Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1153: Hard choice

After a series of award ceremonies, followed by some complicated procedures, the World Youth Extraordinary Competition was officially concluded.

After everything is over, Zhang Yi and others have also begun to prepare to return.

Before returning home, many people wanted to visit.

Most of these people are officials of the tournament organizing committee, and even President Joseph is among them.

But for these people, Zhang Yi has not seen all of them.

Zhang Yi had already guessed the intentions and intentions of these people, so there was no need for Zhang Yi to see them.

Zhang Yi didn't see guests, so naturally these people didn't dare to force it.

In addition, coaches and players from many countries have come here, either wanting to visit Zhang Yi or Jia Meng.

All these people were turned away.

In addition, Hua Guowei and other people from the Longguo District Competition Committee also wanted to ask to meet.

This time, Zhang Yi was unceremonious and refused.

Zhang Yilai's goal of participating in the competition has been achieved, and the competition has ended, so he no longer wants to be involved in anything that has anything to do with the competition. He will never come to participate in the future World Youth Extraordinary Competition.

It is also true that Zhang Yi will never touch these people and things related to the game again.

It is said that Gu Yajun also wanted to visit Zhang Yi.

But after standing outside Zhang Yi's villa for a long time, she finally did not knock on the door, but turned and left.

She and her master, Wang Hu, returned to the Dragon Kingdom by boat first.

After seeing Zhang Yi's reluctance to meet guests, the rest of the people who wanted to visit also dismissed the idea, and the villa where Zhang Yi and the players were located finally became quiet.

According to the opportunity, tomorrow, Zhang Yi, Jiang Zhiqiu, Jiameng and Lulu will all return to the Dragon Kingdom.

And Mu Ningdai.

During this time, Mu Ningdai also ran to Zhang Yi's villa every day, unable to drive away.

Zhang Yi could shut out the others, but after all he owed Muningdai a favor, so he couldn't stop her from visiting.

Today, it will be the last dinner Zhang Yi and others have eaten on this small island. After eating, they will leave early tomorrow morning.

As it gets dark, this area of ​​the villa also becomes extremely dark and quiet.

This piece of villas were built for the World Youth Extraordinary Competition. It can be said that they are prepared for more than ten days each year.

But now as the game is over, players from all over the world have left one after another, which also caused the villas to go empty.

In order to avoid crowding with too many people to return, Zhang Yi and others specially kept them until the last players from other countries left before they started returning.

"Lulu, how do you feel?"

When the meal was over, Zhang Yi asked Lulu at the side of the dining table.

Lulu had already recovered from her injuries in the villa and did not go to the stadium because of her injuries.

In these two days, she seemed to be fine.

Lulu herself said:

"Boss, you have your pill and method to heal my injury, which made my injury heal quickly! I feel that in two days, I will be able to fully recover!"

Zhang Yi nodded when he heard the words.

After dinner, a group of people began to look at each other excitedly at the prizes they got this time.

These prizes are all things like magic pill, which can be regarded as extremely rare treasures in this age, but they still can't enter Zhang Yi's eyes.

"Jia Meng, come to my room."

Zhang Yi said to Jia Meng, and then began to return to his room.

After a while, Jia Meng also walked in:

"God, what are you looking for?"

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand to indicate:

"Close the door first."

Jia Meng suddenly realized that the conversation might not be that simple this time.

Immediately after Jia Meng closed the door, she came to Zhang Yi and sat down.

Zhang Yi looked at Jiameng, and after a little hesitation, he still asked:

"Jiameng, what's the name of the trick you used in the finals?"

Jia Meng replied:

"God, it's called Wuwang Jinglongbian."

Zhang Yi asked:

"Where did you learn it?"

Jia Meng answered truthfully:

"Godfather, do you remember what I told you? I will meet many relatives in my dreams. This trick, Wuwang Startled Longbian, was given to me by one of the big brothers!"

Zhang Yi continued to ask:

"Who is your eldest brother's last name?"

"Eh..." Jia Meng said in a blink of an eye, "I just remembered that I have always added his eldest brother, and I really forgot to ask his name!"

Zhang Yi stared at Jiameng for a while, then continued to ask:

"Then describe his appearance with me."

Jia Meng lowered her head and became extremely reluctant.

She seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally said:

"God, can you not ask me about the situation of my relatives? They asked me about your situation, but I didn't tell them..."

Zhang Yi solemnly said:

"Jiameng, I just want to know the appearance of the person who taught you the unreasonable startling of the dragon, this will not have much impact on your relatives. What's more...this matter is very important, no matter it is for me, Still to you."

Jia Meng couldn't help being surprised:

"God father, I don't quite understand."

