Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 125: The sin is so heinous and will never tolerate it!

Zhang Yi's voice was very flat, but it fell in the ears of Jiang Tianming and others like a thunderstorm. Especially Jiang Shanshan's body trembled suddenly, and the pale beautiful face was full of shock. And unbelievable.

"Song Yu is dead, how can I marry him?"

Jiang Shanshan screamed almost subconsciously, because looking at Zhang Yi's smiling face, her heart felt cold inexplicably, a very bad feeling.

"Who said that you can't get married if you die? Didn't you really want to marry him just now? You hurt my parents because of this, and I naturally want to fulfill you!"

Zhang Yi said lightly, and suddenly added another sentence when Jiang Tianming opened his mouth to say something.

"Oh yes, don't refuse my kindness, otherwise the Jiang family may be gone."

When he said this, Zhang Yi's face was light and breezy, as if he was talking about a trivial thing, but it made the Jiang family ancestor and Jiang Tianming feel chilly.

Jiang Tianming's face was pale, and he asked his daughter to marry a dead person. Isn't this the legendary "marriage"? If this kind of thing spreads out, their Jiang family will probably become the laughing stock of others.

Thinking of this, he looked at Zhang Chenhai for help, but the latter turned his face to one side, expressionless.

After experiencing that incident, Zhang Chenhai's heart was also completely cold. It was because he was too affectionate and believed in others that he made the family fall to the present level.

Therefore, facing the old acquaintances of the past, Zhang Chenhai remained indifferent.

It was Lin Yunhui. Although hesitated, she secretly sighed without saying a word.

Just now Jiang Shanshan was so aggressive, and even physically disabled Zhang Chenhai was bullying. Lin Yunhui knew the anger and helplessness firsthand.

Although Zhang Yi's actions are a bit cruel, Jiang Shanshan deserves it.

As parents, both Zhang Chenhai and Lin Yunhui chose to silently support any decision made by Zhang Yi.

This made Zhang Yi feel gratified. He was cruel to the enemy, and any cruelty was justified.

"What are you, why should you decide who I want to marry Jiang Shanshan? It is impossible for me Jiang Shanshan to marry a dead person!"

However, Jiang Shanshan was so angry that she was going crazy, her face with heavy makeup almost distorted, staring at Zhang Yi resentfully, and shouted hysterically.

Before, she had a proud face, and she almost praised her fiance to the sky, saying that Zhang Yi was a toad and wanted to eat swan meat.

However, she never dreamed that her fiancé was dead, and it was the young man she regarded as a toad.

That was the Song family, the top ten ancient martial arts family ranked fifth. Not only was the next heir killed, but he also dared not mention revenge.

Jiang Shanshan is very regretful now, why did he find Zhang Yi's parents at this time, force them to dissolve the marriage contract, and also fought Zhang Chenhai and his wife.

If she comes a few days late, maybe things will be different. Maybe, this terrible Zhang Yi, who is as horrible as a heavenly man, is still his fiancé.

Jiang Shanshan couldn't help thinking about it.

It's a pity that what she didn't know was that even if there was no such incident today, her marriage contract with Zhang Yi would be terminated, and Zhang Yi took the initiative to terminate it.

Zhang Yi in his previous life didn't even know that he still had such a marriage contract, and this Jiang Shanshan didn't even know him. How could he marry her?

Jiang Shanshan is very angry at this moment. Her magnificent eldest lady of the Jiang family, who is a very famous lady in the upper class of China, is how she could marry a dead person? This is nothing short of the world.

However, as soon as her curses fell, the ancestor of the pinnacle grandmaster of the Jiang family suddenly appeared in front of her, and slapped her fiercely on the other half of her intact face.

"Shut up to me! You have no choice now! Master Shengshi asks you to marry, then you marry!"

The ancestor of the Jiang family looked cold and ruthlessly sentenced Jiang Shanshan's fate.

"Old ancestor! You..." Jiang Shanshan covered her face and tears were aggrieved, her eyes widened, and she looked at her ancestor in disbelief.

"Old ancestor..." Jiang Tianming was also shocked. He didn't expect his ancestor to make such a cruel and cruel decision.

This is his daughter, asking her to marry a dead person, this life will be ruined.

Moreover, the dignified Miss Jiang family actually married a dead person. If this spreads out, the whole Jiang family will become a laughing stock.

"Tianming! Go back and reflect behind closed doors. As for the family affairs, let Jiang Shan handle it!"

The ancestor of the Jiang family sighed and said blankly.

When Jiang Tianming heard the words, his mind exploded. He knelt down and sat on the ground sullenly, eyes blank, and bowed his head bitterly: "Yes! Old ancestor!"

In ancient martial arts families like them, although the head of the family has great authority, it is the grandmaster-level ancestor who determines the direction of the entire family. The ancestor can deprive the head of the power of the family with a word.

Now the old ancestor asked him to go back and reflect behind closed doors, and hand over the family affairs to his cousin, which is tantamount to abolishing his paternal status.

But what can he do? In this world, power is respected, and a word of the grandmaster and ancestor is like a decree, and he can only obey.

"I won't marry! Zhang Yi, you..."

