Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1297: Clumsy waiter

peace restaurant.

The sun gradually rose.

Zhang Yi and Yun Shi had already gone to the Jingyue Tower. Although they had left, the Peace Hotel still had to open the door to do business.

In fact, the employees here basically know that it doesn't matter whether the business of the Peace Hotel is good or not.

Every employee knows that their boss is definitely not a mortal, and he has gradually begun to show his true side.

Their boss, Zhang Yi, will sooner or later change the world and let everyone admire him.

At that time, the Peace Hotel was a holy place.

A real big man, a holy place that has been here for a long time.

Because of this, ordinary employees are no longer willing to leave the Peace Hotel, and they all work hard.

Even some employees who have resigned and left have begun to contact the current store manager Song Lin, and they also want to be able to return to the Peace Hotel to continue working.

But Song Lin refused them.

Now that there are enough staff in the store, and no one is willing to resign, Song Lin will naturally not recruit more staff to increase costs.

And Song Lin knew what the group of people were doing when they wanted to come back, so she wouldn't accept it even more.

Since Song Lin became the store manager, all employees have been full of admiration and respect for Song Lin.

Before Song Lin became the store manager, her abilities were obvious to all, and she was regarded by the employees as a recognized eldest sister. She serves as the store manager, but she deserves her name.

It can be said that under Song Lin's management, the Peace Hotel is getting better and better.

Today, as I arrived at the restaurant for lunch, there were many guests in the Peace Hotel.

The shop assistants are also busy, but they have not complained at all. Being able to work as a waiter in the Peace Hotel has now become the most enviable profession in Changle City.

Everyone in the world knows that there are masters in the Peace Hotel. Zhang Yi, Yun Shi, Lulu, Jiameng, Jiang Zhiqiu and others in the Peace Hotel are all powerful masters.

What's more, people from the martial arts such as Mu Ningdai, Gu Yajun, and Cui Zilan often come to visit on weekdays.

Coupled with a national live broadcast of the duel a while ago, the reputation of the Peace Hotel has been pushed to the culmination.

After learning that the owner of the Peace Hotel is great, there are naturally many people who come to flatter themselves.

Today, none of the people in the Peace Hotel who come to eat every day are small people, all of whom are well-known in the Dragon Kingdom.

And the employees of the Peace Hotel can do things under the hands of the strong, and they can contact the big people every day, so it goes without saying that the direct and indirect benefits they get from it are not much to say.

Nowadays, every employee in the Peace Hotel has already made a fortune, and even has a high social status.

Therefore, the various positions such as waiters, chefs, cleaners, cashiers and so on in the Peace Hotel have made Changle citizens envy and jealous.

The employees of the Peace Hotel are naturally more or less arrogant than those of ordinary restaurants.

At first, they were full of anxiety when faced with the big people who went to the restaurant to eat, but as the contact increased, their horizons naturally increased.

At this time, let them face those ordinary big people, they can also be calm, talking and laughing, and will no longer be restrained and fearful.

Now in Changle City, it is also known that the Peace Hotel is not a suitable place for ordinary people, so ordinary people will never go here.

In such a place where big people gather, if ordinary people accidentally offend one of them, then they can't afford to offend.

The waiters are naturally accustomed to receiving heroes from all walks of life.

Today, a group of uninvited guests came to the Peace Hotel.

"Three, you guys are..."

A waiter greeted him, but when he saw the appearance of the three visitors, he couldn't help but hesitate.

I saw three people, the first one was a gray-haired old man, and the other two were two teenagers, a man and a woman. The two teenagers looked a bit similar in appearance, and they were probably siblings or siblings.

What makes the waiters unbearable is their dress.

These three people were dressed in very earthy clothes, and the kind of soil that got scumbags was bought at a roadside stall.

Even the waiter saw a patch on the old man's trousers, yes, it was a patch. The waiter couldn't imagine that there are still people using patches in today's material-rich society.

The young man was carrying a quilt **** with twine on his back, and the young girl was carrying a large woven bag with some pots and pans in it.

After the three of them entered the Peace Hotel, the old man still couldn't see any strange expressions, and the young boy and girl couldn't stop looking around, and were amazed at the same time.

No matter how you look at it, these three people are all poor people at the bottom of society.

And such people shouldn't appear in the Peace Hotel.

The waiters at the Peace Hotel have all undergone strict training by Song Lin. Although they don't look down on these three people in their hearts, they still don't make any bad words at each other.

