Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1104: Baby Elephant Crash

Hua Guowei put down the tablet before because he felt Lulu was defeated. That's why he deliberately put down the tablet computer to create a truly superior appearance for himself.

However, as the people around him amazed, Hua Guowei began to realize that there seemed to be a problem with his judgment.

Immediately after an exclamation, Hua Guowei hurriedly lifted the tablet computer that had been put down again.

I saw that on the screen at this time, it happened to play a scene where two players were touching and splitting.

Lulu and Ramanujam kept a distance again, preparing for the next round of competition.

Seeing all this, Hua Guowei hurriedly chose to rewind the video, and put the picture back upside down, until the moment when the two confronted each other.

I saw that when Ramanujam attacked Lulu with a fierce blow, Lulu did not move, urging the zhenqi in his body to form a gas shield, relying on her own qi to resist Rama. Nujam got the blow.

The loud noise was also caused by Ramanujam's blow to the gas shield.

What is amazing is that Ramanujam made a fierce blow, but he failed to smash Lulu's gas shield.

Obviously this result also surprised Ramanujam, so when he missed a hit, he immediately separated from Lulu and kept his distance. However, Lulu stood in the original and did not pursue the victory, but seemed to be waiting for the next round of Ramanujam's attack.

"This is impossible!"

Hua Guowei called out immediately:

"Lulu, a late-stage cultivator of the Non-Buddhist realm, is not condensed enough at all. It is absolutely impossible to resist Ramanujam without breaking! This is simply impossible!"

Hua Guowei couldn't help but yelled, feeling that everything that happened in the live video was too bizarre.

The people around him can only hang their heads silently, because their insights and vision are far inferior to Hua Guowei, and the details and judgments they see are not as comprehensive as Hua Guowei.

This is also true, so no one dared to question Hua Guowei, especially Hua Guowei in an angry situation.

But at this time, he saw Hua Guowei sitting down again.

He looked sullenly at Zhang Yi in the rest area next door, and then said sullenly:

"That Lulu may be just trying hard, she just resisted the blow with all her strength, she must have reached her limit! Look, there will be no three, ten moves! No ten moves, Lulu will lose!"

Hua Guowei's original judgment was three strokes, and he felt that Lulu must not be able to survive the three strokes.

But because of his conservative character, he finally changed his words and said ten tricks, so even if an accident happened, he still had room for maneuver.

As Hua Guowei made a judgment, others naturally did not dare to question.

Immediately everyone was holding the tablet, and continued to watch the next match between Lulu and Ramanujam.


In the distance of the arena, another corner.

Wu Keman and the photographer, who are full of loss, have already appeared listless.

They looked at the tablet in their hands while preparing to write related manuscripts.

"Hey, let's end early..."

In Wu Keman's heart, this thought could not help but arise:

"If I am destined to be unemployed, then I will end this torture sooner, and I may return to China sooner and be fired by my boss. Maybe...I really don't fit in as a journalist..."

Wu Keman felt sad.

On the tablet computer, the game between Jia Meng and Aluf just ended at this time.

Jia Meng's victory in this game made Wu Keman no waves in his heart, but even more disappointed.

A game considered to be easy to win, Jia Meng just played for a long time before he forced his opponent to surrender, which made Wu Keman think Jia Meng's strength was too bad.

Wu Keman doesn't have Hua Guowei's eyesight, so she can't see the great advantage of Zhang Jiameng, she only feels that Zhang Jiameng has made her even more disappointed.

And Lulu's game started very quickly, but Wu Keman has no interest in watching it.

The photographer couldn't help asking:

"Should you go to the court to conduct a follow-up interview?"

Wu Keman shook his head:

"No need, I'm tired..."

It stands to reason that since they decided to interview Zhang Yi, Zhang Jiameng and Lulu, now it’s time for the game to start, especially when Lulu’s game starts, they should wait on the side of the arena, once the contestants are off the field. Conduct the first interview.

But Wu Keman couldn't bear to see Lulu's fiasco, especially such a fiasco that could have been avoided, but the scumbag coach used his authority to oppress his players.

In her heart, everything is doomed.

Immediately Wu Keman was leaving with the photographer.


At this time, the loud noise suddenly jumped off the two of them.

They hurriedly turned their heads and looked suspiciously, wondering which two strong men made such a big movement during the match.

Soon, they could see the direction of the rising smoke.

"It's Lulu and Ramanujam's arena!"

After seeing the stadium clearly, Wu Keman hurriedly turned on the tablet and pointed it to Lulu’s live broadcast:

"Resist! Lulu did not fail! Lulu is good! She still has a chance!"

