Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1365: Treason to usurp the throne

Zhang Yi looked at Fang Qingsheng with both eyes.

Fang Qingsheng, who was originally proud and not afraid of Zhang Yi, did not dare to look at Zhang Yi at this moment.

It is not power and wealth that can make Fang Qingsheng surrender, but reason.

Zhang Yi stared at Fang Qingsheng and continued:

"What are the people living for? They are not just to be able to live and work in peace, to have food, clothes to wear, and to make money. When they were young, they depended on them, and when they were old, they were supported and able to live their lives well. And you This kind of pedantic scholar, but wants to impose some so-called great principles on the people, to make them succumb to your so-called'righteousness', so as to rule them!"

Fang Qingsheng does not retreat:

"I didn't...I didn't!"

Zhang Yi said coldly:

"No? Then why do you have to jump out to prevent opposition when the common people can have a better prospect?"

Fang Qingsheng couldn't help asking:

"Can you definitely bring happiness to the people of the world?"

Zhang Yi replied in a deep voice:

"Of course! Isn't it the best example tonight? It's not your principle that saved the people of Jin country, but my strength."

Fang Qingsheng fell down upon hearing this.

At this moment, Fang Qingsheng only felt that what he had learned during ten years of hard study had actually become so ridiculous.

In the end, it actually needed some aliens to save the people of Jin.

Zhang Yi continued:

"Fang Qingsheng, the reason why I am willing to talk to you so much is that you and I are predestined. Otherwise, your identity is not worthy to meet with me."

Now that Zhang Yi said this, no one would refute it.

Who is Fang Qingsheng? The new champion.

But this so-called champion man, in front of a terrifying figure like Zhang Yi who would even surrender to the ghost emperor of the Black Wind, is not worth mentioning at all.

The identity gap between the two is too great, and they are very different.

Fang Qingsheng also knew this truth, and his back couldn't help but buckle.

Zhang Yi has lost interest:

"Now you guys get out of my house. If you really want to think for the people of the world, then I have given you the opportunity. You should manage the people of Jin country first and let me see your abilities, so that in the future There may be opportunities for cooperation. And if you still stick to your pedantic principles, then do whatever you like."

After speaking, Zhang Yi waved his hand.

A group of female ghosts suddenly rushed up to stop Fang Qingsheng and the others, with an obvious intention to drive them out of the house.

Fang Qingsheng could only bow slightly to Zhang Yi, thanking Zhang Yi for his rescue tonight, and then he left Zhang Yi's house with a group of arresters.

After leaving the house, the gate of the house slowly closed.

At this moment, Fang Qingsheng suddenly realized that he might not be so easy to enter this house again.

They slumped away from the vicinity of the house, and as the ghost attack subsided, there were already countless high-ranking officials in this noble district, poking their heads out of their homes in horror and looking around.

The head catcher suddenly asked at this moment:

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

Fang Qingsheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said:

"Go into the palace first to see if the emperor's dragon body is still safe."

However, the head catcher stopped Fang Qingsheng and said:

"My lord, please think twice!"

Not only the head catcher, but a group of catchers also stopped Fang Qingsheng.

This confuses Fang Qingsheng:

"You are..."

The head catcher said seriously:

"My lord, the emperor can no longer protect the Kingdom of Jin! When the capital was attacked by demons, what else could the emperor do besides hiding in the palace with his concubines? We Jin people, we can't expect the emperor to save their lives! "

Fang Qingsheng heard this and said in surprise:

"What you are saying is totally rebellious!"

The head catcher continued:

"The exorcist just said that he hopes that you can manage the people of Jin Kingdom. And the adults are dedicated to the people, even at the expense of their lives, all these humble people are in the eyes! Now the people in the city are also in sight. Everyone knows that it was the adults who invited the ghost exorcist to save everyone! So the people of the low-ranking class hope that the adults can ascend and raise their arms to replace the incompetent and corrupt monarch! The throne will be replaced by the rule of Jin! The people of the Jin are in yours. Under governance, we will definitely be able to live and work in peace!"

A crowd of arresters also surrounded them one after another, their eyes gleaming with strange impulses:

"Yes! Lord! Let us do great things with you! This way we can get rid of the fate of a lifetime errand, and maybe even be a founding hero! With that powerful exorcist supporting you, even if you have a thousand The army can't help you, my lord, why don't you worry about it?"

Fang Qingsheng looked at the arresters who had desperately protected him before.

And now, these arresters are actually provoking him to go...



Usurp the throne!



Fang Qingsheng looked at these catchers at this moment, as if looking at a group of strangers.

Don't these people, they don't know that these words they are saying are going to lose their heads?

At this time, more and more high-ranking officials and nobles in the noble district took to the streets and gathered towards Fang Qingsheng.

