Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1204: She wants first

Dragon country.

Central rural area.


The young Zhang Tao and Zhang Li were standing in the corner at this moment, both of them hanging their heads, they dare not say anything.

The elderly Zhang pointed at the two of them and couldn't help but yell at them:

"You two little bastards! You dare to lie to me! What do you say that the young master will pass in front of our house? What about the young master? Your grandfather is cheating, so presumptuous! What a shame!"

Mrs. Zhang has always loved Zhang Tao and Zhang Li, and he rarely scolds them.

But now it is rare for Mrs. Zhang to have such a big fire.

But this cannot be completely blamed on Mrs. Zhang, it is really because of the cheating of Zhang Tao and Zhang Min.

Of course, the two deceived Grandpa Zhang that Young Master Zhang would visit their home, which made Grandpa Zhang go home ecstatically and waited day and night.

As a result, Mrs. Zhang waited day after day, but Young Master Zhang did not appear even though he was waiting to see through. This made Grandpa Zhang couldn't help but call the two over again for questioning, and this question Grandpa Zhang quickly realized that the two were hesitant to talk and couldn't match up at all, which made Grandpa Zhang quickly explode the lies of the two.

"Grandpa, you still don't scold, let's rest for a while."

Zhang Tao couldn't help but persuade:

"You are so old and scolded for so long. It doesn't matter if you scold us, but don't make yourself angry."

What Zhang Tao said was not a lie.

Mrs. Zhang is already in her eighties and almost ninety years old. If such a person is angry, his body is prone to problems.

However, Mrs. Zhang suddenly became even more angry when he heard this.

He pointed to Zhang Tao and continued to curse:

"Little bastard, you know what a fart! I have a heavy responsibility, and I can't delay a minute! This is great, because a deceit from you two has delayed me and the young master for so long, if it was staying at Zhang's house before Dispose of it in accordance with the house rules, it will be easier for you two!"

While talking, Mrs. Zhang continued to pack his bags.

Seeing this, Zhang Tao and Zhang Min couldn't help being surprised:

"Grandpa, what are you doing with your bags?"

Grandpa Zhang angrily said:

"I'm going to find Young Master!"

Mrs. Zhang said, he was ready to leave as he picked up his luggage.

Zhang Tao and Zhang Min were taken aback, and hurriedly stopped him and said:

"Grandpa, that Coach Zhang has gone to the United Kingdom! That's the other side of the ocean, how can you find him?"

Grandpa Zhang said coldly:

"I'll go by boat!"

Zhang Tao helplessly shook his head:

"But where do we get the money to buy the ferry tickets?"

Grandpa Zhang snorted coldly:

"There will always be a way! As long as you two little **** who can only do bad things don't follow me, I will definitely be able to find the young master!"

After speaking, the old lady Zhang angrily broke away the two of them and headed out of Zhang's house.

In the room, only Zhang Tao and Zhang Min were left.

Zhang Min immediately asked helplessly:

"Brother, what should we do?"

Zhang Tao was also quite helpless:

"Whoever makes him our grandfather, we can't help if he wants to go. Sister, please go and let the grandfather wait for a while. I will borrow some money from the blind dates in the village to see if I can get a ferry ticket. Come."

After the two sisters and brothers discussed it, they split up immediately.

But the hearts of the two sisters and brothers couldn't help being filled with grievances. They couldn't understand why Grandpa Tai was desperate to find that coach Zhang, who was brilliant at the World Youth and Extraordinary Tournament?

Is it just because they all have the same surname "Zhang"?

Don't be kidding, let alone people with the same surname, there are countless people with their first names in this world.

Mrs. Zhang, a teacher’s old man in the countryside, actually wants to find the most prestigious coach standing on the top of the international stage, not to mention whether he can find someone, even if he finds someone, whether he wants to see him or not is another matter. .

Moreover, it would be a waste of time to find Coach Zhang once, and it also made the Zhang family burdened with a debt.

Zhang Tao and Zhang Min were unable to work during this period, so they lost their source of income. They had to borrow money from the villagers in order to buy ferry tickets. In that case, their income would simply grow negatively.

The two of them could have predicted that the Zhang family had just gotten out of poverty when their days improved, and now they might continue to fall into poverty for many years.

Zhang Tao and Zhang Min's hearts at this time can only be filled with helplessness.


Dragon country.

peace restaurant.

Jia Meng is holding a cup of milk tea by herself, and she **** it with a straw while looking at the horizon outside the window.

A figure came over and hugged her:

"What's wrong, Jia Meng, miss you godfather?"

It is Lulu who is not holding Jiameng.

Jia Meng nodded and replied:

"Sister Munindai has already called. She said she has asked her friends to inquire about the United Kingdom. It is said that the conflict between blood and humans in the United Kingdom is very serious. Godfathers have the upper hand at this time, but I heard that the blood Cain, the most powerful ancestor among them, has yet to take action."

Jia Meng paid special attention to Zhang Yi's news.

Fortunately, there is now a Mu Ningdai in China who also pays close attention to Zhang Yi, and as a disciple of ten martial arts geniuses, she has a wide range of news channels. So whenever there is any new news, Mu Ningdai will talk to Jia Meng on the phone as soon as possible.