At this moment, Wu Keman couldn't help but get excited.

She does not have Hua Guowei's vision, but it is precisely this ignorance that makes her not Hua Guowei's concerns and conservative.

When Wu Keman saw that Lulu had withstood Ramanujam's fierce blow unscathed, he immediately thought that Lulu had the strength to compete with Ramanujam.

So Wu Keman not only felt that he saw Lulu's hope, but also felt that he saw his own hope!

If Lulu really wins, then she will become a dark horse, and Wu Keman, who exclusively reported on this dark horse, will have a chance to keep her job.

But the photographer was full of hesitation:

"After all, we are not practitioners. Should we look at the barrage and comments, or ask a professional to analyze it? In this way, we rashly think that Lulu has a chance, will it be the last..."

"Do not!"

Wu Keman said immediately:

"We shouldn't be influenced by those messy comments. Now that we see a glimmer of opportunity, then we must persevere to seize it!"

The photographer looked at Wu Keman suspiciously, not knowing what Wu Keman was going to do.

Wu Keman stretched out his hand to the arena:

"Now let's hurry up and wait on the side of the game! Follow up the report we should do! Hurry up! Keep up with me!"

After speaking, Wu Keman quickly ran towards the side of the stadium.

The photographer stood still and couldn't help being a little dazed, and finally he exclaimed angrily:

"This woman is really crazy! I said one minute before that there is no need to follow up the interview, and I will turn back one minute later? Is she playing me like a monkey? This stinky woman! You wait for me, this If you let me run for nothing at a time, let's see how I can clean you up!"

The photographer himself cursed for a while, and finally reluctantly picked up the camera and chased Wu Keman.


On the playing field.

Ramanujam looked at the girl not far away with fear.

He opened his mouth and said to the dragon girl named Lulu:

"Miss, your strength seems to be inconsistent with the intelligence I received. You are very strong, I admit it!"

After Ramanujam finished speaking, there was a pause.

During this period of time, the translation machine prepared by the stadium will translate his words into Chinese and tell the opponent.

Translators are prepared on each arena to facilitate communication between players from various countries.

Soon, the translated Chinese came out from the speakers of the translator on the edge of the stadium.

After Lulu listened, she didn't have any time to talk nonsense with Ramanujam, she just stretched out her hand and beckoned to Ramanujam, motioning for Ramanujam to continue to attack.

And Ramanujam was obviously very unhappy by Lulu's behavior, he said coldly:

"Since you are impatient, then I won't waste time! Next, you will welcome my fiercest attack!"

After speaking, Ramanujam's whole body was mobilized frantically.

He bent his knees slightly to prepare for the jump, and then saw the ground under his feet crack suddenly.


Ramanujam's feet exploded violently, and his whole body shot out at Lulu fiercely like a cannonball.

"Bao Xiang collided!!!"

Ramanujam had decided to quickly decide the outcome with Lulu, so he did not hesitate to perform his triumphant tricks.

This jewel collision is a most masculine method, which means that it uses absolute oppressive and terrifying force to carry out a frontal collision against the enemy.

Such a brutal collision will be able to disintegrate the enemy's fighting spirit, so scared that since he has rushed to avoid it, he dare not arrive.

Once the enemy dodges, then the morale will be disintegrated and will fall into the attack of Ramanujam's next move. And if the enemy does not evade, they will face the full impact of Ramanujam and end up in a crushing end.

It can be said that when Ramanujam's treasure elephant collides, whether he hides or not, the enemy will face his move and subsequent continuous blows.

With such a brutal move, Ramanujam did no harm in performing it in the White Elephant.

But when she saw Lulu, she was still struggling, mobilizing all her true energy, and began to condense an air shield in front of her.

Ramanujam sneered upon seeing this:

"Repeat the old trick? Do you think I can't break your gas shield this time?"

Immediately, I saw that Ramanujam had quickly approached Lulu with the momentum of thunder.

He collided like this, as if a group of crazy wild elephants were desperately sprinting ahead, and the power was terrifying.

Even the ground of the arena trembled slightly, as if countless elephants were stepping on it.

But Lulu was still as stable as Mount Tai, relying on the air shield in front of her to protect her, and her whole body calmly greeted Ramanujam's impact.

Finally, the two ran into each other!


The power formed by such a violent impact is as if an aerial bomb was thrown directly on the playing field.

Accompanied by the loud noise, the land on the playing field was ploughed by an invisible shock wave, and the green lawn disappeared instantly, leaving only yellow-brown soil and devastation.

Such a huge movement not only caused the spectators to look over here, but even the contestants in the next court were attracted.

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