"The efficiency is so slow!"

Mayor Xu also heard it in person, frowned slightly, and solemnly assured Zhang Yi: "Mr. Zhang, please rest assured, I will personally explain to you, find the driver who caused the accident as soon as possible, and give you a satisfactory explanation!"

"Then trouble Mayor Xu!"

Zhang Yi nodded politely and said.

Although his eyes are no longer in the secular world, he is still in the secular world and needs some people to deal with the trouble.

Mayor Xu, the second in command of Anyang City, came forward, saving him from calling Xia Guoxiong and asking him to come all the way.

"Mr. Zhang, Mayor Xu, or let's go to the conference room to take a break. Mr. Zhang has just rejuvenated, and he must be tired too!"

At this time, Dean Wu licked his face and leaned forward, smiling complimentarily, and even changed his title to "Mr. Zhang", which is the same as Mayor Xu.

Now he finally understands why Mayor Xu always calls Mr. Zhang, not Zhang Shao, because they are people with real abilities, not the kind of dudes who rely on family background.

"No need! Dean Wu, I know what you are thinking, but it's a pity that you can't learn my methods!"

Zhang Yi looked at Dean Wu with a faint smile, then shook his head and said.

The Taiyi Divine Needle needs to be urged with spiritual power. How can ordinary people understand and use it?

"Dean Wu, Mr. Zhang is not an ordinary person, so you should dispel your thoughts as soon as possible! Besides, today's inspection work will stop here!"

Mayor Xu also shook his head. What a character he is. Seeing Dean Wu’s flattering look, you can tell what ideas he is making. He just wants to keep Zhang Yi in the hospital, what kind of chief expert, guest professor, and so on. Learn the magical skills of medicine.

It's a pity, how can a grandmaster-level figure look at this small city people's hospital.

Moreover, Mayor Xu also noticed that the magical medical skills that Zhang Yi had just displayed were not something ordinary people could use.

"Mayor Xu..." Dean Wu awakened Lingling, especially when he heard Mayor Xu's last words, his face changed.

Obviously, Mayor Xu is very dissatisfied with the work of the Municipal People's Hospital!

Damn Zheng Jinhua! Dean Wu had already scolded the director Zheng a **** head, and wanted to expel Zheng Jinhua directly.

The punishment he just gave was suspension, but only suspension was the director of surgery.

And Zheng Jinhua himself is an excellent surgeon.

"Mr. Zhang, the family learned that you have come to Anyang City and hope to visit them! Look?"

Mayor Xu ignored Dean Wu, but looked at Zhang Yi with a smile on his face and asked cautiously.

"Yes, I will be in Anyang city soon!"

Zhang Yi nodded. Xu's family is a big family in Anyang, so it's nice to see him.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, then I will go back first, and I will notify you as soon as I have news! Contact later!"

Mayor Xu smiled with joy, and then took the initiative to exchange contact information with Zhang Yi, and left in a hurry.

"Auntie has no health problems, and she can be discharged from the hospital today!"

Zhang Yi said suddenly.

"Huh? I'll be discharged today? Is it really okay?"

Li Dashan asked with some worry.

After all, Li Chunlan was still in a coma just a moment ago, and she is about to be discharged from the hospital now, and she can't accept it for a while with ordinary people's thinking.

"Uncle Li is okay, I haven't checked everything just now, everything is normal! Or you can ask Auntie to see how she feels!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Zhang, although this patient has basically recovered, it is still recommended to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days!"

Dean Wu was a little anxious, he was still thinking about how to improve Zhang Yi's view of him in the past few days, even he didn't give up and wanted to keep Zhang Yi.

"The patient is treated by me, I naturally know the situation! You don't need to say more!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said lightly.

Why! Seeing Zhang Yi's indifferent expression, Dean Wu dared not say more, he could only sigh helplessly, and then ordered people to go through the discharge formalities as soon as possible.

Soon, Li Chunlan was discharged from the hospital, and he walked briskly on the ground. It was amazed to see others who have been unconscious after a car accident!

"Wife, there is no problem, right?"

Li Dashan still couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry Dashan, I feel better than before, and I am full of energy!"

Li Chunlan patted her husband on the shoulder and smiled.

"Ouch! You are only recovering now, just take a moment, don't make so much effort!"

Li Dashan thought his wife was working hard, and couldn't help but blame.

"I didn't work hard, it's just a normal shot!"

However, Li Chunlan was a little dazed and innocent. He felt that just now, he just tapped as usual, why this old guy was screaming strangely.

