Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1318: Life and death last

Zhang Yi's move in the troubled world slashed fiercely on Huang Hong's body.

Rao is that Huang Hong has shown his true shape and completely released his power, but Huang Hong's hesitation at the beginning of underestimating the enemy caused his defense to become slower at this time.

Where Zhang Yijian went through the troubled times, Huang Hong's body after showing its original shape was still unable to resist, and he could only watch his body completely split apart.

First his wings, then his body, then his head, the whole person was cut in half by this sword at this moment.

In this sword, the terrifying killing intent of the troubled times also penetrated into Huang Hong's body, and it severely damaged Huang Hong's body.

Killing intent, when strong to a certain level, can also damage Huang Hong's body as if it had substance.

But Zhang Yi's sword did not end like this.

Yijian in troubled times, after severing Huang Hong, went unabated, and slashed fiercely on Huang Hong's Fangtian painted halberd.


There was a sound of metal collision.

It stands to reason that in the environment of outer space, sound cannot be transmitted without air vibration.

But what is strange is that the sound of this metal collision is exceptionally clear.

This is because the entire space vibrates in this collision, which makes the sound clear to the ear.

Such a fierce sword caused the space to vibrate violently.

And the unstable space caused the space crack to increase several times in an instant.

Countless space cracks opened and then closed in the darkness, and even the light would be swallowed by it. People can't see these dark space cracks through the naked eye. Only people who are sensitive to spatial fluctuations can perceive everything.

And I saw Zhang Yi's natal Flying Sword, and at this time he passed by with a strong red light killing intent.

Huang Hong's Fangtian halberd didn't seem to change at all at first.

But soon, an extremely subtle and undetectable crack like spider silk actually appeared on Fang Tian's painting halberd.

Then, fierce light and energy rushed out from this crack.

The strong light and powerful energy rushed towards the surroundings along the cracks, bombarding the surrounding meteorite belts to shatter one after another.

This Fangtian painted halberd is a powerful magic weapon, and now, the energy in this magic weapon is pouring out crazily.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

I saw that Fang Tian's painting halberd, who was still domineering just now, broke into two pieces at this moment!

Zhang Yi cut Fang Tian's painted halberd with a sword!

At this moment, Zhang Yi was already floating in the air with a sword, and the blood-red natal flying sword in his hand was slowly fading the blood-red color at this time, and began to return to its original blue color.

Troubled times!

With such a fierce sword, almost everything about Huang Hong was destroyed.

If Huang Hong was just an ordinary Mahayana cultivator, then the negligence just now would have caused him to have died under Zhang Yi's troubled times.

But Huang Hong is not an ordinary practitioner, he is an ancient **** clone!

Such a sword cut him apart, but it still failed to kill him.

I saw Huang Hong's split body, unexpectedly closed again at this moment.

In the wound of the body, countless threads of flesh were formed to be entangled with each other, bonding the two halves of the body again, and the wound surface of the body was also rapidly healed on its own.

In just a few moments, Huang Hong was as good as ever.

This is the effect of the ancient god's terrifying power of regeneration, almost equivalent to immortality!

But facing such a situation, Zhang Yi did not have the slightest surprise, everything was within his expectations and grasp.


I saw that although Huang Hong had healed, his body still exuded that strange red light.

That was the tyrannical killing intent that Zhang Yijian left in his body in the troubled times. This killing intent impacted every cell in Huang Hong's body all the time.

Seeing Huang Hong's expression of pain, he looked at his red body incredibly, and at the cut off Fangtian halberd beside him, his whole person became more and more annoyed:

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah! Despicable human race! How dare you hurt me like this! How dare you destroy my magic weapon! I will kill you!!!"

At this time, Huang Hong had a hideous face and looked terrifying.

Zhang Yi knew that his mind had been affected by the killing intent left by Zhang Yi Yijian in the troubled times.

Rao is that Huang Hong can regenerate physically, but this kind of mental attack has caused Huang Hong's mentality to have problems, and he can't control his emotions.

Even at this moment, Huang Hong only felt that his mind was impacted by the endless killing intent, making him about to lose his calm judgment.

And this kind of killing intent came one after another, and Huang Hong's calmness became more and more difficult to maintain.

What Zhang Yi wanted was such an effect.

He raised his hand, and new sword moves were already beginning to condense.

"Let me give it a try, whether the clone of the ancient **** is really unkillable!"

Zhang Yi can be sure that the annihilation power of Queen Mother West's scepter and the true fire of Samadhi can all kill the clone of the ancient god.

But now, Zhang Yi wanted to test whether ordinary offenses could also work against the Ancient God clone.

