Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1129: Tengu Curse

It is difficult for Lulu to get rid of the hunting and killing of flying birds on the ground. After all, the ground is only a flat surface, and Lulu's flexible body skills cannot be displayed in a short distance.

But once she flew up to the sky and used her agile body technique, the change of her body technique instantly increased geometrically, which immediately made Lulu seem like a sensitive Swift who could easily play with her opponent.

All this was carried out under the tactics of Zhang Yi's guidance. Zhang Yi knew Lulu's own advantages even better than Lulu herself.

As the time of the game dragged on, Asuka Raisu had begun to become irritable:

"Long Nation fly! Don't run! Someone comes head-to-head with me! You mortal Dragon Nation fly!"

Asuka Rasu only felt that his desire to kill Lulu was getting stronger and stronger. This desire could become his motivation, but as this desire was not satisfied for a long time, it made him feel a burst of irritability and anxiety.

Immediately Asuka Raisu began to work hard.

I saw that he suddenly gave up continuing to chase Lulu, but floated in the air, pinched his hands into a handprint and held it in front of his eyebrows, and at the same time closed his eyes slightly and muttered:

"Tengu Curse!!!"

Immediately afterwards, I could only hear some mysterious spells in the mouth of Asuka.

And as the frequency of his thoughts became faster and faster, the voice became louder and louder.

In the end, even his spells were everywhere on the playing field.

As the flying birds chanted the curse, a phantom began to slowly condense behind him.

This phantom looks very huge, with a bird's beak and a human body with a pair of wings capable of flying.

As the curse moved, this weird phantom became more and more obvious.

Just when people thought that the phantom was about to be seen clearly, they saw that the phantom suddenly got into the body of the bird to live and possessed him.

And at this moment, I saw Asuka Raijiu's whole person began to undergo some strange changes.

I saw his hair turned white in an instant, and it was falling down for a long time.

But his skin became a weird crimson, his nose grew extraordinarily long, like a red ham hanging on his face, and his back also grew a pair of wings, fiercely. fan.

A strong and violent breath suddenly radiated fiercely from the bird's body and swept the spot.

I saw Asuka Laisu staring at Lulu with eyes that no longer look like humans, and said in a deep voice:

"This trick was originally a trick I planned to perform after entering the finals! It is also a unique trick passed down from generation to generation by my Asuka family! You actually forced me to use this trick to kill you in advance! You are fine! Very possible! Look at me How to kill you!"

Asuka Laiji spoke, his wings violently moved.

Then I saw a horrible air current surging in this space and time, and the speed of the bird's arrival in the whole person increased nearly twice at this instant.

Such a terrifying speed even surpassed Lulu, I saw Asuka Raisu had come behind Lulu in an instant, and patted Lulu with a palm.

Lulu turned around at the critical moment, she used her whole body's true energy to condense her hands, and faced the palm of Asuka Laishi.


The two held a palm to each other, and a horrible air current quickly compressed in the palms of the two of them, and then exploded suddenly.

A gust of wind swept across the arena immediately, if it weren't for the barrier protection of the arena, otherwise such a gust of wind would surely surging toward the audience.

After the two slapped fiercely, the whole body of Asuka came and shook abruptly, and then flew back more than ten meters by the impact of the force.

Lulu was directly shot down from the air to the ground, and a large hole was also smashed into the ground.

With just one palm, you can make a judgment!

After Asuka Rasu cast the Tengu Curse, his speed and strength were raised to a level, and Lulu was shot down from high altitude with a single palm!

Such a scene also shocked countless people.


Longguo rest area.

When Hua Guowei and a group of committee members saw this scene, they couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Only one committee member sighed in surprise:

"Unexpectedly, Asuka Laixi had hidden a unique trick! His move is strong enough to make his overall strength increase rapidly!"

Another committee member also sighed:

"Fortunately, he confronted Lulu in advance so that his hole cards were revealed, otherwise if he directly confronted our player Gu Yajun, maybe this hole card would cause a lot of trouble to Yajun!"

A group of committee members nodded one after another, all fortunately that Asuka Raisuki showed his hole cards in the duel with Lulu, which brought more information about his opponent to Gu Yajun.

But Hua Guowei couldn't help but sighed, he said:

"Lulu is dangerous now. If something is revealed, then..."

Hua Guowei could only give a long sigh, and then quietly waited for the final result.


United Kingdom rest area.

Princess Alice sat on the sofa and watched the live game quietly.

