Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1159: Underground chamber

Captain Jack took Princess Alice and Zhang Yi to a tall but dilapidated building, which was still guarded.

As Captain Jack and others approached, the two guards immediately raised their chests and saluted.

Captain Jack stepped forward and ordered to the two guards:

"You two, go to the gate of the palace on duty immediately, and here I will arrange for another man to take over."

The two guards heard Jack's order and couldn't help asking in surprise:

"Head, why do you suddenly need to move us out of here?"

Head Jack replied:

"There is no value of guarding here anymore, and I will even hold a meeting to abandon guarding here in the future. And the rest of the palace needs our protection!"

The two soldiers answered immediately:

"Observing the commander! Then this matter...Should we ask Prince Charlie for some advice?"

When Jack heard this, he immediately angered:

"Royal Knights, am I the head or Prince Charles the head? You guys get out of here now!"

When the two soldiers heard Captain Jack's anger, they dared to stay wherever they were, and hurriedly fled from here.

Seeing all this, Princess Alice sighed to Zhang Yi:

"Nowadays, the hearts of the people in the palace have changed. When people learned that Prince Charles was favored by his father and was the future prince, many people began to loyal to Prince Charles, in order to be able to gain prosperity and wealth after the future Prince Charles. Much of the order in the Kingdom is being destroyed, which is a bad thing for the entire kingdom. And here is Charlie’s eyeliner everywhere. We have to hurry up, otherwise Charlie will come to stop it soon after hearing the news. Charlie’s The legendary light knight may not have much interest, but he is extremely persistent in bad things."

For this kind of words, Zhang Yi only put his left ear in and out of his right ear.

Princess Alice's personal purpose is too obvious, she always keeps telling Zhang Yi how difficult she is and how bad her brother is, in order to create a bad image of her brother in Zhang Yi's heart.

How could Zhang Yi fail to see this? Although he has no good feelings for the Prince Charlie, it does not mean that he will help Princess Alice.

The reason why he helped Princess Adela ascend the throne to become the queen back then was because Adela was his disciple, and Zhang Yi decided to open a breakthrough in the Western world at that time.

And this Princess Alice, although she deliberately lost the game to please Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi was willing to tell her the secrets, which was already based on the face of her great-grandmother.

For other things, Zhang Yi didn't have so much time to blend in, and he didn't bother to intervene in this kind of **** matter of royal struggle.

"Let's go in, the underground chamber is inside."

After setting aside the guards, Captain Jack immediately led the two of them into the damaged house.

The shape of the house resembles a church, and when you enter it, you find that the layout is similar to that of a church, and you see a large hall.

It's just that the outside of the house is damaged, but the inside is even more damaged.

Entering the house, even without taking a step, a cloud of dust can be stirred up on the ground. Just from the thick dust on the ground, it can be seen that no one has come here for a long time.

Princess Alice is obviously not very comfortable with such an environment. She couldn't help taking out a handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose, for fear of inhaling the dirty dust.

And Captain Jack led everyone straight to the middle of the hall, where there was a big square hole on the ground.

It can be seen that this big hole used to be a mechanism, and only the trigger mechanism will appear from the ground. But now because it has been abandoned for too long, the mechanism has long been invalidated, and the big hole has been opened all year round.

In the big hole, a stone ladder can be seen extending towards the ground, leading into the darkness.

Princess Alice was about to enter this big hole, but Captain Jack stopped her:

"Your Royal Highness, we can stop here."

Princess Alice couldn't help asking:

"Head Jack, I don't understand what you mean."

Just listen to Captain Jack taking a look at Zhang Yi, and then said:

"Your Royal Highness, I trust you, but I don't trust this Oriental. I have never seen him nor heard of him. When he comes, you want to come to this dusty secret room for more than fifty years. I think To be clear about what you are doing? Your Royal Highness, if you are being coerced, please tell me! Our Royal Guard Knights are dedicated to sacrificing ourselves to protect the royal family members!"

While talking, Captain Jack suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Princess Alice behind him, and then drew a sharp sword to aim at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi took a cold look at the head of Jack, and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Princess Alice hurriedly pushed aside Captain Jack's sword and said:

"Head Jack! Please don't get involved in my affairs! I can assure you that I have never been threatened by anyone, let alone do anything to sorry the royal family and the country!"

Head Jack heard that Princess Alice said so confidently that he finally returned the long sword to his sheath.

