements these life energy, it will not greatly increase him, but it will greatly promote his recovery from injuries.

"Now it is the first priority for me to recover from my injury. Even if it is a waste of taking this colorful lake water, it is worth it!"

Immediately, Zhang Yi cautiously took a sip of this colorful lake water.

He didn't dare to drink too much, because he was injured and couldn't bear the too violent energy, and his body was not as big as the ancient gods and could be unscrupulous.

However, Zhang Yi just took a sip, but he immediately felt an extremely fierce life energy explode in his body.

He could see that his abdomen began to emit a cloud of color just like Xiaodidian just now.

It’s just that because this group of colored light is too rich, it didn’t spread out all of a sudden. Instead, it continued to emit countless smaller strands of light that stretched along Zhang Yi’s meridians, and the middle of that group of colored light. But still bright.

"What a rich life energy! And with the supplement of this life energy, coupled with the aid of the original essence of Dan Jing, I feel that tonight my injury can recover partly, and my strength will recover again!"

Immediately, Zhang Yi sat cross-legged, holding his breath, and began to move quickly to absorb and digest those life energy, and at the same time let his human body start healing.

Following Zhang Yi's exercises, the speed at which the colored light in his abdomen dissipated suddenly several times faster, and countless strands of colored light burrowed towards various positions of Zhang Yi's body like a loach.

But that's the case, the colorful light on Zhang Yi's abdomen is still bright, which shows how rich the life energy is.

Time passed slowly.

Slowly the long night finally ended.

But at this time, I saw that the colorful light on Zhang Yi's abdomen finally dissipated completely, which meant that the life energy had been completely absorbed by Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi suddenly opened his eyes at this moment:

"Finally recovered to the sixth floor of Renwang Jue!"

After one night of treatment, Zhang Yi's injury has recovered partly, and his strength has directly reached the ninth level of Ren Wang Jue. This is undoubtedly the best news.

"It's a pity that if you drink the lake water again, it doesn't make much sense."

Zhang Yi felt a pity, and then put away the bottle of lake water.

Life energy is not as good as possible.

If a dying old man is supplemented with life energy, then he can be radiant and even rejuvenate. This effect will be very obvious and remarkable.

And if a young man is allowed to continuously replenish life energy, then it can only play a role in strengthening his body, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

Now Zhang Yi can be regarded as reaching the peak of life energy supplementation. Unless he starts to grow old or his body becomes stronger and the upper limit is higher, if he takes this lake water again, although there are many benefits, it will already be. Let the effect be greatly reduced.

"The water flows for a long time. Although I will have a one-time and large amount of colored lake water, it will cause its cost-effectiveness to be very low, but if I drink a few drops a day, it will continue to promote the recovery of my injury!"

Zhang Yi has made up his mind that he will take this colorful lake water slowly. At the same time, he will also keep most of the colored lake water, because he knows that Jianmu will definitely need this colored lake water for its future growth.

But after one night, Zhang Yi's strength was restored to the sixth floor of Renwangjue, which already made him very satisfied.

"It's time to study something else."

Zhang Yi has finished studying the colorful lake water, and it can be determined that this is a kind of pure life energy that is so rich that it exists in a liquid form.

But Zhang Yi brought out other things in the God Realm.

It was a very huge strange flower, and Zhang Yi couldn't take it out directly in this small bedroom, so he tore a small piece of petal and placed it in his hand to observe.

This is a kind of red petals. This kind of petals does not emit light, but when it is close to the giant, it can produce a dazzling glare.

According to the giant, this kind of petals can sense the blood of their family and emit light.

When the flower approached Zhang Yi, the light quickly dimmed, so Zhang Yi did not have the blood of the ancient gods.

That was the case for the giant, only to realize that Zhang Yi was not an ancient **** who transformed into a human being, but Zhang Yi himself was a human being.

When Zhang Yi now tore a petal out, he didn't expect it to glow.


"Why? Could it be that... there are ancient gods by my side?"

I saw that the petal that Zhang Yi tore off actually emitted a burst of light.

This surprised Zhang Yi involuntarily.

The petals can sense the blood of the ancient gods. Now Zhang Yi finds that the petals are shiny in his bedroom. Does it mean that the ancient gods have been hiding by his side?

In doubt, Zhang Yi quickly made new discoveries:

"No! It's not that there is an ancient god, but someone with the blood of the ancient god...the descendants of the ancient **** are there!"

Although the petals are glowing, the light emitted is not strong.

Zhang Yi remembered that in the God Realm, when the giant hand approached the petals, the light from the petals was as dazzling as the sun.

At this time, the petal in Zhang Yi's hand only emits a layer of fluorescence, which looks very dim.

The light is dim, so naturally it means that the blood of the ancient gods is very thin.

"The giant once said that the only shortcoming of their ancient gods was their inability to give birth. They could only be conceived by the cross between heaven and earth. However, the era of cross between heaven and earth has long passed, and new ancient gods cannot continue to be born. This is also equivalent to, The ancient gods have been completely sterilized. But they have found the human race to give birth to some half-human and half-god hybrids by intersecting with humans. This can be regarded as a kind of disguised reproduction offspring."

Propagating offspring has always been an important task for an ethnic group.

The ancient gods were unable to breed true ancient gods, they could only breed some impure hybrid offspring in this way, which could only be said to be helpless.

And these descendants with the blood of the ancient gods have been multiplied from generation to generation, and their blood is destined to become thinner and thinner.

"Who is that man? Is it a small thing?"

Now, the only person who lives in the same room with Zhang Yi is nothing more.

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