Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1290: Return to Changle City

Zhang Yi knew that the appearance of this soil was definitely not Ling Tianyi's conspiracy.

Ling Tianyi's insight, intelligence, and realm are not enough, he hasn't been able to do this step yet.

In fact, Zhang Yi had this feeling a long time ago.

When he found that empress-like figure in Song Yuyao's sea of ​​divine soul consciousness, Zhang Yi had this feeling faintly.

Later, after Song Yuyao used the Kunlun Mountain teleportation altar to leave the earth, Zhang Yi became more aware of this feeling.

But now, Zhang Yi only feels that he has faintly caught a glimmer of secrets...

Chess board, chess pieces, chess player...who is who?

On the wall embossed on the prophecies of the ancient gods, it seemed that everything had already been clearly recorded.

Everything that happened in this world seemed to unstoppably develop in the direction of prophecy.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but recalled that at the end of the prophecy, three weird forces seemed to divide the world into three parts.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi's thoughts were a little confused.

"Godfather? What's wrong with you godfather?"

Jia Meng's voice came at this moment.

After Zhang Yi came back to his senses, Jia Meng's eyes were full of worry under the visor of the spacesuit.

Apparently Jiameng also discovered Zhang Yi's loss of consciousness.

Zhang Yi said lightly:


After speaking, he turned his gaze back to the floating soil in front of him.

In the dark night, the soil exudes a faint purple light, as if waiting for its next destiny.

Zhang Yi snorted coldly:

"Also, since the fate is destined to let me encounter this soil, then I will accept it. Let me see in the future whether man can conquer the sky!"

Speaking of this, as soon as Zhang changed his hand, Xi Rang was included in the spatial magic weapon by him.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi waved to Jiameng, motioning her to return with him.

Immediately, the two returned to the odd brachial speeding car.

The odd brachio speed car also quickly lifted into the sky, and gradually left the atmosphere of Mars.

After such a delay, when the Odd Brake Speeder left, he also encountered the Odd Brake Speeder ride by a group of descendants of the Protoss who happened to have also left Mars.

Zhang Yi ignored them, but accelerated his speed and headed straight for the earth.

There are still a few days to return to the earth, and Zhang Yidao can also enjoy a brief quiet during these few days.

During the period, he took out the large bundle of sacred skin scriptures "Xuan Mi Seven Chapters" and studied with Jia Meng.

Zhang Yi once hoped that Jiameng could recognize all the divine texts above, but Jiameng only knew a few simple divine texts, which also made it impossible to decipher the dense divine texts above.

Jia Meng said to this:

"My godfather, don't worry. After I go back, I will find my eldest brother to study divinity, and when I have learned it, I will tell you what is written on it."

Zhang Yi just smiled and didn't say anything.

As for the soil, Zhang Yi also took a piece the size of a football to study.

As the temperature rises, after the soil gradually thaws, it obviously expands.

It’s just that the rate of expansion is very slow. If it wants to grow indefinitely, I’m afraid it will take time or some catalysts.

However, Zhang Yi had only heard of Xiyang in mythology, and didn't know enough about it, so he didn't know the specific characteristics of Xiyang.

Then Zhang Yi took out the Jianmu seedlings.

As soon as Jianmu seedlings and Xiyang met, they immediately reacted.

I saw the tiny roots of Jianmu seedlings suddenly pierced into the soil and took root deeply. Following the shrinking of the roots, the Jianmu seedlings were planted into the soil. The Jianmu seedlings are very eager to regenerate the soil. After the successful planting, the branches of Jianmu seedlings appear to be particularly stretched.

Zhang Yi knew that Jianmu seedlings would be destined to accelerate their growth from the moment they were planted into the soil.

He doesn't know what the growth rate of Jianmu seedlings will be, but if it can reach the growth rate of ordinary trees, as long as they can continue to grow for tens of thousands of years, they will definitely be restored.

Tens of thousands of years may be too long for humans, but for the ancient gods, this time is very short, so short that they can be ecstatic.

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and gently stroked|touched Jianmu's seedlings:

"Jianmu, Jianmu, I don't know if you are destined to go to the gods when you grow up? Can you stay in the world and help the world avoid a catastrophe?"

Jianmu seedlings also wrapped a new small branch around Zhang Yi’s finger, and he didn’t know whether he had a reaction to Zhang Yi or regarded Zhang Yi as a big tree that he could rely on.

Zhang Yi sighed faintly in his heart.

He knew that he should completely kill the Jianmu seedling in front of him.

In this way, Jianmu will be completely extinct, and there will be no more incidents of Jianmu connecting the two realms of man and god.

Perhaps through this method, the ancient gods can be prevented from coming to the world.

But Zhang Yi did not do this.

He knew one of the simplest truths, called the impermanence of heaven.

Heaven is the most elusive thing. When a person feels that something is impossible to happen, something called a miracle often appears in this world.