Finally, he said:

"I trust you, Your Royal Highness. Then, please follow me."

Having said that, Captain Jack finally led the way and led the two into the big hole.

As they entered the big hole, the three of them walked down the stone ladder, and soon entered a long narrow corridor.

Head Jack raised his hand, and saw several flames shot from his hand hitting the torch on the wall, which immediately made the secret road suddenly brighter in the flames.

With the fire illuminating the road, a group of people walked along this narrow corridor.

The corridor is not complicated and not long, and they quickly come to an end.

What I saw at the end was a big iron gate, which completely blocked the entire corridor.

The big iron gate was rusty and covered with cobwebs, and it could be seen that it hadn't been opened for many years.

Captain Jack stopped in front of the big iron gate and said to Princess Alice:

"His Royal Highness, this is the place where the light knight retreats in the legend. The light knight was discouraged when he entered this place and said it was a retreat, but most people think that she has already made her wish and intends to sleep in this place to protect her. Under the palace for a lifetime. It’s not good to say that for a while, you may only see a dead bone, and you will eventually return in disappointment."

Princess Alice couldn't help but asked anxiously:

"Then have you ever opened this iron door to see it?"

Head Jack shook his head:

"We respect the legendary light knight who dared to fight against the evil dragon to surround the people, so even though we thought that the light knight was dead, we never opened the iron gate."

Princess Alice couldn't help asking:

"why is that?"

Head Jack replied:

"Because once you open this iron door, if you really see the corpse of the Light Knight, then she must be cleaned out at that time. Because the palace is not allowed to have dead bodies. So in order to prevent the Light Knight from leaving here. In the place she has guarded all her life, we all pretend that the Light Knight is still alive, and we also arrange for guards to be here on duty. This is our respect to the Light Knight."

When Princess Alice heard this, she couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

And Captain Jack continued:

"So your Royal Highness, on behalf of the Royal Knights, I implore you not to open this big iron gate. Of course, if you insist on this, then we can only obey."

After speaking, Captain Jack looked towards Princess Alice, his eyes full of desire and request.

This made Princess Alice embarrassed for a while.

After all, the Royal Knights are the bodyguards responsible for the safety of the royal family. It can be said that when necessary, they are the ones who need to sacrifice themselves to defend the royal family without hesitation.

Therefore, for the Royal Knights, every member of the royal family treats them with courtesy and tries their best to meet their requirements. Because this is for the safety of each member of the royal family, it is necessary for the Royal Knights to be loyal to them and not to hesitate their lives.

Princess Alice usually try to win over the Royal Knights, especially now that the head of the group begged Princess Alice for the first time. She had no reason to refuse.

But because of Zhang Yi's affairs, Princess Alice had to be full of hesitation.

At this time, Captain Jack said:

"It is very simple to confirm the life and death of the Light Knight. We have come to the door and we only need to knock on the door to know. If someone opens the door, then it must be the Light Knight. If no one opens the door, then the Light Knight must die. NS."

After speaking, I saw Captain Jack came to the big iron door, raised his hand and knocked hard towards the big iron door.

"Boom!!! Bang!!! Bang!!!"

Captain Jack knocked very hard.

I saw that the big iron gate was shaken and dropped by the rust covered on it, and at the same time a cloud of dust was also agitated in the corridor.

Princess Alice hurriedly took out her handkerchief again to cover her mouth and nose, her eyes full of discomfort and disgust for the dust that filled this small space.

After that, only Head Jack yelled into the big iron gate:

"Dear Bright Knight! Your Royal Highness Princess Alice, please! Please open the door!"

However, after Captain Jack shouted, he didn't respond at all.

After waiting for a while, Head Jack spread his hands toward Princess Alice and said:

"Your Royal Highness, now you have also seen it. The light knight inside is probably at rest. So no matter what purpose you are looking for, it probably doesn't make any sense now. Therefore, this iron door is no longer necessary to open."

Seeing all this, Princess Alice couldn't help looking at Zhang Yi, looking forward to Zhang Yi's reply.

However, Zhang Yi said without hesitation:


Hearing that Zhang Yi still insisted on opening the big iron door under such circumstances, Princess Alice couldn't help being surprised.

And Captain Jack was also instantly exposed, staring at Zhang Yi fiercely:

"Oriental! You are deliberately opposing our Royal Knights!"

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