Zhang Yi took out a piece of paper and pen and handed it to Jiameng:

"Draw what your big brother looks like, and then I'll tell you."

For Zhang Yi, Jia Meng is still full of trust.

And Jiameng also knows that Zhang Yi has always been a man who speaks his own words, and his words will never be targeted.

Immediately Jia Meng gritted her teeth and began to draw the appearance of her eldest brother on the paper.

After a while, Jia Meng finally painted the appearance of her elder brother.

She handed the painting to Zhang Yi and pleaded:

"Godfather, please tell me everything!"

Zhang Yi took the painting and glanced at it, then raised his hand, and the painting suddenly dissipated into countless powder.

It's not someone else in the painting, it's Ling Tianyi, the master of the unconquered realm back then!

Zhang Yi stood up abruptly, his eyes became cold and full of murderous intent.

Jia Meng was frightened by Zhang Yi's appearance, and asked anxiously:

"God father, you look so scared! What happened, please tell me!"

Zhang turned his head and looked at Jia Meng.

He frowned, then said:

"Jiameng, if I told you that your eldest brother is my enemy, how would you choose?"

Jia Meng was shocked when she heard this.

She couldn't help but said incredulously:

"How come... my elder brother has always been in a dream, he has never appeared in reality, how can he be enemies with his godfather?"

Obviously, this statement was a big blow to Jiameng, making Jiameng's complexion full of paleness.

Zhang Yi sighed and said:

"You may be the only one who can figure out the answers to some things. I also feel surprised. I killed him by myself many years ago, but I didn't expect that he was not dead yet, and I could teach you how to make a mistake. ... seriously the world is unpredictable."

Jia Meng suddenly trembled when she heard the words.

Immediately after listening to her murmur:

"It's no wonder that Big Brother said... he was killed in a duel with an enemy back then, thanks to the fact that he kept his ears all the time before he rebirth... Could it be that the enemy is..."

Having said that, Jiameng looked at Zhang Yi in horror.

Zhang Yi also looked at Jiameng and asked:

"What ear? How did he come back from the dead?"

Jia Meng couldn't help covering her head in pain:

"No! Something must be wrong... My eldest brother and godfather are definitely not enemies!"

Jia Meng was anxious, and finally couldn't help crying.

Obviously, the shock of this incident was so severe that it made her unacceptable for a while.

Zhang Yi sighed, and patted Jiameng's head with his hand.

Jia Meng threw herself into Zhang Yi's arms and held Zhang Yi, crying.

She cried for a long time, dampening Zhang Yi's clothes.

Then, she raised her head and asked:

"God, is there any way to prove that everything you say is true?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"Yes. I'll tell you a name. When you meet your eldest brother, you will ask for his real name. If it is the same name, it will tell you everything."

Jia Meng hurriedly asked:

"what name?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"Ling Tianyi."

Jia Meng remembered the name carefully, then nodded and said:

"Okay, I will go to bed and dream now, I have to ask everything carefully!"

With that said, Jia Meng is about to leave.

But Zhang Yi suddenly stopped her:

"Jia Meng!"

Jia Meng stopped and turned back, looking at Zhang Yi suspiciously.

Zhang Yi hesitated slightly, and then said:

"I and Ling Tianyi are in conflict with each other. If you let him know about the relationship between you and me, I am afraid it will only bring you some danger. After all, life and death are vengeance, and you can do everything. In order to get revenge, many people do everything they can. So. I hope you won't contact those people again in the end, do you understand what I mean?"

Jia Meng's head is far away:

"No! My relatives will not harm me! I will figure out everything!"

After speaking, Jia Meng turned and ran out of the bedroom.

Looking at her back, Zhang Yi could only shake his head slightly.

It is not difficult for him to feel that Jiameng trusts herself very deeply, and she does the same with her blood relatives.

But now Jiameng suddenly discovered that her godfather and blood relatives were mortal enemies, and such drastic changes made Jiameng unbearable for a while.

Zhang Yi knows that facing this situation is very difficult, very difficult! Is it impossible for a person to make a choice at all?

This kind of multiple-choice question, no matter how you choose, will regret and pain, and will not choose the correct answer.

Zhang Yi didn't say much about everything, he could only let Jia Meng calm down first.


The blood-red world.

Boundless, all blood red.

Jia Meng is back here again.

She was alone, walking alone.

As if she was the only one in the whole world.

She walked alone for a long time, and finally, she came to the blood pool, and she wade into it with blood.

When she came to the middle of the blood pool, she saw the blood-red giant egg and the mutilated man in the egg.

The disabled man also opened his eyes at this time.

Golden double pupils!

With these eyes staring at Jiameng in front of him, the middle-aged man slowly said:

"Jiameng, I have been waiting for you to come back."

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