With the fire of karma, Zhang Yi proceeded very smoothly, and continued to approach the moon cave gate at the forefront.

And the female ghost screamed back and forth again and again, afraid to approach Zhang Yi, lest the karma fire in Zhang Yi's hand touch the female ghost.

Soon, Zhang Yi had come to the exit of this courtyard, and he could enter the next courtyard immediately.

Immediately, Zhang Yi left this courtyard without hesitation and entered the next courtyard.

After entering the new courtyard, Zhang Yi put out the fire in his hands.

Sure enough, the female ghost did not chase and kill in the new courtyard, but turned around and returned to the well, and disappeared after drilling into the well again.

From beginning to end, Zhang Yi didn't take any action against the female ghost.

Although his karmic fire just restrained the female ghost, Zhang Yi did not choose to destroy the female ghost.

He will leave this female ghost here to deal with those who want to follow Zhang Yi to pick up a bargain. How can Zhang Yi's bargain be so easy to take?

After doing all this, Zhang Yi continued to cross this new courtyard and walked towards the Moon Cave Gate.

However, at this time, I suddenly heard a scream in the sky of the courtyard.

This scream is exactly the kind of creepy scream that came from the depths of the house before, but this time the location of the scream is exploding above Zhang Yi's head.

"Is it the guardian? Or because this is a dangerous courtyard, something is coming to attack me?"

Zhang Yi is not sure, but he doesn't care, anyway, whatever it is is what he needs to solve.

But at this time, only a dark figure had slowly descended from the high altitude in front of Zhang Yi.

This thing is dark in the dark, it looks very much like a big crow.

But if you look closely, you will find that this is actually a weird person. The weird man wore countless black strips of paper, which made him look like a black feather growing out. The soles of his feet are as sharp as those of an eagle.

His face was not clearly visible among the countless black papers, but his hands stretched out from the **** paper on his body, and both hands were holding a sharp machete!

After the strange man fell in front of Zhang Yi, he suddenly had that sharp cry again.

While screaming, this weird figure suddenly turned into a black shadow, rushing towards Zhang Yi quickly.

And there are two cold light in the dark shadow, it is the two sharp and sharp machete!

When the scimitar entered the moon, what they drew towards was Zhang Yi's throat!

Hearing this harsh sound, Zhang Yi couldn't help frowning:

"It's noisy, but shut up."

Immediately, Zhang Yi raised his hand and slammed at the black shadow that was coming.

Immediately, a crisp metal collision sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi slapped the black shadow and slapped it out, and fell heavily to the ground nearby.

At this moment, the two sharp scimitars in Sombra's hand were actually bent by Zhang Yi's slap! The sound of metal collision just now came from the sound of Zhang Yi beating the scimitar.

Zhang Yi's human body was extremely powerful. His slap slapped on the two scimitars. Not only did the scimitars not hurt Zhang Yi, they even almost broke.

Zhang Yi looked at the black shadow that was shot flying out, and said lightly:

"The strength is good, the peak of the Distracting God Realm|Peak, this strength is enough to stop the so-called powerhouses."

Among the gang of strong men of various sects, there are only two masters of the distraction realm, and those two masters of the distraction realm are even worse than the strange person in front of them.

Therefore, this weird person can completely block those masters by his own power.

After speaking, Zhang Yi continued to move forward and entered the next courtyard.

However, the strange man like a big crow suddenly jumped from the ground.

I saw him once again turned into a black shadow, and actually rushed into the new courtyard to continue chasing Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised at this moment:

"Can you leave the courtyard to hunt down? I see, you are the guardian."

Now, Zhang Yi finally understood the identity of the strong man in front of him.

At this time, the strange man had rushed to Zhang Yi again.

Zhang Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and strangled the weird man's neck.

The weird man was struggling frantically, but Zhang Yi's hand gripped him tightly like iron tongs so that he could not break free.

So the eccentric kept raising the bent scimitar and slashing towards Zhang Yi's arm, but he couldn't cause any damage except for cutting countless sparks on Zhang Yi's arm.

Immediately afterwards, I saw countless pieces of paper all over the monster's body actually stand up, and then these pieces of paper, like a sharp dart, swiftly shot towards Zhang Yi's body.

"Ping ping pong yelling!!!"

Countless black paper strips shot on Zhang Yi's body, except for the sound of metal collision, but still could not cause any harm to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's human king body is too terrifying, so that this weird man can't break the defense even if he is desperately attacking.

I saw Zhang Yi sneer slightly:

"You're so poor, now it's me!"

At the end, Zhang Yi's palm suddenly burst into flames, covering all the weird people in front of him.