Lulu patted Jiameng's head and smiled:

"You have to trust the boss. If the boss can go all the way to the present, he can definitely go further!"

Jia Meng did not speak.

She knows Zhang Yi better than Lulu.

These days, Jiameng has learned many things about Zhang Yi 50 years ago from her elder brother Ling Tianyi, and also learned that Zhang Yi is now the sword **** Zhang Yi.

Although Ling Tianyi was Zhang Yi’s enemy, when he told Jiameng about Zhang Yi’s past, he was very fair, and he did not hesitate to praise Zhang Yi. Obviously, he was also hostile to the enemy Ling Tianyi and full of them. Respect.

After passing Ling Tianyi, Jia Meng knew that her godfather was such a great figure.

She also knew how lucky she was to be accepted by her godfather.

Jia Meng suddenly turned her head and looked at Lulu:

"Sister Lulu, how is the store okay these days?"

Lulu caress|strokes Jiameng's soft hair and said:

"Everything is normal, business is OK, but it can be seen that there is not much room for improvement."

Jia Meng nodded slightly, then fell silent again.

These days, in that **** world, she has become more and more intimate with her relatives.

She also knew that her relatives are now doing a big thing, and they need manpower and help.

And the place that happened was not too far away from Changle City, and all relatives should go to help.

But because the incident was full of dangers, the eldest brother Ling Tianyi did not let Jiameng go in order to take care of the youngest sister Jiameng.

But Jia Meng knew that she should go.

She can't let her relatives take care of her all the time, and she also wants to let everyone know that she can also take care of and help all their relatives.

She also didn't want the people in the Peace Hotel to know, because Jia Meng understood that the people in the Peace Hotel were from the godfather's side, and they were opposites to her group of relatives.

So Jia Meng has decided to leave the Peace Hotel secretly and go to do this.

"God father, I miss you so much..."

Jiameng was already thinking of Zhang Yi, and was full of anxiety about Zhang Yimeng.

She hopes that Zhang Yi will appear in front of her in the next second, so that she can plunge into Zhang Yi's arms and enjoy Zhang Yi's care and love for her.

But at the same time, she was afraid to face Zhang Yi. She knew that as a descendant of the ancient gods, her relatives were enemies with Zhang Yi.

Jia Meng thought about it, she knew that this problem could only be faced by herself. She bit the straw inserted in the milk tea cup, and unknowingly bit the straw.


Dragon country.

Mirror Moon Tower.

A shadow walking in the Jingyue Tower building.

The beauty of her country is beautiful, but she is full of heroic aura. Her fierce and decisive aura is not inferior to men, and even wins.

Wherever she went, all the disciples of Jingyue Tower saluted her respectfully.

This kind of salute is not just a pure fear of rights and status, but a stronger respect can be seen in their eyes.

Because Gu Yajun is a person worthy of respect!

She won the runner-up in the World Youth Extraordinary Competition in one fell swoop, breaking the scene of the Dragon Kingdom being oppressed by foreign powers for decades. And as a disciple of Jingyuelou, she was able to get the second place in the world this time, which completely exceeded Jingyuelou's expectations of her.

Among the young generations of the ten martial arts, the only one who has entered the Golden Core Realm! He is also the strongest, most prestigious, and most powerful person!

For Gu Yajun, not only the disciples in the Jingyue Tower respected him, but even most of the elders in the sect praised him.

Everyone can expect that Gu Yajun has become a rising star in the Long Kingdom, and she will definitely do a lot in the future.

Gu Yajun walks in the martial arts.

She stared coldly at the envy, admiration, and respect of the people around her...

But no one knew, but Gu Yajun felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"I actually lost to Jia Meng..."

To this day, she cannot accept this reality.

"I actually cried bitterly as a loser in front of countless people in the world..."

After losing to Jia Meng at the World Youth Extraordinary Competition, she once broke down and cried.

Second place?

She doesn't need it!

What Gu Yajun needs is always the first!

And there is only one person who can help her become the number one.

She knew very well in her heart that it was the man who made Jiameng Sparrow a phoenix, and in one fell swoop, from an inconspicuous little girl, she became the first place in the World Youth Extraordinary Competition in a short time!

Even... defeated Gu Yajun!

Gu Yajun is very clear that Jiameng is Zhang Yi's righteous daughter. As long as Zhang Yi has been helping her, it will be difficult for Gu Yajun to continue to surpass Jiameng.

After collecting information about Zhang Yi in the Western world these days, after Gu Yajun learned about the major things Zhang Yi had done in the Western world, her feelings in her heart have become more certain.

She already felt that even if her martial art Jingyuelou cultivated herself with all his strength, it could not compare with Zhang Yi's cultivation of her.

Gu Yajun is very sure about this feeling.

"Zhang Yi, when you return home, you will see a brand new me. At that time, you will understand that I am more worthy of your teaching and teaching than Jia Meng!"

Thinking of this, Gu Yajun's beautiful cherry lips couldn't help but sneer.

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