Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1301: Xiong Han confessed

At this moment, all eyes were on Zhang Yi.

Every disciple of Jingyue Tower was filled with a period of consternation and sluggishness.

Even Xiong Han, the host of Jingyue Tower, was so surprised that his jaw was about to fall.

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared from all directions.

These people are exactly the elders in the Jingyue Tower who have not shown up.

I saw these elders salute Zhang Yi one after another:

"I've seen Zhang Yi, Master Zhang! The return of the hero of the Master Zhang will definitely revitalize the world's orthodoxy!"

Now these elders have also seen the situation clearly, and have ran out to stand in line.

With a kind of elder saluting, the disciples of Jingyue Tower suddenly realized.

They all knelt down in a hurry, and bowed to Zhang Yi in the sky:

"I'll wait to see Master Zhang!"

Suddenly, a group of people fell on the ground again.

Gu Yajun stood in the crowd, looking at the kneeling people around him with a satisfied smile.

But Xiong Han, the host of Jingyue Tower, who was sitting in the white robe in the sky, was so scared that his face was pale, and even his body was trembling.

Xiong Han is a person who knows the inside story.

I know that Dongfang Yichen will not admit the wrong person.

Even Dongfang Yichen said that, so the person in front of him must be Zhang Yi.

Xiong Han finally understood why Zhang Yi could easily crack his own trick.

This is Zhang Yi!

Fifty years ago, he was called the number one master in the world, and no one knows how strong he is now.

In the face of Zhang Yi at this time, where does Xiong Han dare to make a move?

Immediately, seeing that Xiong Han could no longer sit still, he hurriedly got up from the white robe and knelt down, crying towards Zhang Yi:

"Master Zhang! Please forgive me! I was persecuted by those ancient gods! I didn't intend to imprison the leader of Fang, everything was forced by those ancient gods to do this! Please, my lord, please, forgive me. Me!"

Immediately, Xiong Han cried bitterly and cried out for mercy.

When a group of Jingyuelou disciples heard Xiong Han's words, each one was completely heartbroken.

They all knew that what Gu Yajun said was true, and they were all deceived by Xiong Han.

For this kind of shameless poster, it is not worth a lot of disciples to fight for him.

At this time, Zhang Yi said:

"Master Yun, please take the leader of the party to heal first. Yajun, please calm down the emotions of the disciples first."

After explaining the two, Zhang Yi looked at the elders in Jingyue Tower:

"Please also ask the elders to join me in the trial of Xiong Han, to interrogate his crimes clearly, and then convict!"

The elders hurriedly answered:

"I'm waiting to obey!"

They dare not refuse.

But at the same time, they are also eager to figure out why Xiong Han did this.

Immediately a group of elders escorted Xiong Han and followed Zhang Yi towards the hall. At this time, Xiong Han was so frightened that his whole body was weakened, and he dared to resist.

Yun Shi rescued Dongfang Yichen from the secret room and brought him into the partial hall for healing.

Gu Yajun began to explain the reason for all this to a group of apprehensive Jingyuelou disciples, so as to soothe people's hearts.

Everything is proceeding smoothly.

The interrogation conducted by Zhang Yi quickly came out.

That Xiong Han was already terrified, no matter what Zhang Yi asked, he was completely shaken out.

If it was replaced by someone else interrogating, it might not have this effect.

And Zhang Yi’s name is too terrifying. This Xiong Han is less than sixty years old now. It can be said that he basically grew up listening to Zhang Yi’s story. The famous Xiong Han of Zhang Yi has already been left in his heart. An indelible impression.

Nowadays, in the face of such a legendary character, Xiong Han really dare not hide anything.

And Zhang Yi finally learned some truth.

"Unexpectedly, what Xiong Han wanted to know from Dongfang Yichen's mouth was actually the information of the Netherworld Sect."

According to Xiong Han, in the past, he received Huang Qi's promise that he would become one of the rulers of the world at the Night of Gods Banquet.

Then he set up Jingyue Tower, and everything went smoothly, but any obstacle that threatened Jingyue Tower would mysteriously disappear, eventually making Jingyue Tower one of the top ten sects in the world.

Xiong Han also knew that all this must be Huang Qi's secret help, and he also obeyed Huang Qiyue's remarks.

And Xiong Han also faintly guessed that Huang Qi might not be a human being, and secretly searched for some relevant information, and then learned that Huang Qi is very likely to be related to the legendary ancient god.

Until one day, Huang Qi suddenly brought a prisoner and asked him to detain him in a secret room for day and night torture. The results of the torture were reported immediately.

This prisoner is Dongfang Yichen, and Xiong Han's task is to ask Dongfang Yichen for information on one of the strongholds of the Netherworld Sect in the world.

However, who could have thought that this Dongfang Yichen was a hard bone, no matter how Xiong Han tortured him, he could not get any useful information from him.

After a long period of time, Xiong Han couldn't help but relax, and he was no longer so concerned about Dongfang Yichen's torture, and Huang Qi seemed to be busy with other things and didn't have time to talk about the situation here.

All this, until today Dongfang Yichen was rescued.

"This Dongfang Yichen, how can he get involved with the Netherworld Sect again?"

