Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 133: I order you to apologize!

At this time, Li Dashan and his daughter finally squeezed in.

"Hey, Doctor Zheng! Don't Dr. Zheng! I've got some money!"

Li Dashan saw that Dr. Zheng wanted to call someone, and hurriedly laughed.

"Grandma, get up quickly, you are so old, how can you kneel with others?"

And Li Yingying went to help her grandma up, tears dripping from her eyes.

Just now she saw her grandma kneeling and kowtow to others, praying in a low voice, especially since the doctor Zheng was still indifferent, she was really angry.

But now her mother is still in a coma, and Dr. Zheng is the director of surgery again, so she can't afford to offend her.

Although the little girl is only eighteen years old, she is very sensible!

"Hey, grandma is old, it's useless!"

Only then did Grandma Li get up from the ground, her gully old face full of vicissitudes and helplessness.

She was so old that she couldn't make any money, and she really had no other choice but to kneel and kowtow.

On the other side, Dr. Zheng was startled first, then looked at Li Dashan contemptuously, and said, "Is it enough? You owe more than 10,000 medical expenses!"

"It's still... it's three thousand short, Dr. Zheng, I will hand it in first, and I will definitely collect it later. Please raise your hand high, and you can't let my wife wait to die!"

A trace of bitterness flashed across Li Dashan's face. He was an honest man and could only tell the truth.

"Then you go and pay the money first!"

Dr. Zheng shook his head impatiently, and then continued with an indifferent expression, "But you still have to go. You have not collected enough money after two days of grace, and you can't even fill up the arrears of the hospital. It seems that you are all in poverty. Yes. The subsequent treatment will require a lot of money, and you can’t make up the money. It is impossible for the hospital to continue treatment!"

"Doctor Zheng! Doctor Zheng! I beg you, let me be more generous. I must find a way to collect the medical expenses later! My wife is still in a coma, so she should take it away now, isn't she waiting to die?"

Li Dashan's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words, he knelt down with a puff, and pleaded, holding Dr. Zheng's trousers with his hands.

"If you don't have money, you can only wait for death. It's no use begging me. Okay, don't delay my time here!"

With a cold expression on his face, Dr. Zheng lifted his foot and shook off Li Dashan's hand.

"Doctor Zheng, right? I will pay for their medical expenses!"

However, at this moment, a slightly cold voice sounded.

Zhang Yi squeezed the person at the door and walked in with Song Yuyao, first glanced at Doctor Zheng, then bent over and reached out to support Li Dashan.

He was one step behind Li Dashan and the others, and when he saw the scene inside, he couldn't help feeling angry.

"Xiao Yi, what nonsense is your kid talking about? It's not easy for your parents. Where did you get the money?"

Li Dashan was a little dazed, and then shook his head bitterly, just as Zhang Yi was joking and comforting him.

Such a child, who is still in college, still asks his parents for tuition and food, and he also knows the situation of Zhang Yi's home.

If it weren't for the wife's incident, the family savings would have been emptied, and a lot of money would have been borrowed everywhere, guarding the early shop at home, and life would have been so-so.

"Brother Xiao Yi, thank you! But my mother's situation is very serious. It has already spent 200,000 yuan, which is far from enough. The hospital said at least 200,000 yuan. This is not a small amount of money!"

Li Yingying also said to Zhang Yi with rain.

In her heart, even though Xiao Yi's brother is very good, he is still in school after all and has no financial resources, and the Zhang family's situation was not as good as theirs before. How could he be able to help.

She thought that Zhang Yi had no idea, and she also specifically mentioned two statistics.

"Children, are you still in school, this is a matter of hundreds of thousands, and you can't solve it with a single word!"

Zheng Jinhua glanced at Zhang Yi contemptuously, then smiled jokingly.

They were only wearing the kind of stalls that cost tens or hundreds of pieces. At first glance, they were of poor background, but Song Yuyao, who was next to him, attracted Zheng Jinhua's attention.

Zheng Jinhua also prides himself on being a master of flower bushes, and he is also studying abroad. He has seen beautiful women like clouds, even Bai Fumei from the upper class, but he has never seen such a pure and refined beauty as Song Yuyao, with such a good temperament. .

Ninety-five points! The absolute best goddess! Zheng Jinhua was amazed in his heart, and his eyes became hot when he watched Song Yuyao.

"Swipe your card!"

Without any nonsense, Zhang Yi directly took out a bank card.

Last time he revised the cheat book, Xia Guoxiong gave him 10 million yuan as a reward, and gave him one million yuan, leaving Kari with eight or nine million yuan left.

Of course, this amount of money may be a drop in the bucket for the real rich, but to Zhang Yi, it is really nothing.

As a superb comprehension powerhouse of Megatron Starry Sky in the previous life, his eyes have never been in the secular world, so the secular world's property is useless to him.