And what she paid more attention to was Lulu's game.

The old gentleman introduced to Princess Alice:

"According to the Longguo Lingyun Morning Post, Zhang Yi once said that his player Lulu can advance to the semi-final six. But if Lulu loses the match between Asuka Laiji, then she will not be able to advance to the six. Zhang Yi's The rhetoric will not be honored."

After hearing this, Princess Alice said in a daze:

"If he is really that person, then what he said can definitely be fulfilled..."

The old gentleman shook his head:

"Unless that person is a god, he will be able to fulfill his words."

Princess Alice murmured after listening:

"You don't know the true historical deeds of that person. His history has been tampered with a lot. In fact, he was indeed a god-like figure in his time."

The old gentleman turned his head and looked at the scene of the game:

"As far as this game is concerned, it has been very difficult. Before Asuka Raisu cast the Tengu Curse, Lulu had less than 30% of the winning rate. Now, less than half. Basically, Lulu will not win. "

Alice could only be silent when she heard the words.

Why can't she appear in Asuka Raisu and has taken an overwhelming advantage, Lulu is impossible to turn over.

But she still endured her temper and forced herself to watch.

She was expecting a miracle, and that miracle did not come from Lulu, but from Zhang Yi.


Personal lounge area.

Zhang Yi sat down on the chair, and Jiang Zhiqiu also stood silently.

Only Jiameng couldn't help being nervous. Whenever she saw Lulu in danger, Jiameng couldn't help but scream.

And now that Lulu was shot down by the flying bird, Jia Meng couldn't help it anymore.

Jia Meng asked anxiously towards Zhang Yi:

"God, will Lulu be okay?"

Zhang Yi answered calmly:

"Yes, 50% probability will die."

Jia Meng's expression became more bitter when she heard this.

The probability of such death is too great.

Jia Meng hurriedly asked:

"God, I like to hear you say that Lulu has a 50% chance of living."

Although 50% can die and 50% can live, the essence is the same, but Jiameng prefers to listen to auspicious words.

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly when he heard the words, and then said seriously:

"The path of cultivation itself is going against the sky. The more in the later stage of cultivation, the more difficult the road. In the future, if you can get a 50% survival rate, it is already a pity from heaven. Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many amazing people are even this. You can't ask for 50% vitality. Jiameng, you should prepare for your game now. It is estimated that Lulu's game is not over yet, and your game will begin."

Jiameng heard Zhang Yi's words and couldn't help but say:

"Godfather, but I'm so worried about Lulu, it makes me unable to meditate at all..."

Zhang Yi shook his head slightly, then patted her head and said:

"Don't worry, for me, the rules of this world have never bound me. I can tell you that as long as I am here, Lulu may fail, but it is absolutely impossible for something to happen."

The competition has the rules of the competition.

However, Zhang Yi may not follow this rule.

If Lulu is really facing life and death threats, then Zhang Yi will definitely kick away the rules to help.

After all, Lulu was a person who followed Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi would not squander Lulu's life because of some old-fashioned dogma and rules.

Follow the rules and obey the rules? Zhang Yi has never been such a person.

Jiameng heard Zhang Yi's words and finally let go:

"I see, godfather!"

After speaking, Jia Meng was finally able to relax. She lifted the tablet and began to analyze the video of her opponent's match.


On the playing field.

Lulu crawled out of the big hole smashed from the ground with difficulty.

She was hurting all over, but her heart was very happy.

Because she knew that when she forced the birds to come and use a trick, it meant that the tactics Zhang Yi taught her worked.

Next, it only needs to be delayed long enough, and the heart demon of the flying birds will become heavier and heavier, and then he will be swallowed by his own heart demon.

The biggest problem now is how to drag it down.


Lulu's eyes flashed fiercely, and she saw her steadily standing, looking up to face the flying bird in the high sky with wings that resembled the monster tengu in the island country myth.

As the birds came to perch and flew high in the air, he looked at Lulu ferociously with a grinning smile:

"It's over! Annoying Dragon Flies! Everything is doomed! The death of our noble warriors of the Dahe clan will be as gorgeous as a cherry blossom! And the death of your humble Dragon Flies will be as disgusting as a maggot And trivial."

Lulu said coldly:

"It's a scum like you that is really disgusting! It's your self-righteous race that is really inferior!"

Asuka Laiji's eyes became full and cold:

"Now what you are saying is spitting at me, and immediately you will only be left with the screams of pain before dying!"

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