Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1250: Enter the banquet

Wang Gang and Liu Xiong ran away desperately in order to survive.

But when Zhang Yi said that they would die tonight, they could no longer live.

When the two began to run away, Zhang Yi didn't even look at them, but just waved.

"I gave you a chance to survive, but you don't cherish it. Even now, you can't blame me."

After Zhang Yi waved his hand, a powerful force suddenly emerged.

I saw that Wang Gang and Liu Xiong, who were still fleeing frantically just now, suddenly stopped at the same time.

Immediately after, a gust of wind blew, and the two of them were blown into countless tiny particles like a pile of sand, and then dissipated in the courtyard.

The two powerful men in the Nascent Soul Realm, unable to make any struggling movements, were killed by Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi stepped out of the silver pond. He looked back and saw Liu Fangfang still standing in the pond.

Liu Fangfang stood blankly, like a puppet. Her spirit was trapped in the illusion created by the silver pond, and she couldn't get awake without dying in the illusion.

However, Zhang Yi had already issued an order to the guards in the illusion, and the guards would carry out this order faithfully forever.

It can be said that if there is no interference from the outside world, Liu Fangfang's body will stand here until it decays and perishes.

At the level of her Nascent Infant Realm, her physical body can survive for a long time without eating or drinking, so her demise is bound to be a long process. In this process, her life and soul will suffer endless torture in the illusion.

"Such punishment should be enough for you, then I can not kill you, let you perish yourself."

If Zhang Yi now kills Liu Fangfang, he will help Liu Fangfang get free, so he won't do it.

Zhang Yi took out a few spirit stones from the space magical implement, and then arranged these few spirit stones around the silver pond. Then Zhang Yi quickly formed seals with both hands, and drew one after another in the air.

Soon, a psychedelic array was set up by Zhang Yi.


With a light tap of Zhang Yis hand, this psychedelic formation took effect immediately.

I saw the silver pool in front of Zhang Yi and the standing Liu Fangfang shaking for a while, and in the end they disappeared completely, and they were replaced by a seemingly ordinary corner in the courtyard.

Silver Pond and Liu Fangfang didn't really disappear, they were just hidden by the psychedelic array set up by Zhang Yi.

Now, this courtyard looks like an ordinary courtyard.

If someone walks into this courtyard, they will only think that it is a safe courtyard, but will not find that there is a silver pond hidden in it.

Not everyone can see through the psychedelic array set up by Zhang Yi himself.

And Zhang Yi did this to prevent others from disturbing Liu Fangfang's punishment.

After doing all this, Zhang Yi has no interest in staying here, he will continue to move forward.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

It turned out that it was a delay in Zhang Yi's illusion, which caused the group of strong men behind to have caught up again.

It's just that now, the number of those strong men is even smaller, and only five or six people appear in front of Zhang Yi's eyes.

It seems that their intrusion in this house just now has caused them to die more people.

Of course Zhang Yi didn't have the time to pay attention to them, and he was going to move ahead.

At this time, a female voice suddenly shouted:

"Coach Zhang, please stay!"

Zhang Yi turned his head slightly, and saw that it was Cui Zilan trotting towards Zhang Yi.

I saw that Cui Zilan looked quite embarrassed at this time, apparently had just experienced a fierce battle, and also brought a slight wound.

After Cui Zilan came to Zhang Yi, he solemnly saluted, and then said:

"I was the one who troubled Coach Zhang, and I ask Coach Zhang to forgive me!"

Zhang Yi knew that Cui Zilan was talking about what she didn't dare to go along with Zhang Yi because of fear of the Guardian.

So Zhang Yi smiled lightly:

"Elder Cui is serious, I have never taken things to heart before."

Cui Zilan was embarrassed again, and she seemed to be unable to express her words. In the end, she still spoke:

"There is one more thing to ask for... and that is... I also ask Coach Zhang to allow me to follow Coach Zhang! If I can get the help of Coach Zhang, then I will definitely be able to enter the banquet!"

Cui Zilan has gone through many dangers until now.

She already felt that if she didn't quit this secret realm, she would probably die here.

But she withdrew like this, but she was full of unwillingness. The appearance of Zhang Yi gave her hope.

Zhang Yi already showed extraordinary strength when he slapped Wang Gang and Liu Xiong outside the secret area. After Zhang Yi solved the Guardian's pursuit twice in the secret realm, everyone was amazed at Zhang Yi's strength.

So now Cui Zilan finally asked Zhang Yi, hoping to get Zhang Yi's help.

She believes that with Zhang Yi's help, then her chances of obtaining the final reward will be very great.