People already know that Fang Qingsheng has a very close relationship with the powerful ghost exorcist, so they can't help but hope that they can have a good relationship with this new division champion, so that they can have a shelter when they encounter demon attacks in the future.

At this time, the head catcher shouted loudly:

"The faint monarch is innocent! So much so that it brought the disaster of the Jin country today! Fortunately, Fang Qingsheng, the new master from heaven, invited the ghost exorcist from the outside world to save Li Min! The faint monarch abdicated, and the new monarch succeeded! This is the number of days! You and others, not yet Follow the destiny and worship the new king?"

Along with the chanting of the head catching, a kind of catching quickly also chanted.

Fang Qingsheng's complexion changed drastically.

In front of so many people yelling out such rebellious words, this is to be punishable by the Nine Clan!

Moreover, this place is still in the noble area, and all the nobles who support the royal family gathered here, and things here will definitely be stabbed to the sky.


However, the surrounding nobles knelt down towards Fang Qingsheng and shouted in unison:

"Let me see the emperor! Long live the emperor!"

They bowed down, but it was Fang Qingsheng!

At this time, more and more nobles gathered around and bowed to Fang Qingsheng, who looked blank.

The entire aristocratic district was already boiling at this time, and the aristocrats raced around and began to prepare to help Fang Qing rise up.

Some nobles quickly organized a brigade of soldiers, ready to help Fang Qingsheng invade the palace and seize the throne.

Some nobles presented a large number of rare treasures and beautiful BMWs for Fang Qingsheng to enjoy while showing their loyalty.

Other nobles have ordered people to make their dragon robes. They put the dragon robes on Fang Qingsheng's body and let his yellow robes be added to him.

After everything was in place, countless nobles and soldiers surrounded Fang Qingsheng and walked towards the palace, wanting him to board the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

I met the civilians along the way, and saw that the civilians also bowed down and shouted long live, and then joined the rebellion team.

Some of the troops who came to counter the rebellion upon hearing the news actually turned their backs and expressed their surrender to Fang Qingsheng, and then turned their guns to kill them towards the palace.

Fang Qingsheng was lifted on a high platform, looking at all this absurdity.

Yesterday he was a new champion appointed by the emperor to serve the emperor.

However, today, he has actually become a rebellious person who betrayed the emperor. Although this betrayal was not his voluntary, he has no way to get off the ship now with Huangpao added to his body.

"Crazy! You are all crazy!"

Fang Qingsheng couldn't understand all this, he couldn't help but feel that he was surrounded by a group of lunatics.

The head catcher guarded Fang Qingsheng's side, and he spoke to the other Qingsheng and said:

"My lord, no one is crazy. The reason why these people will flock you to be the emperor is just because they want to seek prosperity and wealth just like me. Now the emperor in the palace has no ability to maintain the Jin state, only you Row."


Fang Qingsheng couldn't help but laughed:

"I'm a scholar, but I was lucky enough to get the top pick. How can I preside over the overall situation of Jin State?"

The head catcher replied:

"Because you have the support of that powerful ghost exorcist! The ghost exorcist can reach thousands of troops with one word! When people see the black wind ghost emperor surrendering to the ghost exorcist, they already know you, sir The future is boundless! So even if people risk treason, they will come to help you! It’s okay if you don’t fight wars, it’s okay if you don’t fight wars. It’s okay if you don’t govern the country, and it’s civil officials and virtuous ministers to help you make suggestions. You just need to sit on the throne and let the world know that the emperor of Jin is the friend of that powerful ghost exorcist. Then the enemy will not dare to invade our Jin, and the demons will not dare to mess with the people again!"

Speaking of this, the head catcher said solemnly:

"So, this is a good thing for the entire Jin country and everyone! My lord, please be considerate of the countless people in Jin country!"

Fang Qingsheng couldn't help being speechless when he heard this.

By now, he suddenly felt a sense of awakening.

Immediately Fang Qingsheng couldn't help but turn his head and looked at the house where Zhang Yi was located:

"Could it be that... everything was in his expectation?"

Fang Qingsheng suddenly had a strange feeling.

That was when he broke into the house, his destiny had already been set by Zhang Yi, and what he would do in the future could only be carried out in accordance with the destiny set for him by Zhang Yi.

And he can't resist this fate.

Because of this fate, Fang Qingsheng felt that it was consistent with the principles he had learned.

And he was willing to abide by those principles even if he abandons his life.

"Fight against the unlucky king! The new king succeeds to the throne!"

Countless people surrounded Fang Qingsheng and carried him towards the palace.

At this time, he is like a clay sculpture on a Buddhist altar, worshipped by people, but he can't help himself.

The aristocrats and the commoners are mixed together and countless, they all surround Fang Qingsheng's side, as if they are going on a grand carnival.

The crowd went farther and farther, and had already begun to enter the palace.

The capital tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

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