Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1172: The seduction of the **** beauty|Citation

After six consecutive days of treatment, Zhang Yi's injury has been healed and his strength has been fully restored.

If you look closely at his temperament at this time, you will find a very special place, his vicissitudes of temperament is getting weaker and weaker.

Originally when he was injured, Zhang Yi's vicissitudes of life was very obvious, and it was unforgettable just by looking at it.

However, as Zhang Yi is now healed from his injury, his special temperament has become weaker and weaker, causing his whole temperament to gradually change to that of an ordinary person.

This is a kind of performance that is clever and clumsy, and wise and foolish.

When a person's cultivation reaches a certain level, he will return to the basics. At that time, some of his dazzling and prominent temperament will disappear, making him the kind of person who will not be found when he falls into the crowd. .

Only people with insufficient cultivation level will have a particularly sharp and dazzling aura, allowing people to see him at a glance in the crowd.

Of course, Zhang Yi has not yet fully returned to the basics. His vicissitudes of life are only fading, but they have not completely disappeared.

"Now my strength has been restored to the seventh floor of Renwang Jue. And I have found the opportunity to break through to the eighth floor. All I am waiting for is to break through at the right time."

In the parallel world of Nine Heavens, when Zhang Yi chose to complete Song Yuyao in the parallel world, he had already gotten a breakthrough opportunity.

But then it ushered in a duel with Ling Tianyi, and then almost died after being injured, and was trapped in the strange time and space for fifty years before he was able to leave.

Now that the injury has finally healed, Zhang Yi is already ready to make a breakthrough.

"But, I don't have enough time..."

Zhang Yi couldn't help sighing.

This time a breakthrough, he didn't know how many years it would take.

It may take another fifty years, or it may take longer.

But today's Zhang Yi, it is impossible for him to spend such a long time to break through, and there are too many immediate things waiting for him to deal with.

But if the strength does not continue to break through, then facing more and more powerful enemies and even ancient gods, Zhang Yi is not sure of winning.

This forms a paradox, a knot that seems to be unsolvable.

Time is always an eternal problem.

Especially too long a time, it will really change too many things in this world. The vicissitudes of life, the most unpredictable changes in the world.

Zhang Yi has been trapped in strange time and space for fifty years, and the world has changed drastically since he came out.

And if he retreats for decades or even hundreds of years, what will happen to the world, this is no longer predictable.

If you can't get information about the well-being of your family, and you can't find out the whereabouts of Zhang's family and Fuxingmen, then Zhang Yi can't be at ease and break through.

Knowing that breaking through requires no distracting thoughts, it is impossible for Zhang Yi to waste so much time retreating while he is worried. Even if he does retreat, he will inevitably fail to break through due to distracted thoughts in his heart, and even become confused.

"From now on, we can only put aside things first, let's solve the problem at hand."

Zhang Yi sighed slightly, he could only put aside the breakthrough and deal with the immediate matter.

Immediately Zhang Yi got up and walked towards the bedroom door.

After opening the door, I saw Monica still guarding the door.

When she saw Zhang Yi coming out, Monica couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Master, you are finally out!"

Zhang Yi asked:

"Where is Alice?"

Monica replied:

"The princess heard that the master planned to leave the customs tomorrow, so she went out in advance to contact some powerful people in the Western world, so that she could gather and discuss with the master tomorrow."

Zhang Yi nodded slightly, and then said:

"It's also time to go out for a walk, Monica, change clothes and walk around with me."

Now that Monica made a sound of her armor on her body, it was naturally not suitable to go out.

Monica nodded immediately, and then she went back to her room to change her clothes.

When she came out after a while, she had changed into a black dress and a black windbreaker.

This makes her look extraordinarily elegant and full of classic charm.

Especially the black skirt set off her white and greasy skin extraordinarily bright, and also made her perfect figure extraordinarily exquisite.

She drew light makeup, but added a touch of charm.

Monica was originally a full-fledged beauty, but she always looked too serious and sharp in her armor. Now that she changed into a red uniform, she suddenly became radiant.

I saw that she came to Zhang Yi's side with a blush on her cheeks:

"Master, I...Is this dress suitable now? If it is not suitable, I will continue to change it!"

Zhang Yi didn't care about her dress, but said:

"That's it, I haven't seen the night view of London for a long time."

Although he has been in the underground base, it will not affect Zhang Yi's judgment time in the slightest.

He knew very well that it was already nine o'clock in the night in London.

Immediately, Zhang Yi took Monica and left the underground base and came to the streets of Lun City.

