Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1273: Seven Star Palace Secret Realm

After Zhang Yi, Jiameng, Rina, and Louis all got off the Qihu speed car, the descendants of the gods who arrived first had already arrived in front of the four to greet them.

However, when these men and women saw Zhang Yi, they couldn't help frowning, and some of them were even full of vigilance.

The strength of the descendants of these gods is not weak, ranging from the Golden Core Realm to the Distracting God Realm, and if they are placed in the Dragon Kingdom, they are already a very strong group.

Obviously many of these people knew Zhang Yi, and they were very surprised that Zhang Yi appeared here.

Jia Meng hurriedly said to several people:

"Brothers and sisters, this is my godfather, he is here to protect me this time, and there is no malice other than that!"

The few people snorted coldly, still looking at Zhang Yi with full alertness.

Jia Meng hurriedly introduced to Zhang Yi:

"God father, these are mine..."

Zhang Yi raised his hand and interrupted:

"You don't need to introduce me to the mobs who follow Ling Tianyi. I have no interest in these people, let alone know them."

The expression on Jia Meng's face suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

The faces of the men and women became full of anger.

They seem to know that Zhang Yi is so good, they dare not rebuke Zhang Yi, but they dare to criticize Jia Meng.

Immediately a man walked out and scolded Jia Meng:

"Little girl, this time the action said that outsiders are not allowed. How can you bring outsiders in violation of laws and regulations?"

Jiameng was about to explain, but Zhang Yi held Jiameng by his side.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi looked at the man coldly and said:

"You are suspected of stealing my Paige speed car. I have captured your evidence now. What else can I say? Now, should I take you back and deal with it in accordance with the law?"

When people heard this, their complexion couldn't help but change again.

All odd brachial speed cars belong to Fuxingmen. This is a consensus, and these descendants of gods also know it.

Not to mention whether Zhang Yi will do it. If Zhang Yi really takes away all the odd brachial speed cars, then the people present may only survive on this desolate Mars in this life.

They don't practice to the conjoined state at all, and they can't return to the earth in one day. The aura on Mars is even more depleted than the earth in the end of the Dharma era in the past, and their cultivation here is thousands of times more difficult than that on the earth.

Immediately a woman stood up and said angrily:

"Zhang Yi! Don't bully others too much!"

Zhang Yi sneered:

"What are you? What right do you have to talk to me! Ask your master Ling Tianyi to come out and talk to me. I know that people of the same ethnicity can contact him."

Zhang Yi's arrogance and domineering make the faces of a group of men and women become more and more ugly.

But Zhang Yisi ignored them, and these little guys didn't deserve too much attention from him.

Although the descendants of God were angry, no one dared to do it. Because of Zhang Yi's strength and vicious shots, those rumors are definitely not groundless.

Finally, Louis stood up and saluted Zhang Yi and said:

"Mr. Zhang Yi, we know that the Odd Brake Speeder is your property, and we are willing to return your belongings. But now we are on Mars, please Mr. Zhang Yi to be reasonable and wait until we return to Earth to return the Odd Brake Speeder. "

Jia Meng also hurriedly took Zhang Yi's hand and said:

"Godfather, let's stop quarreling, okay? Don't you want to know my elder brother's so-called ‘conspiracy’? I’ll take you now, OK?"

With that said, Jiameng took Zhang Yi's hand and walked towards the ruined building in the distance.

It can be seen that Jiameng wants to take Zhang Yi to separate from her relatives, so that she can avoid the two sides from continuing to quarrel.

Zhang Yi shook his head helplessly, and left with Jia Meng.

And the gang of descendants of God saw this scene, and after discussing it privately for a while, they followed far behind.

Under the leadership of Jiameng, Zhang Yi gradually entered this complex of buildings.

Most of the building materials for this building were brought to Mars after being loaded into space instruments, so the building materials here can be seen as obvious traces on the earth.

These buildings are now dilapidated and have suffered severe wind erosion and sandification. They have been covered by thick red sand and look red.

It is not difficult to see that the Seven Stars will be full of ambitions here, and they want to take the entire Mars as their own.

Zhang Yi had heard that after the Seven Stars Association was developed on Mars, the president Yao Shenghao once ordered anyone outside the Seven Stars Association to be forbidden to come to Mars.

The Seven Stars Club was already the world’s first-class school, and rented a large number of odd-brachial speed vehicles from Fuxingmen, and specially used these odd-bristle speed vehicles to form a patrol team to investigate anyone who dared to enter Mars. It seemed that Mars was his own. The appearance of the property.

It's just that Fuxingmen was busy with shaking the stars, and the solar system was still being developed by the people under heaven, so it didn't care about the behavior of the Seven Stars Society.

But now Zhang Yi personally came to the site of the former Seven-Star Club, only to find that the Seven-Star Club was really ambitious.

The large buildings here are no longer just a base, but a town or a sect.

Judging from the appearance of these buildings, all kinds of buildings needed for life and practice are already available, including supporting facilities.

