Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1216: Don't kowtow, don't keep your head

President Wang is really scared at this time.

When he saw that Zhang Yi could really find the formation in the vegetable garden, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

And now Zhang Yi used an unbelievable way to break his legs|legs, which made him feel completely afraid.

He has been offending Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi has always looked very calm and lifeless.

Zhang Yi's calmness was considered cowardly by President Wang.

But now he understood that it was a kind of indifference.

It's like a fly flying in front of you and buzzing. It's impossible for you to yell or get angry at the fly. You will only slap the fly to death when you feel bored.

Zhang Yi's indifference made Mr. Wang feel that Zhang Yi was definitely carrying a few lives!

President Wang has seen a serial murderer with six lives on his back. The murderer also has a kind of indifference to life. Human lives are as worthless in his hands as animal lives.

And Zhang Yi's indifference at this time was far better than the serial murderer Wang Zong had seen back then!

Faced with such a murderer who doesn't take human life seriously, Wang is always really scared.

Immediately, President Wang kowtowed and begged:

"Big brother! Big brother, I was really wrong! I won't dare anymore! Please let me go like a fart!"

President Wang cried bitterly and kowped his head very hard.

After knocking his head down several times, Mr. Wang's forehead had already been knocked and blood flowed out.

But even so, President Wang did not dare to stay.

The girl beside him was still howling and crying in the direction where her boyfriend was fleeing. It seemed that this fact hit her very hard.

But Zhang Yi had already spoken at this time:


President Wang trembled all over, he kowtows harder and harder, and the whole person is crying non-stop.

The girl couldn't help but shouted at Zhang Yi:

"What are you counting! Didn't you see that my old lady was just crying and was so sad? You don't know how to care about girls, you deserve to be single for a lifetime!"

Zhang Yi has already counted:


President Wang slammed his head, and the blood on the ground in front of him was already flowing.

And the girl shouted:

"The old lady just doesn't kowtow, what can you do with the old lady? Can you still kill the old lady? You don't dare to let the smelly old lady give you three courage!"

Ding Li in the distance stared nervously at the scene in front of her, not daring to blink her eyes.

Zhang Yi smiled slightly.

Then he waved his hand lightly.

I saw the girl's head exploded like a broken watermelon in an instant.

The blood and serum were all over Mr. Wang, who had lost his head, and then slowly fell to the ground.

Mr. Wang on the side was so frightened that he sat slumped on the ground, and his crotch became wet in an instant.

Zhang Yi's expression was still calm without any expression, and his tone was equally indifferent and unchanged:

"Don't kowtow, then there is no need to keep your head."

Willing to bet to lose, this is what Zhang Yi pays attention to.

Although he is willing to give a lot of opportunities to ordinary people, it does not mean that he will not be serious.

As the so-called mud bodhisattva has a three-point fire, Zhang Yi still does not cherish the opportunity after giving ordinary people a chance, so Zhang Yi will also teach them to disrespect the fate of the strong.

At this time, Ding Li in the distance reacted. She only screamed in fright, and couldn't help but turn her head and ran towards the outside of the scenic spot.

She did not expect that a living girl would explode her head in an instant!

She did not expect that the man who looked gentle and gentle would actually dare to kill someone!

In panic, Ding Li instinctively ran away towards the distance, not daring to stay at all.

After seeing this scene, the surrounding tourists couldn't help but screamed in shock:


They screamed in horror and scattered, and then kept away from Zhang Yi and fled towards the surroundings.

For a while, the entrances and exits of the scenic area were in chaos, and the security and staff wanted to come over to check, but were squeezed back and forth by the panic-stricken tourists who wanted to escape.

Zhang Yi didn't move, he stood there and waited quietly.

After the surveillance formation was broken just now, the illusory old man threatened to send someone over to deal with the matter.

Zhang Yi also wanted to see who would come.

He also wanted to figure out the identity of the people who monitored the Zhang family ruins and had ulterior motives here.

"Big... big... big brother! I... can I... live... live?"

President Wang was so frightened that his face was ashen ashes, and he tremblingly asked Zhang Yi in fright.

The girl died tragically next to Mr. Wang. Her headless body was still lying less than half a meter away from Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang was so afraid that he was about to faint at any time.

The blood from his forehead ran all over his face and into his eyes, making everything he sees blood red.

After adding the girl's headshot, the blood spattered his body and the ground, which made Mr. Wang only feel that all sides were blood red, as if he had come to hell.

This was so scared that President Wang was not possessed, and a big man was crying:

"Big...Big brother! I...I...wrong...wrong..."

His teeth trembled so badly, I was wrong for a long time but I still couldn't make it clear what was behind.

Zhang Yi answered calmly:


Zhang Yi scrupulously abides by the gambling agreement. Since the President Wang has kowtowed and apologized, Zhang Yi will naturally keep him alive.

