Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1092: He himself is a legend

Princess Alice drew back the islanders in a few words, and even frightened the islanders to lose the courage to complain to the competition organizing committee about Zhang Yi.

The people of Long Country are naturally greatly encouraged, but they can also see that the reason why Princess Alice is doing this is entirely to help Zhang Yi.

No one would think that Princess Alice would help a little coach he just met. The greatest possibility is that Princess Alice fell in love with this handsome little coach.

But how lucky this is!

Princess Alice is a rare beauty, and her family status is even more prominent. If such a beauty can be favored, even if she eats soft food, many people are willing.

So for a while, many people couldn't help being full of envy for Zhang Yi. He could be favored by beauties, and he could also relieve the crisis of complaints from the island country. Zhang Yi didn't know what great luck he had gone.

When everyone was envious, Princess Alice couldn't help but asked again:

"Mr. Zhang Yi, I don't know if we can talk about it alone, I have too many questions I want to ask you!"

Zhang Yi asked:

"Who are you Adela?"

When Zhang Yi Fuxingmen publicly recruited disciples, he once accepted a Western princess named Adele. Later, after Adele came out of the teacher, she returned to the West, and Zhang Yi responded to the invitation of Ling Tianyi, the master of the Unexpected Realm, to Mount Tai. Before the letter, Zhang Yi had also traveled far and wide to help Adela ascend to the throne.

And now the Princess Alice in front of her has the unique technique that Zhang Yi taught Adele to control the Yanghua corona, so Zhang Yi judged that Princess Alice must be in contact with the original Adele.

Princess Alice heard Zhang Yi mention Adele, her heart beat suddenly.

Then Princess Alice hurriedly answered in a low voice:

"Mr. Zhang Yi, it is true that Adele is my great-grandmother."

After listening, Zhang Yi nodded slightly.

Then he turned his head and waved at Jiameng and Lulu, and said:

"We should go back!"

Jiameng and Lulu hurriedly followed, preparing to leave with Zhang Yi.

Upon seeing this, Princess Alice hurriedly asked:

"Mr. Zhang Yi, what are you..."

Zhang Yi replied:

"It's going to be the game tomorrow. I still need to hurry up and train my players. Your question, let's talk about it when the game is over."

Zhang Yi's time is really tight.

Had it not been for the provocation by those islanders, Zhang Yi would have brought Jiameng and Lulu back to his villa for training.

Although Jiameng and Lulu have now entered the Golden Core Realm, the two of them are unstable, and it is not realistic to defeat the top young players of various countries in the competition. This is also the case, Zhang Yi needs to hurry up to train them.

Zhang Yi roughly knows what questions Alice mainly asked him. Princess Alice can find him, which means that she already knows the identity of Zhang Yi. Therefore, it is impossible for Zhang Yi to waste precious time to deal with the known problems at this time.

With that said, Zhang Yi was about to return to the villa with Jiameng and Lulu.

Upon hearing this, Princess Alice hurriedly said anxiously:

"But Mr. Zhang Yi, I really need to have a good talk with you! Please stay here!"

Zhang Yi already took Jiameng and Lulu towards the gate, completely ignoring Alice's pleading plan.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help feeling that Zhang Yi was a bit too outrageous.

An angel-like beauty, a princess begged, but Zhang Yi ignored it?

Is such a man really a man? Does he really know how to be polite in the face of beauties and dignitaries?

But at this time, only Hua Guowei said to Zhang Yi angrily:

"Zhang Yi! Stop for me!"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly and looked back at Hua Guowei.

Hua Guowei said angrily:

"Do you know that this is Princess Alice of the United Kingdom! How could your little coach be so rude to Her Royal Highness? You are making a joke in the international world for our Dragon Kingdom! Others despise our Longguo people!"

Hua Guowei has been looking for opportunities to have a good relationship with Princess Alice, but there has been no suitable excuse.

At this time, it happened that Zhang Yi didn't give Princess Alice face, which made Hua Guowei only feel that he had a chance, so he jumped out to accuse Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's eyes became colder and colder:

"You deliberately provoke me again and again, I think you really want to ask for trouble!"

This Hua Guowei, Zhang Yi has never offended him, but because of some personal interests, he continuously jumped out and embarrassed Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is not good-tempered. His patience with Hua Guowei is about to reach the upper limit.

At this time, Princess Alice's expression changed, and then she spoke to Hua Guowei in a cold voice:

"Who are you and how qualified are you to accuse Mr. Zhang Yi?"

Hua Guowei hurriedly answered:

"Return to Your Royal Highness, I am Hua Guowei, Chairman of the Longguo District Competition Committee, and I am also..."

Princess Alice interrupted directly:

"A small committee chair dare to be so presumptuous? My conversation with Mr. Zhang Yi is private, and you always raise our private conversations to the international level and make a fuss. People like you are neither stupid nor bad! I see you. The chairman is the one who really doesn't understand etiquette!"