It stands to reason that Qixing would rely on these well-established buildings here, and even if they interrupted their communication with the earth, they could still live here for decades without worrying.

However, for some reason, the earth has experienced changes, and even such a decadence has appeared on this distant Mars.

Zhang Yi asked as he walked in the building complex:

"Do you know how this place became like this?"

Jia Meng replied:

"I heard one of my brothers once said about this incident. It is said that the dramatic change of Mount Tai just happened on Earth. Before the Fuxingmen and Wuwangjie were still at war, the Seven Stars Association had already discovered that they could not be connected to Mars. At that time, the last message was sent back from Mars, saying that Mars had encountered an unknown attack and needed the support of the Seven Stars Association on the earth. But at that time, the Seven Stars Association on the earth was quickly involved in the battle between Fuxingmen and Wuwangjie, and there was no such thing. The ability is impossible to support. Their combined state president Yao Shenghao died in Mount Tai, and all the odd-brachial speed cars on the earth were controlled by Fuxingmen and could not be launched. Therefore, the Seven Stars Society could only reluctantly give up the base on Mars, and from then on After that, no one knew the whereabouts of the Seven Stars on Mars."

Having said that, Jia Meng moved forward and spread his hands.

She looked around and said:

"Now, we have come back here to witness that piece of history!"

Zhang Yi said calmly:

"For you, that's history. For me, it's not."

For Zhang Yi, life fifty years ago was just a short experience in his life.

The life span of practitioners is much longer than that of normal people. They are also destined to experience more life and death, and see more joys and sorrows than normal people.

Then Zhang Yi asked:

"So now? Where are you going to find your or something."

Jia Meng corrected:

"It's the "Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi"! But where is it? I have to ask my brothers and sisters!"

Speaking of this, Jiameng ran to the pile of descendants of the ancient gods who followed behind, and asked the men and women who came here first.

The men and women seemed a little reluctant, but in the end they explained to Jiameng for a while, and then gave Jiameng an electronic map.

Jiameng returned to Zhang Yi with the electronic map and explained to Zhang Yi:

"God, the place we are going to is the secret realm where Qixing would make a fortune and wealth! And the "Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi Sutra" is in the secret realm!"

Zhang Yi asked:

"Since it is certain that the "Xuan Mi Seven Chapters" exists, why didn't Qixing take it out of the secret realm in the first place?"

Jia Meng replied:

"It should be that there is still danger in the secret realm, maybe the Seven Star Society didn't have enough ability to explore the secret realm back then. And godfather, my sister told me that the secret realm is actually closed now! I'll take you to take a look."

With that, Jia Meng's white tender little hand pulled on Zhang Yi's big hand again.

Zhang Yi said:

"It's your brothers and sisters who don't have the ability to open the secret realm, so you want me to help?"

Jia Meng was seen through her mind, and said embarrassingly:

"God, don't say that, you should just help me! Come on, I'll show you over!"

With that, Jiameng pulled Zhang Yi towards the depths of the building complex.

Zhang Yi shook his head helplessly, and then followed Jia Meng.

They soon came to the center of this building, where there is an exceptionally grand building.

The two came to the gate of the building, and when they looked up, they could see the plaque hanging on it.

It's just that the plaque has been hidden by the red sand, making it difficult to see.

Naturally, Zhang Yi couldn't be troubled. He stretched out his hand and waved, and a strong wind blew towards the plaque.

The red sand on the plaque was quickly blown away, revealing the content inside.

"Hall of Seven Stars."

Zhang Yi looked at these three words and said lightly:

"In the Seven Stars Association, the place named after the word'Seven Stars' seems to be the core of the Seven Stars Association."

Jia Meng nodded:

"The secret realm is inside!"

Zhang Yi came to understand that the Seven Star Society had built a base here, and built the Seven Star Hall on the secret realm, all in order to protect this secret realm.

Secret realms, especially some resource-rich secret realms, are indeed equivalent to golden mountains for some sects that can make people get rich overnight.

In addition to the Seven Stars Association, the rapid rise of the former Wuwang Realm also relied on a secret realm. And even the veteran sect like Huashan Sect has strengthened once again after getting a good secret realm.

Therefore, Seven Stars will protect the secret realm in this way, even at the expense of building a base here, and even spending a large price to rent an odd brachial speed vehicle to form a patrol to prevent others from approaching, then it is not difficult to understand.

Jiameng took Zhang Yi and walked inside:

"Let's go in!"

The two entered the Hall of Seven Stars. The first thing that came into view was a flat area. At the end, there seemed to be an altar. There might be a memorial tablet on the top, but now it is a pile of loess.

Jia Meng looked at the electronic map in his hand, and then took Zhang Yi to the back of the hall.

I saw a deep hole unexpectedly appeared here.

Under the cave, there are stone steps winding straight down, it seems that there is a cave in the sky.

Jiameng pulled Zhang Yi and walked down the tunnel towards the underground space.

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