After all, he just took out a little bit and threw it into the secular world. They were all priceless treasures, and they would not hesitate to make the top rich and powerful people spend millions of dollars.

"Xiaoli, take it and see, is there so much money?"

Zheng Jinhua looked at the bank card in Zhang Yi's hand with some suspicion, and then said to the female nurse who was closest to him.

In less than two minutes, the female nurse came back, gave Zhang Yi a surprised look, and said to Zheng Jinhua: "Doctor Zheng, the medical expenses owed by Li Chunlan to the hospital has been settled!"

"Humph! Just settled!"

Zheng Jinhua snorted, feeling a bit slapped.

This kid doesn't look very well dressed, how can he get more than 10,000? Zheng Jinhua is a little confused.

"Xiao Yi, you... where did you get so much money? Isn't it at home..."

Li Dashan didn't believe it very much at first, but when he heard the female nurse's words, he couldn't help but was shocked, thinking that Zhang Yi had taken out the money from the family.

"Uncle Li, Zhang Yi made a lot of money some time ago, so don't think too much about it and use it with confidence!"

Song Yuyao explained to Zhang Yi next to him.

" is kid, how can I thank you for this!"

Li Dashan was a little surprised, guilty, anxious, helpless, and bitter.

"Brother Xiao Yi, you..."

Li Yingying covered her mouth, her tears flowed with excitement, and she was choked with speechlessness.

"Child! Thank you, thank you..."

Grandma Li's gratitude also thanked Zhang Yi bending over.

"Grandma Li! Uncle Li! Yingying! You don't have to do this, the most important thing for auntie to wake up!"

Zhang Yi quickly lifted up Li's grandmother, then patted Li Dashan on the shoulder, and wiped off the tears on Li Yingying's face.

"Girl don't cry, everything will be fine with your brother Xiao Yi!"

"Li Chunlan's injuries are very serious, especially when he received a heavy blow to the brain. Even if he saves his life, he may not be able to wake up. It is very likely that he will lie in bed and become a vegetative for the rest of his life!"

At this moment, Zheng Jinhua suddenly curled his mouth and said, then shook his head, preparing to leave.


Zhang Yi's eyes flashed slightly and suddenly said.

"What's the matter?"

Zheng Jinhua turned around and looked at Zhang Yi somewhat displeased.

What's the tone of this kid? He is the youngest director of surgery in the Municipal People's Hospital and an elite returned doctor. Even the director is polite to himself, let alone these patients.

Tell him Director Zheng to stop? Is the statement accurate? Shouldn't you say that Director Zheng, please wait a moment or something polite and respectful?

"I have settled the medical expenses. Should you apologize to this old man?"

Zhang Yi said coldly.

He could see clearly just now that Grandma Li kept kneeling and kowtow to this guy. Not only was this guy indifferent, but coldly said nothing, and even scolded Grandma Li's old things.

The hospital is indeed not a charity. Grandma Li’s may have done something improperly and is a bit stubborn, but as a doctor who rescues the dying, you must at least have a better attitude. The tone is so bad that you don’t even have the basic qualities of a doctor. .

This is what makes Zhang Yi the most angry.

"Heh! Why should I apologize?"

Zheng Jinhua's face sank, then he sneered disdainfully.

"I don't like nonsense, why should I apologize? Don't you have any compelling points in your heart?"

Zhang Yi coldly smiled and said.

"Huh! It's ridiculous, that's what she wants to kneel on herself. What does it have to do with me? Little boy, I don't have time to talk with you here, don't think you can be crazy in front of me if you pay the money! If Li Chunlan still wants If you continue to receive treatment here, you'd better be polite to me!"

Zheng Jinhua's face couldn't help but become hard to look upon hearing this, and he coldly snorted.

"Child! I'm really fine, don't need this, it's still Chunlan's treatment that matters!"

Grandma Li Jia said anxiously, in her cognition, the doctor is God, and when you come here to see a doctor, you have to be careful and polite to the doctor, and you must not offend it!

"Xiao Yi..." Li Dashan couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He felt uncomfortable when he saw his mother kneeling and kowtow to others.

But life is at stake, and even if you feel disgusted with this Director Zheng, you still have to endure it.

Li Yingying opened her mouth and didn't speak, because Zhang Yi said her heart. Just now she saw her grandma kneel and kowtow to this Director Zheng. The other party was not only indifferent, but also coldly speaking, which is really disgusting.

"Papa!" But the next moment, a clear slap in the face suddenly sounded, and his eyes were taken away.

Everyone in the room opened their mouths and looked incredible.

Including Zheng Jinhua himself was also a little confused, half of his face was red and swollen, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and even the valuable pair of gold glasses was knocked off.

"Let you apologize, just do it! Why do you talk so much nonsense? I'm not discussing it with you!"

Zhang Yi's face was plain, as if he had done a trivial thing.

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