Princess Alice's reprimand made Hua Guowei stunned.

He was obviously helping Princess Alice, but Princess Alice was actually speaking for Zhang Yi. It seemed...Princess Alice really fell in love with that little coach.

At this time, Hua Guowei's complexion suddenly turned red and white. He didn't expect that he flattered but caught the horse's leg. Not only did he fail to have a good relationship with Alice, but he was also reprimanded.

Immediately Hua Guowei could only apologize to Princess Alice, who can only be her granddaughter at this age:

"It's me... who said this kind of thing on a hot head, please forgive your Royal Highness!"

Princess Alice said coldly:

"What you offended is Mr. Zhang Yi. Offending Mr. Zhang Yi is like offending me! Hua Guowei, if you don't want to cause a diplomatic dispute, you'd better apologize to Mr. Zhang Yi. Immediately!"

Hua Guowei's complexion suddenly turned red.

He is the elder of the Linghezong of the ten major sects. He is also the chairman of the Longguo District Committee of this competition, and he is also the head of the Longguo District.

However, at this time, he actually wanted to apologize to a little unknown coach?

And this little coach also swept his majesty over and over again. If he continued to apologize to him, then he would really be discouraged.

Suddenly, Hua Guowei could not speak.

Princess Alice continued:

"Since Chairman Hua is unwilling to speak, please wait for our United Kingdom to formally submit a diplomatic protest to your Dragon Kingdom!"

At this moment, Hua Guowei could no longer sit still:

"His Royal Highness! I...I apologize!"

Hua Guowei knew that Princess Alice said and was able to do it by virtue of her identity.

If the trouble is really to that point, then Hua Guowei will become famous in the world at once, and his position as elder will not be preserved by then, and even the post of chairman and all the posts will inevitably be lost.

Especially when the time comes, Hua Guowei will inevitably be punished by the sect. At that time, the sect may put all the blame on him in order to save his reputation.

Such a result is something Hua Guowei cannot bear.

Immediately, Hua Guowei could only gritted his teeth and said to Zhang Yi:

"Coach Zhang, I'm sorry... Please forgive me!"

Every time he uttered a word, Hua Guowei felt that his chest was hammered by a sledgehammer.

On this day today, Hua Guowei only felt that he had encountered the greatest humiliation of his life, and he could not resist.

As a result, Hua Guowei only felt that his old face was completely lost, and his majesty as an elder and chairman of the committee was wiped out at this moment.

After this apology was finished, Hua Guowei suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood with a "poof!"

It turned out that he was so angry that he actually caused his blood to surge and hurt himself to bleed.

Zhang Yi saw this scene and shook his head slightly.

In ancient times, Zhou Yu was angered to death, and today it is Hua Guowei who vomits blood with anger.

All of this shows that Hua Guowei is really a person of small capacity, so he vomits blood.

In particular, all this is Hua Guowei's own blame, and he can't blame others.

Princess Alice asked Zhang Yi at this time:

"Mr. Zhang Yi, I can guarantee that Hua Guowei will never dare to disturb you at will. About our conversation..."

Zhang Yi answered:

"I only agreed to talk with you because of Adela's face. But when to talk, you are not qualified to bargain with me. Maybe I have time, and I will talk to you a few words; or maybe I have not been free. Then we never have to talk. Do you understand?"

After speaking, Zhang Yi left the villa directly with Jiameng and Lulu.

Princess Alice watched Zhang Yi leave blankly, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Every one of the black suits she brought was unhinged. How can their noble and beautiful princesses be rude to an Oriental?

Especially the old gentleman couldn't help but whispered to Princess Alice:

"Your Royal Highness, that person is too much..."

Princess Alice raised her hand and stopped the old gentleman's words:

"Sir, be careful. If he is really the sword **** Zhang Yi, then he is not too rude to me, but as he said it is for my great-grandmother's sake."

The old gentleman couldn't help shaking his head:

"I have already investigated that Zhang Yi, the strongest sword **** in the Eastern world, had already died in Mount Tai, and he was seen by a respected senior in the Eastern world. And since Zhang Yi, the sword god, died in Mount Tai. There has been no news of him for fifty years. If he hadn't died that year, how could there be no news for half a century?"

Although the old gentleman was very reasonable, Princess Alice still insisted on herself:

"That's because you don't know the sword **** Zhang Yi, the man in the legend... He is either creating miracles in his life, or is on the road to create miracles! He is always able to make the impossible possible. , He himself is a...Legend!"

At the end, Alice walked towards the outside of the villa happily, and she should also leave.

The old gentleman hurriedly followed closely with a bunch of black suits and left with Alice.

In the villa, only a group of Dragon Kingdom players were left looking at each other.

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