Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1157: Return to the United Kingdom


The three-bed mat was spread on the ground and became a temporary residence for Zhang's grandfather and grandson.

They didn't have much money. They had already spent their money to come to the port this time, so they could only borrow them in the port warehouse.

They borrowed to live here for a few days in order to wait for the arrival of Coach Zhang Yizhang.

However, they waited for so many days, but they didn't expect this result to be the result.

Old Mrs. Zhang couldn't help being surprised when he heard this:

"You mean... Young Master won't come?"

Zhang Tao said helplessly:

"Coach Zhang has already taken the boat directly to the United Kingdom on the halfway! Do you know the United Kingdom? Grandpa, that's a foreign country, and you have to travel across the ocean! Just now I heard people say at the pier, only Zhang Jiameng and Lu After Lu came back by boat, Coach Zhang has already gone abroad with Jiang Zhiqiu and Princess Alice!"

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang couldn't help but become very disappointed:

"Unexpectedly, this time I still couldn't see the young master...I'm at this age, I don't know how long I can live...I don't know if I can live to meet the young master..."

At the end, I saw Grandpa Zhang tears, and he started to weep sadly.

Zhang Tao and Zhang Li couldn't help but hurriedly relieved seeing the great grandfather weeping like this.

And Zhang Tao was even more annoyed:

"Grandpa, are you confused? Let's go home! Then what coach Zhang, we don't even know him!"

Zhang Li couldn't help but say:

"Yeah, grandpa, I haven't heard of any coach Zhang that my family knows? What's more, that coach is already a big man now, how could he care about our three hillbillies?"

When Grandpa Zhang heard what the sisters said, he couldn't help but exasperated and said:

"It's not Coach Zhang! I want to call the young master! And your grandfather I am not too confused. You don't understand many things. After we meet the young master, everything will be clear!"

Zhang Tao winked at Zhang Li.

Both of their siblings felt that Grandpa Tai was too old, so they had hallucinations, seeing someone on TV and treating him as someone they knew.

Now that Grandpa is in his 70s or 80s, and his circle of life is such a small mountain village, how could he know Zhang Yi, who has recently risen to fame? Moreover, Grandpa Grandpa never told anyone about Zhang Yi's number one person before. He also saw TV a few days ago and suddenly said that he was looking for this person.

So they all felt that the grandfather's head had already produced chaos.

At this time, it is impossible to leave the grandfather running around, but should take him home to take good care of him.

Immediately I saw Zhang Tao blinking suddenly, and then said:

"Oh! I remembered my grandfather. Although that coach went abroad, I heard that he will pass by our hometown when he comes back! I think I'll just go home and wait!"

While talking, Zhang Tao kept blinking at Zhang Li.

When Zhang Li heard this, she hurriedly said:

"Yeah! Yeah! I also heard that after returning to China, the coach is going to...go to the mountain behind my house...for the inscription! Many people asked him to go there for the inscription! So! At that time he will pass by our hometown, we just go home and wait!"

Of course the siblings are talking nonsense.

They had never heard of this kind of thing. What they did was to trick Mr. Zhang into going home.

Mrs. Zhang couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this:

"What you said is true? Young Master really wants to pass by our house?"

Zhang Tao patted his chest|Xi said:

"It's true! There won't be any fakes! I just went to the dock to listen to what someone said. It was... I listened to the coach’s player Zhang Jiameng!"

Mrs. Zhang immediately rebuked:

"I said I want to call the young master! And that Zhang Jiameng is actually the surname Zhang. I am afraid that he has an unusual relationship with the young master. Maybe it is also our Zhang family! So you are not allowed to call his name directly, maybe people's generation. Bigger than both of you!"

Listening to these words, Zhang Tao and Zhang Li could only nod their heads constantly.

Finally, Mrs. Zhang further determined to ask:

"Zhang Tao, tell me honestly, the young master will really pass by my house?"

Zhang Tao hurriedly spoke up and said:

"Grandpa, if I lie to others, I won't lie to you!"

When Grandpa Zhang heard this, he said happily:

"Then let's go home quickly! Before the young master passes by my house, we have to clean up the house and make some decorations. If the young master goes to our house, don't look too shabby!"

When Zhang Tao and Zhang Li heard that Mrs. Zhang was finally willing to go home, they immediately packed up and saluted, preparing to return to their hometown on the same route to continue living a stable life.

They have already lived in such warehouses and floor shops, and they have long been eager to return to their warm homes.


The sea.

It also takes two days for a luxury cruise ship to go to the United Kingdom.

During this period of time, Zhang Yi was giving instructions on Jiang Zhiqiu's practice.

Mu Ningdai always ran over to join in the fun, and also begged Zhang Yi to also point her, so there was another pointer.

Finally, Princess Alice also came and asked for Zhang Yi's guidance. Zhang Yi didn't mind, so he began to give pointers to three people.

