Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1127: Perverted Islander

On the game field, the game everyone is paying attention to is about to begin.

I saw Lulu and the island nation’s Asuka Kurusu have begun to play. This game will determine which of them can advance to the top six.

And when the two players were on the field, the game scene suddenly boiled over.

The viewers of the Dragon Kingdom and the island nations began to cheer for the players of their respective countries. Everyone was screaming frantically and cheering for the players they supported.

The contradiction between the Dragon Kingdom and the island country is deeply ingrained, especially this time there were deaths and injuries to each other, which further intensified the contradiction between the two sides.

And this time the players of the two countries collided together again, which made countless spectators from the two countries boil at this moment.

This game has also become the most concerned game for the audience of the two countries.

On the Internet, there have already been countless heated discussions about this game:

"Fuck! Our Dragon Country players have met again with Island Country players! Come and see everyone!"

"It's Lulu vs. Asuka! Lulu has always been a dark horse, but I feel that she is very procrastinated in every game, and she is not as strong as Asuka. The two of them are rivals, I'm afraid..."

"What do you care about so much? We from the Dragon Kingdom, of course, are supporting the Dragon Kingdom players! Lulu, come on! We cheer for you behind your back!"

"Yes! We fully support Lulu's killing that little devil! Those little devils are too bad, and we have ordered our players to kill every year! This time I hope Lulu can kill him!"

"Come on, Lulu! If Lulu succeeds in defeating that little devil, then she will be the first Dragon Kingdom player ever to qualify for the semi-finals of the World Youth Extraordinary Competition Conference!"

"Everyone quickly mobilize and call on more people to support Lulu together, so that Lulu can feel our spiritual encouragement to her!"

"Look, everyone, there is an interview with Lulu on the website of Lingyun Zaobao. Those who want to know more about Lulu, please go to the website of Lingyun Zaobao!"


Suddenly, countless people in the entire Dragon Kingdom began to pay attention to this game.

And the top spot in the hot search list, which had been dominated by Gu Yajun for a long time, was finally replaced by Lulu.

More and more people began to pay attention to this unknown girl.

And in a large school.

Inside a study room.

A mighty middle-aged man and a dignified woman are also watching this scene live on TV.

Soon, the voice of the mighty middle-aged man began to growl:

"Nina! This Nina! She ran away from home secretly to participate in the audition, and now she actually went to participate in the World Youth Extraordinary Competition! Especially she played against the islander! What an unfilial girl! Give! I find out who her coach is, and I must smash the corpse of her foolish idiot coach!"

When the dignified woman on the side heard this, she couldn't help but asked anxiously:

"Master, why is there such a big fire? Could it be that our daughter's opponent this time..."

The woman is not too proficient in spiritual practice, so she doesn't know what the opponents her daughter faces this time.

But she could tell from her husband's tone that this time might not be very good.

The middle-aged man snorted and said:

"Islanders have already issued a killing order and must kill our players in the arena! So this time, only one of the rebellious girl and the island player can end alive!"

The woman was shocked when she heard this.

Then she folded her hands and began to pray:

"God bless! God bless! We must bless our daughter in peace!"

At this time, the middle-aged man slammed the table to pieces with a palm, and he could see that his anger was very strong.

Then, just listen to him yelling:

"Bless you ass! The chance of surviving against that island country player is less than 30%! It's like going to die! I really don't know what that bad woman thinks? I must kill her coach! That idiot coach actually Don't discourage her from playing!"

When the woman heard this, she paled with fright, and she collapsed on the chair.

The survival rate of 30%...this number made the woman cry suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, she hurriedly knelt before the middle-aged man, crying and begging:

"Master! I beg you to save our daughter, she can't have any shortcomings!"

The middle-aged man was annoyed by hearing it, and slapped the woman's face with a slap:

"Crying! Just know crying! I'm crying and I'll kill you!"

The woman fell asleep immediately after being slapped. She did not dare to cry loudly anymore, but dared to sob quietly.

Just listen to the middle-aged man saying angrily:

"Now that the game has started, even the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, will not be able to save the insurgent girl! We are so far apart, there is no time to get to the scene!"

The woman slept on the ground and cried:

"What should I do then?"

The murderous intent of the middle-aged man suddenly surged:

"Those who dare to harm my daughter, I will definitely not let them live! The coach is responsible! The island player is also responsible! At that time, I will kill these two people and their whole family! Now I will find out their details, If something happens to my daughter, they don’t want to live!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man immediately turned around and walked away.

