Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1232: Mystery of the Yin Soldier

I saw that weird shadow gradually appeared.

It seemed to be a black figure wearing armor all over, looking like a general.

And around the waist of this shadow, a long scabbard was tied.

The shape of the helmet of this armor is particularly hideous, and the black figure of a military commander is also a black figure, only a pair of cold blue eyes can make people see clearly.

This military-like black figure, it is holding a long chain in one hand, and a long knife in the other.

The strange thing is that from the gaps in the armor of the generals, there are countless black qi rising out, twisting around the generals in the air, but they will not disperse. It was like a black ribbon tied to the generals.

The general black shadow is extremely tall, at least about three or four meters long.

After it landed from the sky, it immediately chased the demon commander of the sky elephant.

The black shadow of the military commander moved silently, even as if it really didn't exist, and it wouldn't even generate any air currents. And it can easily reverse the direction as if it can ignore inertia.

Such a weird shadow, no matter how you look at it, it is a true shadow that does not exist.

But just such a shadow exudes a very strange death air, which makes every living person feel very uncomfortable the moment he sees this shadow.

"Yin Soldier!"

Zhang Yi had already recognized that the black shadow that appeared in front of him was the legendary Yin Soldier.

In the world of cultivation in previous lives, Zhang Yi once had some rumors of Yin Soldiers.

Generally speaking, it is believed that the Yin Soldiers came from a mysterious existence in the Nether Netherworld. In the previous life, the cultivation world had seen the Yin Soldiers with their own eyes, but in the end it all happened and became crazy.

But the first time Zhang Yi saw Yin Soldier with his own eyes, he was still in the secret realm of Jade Lake.

When the secret realm of Yaochi was opened, Zhang Yi entered the city of Tianyong and many other disciples, and he had encountered numerous attacks by Yin soldiers.

At that time, there were disciples in Tianyong City who stood up to kill the Yin Soldiers with their swords, but no matter how they attacked, they couldn't hurt the Yin Soldiers at all, as if the Yin Soldiers didn't exist in front of them.

However, Yin Soldiers could easily hurt those Tianyong City disciples, they penetrated into the body of Tianyong City disciples, and swallowed the souls of Tianyong City disciples alive.

Although the Yin Soldiers in the Jade Lake Secret Realm were not exactly the same as the Yin Soldiers in front of them, they were all the same type of creatures.

"Think carefully, my Wangquan is not the first time to hit empty, but the second time!"

Zhang Yi suddenly remembered that he once had the experience of being unable to harm the target after being beaten.

That was fifty years ago, in the Bronze City on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

When Zhang Yi was peeping in the Bronze City in the Huashan School leader Yue Zhongzhe's soul and consciousness, he was about to figure out the secrets Yue Zhongzhe knew. Suddenly, Zhang Yi was hit by a peculiar resentful spirit attacking Zhang Yi's killing array. Forced to leave Yue Zhongzhe's Soul Consciousness Sea, and thus missed the opportunity to know the secret.

Back then, Zhang Yi also used Renwang Quan to attack the Wraith Spirit, but it was still like this and night. The power of Renwang Quan penetrated the Wraith Spirit and could not cause any harm to the Wraith Spirit.

Not only was Renwang unable to punch the wraith spirit, even the wraith spirit could easily penetrate Zhang Yi's tough human king body, trying to control Zhang Yi's body.

At that time, Zhang Yi found the reason why Yu Ling could ignore all of this. The reason came from the talisman seal on Yu Ling's body. But when Zhang Yi studied the Fu Zhuan carefully, he knew that the Fu Zhuan was an imitation of a kind of fairy magic.

That is a legendary fairy technique-wall penetration technique!

It is said that a person who masters this kind of magic can easily penetrate anything and ignore all obstacles.

Once this spell is cast, the whole person will become as if it does not exist in the human world. Whether it is an opponent's attack or any obstacle at this time, it can easily pass through in front of him, as if nothing.

Some ghosts can also do things like going through walls. But it's completely different. The ghost's penetrating effect is more like the existence of a substance in this world, called a neutrino.

Neutrinos are very penetrating. There are trillions of neutrinos penetrating the human body every day, but they will not have any contact with the human body. It will even take at least a few decades for one of the countless neutrinos. It is possible to collide with a nucleus of the human body.

And neutrinos penetrate the human body and contact with any part of the human body, including atoms, which is simply pediatric. Neutrinos can even penetrate the entire earth easily, because the earth is as if there is no neutrino.

This happens because neutrinos are so small that the world is almost as big as it does not exist.

So ghosts can easily penetrate walls, because some special interests of ghosts can cause the walls to appear as if they don't exist in front of them.

But ghosts cannot penetrate spells, let alone attack them.

However, that kind of Laoshan Immortal Technique fixation technique can truly ignore everything.

As soon as this kind of fairy technique was used, it seemed as if the whole person no longer existed at all.

If it's space and time, it's still something that can be attacked.