If the way of heaven predestined that the ancient gods descended into the world, things would happen.

So even if Zhang Yi kills the Jianmu seedlings now, it will be delayed by tens of thousands of years at most. Maybe soon the ancient gods themselves will find a way to descend into the world; maybe other things such as hibiscus trees, etc. will appear. The sacred peach tree and other sacred trees complete this mission; even because the unknowable movement of the universe has formed a natural space-time channel similar to a wormhole, it may not directly connect the gods and humans.

If the prophecy is destined to be realized, no matter how it is prevented, the prophecy will be triggered by other conditions and finally become a reality.

Zhang Yi does not believe in the number of days. He believes that my fate is my responsibility, but he does not reject the existence of all possibilities.

So Zhang Yi would not kill Jianmu seedlings.

Because once Jianmu seedlings are killed, things may change in other directions, and the predictions may also be realized in other ways.

As a result, things became uncontrollable.

Now Jianmu seedlings are controlled by Zhang Yi, as long as Jianmu seedlings do not die, then the future will be firmly controlled in Zhang Yi's palm.

Therefore, in order to avoid uncontrollable risks, Zhang Yi will leave Jianmu seedlings.

"I hope you will grow up and thrive. When you grow into a sacred tree, we will discuss the future."

After speaking, Zhang changed his hands and raised the Jianmu, which was deeply rooted in the soil, into the space artifact.

Originally, Zhang Yi wanted to study the artifact bone whip.

However, the space in the Qihu Speed ​​Car was too small, and the bone whip was too huge, so Zhang Yi could only give up.

In the following days, Zhang Yi focused on Jiameng's practice, and at the same time taught her some new things.

As time passed slowly, the odd brachial speed car had already returned to the orbit of the earth.

The dense array of locked stars also appeared in front of Zhang Yi's eyes.

Although Jiameng and others had destroyed the Star Locking Grid before, they only destroyed a base. Zhang Yi took out the materials from the space artifact and quickly re-created the damaged Array, making the Star Locked Grid. The array has been restored as before.

"God father, I want to wait for my relatives here."

Jia Meng suddenly said to Zhang Yi at this time.

Zhang Yi was slightly confused:

"Aren't you going home for dinner?"

Jia Meng heard a hint of hesitation and struggle, but finally said:

"Not going back... Everyone is afraid that you will use me to trace the location of your eldest brother, so they all tell me to wait here for you to leave and they will come back to check on me, and then return to Earth after confirming that there is nothing wrong."

Jiameng is also communicating with her people in her dreams these days.

Zhang Yi did not trust the descendants of the ancient gods, and the descendants of the same ancient gods did not trust him.

Every descendant of the ancient gods is worried that Zhang Yi will use some special methods to track Jiameng and find the nest of the descendants of the ancient gods.

He only heard Zhang Yi sigh slightly, he put Jia Meng into his arms and hugged gently, and said at the same time:

"I Zhang Yi is upright and will not follow my righteous daughter because of this kind of thing. You should pay attention to your own safety when you go out alone. In case something happens, remember the longevity lock I gave you, and you can always contact me. Come to me. And I will help you as soon as possible."

Jia Meng couldn't help but cried:

"Thank you, godfather, oh oh oh oh..."

Zhang Yi patted her head and said:

"This strange speed car will be sent to you to play, but you must remember that you must not destroy the star-locking network array. Also tell your companions that the star-locking network array is an array that is related to the safety of billions of creatures on the earth. Even if you want to move, you must persuade me before you can move. Otherwise, whoever dares to move rashly, then I won't give you any more face when the time comes, and whoever moves I will kill whoever."

Jia Meng nodded and said:

"My godfather, don't worry, I have talked to my eldest brother about this these days, and I will convince my eldest brother."

Zhang Yi finally touched her head:

"So Jiameng, I'm leaving... you take care of yourself. Remember, go home often."

Jia Meng cried again.

Zhang Yi turned and left, and came into the ventilation chamber. After opening and closing the door, he quickly left the Qi braided car.

Wandering in outer space, Zhang Yi glanced back, only to see Jiameng in the cabin still crying beside the porthole.

Zhang Yi didn't look back anymore, he flew straight towards the earth.

Soon, Zhang Yi re-entered the earth's atmosphere.

He flew towards the ground with a whistling sound.

While high in the sky, Zhang Yi quickly found out the location of the Dragon Kingdom, and then quickly descended towards the direction of the Dragon Kingdom Changle City.

It was daylight in the Long Kingdom at this time, and Zhang Yi checked whether it was noon.

He kept landing, and finally stopped steadily at the door of the Peace Hotel.

In the Peace Hotel, everyone had already heard the movement and ran out to check.

When they saw Zhang Yi, people couldn't help but yelled happily:

"The boss is back! Great, the boss is back!"

Zhang Yi looked at the familiar Heping Hotel and couldn't help but feel relieved.

He finally came back.

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