Immediately a waiter stepped forward and said politely:

"Three, this is one of the top restaurants in Changle City. You...have you gone to the wrong place?"

The waiter's attitude and actions are full of politeness, but his tone still reveals some contempt.

He knew that by saying this, these three people would leave the hotel quickly.

They are definitely not customers who come to consume. The waiters can tell at a glance with their years of work experience.

Since it is not for consumption, then it is natural to go the wrong way.

As the waiter spoke, she saw the girl's face flushed red, and she could naturally hear the meaning of the waiter's words.

But the young man had a silly appearance. He left the hotel and glanced at the plaque above the hotel, then ran into the hotel and said:

"That's right! We just want to come to the Peace Hotel. Isn't the Peace Hotel written on it?"

When the waiter heard this, the professional smile on his face was a little stiff.

But he still asked softly:

"Oh? Then I don't know what the three of you are doing in our shop?"

The boy said:

"We're looking for someone! We're looking for the head of Yun Shiyun! No no, I'm looking for coach Zhang Yizhang! No no, it's Master Zhang!"

When the waiter heard this, it suddenly dawned on him.

He understands that the three in front of him are probably fans of Yun Shiyun's head.

As the head of Yun is on the Internet, this has also led to the frequent harassment of fans of the head of Yun in the Peace Hotel. The waiter has already taken it off.

Immediately the waiter's smile has faded, he said:

"Sorry, the head of Yun is not here, we don't know where she went. Please also three of you don't affect our business, and please leave."

Upon hearing this, the young man couldn't help but argue:

"I have already said that we are not here to find the head of Yun, we are here to find the young master! Zhang Yi! Your boss!"

The waiter only serves as the three of them or fans of Yun Shi.

After all, those crazy fans, in order to be able to see their idols, can use any weird methods. The Peace Hotel employees have already dealt with this many times.

Most importantly, the waiter didn't believe the boy's words at all.

What is it that comes to see their boss on weekdays?

Either a group of big brothers, or stunning beauty, or a genius disciple, or a tycoon... But among all the people, there won't be these three shabby people in front of them.

Zhang Yi, the owner of the Peace Hotel, is a Qianlong, hidden but not visible, but destined to soar into the sky.

The people he makes friends with, who are not among the dragons and phoenixes?

But how can the dragon and the phoenix be as shabby and poor as the three in front of them?

Immediately, the waiter took out a large-value banknote from his arms and stuffed it into the boy's hand, while whispering:

"It doesn’t matter who you are looking for, it’s not there. You can leave as soon as you take the money. It’s your hard-working travel expenses. At the same time, I also advise you to take a good look at what this place is. You have to think about making trouble here. What consequences!"

The young man angrily put the money in his hands back into the hands of the waiter, and said angrily:

"Give me money for what? We are not beggars! I have already said that we are here to find people, not to make trouble! We have tossed back and forth several times to find your boss! You just call your boss out and let us see Isn't it all done in one go?"

When the waiter heard the boy yelling, he couldn't help but get colder:

"It's ridiculous, what kind of character is our boss, and you deserve to meet? If anyone wants to meet our boss and our boss will meet, then our boss will not have to do anything else for a day, just use it to meet people!"

The young man had to argue after hearing this.

At this time, the old man on the side stretched out his hand and stopped the boy's words:

"This is the Young Master's property. These are the Young Master's subordinates. Don't be rude Zhang Tao!"

When the young man heard the old man's words, he reluctantly closed his mouth.

After that, the old man bowed to the waiter, and then said:

"Brother, I really have something important to find the young master...oh, that is, your boss. Please also ask the young brother to accompany me and report it for me, saying that someone from my family is asking to see you. At that time, the young master will still not see you. , We all have no opinion."

Although the old man had spoken very politely, the waiter had already determined that these three people had come to make trouble.

The waiter said impatiently:

"I've already said that our boss is not here! You go quickly, don't force me to drive people away!"

When the young man heard this, his expression of resentment appeared on his face.

Even the old man was angry, but in the end he didn't get angry, just said:

"Since the young master is not there, then we will go outside and wait for him to come back."

After speaking, the old man took the teenager and the girl towards the outside of the Peace Hotel.

The waiter reminded the three of them:

"Love waits for you to wait, but don't wait in front of our store, don't affect our business! Go a little farther for me! Have you heard?"

The three old men left the Peace Hotel silently without saying a word.

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