Zhang Yi looked at Cui Zilan with a faint smile:

"Elder Cui is serious, I am very familiar with your high disciple Mu Ning Dai Mu, and Elder Cui helped me a lot tonight. If Elder Cui doesn't dislike it, just follow me and walk with me."

Cui Zilan couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard this:

"So, then I would like to thank Coach Zhang!"

When the other four powerhouses heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Immediately afterwards, these four powerhouses also walked up and saluted Zhang Yi:

"Also ask Coach Zhang to allow us to travel together!"

Seeing that Zhang Yi allowed Cui Zilan to go with him, the four powerhouses also brazenly walked forward hoping to get a chance to go with him.

Entering the secret realm this time, the death rate was terribly high. They had never heard of a night of the gods with such a high death rate.

So now, these four powerhouses couldn't help but feel frustrated, and couldn't help but begging for Zhang Yi's help.

Zhang Yi glanced at a few people.

Among the four, two were in the Distracting Realm and two in the Nascent Soul Realm, and they were all people that Zhang Yi didn't know.

After a little thought, Zhang Yi replied:


For the Night Banquet of the Gods, they definitely have more information than Zhang Yi, so maybe Zhang Yi could be useful to them.

Nowadays, it is not too much to bring a total of five people including Cui Zilan, and Zhang Yi doesn't mind bringing them either.

The four of them heard Zhang Yi agree, and immediately couldn't help but say with joy:

"Thank you, Coach Zhang!"

Zhang Yi smiled and didn't say much, after all, he didn't know them well.

So Zhang Yi turned around and walked towards the next courtyard.

Everyone followed, and no one noticed that there was a pool hidden by the psychedelic array and a sluggish beauty like a puppet in this courtyard.

With Zhang Yi's lead, the group walked much smoothly.

Zhang Yi's route always remained straight. When encountering dangerous courtyards, he directly relied on force to fight over. He never knew what retreat was.

When encountering trading courtyards and special courtyards, Zhang Yi kept moving forward. Zhang Yi had lost interest in these courtyards, and he just wanted to go to the innermost night banquet.

Although the other five people were full of interest in these courtyards, they saw that Zhang Yi did not stay, and they did not dare to stay alone, lest they would delay time and fall behind, so they could only catch up in a hurry.

The group of people followed Zhang Yi and did not know how many courtyards they passed through.

Just when they thought they would continue to walk through the courtyard, they entered a moon cave gate, and the scenery in front of them suddenly became clear.

What appeared in front of everyone was actually a magnificent building that looked like a palace.

The door of this building is open, and you can see the dazzling candlesticks inside, and the ground, pillars and roof are all glimmering as if they are gilded.

In the palace, there are already banquets ready, and some paper figures like maids are delivering dishes.

While everyone was amazed, only two rows of paper men had come to them with lanterns.

A paper man in the lead said to everyone with a smile:

"Welcome all the guests to come! Please also invite all the guests to come with me, my host will come out later!"

With that said, the paper man turned and walked towards the palace with two teams of paper men.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but get excited:

"Ye Ban! This must be the scene of the Ye Ban!"

"Great! We finally came to the legendary night banquet scene, will we get the ultimate reward next?"

"According to rumors, only the heads of the ten major sects came to the overnight banquet that year! That was something that happened more than 40 years ago about 50 years ago, and no one has been able to successfully walk here since then! Unexpectedly today We are here too. Does this mean that we can also become a big man like the top ten?"

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and take a seat, don't offend the owner here! Although I don't know who the owner here is, it must not be something we can offend!"


A group of people said, and hurriedly walked into the palace.

Cui Zilan originally wanted to move, but when she saw Zhang Yi still standing on the spot, she couldn't help but stop and wait for Zhang Yi.

However, Zhang Yi remained motionless, looking at the magnificent palace in front of him.

Cui Zilan couldn't help asking:

"Coach Zhang, is there a danger there?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"The danger hasn't been discovered yet, it just reminds me of something...nothing, let's go in too."

With that said, Zhang Yi stepped into the palace.

Although Cui Zilan was strange, she didn't ask anything, but followed Zhang Yi in.

When Zhang Yi and Cui Zilan entered the palace, they saw a luxurious main seat at the end of the palace. The main seat was empty and obviously the host's house had not arrived yet.

There are two rows of banquets along the main seat, and exactly six seats are reserved for six people.

The four strong men who had come in earlier had already sat in their respective seats, and Zhang Yi had also sat down with Cui Zilan. The two of them are also just next to each other.

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