Only the woman was left sitting on the ground, looking worriedly at the game on the TV screen, crying while watching.


Playing field.

Both players are already in place, and the game is about to begin.

Lulu and Asuka Raisu are facing each other in a distance, and each is ready to fight.

At this time, Asuka Raisu stared at Lulu cruelly and bloodthirsally, and first spoke:

"Dragon Country! You are beautiful, but you are also destined to die in the game! But you can rest assured, I will take your body back and cherish it, you will be more beautiful when you die, and I am an ice Infatuated, I like a beautiful corpse like you the most."

Lulu couldn't help but wonder:

"Bing Lian? What is that?"

Asuka Laiji suddenly laughed.

His laughter was full of weirdness, and his face was also full of distortions.

Seeing bloodshot in his eyes, he stared at Lulu greedily and replied:

"Bing Lian, it is commonly known as necrophilia!!!"

Lulu was startled when she heard this, and then angered:

"You! You are such a pervert!"

Asuka Laiji's laughter became more wanton and rampant. He laughed and said:

"A lot of people say that I am not lacking you! Women's corpses are a beautiful|exciting toy in my eyes. They won't move, won't violate my orders, and can be manipulated and manipulated by me at will Do you know where all my beautiful toys came from? They were all the overseas students who came to our island country from the Dragon Kingdom, and I asked them to kidnap them! After the girls from the Dragon Kingdom were brought in front of me, I will let them try the horror and torture, and then let them die and become my beautiful toys. Because only when they die painfully enough, their bodies will not relax quickly, but they will maintain sufficient elasticity for a long time! "

When he said this, Asuka Laiji's eyes were already bloodshot and turned red.

At the same time, his expression became more and more distorted, like an evil spirit crawling up from hell.

He stared at Lulu with blood-red eyes, and said cruelly:

"So, please go to death! I will dress you up as my beautiful toy. You will be enough for me to play for a month! Hehehehehehehehe..."

In the end, Asuka's laughter became particularly sharp and full of frightening smell.

After Lulu heard such words, she couldn't help becoming particularly angry:

"Scum! Bird|Beast! I must kill you today to avenge those sisters who died tragically!"

Asuka Laiqi smiled happily after hearing this:

"Don't worry, you will soon become one of them. Even if you die, you can't escape your destiny of becoming a toy!"

After speaking, I saw Asuka Laiji tremble all over.

Immediately afterwards, the majestic and powerful aura suddenly rushed out.

I saw a weird qi surging around the flying birds, and this qi faintly formed a weird and terrifying ghost head.

This ghost bears a single horn, grows into a bell with big eyes, young fangs, and looks very hideous!

As if the ghost head is not under the control of gravity, it flies around around the birds, as if obeying the commands of the birds.

Just listen to Asuka Laisu approaching Lulu with the ghost head, and said grimly:

"In your Dragon Kingdom, there is a term called'being a tiger'! People who are killed and eaten by evil tigers will turn into ghosts. And these ghosts will be willing to become slaves of evil tigers. They go back to seduce more The living people come to feed the evil tigers! And the reason why they are like this is because of resentment and unwillingness!"

Lulu began to put her hands in front of her, turning slowly.

As she turned, I saw a peculiar pattern formed by the aura in front of her.

She is already preparing to defend the attack of the flying birds, Lulu knows that the flying birds are very strong, but she decides to kill the flying birds anyway!

However, Asuka Laisu had already carried that huge ghost head, and continued to press hard towards Lulu:

"Perhaps you will be curious, where are the souls of the girls who were killed and made into toys by me? Are they also full of resentment and unwillingness like ghosts? Shijin , Is refined with their souls. As for that question, let them answer you in person!"

As he said, the flying bird raised his hand, and the one-horned ghost head actually flew in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the blood basin of this unihorned ghost head suddenly opened, and what appeared in it was actually one head after another!

I saw that these heads were all heads of young beauties, each of them pale as paper, their long hair was as dark as ink, and their bloodless mouths were slightly open.

These people's heads were covered with the big mouth of the one-horned ghost head, and they were crowded together, it looked like there were at least a dozen.

Seeing these heads, the audience couldn't help feeling a burst of inexplicable creeps.

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