Nanming Lihuo! ! !

Nanming Lihuo was very fast and unusual, especially this strange man in a piece of paper is even more flammable.

In a short time, the weirdo turned into a big fireball, struggling constantly while being pinched by Zhang Yi. And the shrill cry, like a cat cry, has also changed from gloomy to extremely miserable.

If this weird person is a monster in the courtyard, then Zhang Yi doesn't mind leaving him alive, letting him stay to block other people who want to take advantage of it.

But since this strange man is a guardian who can only hunt down, Zhang Yi doesn't mind solving it, lest such annoying flies follow him all the time.

Soon, the weird scream of the weird person in Zhang Yi's hand stopped abruptly, and his whole person was burned to a pile of ashes by the fierce Nanming Lihuo.

And Zhang Yi also turned his head and continued to walk towards the front courtyard.


In the other courtyards, the strong men were suddenly stunned at this time.

Because he heard the guardian's scream disappear.

There are only two situations in this way, one is that the guardian is dead, and the other is that the guardian kills Zhang Yi to complete the task!

People are more inclined to the latter, after all, the strength of the Guardian is passed down from generation to generation by those who have participated in the Night Banquet of the Gods.

Immediately people couldn't help but talk about this:

"The screaming stopped, that coach Zhang seems to be finished. I said long ago, young people don't be too mad, people who are too mad are destined to be short-lived!"

"It's a pity, that coach just made the limelight at the World Youth Super League Tournament. It was just when he was so energetic and promising, he lost his life like this."

"This young man always feels that he has some ability, so he can ignore anyone. Young and vigorous, he is destined to pay a price."

"Let's go over quickly! Although that coach Zhang has died, but with his strength, he has definitely solved the danger of the courtyard he passed by, and we can just pick up the bargain!"

"Yes, we might as well take the route of someone wading thunder instead of joking luck here!"


A group of strong men discussed, and then quickly chased after Zhang Yi's previous route.

Before they were afraid of being affected by the battle between the Guardian and Zhang Yi, they had never dared to pick up the bargain.

But now that the Guardian's battle is over, they all feel that Zhang Yi must be dead, so they all want to take the opportunity to take a safe route.

When a group of strong men rushed in quickly, three of the crowd hesitated to go.

These three people are Wang Gang, Liu Fangfang and Liu Xiong.

I saw Liu Xiong's face full of suspicion, and said in disbelief:

"That's the end of the Guardian's battle? It's strange, why I didn't hear any fighting sound. It stands to reason that this kind of fighting should be very dynamic! Unless... the strength of the two sides is too different!"

Liu Fangfang said nonchalantly:

"Perhaps that Zhang Yi was too weak, so he was killed in seconds by the guardian, and naturally there would be no movement."

Wang Gang and Liu Xiong couldn't help being silent when they heard this.

Zhang Yi is not weak, they have the deepest experience.

They still remember clearly that when they knelt in front of Zhang Yi and got slapped in the face, the feeling of helplessness and despair, the feeling that they could not even resist, they would never forget that moment in their entire lives.

To say that Zhang Yi will be killed in a second, then how strong the Guardian is to be able to do it.

Unless the guardian reaches the legendary union state, then maybe it will be possible.

But now this world is no longer the cultivating heyday of fifty years ago in the legend. The strongest powers today are probably at the level of the God Realm, and no one can cultivate to the Integral Realm for a long time.

"Zhang Yi... is he really dead?"

Wang Gang and Liu Xiong are still not sure, they can't be as optimistic as other strong men.

At this time, Liu Fangfang became impatient:

"I said, why are you two big men so troubled? That kid Zhang Yi is still alive, don't we know if we follow up? We haven't seen so many people follow, and we have to follow the public. Don't figure it out for yourself!"

When Wang Gang and Liu Xiong heard this, they also felt reasonable:

"Yes, instead of guessing here, we might as well go to the scene in person. Then we will see if there is Zhang Yi's body, or we will understand everything."

After sizing, they immediately followed the group of strong men towards Zhang Yi's direction.

On the way, they quickly passed through two courtyards, and as expected, they were all extremely safe without encountering any accidents.

This immediately made the group of strong men relax, and only felt that all the danger Zhang Yi had cleared up when he passed by.

Soon, they came to the courtyard with a well.

A group of strong men didn't care too much about the extra wells. People thought that this place was also a safe courtyard. After all, Zhang Yi had passed through this courtyard smoothly, and even if there was a danger, Zhang Yi had already solved it.

So people did not slow down, but continued to move on Zhang Yi's line.

However, at this moment, a pale figure slowly crawled out of the well...

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