After being sentenced to a sad fate by his ancestors, Jiang Shanshan went crazy and completely lost his senses, swearing at Zhang Yi.

However, the ancestor of the Jiang family sank, and slapped her on the back of the neck, and the whole world suddenly became quiet.

"Master Shengshi! Are you satisfied with this?"

After doing this, the ancestor of the Jiang family asked Zhang Yi respectfully.

Being able to become a grandmaster-level ancestor, and living so many years, no one is a soft-hearted character.

It is about the survival of the family, this Jiang family ancestor made it very clear that he would not hesitate to sacrifice some people when necessary.

The example of the Song family is in front. Even the fifth-ranked ancient martial family, the Song family, which is comparable to the sect-level power, all made the act of "abandoning the car to protect the handsome" in order to calm Zhang Yi's anger, not to mention it. Their Jiang family.

Although he was skeptical of Zhang Yi at the beginning, he felt that there would be such a young saint in this world, but after Zhang Yi acted, he believed.

With just one punch, a strong man in the middle stage of the Grandmaster Realm was beaten to death. This alone has surpassed the scope of the Grandmaster.

That's why the ancestor of the Jiang family is so decisive, and the words of a current saint can't be a trifling matter, otherwise, the entire Jiang family will face the disaster of extinction.

In the face of such a legendary powerhouse, I am afraid that the top few big sects may not be able to hold it, let alone the mere Jiang family.

"Well! I don't want to delay this matter for too long. As for the Song family, I will say hello!"

"Now, you can go!"

Zhang Yi nodded indifferently, although this was cruel to Jiang Shanshan, after all, "dark marriage" was something from the old age, marrying a dead person, then her life would be ruined.

But Zhang Yi felt that this was not too much. Before Jiang Shanshan relied on her identity as the eldest of the Jiang family, she was very arrogant and regarded her parents like ants.

It's all about retiring. Zhang Yi also feels that this kind of marriage contract does not need to exist. His family is down and it is understandable that others want to retreat.

But Jiang Shanshan shouldn't be unavoidable, humiliating his parents, and conniving his subordinates to oppress his physically disabled father and destroy his father's wheelchair. This is a heinous crime.

Nowadays, society often advocates caring for disadvantaged groups. There are also seats for the elderly, weak, sick, and pregnant on buses. It is recommended to give up seats to the elderly, weak, sick, and pregnant. A person with a little conscience will not make such heinous things. matter.

However, Jiang Shanshan did it. She was still a lady of the arrogance of a big family, without even the most basic education.

According to Zhang Yigang’s terrible anger, Jiang’s family has been sentenced to death. After all, according to the development of things, at this point in the previous life, his parents were being humiliated and oppressed by Jiang Shanshan. Zhang Yi could not imagine what happened to his parents, but only It was what he saw that made him murderous, and he wanted to kill all the people in the Jiang family.

But then he thought about it, killing Jiang Shanshan like this would be too cheap for her. Since she admired Song Yu so much, it would be better to fulfill her.

Death is the heaviest punishment!

Having lived for hundreds of years in his previous life, Zhang Yi didn't know how many cruel things he had seen.

His parents are his inferior scales, and no matter how he punishes the enemy, he cannot be overstated.

In the eyes of the peerless king, all living beings are nothing but ants!

The second ancestor of the Jiang family did not die, but he was considered annulled by Zhang Yi's punch. Jiang Tianming's paternal status was also annulled, and when Jiang Shanshan "married in the dark", the Jiang family would also become The laughingstock of the entire ancient martial arts world was also a heavy blow to the entire Jiang family.

"Master Shengshi! This is a villa on the bank of Luliu Lake in Anyang City. It's a small compensation. Please accept it!"

The ancestor of the Jiang family glanced at the destroyed door and the messy living room, flatteringly offered a key to the villa with both hands, as well as the relevant documents for the transfer of property rights.

Lvliu Lake is the highest-end wealthy area in Anyang City, where the villas are worth tens of millions.

Zhang Yi nodded slightly, accepted unceremoniously, and said: "You can go now, and that's it for today!"

The reason why he didn't use force against the Jiang family was because Zhang Yi was anxious to heal his father's leg injury. This was the top priority.

As for this house, after all, it is too dilapidated. Now that he is capable, it is time for his parents to change to a better living environment.

The regrets of the previous life, this life, need him to make up bit by bit.

I found a moving company, and it took a long time to get it done.

Originally, my parents didn't want to live in the past, although it is shabby here, but they have been used to living for so many years.

But they couldn't bear Zhang Yi's soft and hard foam and Song Yuyao persuading them, and finally they agreed to move in.

Song Yuyao Zhang Yi also ceremoniously introduced, Zhang Chenhai, Lin Yunhui and his wife like this beautiful and kind girl very much, which makes Zhang Yi very pleased.

"Dad! Mom! You should tell me now, what happened back then?"

The new home was completed, and the family sat on the luxurious sofa, Zhang Yi couldn't help but ask.

He was an ordinary person in his previous life, and he didn't know anything about the situation at home. He never expected that his origin would be so difficult.

The Zhang family, ranked fourth among the top ten ancient martial arts families, is comparable to the power of the sect.

But the parents fell into such a desperate situation. What happened back then?

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