Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1359: New Division Champion

It's finally dawn.

Zhang Yi and Fuxingmen and his group also started again.

Feng Ziyan took the Thousand-Year Tree Demon, and then called the Vine. The three non-humans had already left here.

And that group of female ghosts Zhang Yi didn't have much energy to pay attention to them, just let them hide from the sun in the sedan chair where Feng Ziyan and Fujiwara rode first.

As for the group of scholars, Zhang Yi didn't make them embarrassed. After giving them three ordinary pills to help them heal the injuries caused by Feng Ziyan and the female ghosts, he ignored them.

And Zhang Yi didn't have time to take care of the family of seven and the chamber of commerce who lived in the house for a night.

So the disciples of Fuxingmen picked up three sedan chairs and continued to walk towards their destination.

And the city they are going to is also the largest city in Jin, and it can be called the capital here.

The capital is supposed to be the most prosperous place in a country.

But the capital of Jin State is different.

Due to the war, the capital of Jin was once occupied by the enemy. The enemy looted people's wealth in the capital. When they evacuated, they even set off a fire and destroyed one-third of the capital.

Later, the domestic rebels in the Jin country broke through this place again, looting and killing countless.

The brutal killings caused people's corpses to rot on the streets in the capital for a while and no one constrained.

And this cruelty also led to the spread of the great plague in the capital after the war.

After experiencing this series of catastrophes, now the capital of Jin State has withered away, and the people have no livelihood.

Although the imperial family returned to the capital to resume power, a lot of vitality has been restored in the capital, but the damage caused by the series of destruction to the capital cannot be recovered in decades.

When Zhang Yi and his party entered the capital, the soldiers who defended the city were even sent away by Zhou Zhiqiang with a few ounces of silver, and did not come to check the sedan chair at all.

It can be seen that the collapse of order in this capital has been very serious.

When the sedan chair entered the city, Zhang Yi opened the curtain and looked towards the roadside.

I saw countless refugees in ragged clothes on the road. They patrolled the streets to beg, sell their children and sell their daughters, and they also competed with wild dogs for food.

It can be seen that many of the houses on the roadside have been burnt down in the fire during the war and have not been rebuilt.

The houses are even more empty. Many houses have been overgrown with grass, and they are all dilapidated.

Zhang Yi once thought that the whole capital might look like this.

But the sedan chair soon entered the noble area, but there is a different place here.

In the noble district, the luxurious attic houses are exceptionally gorgeous. The singers and dancers on the street spin and laugh, and most of the shops on the street sell jewellery and silk.

If the civilian area is dilapidated and a single gray, then it suddenly becomes colorful in the noble area.

Most of the people living here are important members of the Jin Kingdom, relatives of the emperor, nobles, rich people, etc., none of them are civilians, all of them are the top group of people in this country.

The aristocratic district is luxurious and prosperous, while the civilian district is in dire straits|hot. The two are in sharp contrast.

"While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone……"

Zhang Yi sighed slightly, all this is the best portrayal.

However, it is not yet Zhang Yi's turn to take care of such trivial matters as the vitality of the people in a city. It's as if a first-tier member should worry about national affairs, not neighbourhood disputes.

What Zhang Yi wanted to deal with was the affairs of the entire planet and even the entire human race. Only after creating a good big environment can the small environment be changed.

Zhang Yi had no doubt that after Fuxingmen ruled Wudi, the tragic situation here would change significantly.

The place Zhou Zhiqiang prepared for Zhang Yi to stay was a luxurious house in this luxurious aristocratic district.

This luxurious house has been bought by Zhou Zhiqiang so that outsiders will not disturb Zhang Yi.

In the aristocratic area, an extravagant place with an inch of gold, the cost of buying a house is an astronomical figure.

But things like money are not difficult to obtain for practitioners in the Golden Core Realm like Zhou Zhiqiang. He has already gained a fortune here for four years since he came to this planet.

So Zhang Yi temporarily settled in this mansion, waiting for information from all parties.

Zhou Zhiqiang has rushed to send people to investigate the whereabouts of the world's strongest practitioner, and Feng Ziyan and Vine have not returned yet.

Zhang Yi lives deep in the house, and in his free time, he just reads local books and learns about the local culture.

He does not meet anyone on this planet and is isolated from the world. It can be said that everything that happens outside has nothing to do with him.

Time passed slowly.

However, the silence did not last long.


With a sound, only a sepak takraw ball fell into Zhang Yi's courtyard.

Then, a burst of children's noise sounded outside the wall.

Immediately after someone turned up the wall, they wanted to sneak into the house.

When the man turned over the wall, Zhang Yi was already waiting in the courtyard, looking at him.

The young man who happened to turn over the wall was startled when he saw Zhang Yi in the yard, and then said in amazement:

"Master? Here... are you living?"

This young man is not bystander, but Fang Qingsheng, a poor scholar.