Later, Zhang Yi smiled slightly. Li Chunlan was conditioned by his spiritual power. During this process, the latter's body was inevitably nourished by spiritual power. Not only the body healed, but also the strength was stronger than before.

It can be said that Li Chunlan's body is healthier than that of young people like Li Yingying, and she will not get sick for at least ten years.

This is the power of Reiki!

I took a taxi and sent Li Dashan and the others back. They happened to meet his parents outside Li Dashan's house.

"Sister Chunlan, if it wasn't for Xiao Yi, Chen Hai and I didn't know what happened to your family, so now we are all at ease!"

Lin Yunhui greeted Li Chunlan and said.

When they were in the hospital just now, their parents called and asked if they wanted to go back to eat at noon. The couple thought that Zhang Yi had taken Song Yuyao out to play around again, but they learned that Li Chunlan was in a car accident and quickly said they wanted to come and see.

The two families are already familiar with each other, and if something like this happens, it's reasonable to come and visit.

But at that time, Zhang Yi had cured Li Chunlan, and came to the hospital for nothing.

What's more, the Municipal People's Hospital is far away from home, so Zhang Yi simply asked his parents to go directly to Li's house, and they would go back soon anyway.

Zhang Yi's parents came to see Li Chunlan carrying things, so naturally they also ate at Li's house.

"Xiao Yi, thank you so much. If it weren't for you this time, we really wouldn't know what to do. We will definitely return the money to you as soon as possible!"

On the table, Li Dashan's eyes were red, and he said gratefully.

"Uncle Li, your family is now in a difficult time, don't talk about money first!"

Zhang Yi shook his head slightly, worldly property had no meaning to him, and he didn't plan to ask for this amount of money.

Moreover, if there are difficulties in the Li family, he will also help.

After being born again in this life, you will live up to yourself, your family, your lover, and your friends! Vow to make up for all regrets.

If you have helped yourself in your previous life, if you have any difficulties, you will help you as much as you can.

"Xiao Yi is right. You should take care of your own family first. We will talk about the money later. Now the situation in our family has improved a lot. Don't worry! If there are difficulties in the future, please do not hesitate to speak!"

Zhang Chenhai took a look at his son, and said with understanding.

Now he has re-entered the road of martial arts training, and his cultivation has been leaps and bounds, and he has regained his confidence in the past. He is destined to return to the Zhang family in the future, and he doesn't care about the wealth of the secular world.

Over the years, he has been living in Anyang city in despair. Before the Li family was so helpful, Zhang Chenhai was a man of sentimentality and he naturally did not hesitate to help.

"Little Yi is really promising, even the mayor is so polite when he sees it, Yingying, you can learn more from your brother Xiao Yi!"

Li Chunlan was amazed, envious, and gratified.

Li Yingying gave a low hmm, took a quiet look at Zhang Yi, and then quickly lowered her head.

How can this girl talk so little today! Zhang Yixin looked over in response, somewhat puzzled.

Because in his impression, although Li Yingying’s personality is not that active, as long as he sees him, he can chat forever, just like a happy little swallow, but at this dinner table today, Li Yingying only greets herself 'S parents are surprisingly few words.

"Boom boom..."

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"Who?" Li Dashan quickly got up and opened the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw several policemen wearing public security uniforms.

"We belong to the Public Security Bureau, Zhang Yi is in your house, right?"

A tall policeman led by asked coldly.

"Huh? No...not here..."

Li Dashan's complexion changed, and suddenly thought of something, he quickly denied it, and moved his body sideways to block the sight of these policemen.

"Hmph, protect criminals, but you have to bear legal responsibility, you better think clearly!"

A policeman next to him snorted coldly, said.

"Uncle Li! Don't be nervous, let these police comrades come in!"

At this moment, Zhang Yi's voice suddenly came out from inside.

The sound at the door was not small, everyone in the room heard it, except that Li Yingying's face suddenly turned pale, Li Chunlan looked blank.

On the contrary, Zhang Chenhai and his wife are relatively calm. Although they are more surprised at why the police would look for their son, they are people who have seen the world before, and now that Zhang Chenhai has recovered, naturally they will not panic.

Zhang Yi had spoken, but Li Dashan did not dare to stop him. Soon, a few policemen walked in.

"Who is Zhang Yi?"

The tall policeman headed by the police swept across everyone at the dinner table, and finally fell on Zhang Yi.

Because according to the description, he was a young man, and only Zhang Yi's appearance was the same.

"I am!" Zhang Yi nodded lightly without getting up.

"We have received a report that you are suspected of a vicious wounding incident. Now immediately return to the bureau for investigation!"

The tall policeman turned cold, then showed his handcuffs.

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