At the beginning, for Mu Ningdai and Princess Alice, they only came to learn from Zhang Yi in order to get closer to Zhang Yi.

However, after only two days of studying, they immediately felt the very obvious effect, and were immediately impressed by Zhang Yi's profound knowledge and unique vision.

At the back, the two of them sincerely asked Zhang Yi for their knowledge of practice.

So when the luxury cruise ship arrived in the United Kingdom, the two felt a little bit of reluctance in their hearts, and they wanted to be able to learn in the quiet environment of the ship again.

Because they all know that after leaving the quiet environment on the ship and coming to the shore, all kinds of mundane things will follow one after another. If you want to have time in the future, I am afraid that you will not have so much time to study.

As the ship arrived at the port, the group finally began to disembark.

I saw that the port was already completely sealed off, and all alone, all the staff members specially greeted Princess Alice and her party.

This is the privilege and authority of the princess.

However, when the group of people got off the boat and arrived at the pier, someone was already waiting here.

I saw a group of men in black suits standing quietly, and the leader was a young Western man in a red suit.

This man looks young, probably only about twenty years old. He has golden hair and a golden beard. He looks handsome, but the whole person is full of frivolous looks.

When this man saw the arrival of Princess Alice, his face suddenly became cold.

When Princess Alice saw this man, she couldn't help but whispered to the old gentleman:

"Why is he here?"

The old gentleman looked helpless:

"His Royal Highness, I have no right to inquire about or control the schedule of the prince."

It turns out that this handsome young man is the famous prince Charles of the United Kingdom.

Prince Charles is regarded as the Crown Prince of the United Kingdom because he is the eldest son of the king.

It was this identity that made Prince Charlie's high expectations ever since he was a child. However, Prince Charlie's character is full of arrogance and difficult to discipline, which also makes Prince Charlie's reputation not very good.

At this time, Prince Charlie greeted Princess Alice with a cold face:

"Alice, my sister, do you still have the face to go home?"

Princess Alice smiled brightly and asked:

"Brother Wang, what brought you here? As far as I know, you are not the one who will take the initiative to come to the port to greet me."

Zhang Yi on the side heard that the conversation between the two was full of gunpowder, and he knew that the relationship between the two brothers and sisters might not be very good.

Sure enough, only Prince Charlie sneered:

"Do you think I will come to greet you? It's ridiculous! It was my father who sent me to question you, why should I give up at the World Youth Extraordinary Competition and give the honor to those inferior Dragon Kingdom people? Those yellow people are not worthy of getting it. Those glory! We in the United Kingdom spend so many resources to cultivate you, so that you can win glory for the country, not to shame you!"

When Jiang Zhiqiu and Mu Ningdai heard this, their expressions were instantly full of displeasure.

Originally, it seemed that Prince Charlie was the elder brother of Princess Alice, and the two of them had still maintained the proper etiquette for him, but now it seems that there is no need to show etiquette to this arrogant and ignorant prince.

But before the two had spoken, Princess Alice had already said angrily:

"Charlie! Shut me up! What qualifications do you have to speak of Longguo people? Longguo has created a history that is longer and splendid than ours! They have always been a unique country in the world! Their people are full of hard work and bravery! And you This kind of waste that only knows about eating, drinking and having fun is qualified to speak of others!"

When Prince Charlie heard this, he looked at Princess Alice incredulously.

Although the siblings had a very poor relationship and often quarreled, Alice had never insulted him directly.

This made Prince Charlie unclear for a while, why Princess Alice suddenly made such a big fire.

But if the princess gets angry, others may be afraid, but the prince will not be afraid.

Immediately Prince Charlie said angrily:

"Alice! I didn't expect that you would say such vulgar words once you returned to China. You really don't have any royal education!"

Alice replied not to be outdone:

"Why don't you ask yourself when you say this? You arrogant white supremacist and racist, your words, deeds and thoughts will truly embarrass the royal family and shame all of us! Charlie You'd better apologize for your words and deeds just now, otherwise I will definitely make you regret it!"

Prince Charlie chuckled coldly:

"Alice, you are not qualified to order me! And I have given you the opportunity to answer questions. Since you are unwilling to answer the question of your surrender in the game, then I must go back and sue your father! You are waiting to suffer. The House will impeach you!"

After speaking, Prince Charlie snorted, then turned and left.

His group of black suits also followed him away, and disappeared above the harbor in a blink of an eye.

Princess Alice turned around and bowed to Zhang Yi to apologize:

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang. I sincerely apologize to you for what my brother Wang said just now!"

When the staff on the dock saw this scene, their eyes were about to fall out of surprise.

Dignified Princess Alice, actually apologizing to an Oriental?

On the contrary, during the two days when Jiang Zhiqiu and Mu Ningdai were on the boat, they had long been accustomed to the unusual respect the Princess had for Zhang Yizhong.

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"These are trivial matters, so take me to see Monica as soon as possible."

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