Zhang Yi heard that Fang Qingsheng was going to Beijing for the exam, but he didn't expect to meet him today.

Zhang Yi raised the sepak takraw ball in his hand and looked at Fang Qingsheng with a smile:

"Are you looking for this?"

Fang Qingsheng was greatly embarrassed:

"Sorry, master, the student was rude! Just now, the child accidentally kicked the sepak takraw ball into the wall, crying that there was no way. But just as the students passed by and learned about it, they said that the house was unoccupied for a long time, so the students wanted to come. The children retrieved the sepak takraw, but they did not expect that the master had already lived here..."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly:

"It's okay."

After Zhang changed his hand, the sepak takraw flew back into Fang Qingsheng's arms.

Fang Qingsheng hurriedly said with joy:

"Thank you, Master Haihan, so the students won't bother you!"

Zhang Yi nodded slightly.

Fang Qingsheng also turned over and jumped off the high wall, and the children's laughter quickly sounded.

This was just an accident, and Zhang Yi knew it very well.

His divine consciousness shrouded everything around him firmly, and he had a clear grasp of what was happening around him.

"If there is still fate, then I will give you a good luck next time."

Zhang Yi whispered to himself, he left the yard and returned to the guest room.

The two chance encounters have shown that Zhang Yi and Fang Qingsheng are indeed destined.

Although Fang Qingsheng is a bit pedantic, he is hardworking, self-controlling, and full of righteousness.

If such a person gets an opportunity, he can undoubtedly benefit the people.

Zhang Yi follows the fate, if the two can still meet, Zhang Yi might as well give him a chance. And if the two would not meet again, then it would be the end of fate, and Zhang Yi would not force it.


In the past few days, the capital can be very lively.

What happened first was a series of mysterious deaths.

From the beginning of the month, people will find that there will be more dead bodies in some dark alleys in the capital after dawn the next day.

At first, people thought it was a plague, after all, the capital was hit by the plague only days ago.

So the common people began to adopt various measures to prevent and control the plague while panicking.

However, instead of reducing the number of mysterious deaths, more and more people in the city began to mysteriously die.

People can't help but start to wonder if the plague caused such a large-scale death.

Suddenly, the whole capital of the people was in panic, and it was difficult to get into the night.

And another big event is that the big exam in the capital is finally over.

The imperial court and the emperor attached great importance to this test. After all, this is the first test held after the emperor and the imperial court can return to the capital. This test is also regarded as the beginning of the country's recovery and stability.

Therefore, the emperor strictly ordered to put an end to any fraud, and the court has formulated a series of measures to prevent corruption and fraud from happening.

For this reason, this time the most fair test was finally carried out smoothly.

And the first place in the college entrance examination was Fang Qingsheng.

On the palace examination, Fang Qingsheng's talent and integrity were well appreciated by the emperor. So Fang Qingsheng was appointed by the emperor as the new champion. The first task of the emperor was to investigate the recent cases of constant deaths in the capital and to appease the people.

At the same time, the emperor also gave Fang Qingsheng a driver's post with a jade seal. With the driver's post in hand, all departments of the court had to wait for Fang Qingsheng to mobilize, which can be regarded as giving Fang Qingsheng the greatest power to handle the case.

So the champion Lang Fang Qingsheng took the emperor's order and began to investigate this series of cases.


The scene of the mysterious death.

In a dilapidated private house, dozens of dead bodies piled up here.

A strong rancid smell filled the courtyard, and Fang Qingsheng couldn't help but feel sick for a while.

But he knew that, as the champion of the new discipline, and it was the first time he came out to deal with a case, he must set an example with his voice.

So he resisted, not letting himself vomit out.

Seeing these dead men, women and children, Fang Qingsheng tried his best not to look at their faces, because he knew that those terrifying faces would definitely make him have nightmares.

If it hadn't been for the surrounding people to catch and protect, and the sky would be clear, otherwise Fang Qingsheng would not dare to stay here.

These dead bodies have been here for two days before being discovered. No one knows who killed these people and piled them up here, because no one would come here at all.

After the capital has experienced military disasters and plagues, there are too many such abandoned houses in civilian areas that have lost their owners. If it is not for the smell of corpses, it will not be surprising that no one has found the accumulation of dead bodies here for a month or two.

The post-mortem person in charge of the post-mortem saluted Fang Qingsheng and said:

"My lord, these corpses have been dead for at least two days. The strange thing is that they decay at several times faster than ordinary corpses. There are only a few drags on the surface of the corpses, which were caused by the process of transportation. And the cause of these people's deaths is small. People are not so sure, they look like flesh and blood withered. But the villain has been in this business for decades, and he has seen some similar deaths. So the villain has a suggestion. I wonder if it should be said."

Fang Qingsheng said:

"Don't be blunt."

Wu Zuo replied:

"The villain suggested that I am afraid to ask the national teacher or the imperial court for help in this case."

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