However, after using this kind of fairy technique, no matter what methods are used to attack the opponent, it is also impossible to touch the opponent. It seems that the things that have performed the magic, no longer exist in the normal time and space, but are completely another kind of existence.

This is the power of this fairy magic rule, extremely powerful.

The power of rules is an unsolvable power.

As long as people still exist in the world constituted by rules, they must obey the power of rules.

The rules stipulate that in this world one plus one equals two, then in this world one plus one equals two cannot be changed, and everything in this world will be carried out according to this rule.

The rules stipulate that in this world, a triangle can only have three sides, and that parallel lines do not intersect. Then the triangle in this world will always have only three sides, and parallel lines will never intersect. (The four-sided three|corner is also the Penrose three|corner. It cannot exist in our world. Parallel lines are proved by the Russian mathematician Lobachevsky to intersect, but they only exist theoretically and cannot Realize in the real world.)

The rules stipulate that the wall penetration technique can ignore everything, so nothing can touch the person who performs the wall penetration technique.

The rules stipulate that the fixation technique that Zhang Yi has learned can fix everything in this world, so nothing can escape the fixation effect of fixation technique.

But now as Zhang Yi's strength gets stronger, he can see more and more things.

When Zhang Yi saw Yin Bing again, he already had his new discovery:

"No wonder I can't beat this Yin Soldier, but because above this Yin Soldier, there is the power of rules!"

Now Zhang Yi has experienced countless weird things, and when he saw Yin Bing again, he finally discovered some mysteries of Yin Bing.

He had already seen that Yin Bing had the regular power of wall penetration, so he could ignore Zhang Yi's King Quan.

"How can something like the Yin Bing come to the world and hunt down the demon commander of the sky elephant?"

All this formed a new puzzle.

The Yin Soldier that appeared in front of him was obviously not the Yin Soldier in the secret realm of the Jade Lake, and even in the cultivation world, the Yin Soldier only existed in the legend, and Zhang Yi had seen the Yin Soldier for the second time on earth.

At this time, I just listened to Mr. Gu Ya and asked:

"Brother Zhang, is this monster in front of you a Yin Soldier? What exactly is a Yin Soldier?"

Gu Yajun has become a completely curious baby.

She has discovered that as long as she follows Zhang Yi, she can always see some weird things in this world, so she only thinks that what she has learned all her life is like Zhang Yi.

But Zhang Yi said:

"You quickly retreat, this thing is not something you can deal with."

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Gu Yajun and Mu Ningdai did not hesitate immediately and fled into the distance one after another.

They also know that Zhang Yi's words are not unreasonable. Even Zhang Yi takes things so seriously, they will certainly not be able to deal with it. If they stay, they will only become a burden to Zhang Yi.

At this moment, I saw the tall Yin Soldier but didn't seem to focus on Zhang Yi and others.

It moved quickly, chasing it in the direction where the demon commander of the sky was fleeing.

"Want to go? Stop it!"

Zhang Yi immediately moved and stopped in front of Yin Bing.

However, the Yin Soldier had no plan to evade. It ran straight towards Zhang Yi, and reached out to grab Zhang Yi, seeming to want to pull Zhang Yi's soul out.

Faced with the Yin Soldier, Zhang Yi didn't dare to be careless.

Zhang Yi quickly backed away, and then suddenly took out an object from the spatial magic weapon in his hand.

That thing is the Queen Mother's scepter!

The existence of Yin Bing is too weird and incomprehensible, and Zhang Yi has no suitable way to deal with Shang Yin Bing. You can't defeat this thing, but it can easily kill you. You can't resist it, it's too bad.

However, they also have a nemesis, that is the Queen Mother's Scepter.

In the secret realm of Jade Lake that year, everyone was almost trapped to death by Yin Soldiers. Fortunately, Zhang Yi used the Queen Mother's scepter to lead everyone to escape.

Following Zhang Yi's offering of the Queen Mother's scepter, the Yin soldier who was about to catch Zhang Yi quickly retracted his hand and hurriedly backed away, as if he had seen something terrible.

Zhang Yi was overjoyed when he saw this:

"Sure enough!"

Back then, in the secret realm of the Jade Lake, when Zhang Yi sacrificed the Queen Mother's scepter, the countless Yin soldiers were so scared and fled away in a hurry.

The power of West Queen Mother's Scepter Zhang Yi also had a glimpse. He could be sure that West Queen Mother's Scepter also had the power of rules, and this rule was a rule of absolute destruction.

That is, everything, facing the power of Queen Mother West's scepter, can only be destroyed!

Although the Yin Bing can ignore all attacks, it belongs to "existence" in the strict sense.

As long as it is something that exists, it will be destroyed in the face of the ruled power of West Queen Mother's scepter. Only things that don't exist can survive.

Since the Yin Soldier exists, it cannot escape the power of the Queen Mother's Scepter, so the Queen Mother's Scepter has become the best nemesis of the Yin Soldier!

Faced with this power that can destroy it, the Yin Soldier naturally fears and retreats when it encounters it.

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