Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1254: Poison on the sword

Nine huge snake heads sucked fiercely, causing a peerless beauty to be drawn into the sight of everyone from the depths of the distant courtyard.

When everyone present saw this fairy-like beauty, they couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and temperament of this beauty.

Although Yun Shi was attracted by the nine giant snake heads, she was not panicked at all.

Seeing her jade hand squeezed the sword tactic, a new sword move was about to be issued!

And at this time.

Yun Shi's beautiful eyes flowed, and suddenly he caught a glimpse of Zhang Yi sitting still in the ruins.

This glance made Yun Shi's beautiful face appear astonished, and his whole body trembled as if struck by lightning.

"Zhang Yi..."

She looked at the man sitting still in the ruins incredulously, tears gushing out of her beautiful eyes in an instant.

When she was shocked by the bad news about Zhang Yi, Yun Shi was distraught. She had personally found Dongfang Yichen and questioned it face to face. It was Dongfang Yichen who said that he had seen Zhang Yi's death with his own eyes, but Yun Shi still didn't believe it.

The whole world believed that Zhang Yi was dead, but Yun Shi didn't believe it.

In fact, she didn't really disbelieve, but she couldn't believe it. Because if she even believes that Zhang Yi is dead, then she doesn't know what meaning she has in this world?

So over the years, she has been telling or deceiving herself that Zhang Yi must not die. It is this self-deception that has supported her until now.

To this day, she suddenly saw someone in a social group posted a picture of Zhang Yi, which suddenly made Yun Shi's almost dying heart bloom with strong hope at this moment.

Rao was that she was in a dangerous situation, and she hurried to leave messages and contact people. She knew that if it was really Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi would definitely come to her!


he came.

Yun Shi looked at Zhang Yi in a daze, so much so that she even forgot that she was still gambling with her life.

She was in a daze, but Huang Qi wouldn't.

The nine giant snake heads controlled by Huang Qi screamed fiercely. Yun Shi was caught off guard, and his body was suddenly sucked towards the snake head by stronger suction, which was several times faster than before.

Getting closer, I'm afraid Yun Shi will be bitten to death by those huge snake heads inhaled in his mouth!

Yun Shi was startled immediately, and hurriedly struggled to stabilize his figure.

When she looked at Zhang Yi again, she saw that Zhang Yi was already looking at her tenderly.

"Don't get distracted when fighting, don't worry, I will help you if I can't fight."

Zhang Yi said to Yun Shi.

Hearing this familiar voice, Yun Shi's tears blurred his eyes for a while.

She nodded towards Zhang Yi, and then turned her gaze back to the nine tongues in front of her eyes, and a fierce fighting spirit broke out in her beautiful eyes.

After that, Yun Shi quickly squeezed the sword art that she had not completed just now:

"Shangqing Poyun Sword!!!"

Immediately, Yun Shi pointed Jian Jue towards the sky.

The golden long sword floating around her suddenly shot out, slammed straight into the sky, and disappeared to a high place.

Cui Zilan and the others stared at the disappearing flying sword in amazement, wondering why Yun Shi suddenly shot the flying sword into the sky.


The whole earth trembles suddenly|tremblingly, as if there is something huge in the sky descending rapidly, and the agitated air seems to be about to burn.

Everyone couldn't help but look up at the sky.

"What is that?" someone exclaimed.

I saw the cloud breaking through the sky, and a huge golden giant sword suddenly fell from the sky.

This giant sword is much bigger than the scarlet giant sword created by Xi Hezhan just now, and it is as big as a tall building!

The terrifying power of such a huge sword fell like a meteorite hitting the earth.

The giant sword fell violently, and the air at the tip of the sword was even compressed into a bright red plasma state by friction.

This huge sword was formed by Yun Shi's flying sword absorbing countless auras of heaven and earth in the sky.

Before the great sword hit the ground, the gravel on the ground had been swayed by the severely compressed air currents.

The entire ruin was crushed to form a big pit in this one, and countless dirt was squeezed towards the surrounding one after another.

Cui Zilan couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Let's stay away!"

Immediately, Cui Zilan and the other four powerhouses stood up and flew quickly to avoid them.

Everyone has seen that this sword is unparalleled in horror, and it is no longer what they can resist.

A few people just fled, and the entire ruins were pressed into a deep pit by the terrifying pressure. The bottom of the pit was Huang Qi, and the target of the stabbing from the high-altitude giant sword was also Huang Qi!

Huang Qi raised his head and looked at such a terrifying giant sword, and said coldly:

"Fairy Yun, you can't kill me with this trick!"

Speaking of this, Huang Qi was shocked all over.

The boundless black energy surged out of Huang Qi's body, and gathered into the bodies of the nine huge snake heads.

Snake heads got the concentration of these black qi, and suddenly became more and more pitch black, and their firstborn actually gave birth to a single horn, making them no longer look like snakes, but like floods!