When President Wang heard this, he was amnesty.

"Thanks...thanks...thanks...big...big brother!"

President Wang desperately used his disobedient tongue|After apologizing, he turned around and wanted to escape.

However, his kneecap was shattered and he couldn't stand up at all.

But Mr. Wang was already desperate. He clasped his body on the floor tiles with his hands and ran away desperately.

No matter how difficult it is, no matter how painful his nails are, he can't control so much anyway, as long as he can escape from this terrifying murder demon, he is willing to do anything!

Yes, Zhang Yi was a cold-blooded and cruel murderer in his eyes at this time!

If President Wang stayed by his side for even a minute, he would be frightened.

So President Wang tried his best to escape.


I could only hear a sharp and piercing brake sound outside the restricted area.

Immediately afterwards, a few people jumped up and jumped over the crowded crowd at the entrance and exit of the scenic spot, and then fell in front of Zhang Yi.

These people were wearing uniform martial arts uniforms, and they were obviously disciples of a certain martial arts.

All these people glanced at the scene, and then their gazes quickly shifted from the body of Mr. Wang, who was crawling with his broken leg and the corpse of the girl who had lost his head, to Zhang Yi, who was still standing.

"Who are you? Dare to destroy my surveillance array! Even more dare to kill people here!"

These people pointed at Zhang Yi and asked sternly. They were fierce, and obviously they would kill if they didn't agree.

With the appearance of these few people, the surrounding tourists fled more and more quickly.

It seems that the tourists also recognize these extraordinary identities, knowing that they are big people who can't afford to provoke them.

Zhang Yi glanced at these people slightly, and he had already sensed that they were all practitioners.

It's just that they are very weak practitioners.

Zhang Yi immediately asked:

"Who are you guys?"

When these practitioners heard that Zhang Yi did not answer the question, they were immediately furious:

"Bold! Now we are interrogating you! You answer us honestly! If you don't answer the question honestly, be careful that we will suffer for you!"

Zhang Yi smiled upon hearing this:

"You should go back and ask the masters of your school to come and talk to me, lest you lose your lives in vain!"

The few practitioners sneered upon hearing this:

"I'll send a master to come right away! You don't need to worry about it! Boy, if you are not honest, please don't blame us for being rude!"

With that said, these cultivators crowded up with ugly faces, obviously intending to do it.

Zhang Yi simply stood in place.

Since these people want to do it, they have to prepare for death.

Seeing that both sides are at war, we must do it!


Only a sharp sound was heard in the sky, and it was obvious that someone was flying towards this side quickly.

Zhang Yi's consciousness swept away, and the astonishment in his eyes was fleeting.

Obviously he didn't expect that it would be this person who came.

Immediately afterwards, only a clear female voice sounded from high above:

"Stop it all!"

When the group of practitioners heard this voice, they stopped moving, obviously they were in awe of the owner of this voice.

Then, a beautiful shadow fell from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

What appeared in front of her was a beautiful |

I saw her in a white dress and red robe, her long hair tied with a sapphire ring behind her head, her eyebrows were shaped like swords, her eyes were cold and sharp, her bright red|lips had a faintly soft smile.

The heroic spirit of a man and the feminine charm of a woman are perfectly blended in her body.

With the appearance of this beautiful woman, the surrounding cultivators saluted Gu Yajun together:

"I have seen Senior Sister Gu!"

This woman is Gu Yajun!

And these practitioners are actually practitioners of Jingyue Tower.

Zhang Yi suddenly thought about the fact that the information he had checked at Ukong Thiefgate that year showed that when Ukong Thiefgate traced the man behind the tampering with history, the final result was also that he traced the Ukong Thiefgate.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi's eyes flickered slightly.

At this time, Gu Yajun suddenly raised his hand and slapped a nearby disciple's face with a fierce slap.


With crisp applause, a bright red palm print suddenly appeared on this disciple's face.

The disciple's face was full of consternation, obviously he didn't expect that Gu Yajun would hit him.

However, Gu Yajun didn't stop her hand. She raised her palm and slapped every Jingyuelou disciple's face severely.

So for a while, the sound of the slap in the face continued.

Although these disciples were puzzled, none of them dared to avoid or resist. Obviously, they all feared Mr. Gu Ya very much.

After Gu Yajun slapped all the disciples, she saw her face coldly and said:

"Blind your dog eyes! You dare to be presumptuous in front of Coach Zhang Yizhang! Coach Zhang is a man who has won glory for the country, how can you offend it! What, is it because the World Youth Extraordinary Competition has ended, No one is reporting on Coach Zhang’s news these days, have you all forgotten Coach Zhang?"

This method of Gu Yajun is very clever, first he reprimanded Jingyuelou disciple for having no eyes, and then found an answer to explain to Jingyuelou disciple.

In this way, Zhang Yi will not be offended, and things will be stepped down.

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