Zhang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but think of his uncle Zhang Junshan.

Zhang Junshan, who was the Patriarch of the Zhang Family in the past, colluded with the Netherworld Sect and almost destroyed the entire Zhang Family.

But now Dongfang Yichen actually had contact with the Netherworld Sect again, which made Zhang Yi couldn't help but leave an extra eye in his heart.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also got another truth from Xiong Han.

"It turns out that it was these people who tampered with history!"

At the night of the gods, ten people received Huang Qi's promise, and those ten people became the heads of the ten sects later.

Huang Qi promised them that he would eliminate all the powerhouses above the Integral Realm, to ensure that their strength is the strongest in the world, and no matter who enters the Integral Realm in the future, Huang Qi will send his power to eliminate them secretly.

At the same time, Huang Qi also demanded that after the formation of the ten major sects, the history should be revised to erase the truth of the prosperous practice before the Taishan Incident.

In addition, all secrets of cultivation should be taken back from the public, and non-governmental cultivation is strictly forbidden. Those who violate the order will be abolished, and those who violate the order will be abolished.

So in this way, the power behind Huang Qi started to wipe out the powerhouses above the human Integral Realm, causing humans to lose the top powerhouses.

The Ten Main Schools completely strangled the sprouting era of the cultivation of human beings, prevented folk practice, and recovered all the secrets that were lost to the folks. At the same time, they also destroyed the last self-confidence in the hearts of mankind by modifying history.

Both sides started at the same time through the upper and lower levels, forcibly knocking back the civilization of human cultivation for an era.

Zhang Yi's purpose for doing this is not difficult to guess.

To put it simply, they are meant to destroy the possible threat that mankind has to the ancient gods.

They want to weaken the practice of human beings so that no real strong will be born. From then on, they can be kept in captivity like a flock of sheep, and they can do whatever they want.

When asked about this, Xiong Han has basically said everything he knows.

In addition, there are some secrets about the collusion between the ten major sects to rule the world together.

Next, it was time to convict Xiong Han.

A group of elders in Jingyue Tower heard this, already angered with anger:

"This Xiong Han is too shameless! As a human race, he actually helped the ancient gods to persecute us humanity!"

"Yes! He also instructed people to destroy some information about the previous period of history, and let the relevant personnel disappear, which is too vicious!"

"We humans were almost destroyed in the hands of these rapes without knowing it! Xiong Han, **** it!"

"Yes! Xiong Han betrayed mankind and served as a tiger. He deserved it! He deserves to die!"

"Xiong Han is not dead, then those who are killed in the combined realm, those who have been inexplicably disappeared in the history of tampering, they will not be able to look down!"

"We, the elders of Jingyue Tower, also ask Master Zhang to be fair for us!"


These elders in Jingyue Tower gritted their teeth one by one, filled with righteous indignation, as if they wanted to eat Xiong Han's flesh and sleep Xiong Han's skin.

Zhang Yi just looked at these people coldly.

What Xiong Han has done over the years, are these gangs really unaware of what they have done, and have they really failed to help the evildoer?

Zhang Yi is too lazy to guess, and has no time to guess.

Since these people were going to kill Xiong Han's trading fame, Zhang Yi also fulfilled them.

Immediately, Xiong Han was sentenced to death for both crimes. However, Nian Qi had a good attitude towards pleading guilty and actively cooperated with the interrogation, so everyone decided to execute Xiong Han alone, and his family would not be harmed.

In order to prevent the night from dreaming, the elders rectified Xiong Han on the spot in the hall, even after Xiong Han was convicted.

After the evil head succumbed to the law, everyone walked out of the hall.

Outside the hall, a group of Jingyuelou disciples were already waiting eagerly.

Just listen to Zhang Yi speak:

"The evil head Xiong Han has pleaded guilty to the law, and his crimes will be announced later. Jingyue Tower is not the Jingyue Tower of Xiong Han alone, but the Jingyue Tower of all the disciples in the Jingyue Tower. The country cannot be ruled for a day. The school can’t have no one for a day. Now that Xiong Han is dead, Jingyue Tower still needs a person with both political integrity and ability to lead it. I wonder if you can have a suitable candidate?"

The surrounding elders of Jingyue Tower understood and said:

"My disciple Gu Yajun, this female has both ability and political integrity, and is quite courageous, very prestigious, and has made great contributions to the school! I will jointly recommend Gu Yajun as the owner of the Jingyue Tower!"

A group of Jingyuelou disciples heard the elders say so, so they all said one after another:

"We also recommend Senior Sister Gu!"

It is psychologically acceptable for everyone to be the host in the Jingyue Tower.

This means that Jingyue Tower will be preserved, and everyone's wealth status will not suffer major changes.

With the unanimous recommendation of the elders and disciples, it is a certainty that Gu Yajun will be the host.

This made Gu Ya Jun's face more excited, and the beautiful pair of phoenix eyes looked towards Zhang Yi also full of more gratitude and splendor.

She only took refuge in Zhang Yi, and she will soon be able to become the host of the Jingyue Tower, and be in charge of a party!

And this kind of power and status is exactly what she dreams of.

Sure enough, only by relying on Zhang Yi can she display her talents!

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