And the aura of these nine giant snakes also skyrocketed several times at this moment, they raised their heads one after another, biting fiercely at the giant sword that fell from a high altitude.

Nine terrifying blood basins and mouths all bit on the fallen giant sword.

And the downward trend of the fierce giant sword continued, piercing the nine huge snake heads, trying to stab Huang Qi further down.

The power of terror was also transmitted to the earth at this moment.


The entire Ge Secret Realm suddenly trembled violently.

I saw that countless courtyards in this secret realm were shaken to pieces one after another, and even countless bricks and tiles were shaken to fly, and then fell like a torrential rain.

The terrifying shock wave spread in all directions, flattening the ruins of the courtyards along the way, and even caused the earth to produce a large crater like a crater.

In such a terrifying impact, Cui Zilan and other strong men were blown out one by one, and they fell on their backs.

The power of a sword is as horrible!

Cui Zilan and others climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, and they even lost consciousness for a short time, just like a short blank after a person is hit by a car.

Everything gradually calmed down.

The sky was full of smoke and dust, and Cui Zilan and a group of strong men were covered by the falling dust, looking embarrassed.

But people hurriedly looked into the big pit, wanting to know the result of this battle.

I saw that the terrifying giant sword was gone in the big pit, and the nine huge snake heads were also gone.

Huang Qi is still standing proudly.

I saw him raise his hand, holding a golden long sword in his hand!

This long sword is the body of the giant sword, and it is also the excalibur of the former Emei school!

Although it is known as the Zhenpai Excalibur, it is actually just a flying sword of the Golden Core Realm. Although such a flying sword has performed such a terrifying move of the Shangqing Poyun Sword, it has been affected by the power of this move. After the nine huge snake heads were swallowed and offset, Feijian was no longer enough to threaten Huang Qi.

The powerful Shangqing Poyun Sword displayed by Yun Shi was actually broken like this by Huang Qi!

Huang Qi grabbed the long sword that was pierced towards him and sneered:

"Fairy Yun, do you have any other moves, just show them!"

After speaking, Huang Qi slammed the long sword in his hand.

This golden long sword cut across the air, landed at Yun Shi's feet in the distance, and plunged straight into the ground.

Yun Shi looked at the long sword at his feet and raised her delicate eyebrows.

Huang Qi laughed loudly at this moment:

"You can't kill me today, then it's your death date! The order between the worlds can only be controlled by us! The monk above your distracting state is an order destroyer, so you deserve to die! You should all be eliminated !"

Yun Shi did not speak, she coldly stretched out her jade hand, about to pull the long sword in front of her from the ground before fighting.


Just when Yun Shi's hand was about to touch the hilt of the town's divine sword, a big hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Yun Shi's small hand.

Yun Shi turned his head and saw Zhang Yi.

At this moment, Yun Shi's face instantly reddened to the base of his neck:

"Master Zhang..."

She felt the warmth of Zhang Yi's big hand, and she was reluctant to pull her small hand out of the big hand.

Even her eye sockets were a little moist, she could finally be sure that Zhang Yi was alive in front of her.

Zhang Yi pulled Yun Shi's hand away and said:

"This sword is not worthy of you."

When Yun Shi heard this, her heart jumped suddenly, her face flushed, and she looked at Zhang Yi in surprise.

I saw Zhang Yi drew the long sword from the ground.

"Touching it will only hurt you."

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, a layer of fine foam began to appear on the hilt of the sword.

However, Zhang Yi's palm actually produced a "hey" sound, and then this layer of skin began to become a little scorched. But under the powerful recovery ability of the human king's body, this scorched skin quickly became normal again.

Yun Shi's expression changed:

"The sword is poisonous!"

At this moment, Yun Shi finally understood why Zhang Yi would not let her touch this flying sword.

Only Huang Qi had touched this flying sword just now, that is, Huang Qi had poisoned the sword just now.

Yun Shi is aware of the power of Zhang Yiren's king's body, and even the skin of Zhang Yiren's king's body is scorched black by this poison, so if Yun Shi's body is exposed to this poison, I am afraid that the end will not be optimistic.

This made Yun Shi scared for a while, but fortunately Zhang Yi saved her at a critical moment, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

When Huang Qi saw that Yun Poem was about to be poisoned, Zhang Yi actually made Huang Qi glaring at Zhang Yi:

"Smelly boy! I said I'll clean up you later, I didn't expect you to be so brave! You dare to ruin good deeds!"

Huang Qi finally seized the opportunity to smear the poison on the long sword of the town faction unconsciously. As long as Yun Shi touched it, Yun Shi would definitely die here today.

However, who knew that there was someone making trouble in the middle of the road, and the kid who made trouble was not poisoned to death.

This made Huang Qi feel very puzzled. He didn't understand that the kid had touched the hilt of the sword and was attacked by poison, but why did he seem to be nothing?

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