It is very windy at night in Lun, and there are still many pedestrians on the main road at this point.

Zhang Yi took Monica walking on the street, looking at the surrounding night scenes.

Soon, they came to the famous Tower Bridge in Lun.

Facing the salty taste blowing from the sea, Zhang Yi pointed to a restaurant in the distance and said:

"There was a little girl who asked me to have a meal in that restaurant. I didn't expect that after so many years, that restaurant would still be there."

Monica on the side said:

"The master said it was Miss Zhang Siyi, right?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"I almost forgot, you have seen it with Siyi."

Zhang Siyi is Zhang Junshan's granddaughter and Zhang Yi's niece.

When Zhang Yi came to the United Kingdom, he was treated by Zhang Siyi, which allowed Zhang Siyi and his father to return to the Long Kingdom to recognize their ancestors.

However, that was all fifty years ago.

Zhang Yi said:

"Monica, let's go have something to eat."

Nowadays, Zhang Yi is particularly interested in visiting the old place again.

Monica couldn't help but flushed again when she heard Zhang Yi's words:

"Master, I am happy to accept your invitation!"

Since removing her military armor and putting on a red suit, Monica's strong side seems to have also been removed, and her feminine side has become more and more present.

Zhang Yi took Monica to the restaurant. Now this restaurant is no longer the ordinary restaurant of the year, but has been decorated with extraordinarily gorgeous decoration. It is obviously a mid-to-high-end restaurant.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi and the others came very late for dinner, and there is no need to make an appointment in advance.

After Zhang Yi and Monica entered the restaurant, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Monica is too beautiful, and Zhang Yi also has a dusty appearance, and the two stand together like a pair of people, which is amazing and enviable.

When Zhang Yi and Monica sat down at the dining table, many people were already looking at them secretly.

The men’s eyes were focused on Monica, while the women looked at Zhang Yi fiercely.

For most people, there is appreciation in their eyes, and even some nasty people see it as nothing more than the desire of men and women.

However, among the many gazes, there was one gaze that was incompatible with everyone.

Because what is flooded with this gaze is appetite!

How could this unusual look escape the eyes of Zhang Yi and Monica, after all, both of them are now top powerhouses.

After sitting down, Monica whispered to Zhang Yi:

"Master, there is a blood family in the back position."

The source of that appetite-filled gaze is from a blood family.

Monica is very familiar with the breath of blood.

Zhang Yi smiled slightly and said:

"It's just a little blood, it's not worth wasting time on it."

Zhang Yi’s sense of consciousness is more accurate. He can perceive that the blood race is only a third-level transcendent, that is, the cultivation base of the Bigu realm. This kind of cultivation blood is no different to Zhang Yi, who is now healed from his injuries. Ants, the kind that can be pinched to death by just reaching out.

People can easily squeeze ants to death, but few people are willing to waste time to squeeze ants to death.

Zhang Yi was the same at this time.

After Monica heard Zhang Yi's words, she stopped paying attention to that blood clan.

After all, no matter whether it was fifty years ago or fifty years later, there have always been kinsmen intermingling among ordinary people in Lun City. This kind of thing has always existed and cannot be avoided.

At this time, the dishes have also been served.

The waiter opened a drink for the two of them and left after pouring the wine for the two of them.

Zhang Yi picked up the wine glass:

"Monica, to our reunion, cheers."

Zhang Yi has always believed that being able to reunite with the deceased after a long absence is a joyous event, and it is worth drinking and celebrating.

After all, for practitioners, they often retreat once, and the old people they once knew will disappear in this world.

Zhang Yi has experienced many such things in his previous life. After all, the more advanced the practice, the longer the retreat. And in a long time, there will always be people coming and going.

Therefore, Zhang Yi cherishes every deceased person.

Monica also hurriedly picked up the glass:


The two drank all the drinks in the glass.

Next, just as the two were about to reminisce about the past, a scent of aroma suddenly came to the nose.

Immediately afterwards, a beauty in a red dress came to Zhang Yi's side.

"Excuse me, sir, I opened the zipper on my back but I can't reach it. Could you please help me?"

I saw a very sexual beauty who appeared in front of her eyes.

This beauty is so good that she has an explosive body. It can be said that the places that should be big and round are unambiguous, and the proportions of the places that should be thin and long are perfect.

The beauty has fiery red hair and flaming red lips. Her frowns and smiles are filled with infinite fascination. She is simply a superb stunner who is full of fatal temptations to men.

Zhang Yi and Monica couldn't help but sneered slightly, they all knew that this red dress beauty was the weak blood family in the restaurant!

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