I saw the sword in Zhang Yi's hand, and the long sword in his hand suddenly turned into a ten thousand zhang ray, and the whole individual seemed to have merged with this sword light.

Man and sword are one.

Zhang Yi and the sword have merged into a sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth like a Changhong.

How big this sword aura is, I can't see through it at all.

Upward is like piercing one end of the universe. Downward is already deep into the other end of the universe.

This is not because this sword aura is really so long, but the aura of a sword aura gives people such an illusion.

Such a terrifying sword aura whizzed away to meet Huang Hong.

Together, the power of horror is born!

"The sword energy is 30,000 li, and a sword shines on nineteen continents!!!"

This huge sword aura is as dazzling as the sun.

This sword aura burst out with dazzling white light.

This white light illuminates the dark universe, dissipates all darkness, and makes bright light everywhere.

Compared with Zhang Yi's troubled times, the sword of human and sword is still a lot worse.

But at this time, Zhang Yi had already judged that Huang Hong could be hurt by this sword alone!

Because at this time Huang Hong was already going crazy with infinite killing intent, he could only rely on instinct to fight and could not perform subtle moves, Zhang Yi could play with him slowly.

Zhang Yi knew that Huang Hong could not be killed in troubled times, but he still wanted to split Huang Hong with a sword, in order to plant a terrifying killing intent in his body.


As the huge sword energy slashed towards Huang Hong, Huang Hong shouted frantically:

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah! I want to kill you! I want to kill you!"

At this time, Huang Hong's mind had been stimulated by the terrifying killing intent of the troubled times, and he couldn't stick to his heart, and began to fall.

He rushed towards Zhang Yi frantically, instead of using offensive moves, he made a posture of completely giving up defense and Zhang Yi desperately.

Zhang Yi is naturally not afraid. After the world is united, he will actually be hurt so easily.

If Huang Hong was still in a calm state, he would never choose such a crazy attack. But that boundless killing intent kept hitting his consciousness, and he could no longer completely control himself.

Therefore, Huang Hong rushed to the huge sword light desperately.

The sword light is fleeting!

The bright light illuminating the universe began to disappear.

Zhang Yi has appeared on the other end with a sword in the distance.

The huge sword light runs through the vast time and space, and Huang Hong, who loses his mind, can't judge which part of the huge sword light Zhang Yi is in at all, so he can't accurately hit Zhang Yi at all.

At this time, I saw Huang Hong, who had been split in half again.

Although Zhang Yi's human-sword unity is not comparable to the chaotic world, its power cannot be underestimated. Huang Hong, who gave up his defense in the chopping, is as simple as splitting a piece of ordinary meat.

But still the same as last time, Huang Hong, who was split apart, quickly re-bonded again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am going to kill you! Drink your blood! Eat your meat!"

After recovering, Huang Hong shouted and continued to rush towards Zhang Yi.

But Zhang Yi did not hesitate and turned into a sword light again.

Man and sword are one!

In a duel, it is most taboo to use the same move a second time, because it is easy for your opponent to familiarize yourself with your move and find a flaw.

But at this time Zhang Yi didn't mind the second use of the Sword Unification.

In a state of madness, Huang Hong had lost the most basic judgment. He still rushed towards Zhang Yi with the same life-threatening style of play.

As the huge sword light flashed by, Huang Hong was split again.

And Zhang Yi also reappeared in the distance. He felt Huang Hong's breath and gradually discovered:

"Sure enough! The breath has become weaker."

Zhang Yi once thought that even if the ancient gods are reborn after death, it will take a long time to proceed.

Why can the clones of the ancient gods be reborn quickly after being killed, and seem to be able to regenerate indefinitely? Doesn't this mean that their regeneration ability is even higher than that of the ancient gods?

This is obviously unreasonable.

Therefore, Zhang Yi inferred that every rebirth of the Ancient God Clone would probably require a certain amount of energy to be realized.

But he was not sure about this idea before, and Jin, he just can use Huang Hong to try it out today.

At this time, after killing Huang Hong three times in a row, he was keenly aware that Huang Hong's power aura was weaker.

In this way, Zhang Yi's guess was generally confirmed.

Huang Hong's resurrection from the dead really needed energy to support it.

The next step is to continuously verify this guess!

At this time, Huang Hong yelled frantically and continued to rush towards Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi did not hesitate, and the world was united again, the huge sword light headed towards Huang Hong.

Thus, huge sword lights continued to emerge in the dark universe, dazzling brilliance.

And Huang Hong's body was chopped in half again and again.

This process was carried out quickly and repeatedly, and Huang Hong had no idea how many times Zhang Yi was killed or resurrected.

Life and death are continuous.

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