Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1400: Future visitors

Fifty years is enough to change too many people and too many things.

Now facing Yue Zhongzhe, Zhang Yi has no trust in him.

Especially, the two still met in such a strange environment.

Forty years and nearly fifty years ago, Teng once saw Yue Zhongzhe in a mysterious cave in Canglong Ridge.

And now, Zhang Yi also saw Yue Zhongzhe in the cave of Canglongling.

Even Zhang Yi thought that he and Teng entered the same cave back then.

And Yue Zhongzhe can still meet here in fifty years, or it means that he hasn't left in this cave all these years, or even has taken refuge in the Netherworld Sect.

There is also a possibility that Yue Zhongzhe is full of interest here, so he often ran to check and explore, which led to Zhang Yi now coming to save Jiameng to be able to meet him.

When Yue Zhongzhe faced Zhang Yi, the smile on his face remained undiminished. He walked towards Zhang Yi with a smile and said:

"Sect Master Zhang, do you want to ascend into an immortal?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"Yes, but I will not hurt the innocent in order to achieve my goal of becoming a fairy."

Yue Zhongzhe continued to laugh and ask:

"So hurt yourself?"

Zhang Yi flickered his eyes and asked:

"what for?"

While continuing to approach Zhang Yi, Yue Zhongzhe smiled and said:

"As long as you kill yourself, you can condense the immortal souls to shape an immortal body, and eventually fly into an immortal! This, Ling Tianyi must have already told Sect Master Zhang."

When Zhang Yi heard it, he understood what Yue Zhongzhe meant to kill himself.

In the nine heavens, Zhang Yi once met himself in another parallel time and space.

But Zhang Yi didn't kill himself, but chose to complete and let go.

But now according to Yue Zhongzhe's words, Zhang Yi has understood that Yue Zhongzhe might have really killed himself.

Zhang Yi said in a deep voice:

"You really are not the Yue Zhongzhe of our world!"

Just listening to Yue Zhongzhe couldn't help but smile strangely:

"Didn't Master Zhang already entered my sea of ​​Soul Consciousness and met me long ago?"

Zhang Yi sneered, and pointed the long sword in his hand at Yue Zhongzhe.

Following Zhang Yi's long sword, he saw a sword aura slashing on the ground in front of Yue Zhongzhe, leaving a deep sword mark in front of him.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi said:

"Cross this line, then we will fight."

Now that Yue Zhongzhe is close enough to Zhang Yi, if he is one step closer, then Zhang Yi will take action immediately without talking nonsense.

Yue Zhongzhe smiled and glanced at the sword marks on the ground before his toes, and then stopped.

Obviously, Yue Zhongzhe does not plan to do it directly with Zhang Yi now.

Afterwards, only Yue Zhongzhe laughed and said:

"Presumably Zhang Sect Master has also understood that in the Nine Heavens, the timeline of each layer is different."

Zhang Yi said:


When Zhang Yi entered one of the nine heavens, the timeline of that place was slower than the timeline of the world where Zhang Yi was located, at least for decades.

When Zhang Yi entered that world, the timeline of that world remained when Zhang Yi was in college.

From Du Xuanhao's mouth, Zhang Yi also knew that the time points in each world were indeed different.

Yue Zhongzhe continued smilingly and said:

"I also know that Master Zhang once went to a layer of heaven at the back of the timeline."

Zhang Yi does not deny that all this is true.

However, Yue Zhongzhe's next words surprised Zhang Yi.

Just listen to Yue Zhongzhe speaking:

"And the me of your world, I sneaked up the ladder of ascending to the sky and entered the Ninth Heaven, but went to my world. And the timeline of my world can be in front of your world!"

This sentence gave Zhang Yi a strong shock.

At this time, the time that Yue Zhongzhe once was was actually ahead of the world timeline where Zhang Yi was!

This sentence means that this Yue Zhongzhe can be regarded as a person returning from the future!

And what does it mean to be a future man?

It means advanced thinking and arrangement, as well as advance prediction of future events.

After Zhang Yi was reborn, he used his advantage over the future to rise quickly and completely changed the world and his own life trajectory.

And now Yue Zhongzhe is also a man of the future, although he comes from another parallel world, but this is enough to surprise Zhang Yi.

So Zhang Yi solemnly asked:

"The timeline of your world, how long is it faster than my world?"

Yue Zhongzhe replied:

"A thousand years."

Zhang Yi frowned upon hearing this.

A thousand years! This means that everything that Yue Zhongzhe has experienced is far more than everything that Zhang Yi has experienced in his previous life. Zhang Yi's previous life was less than eight hundred years old, and he was already attacking Heavenly Tribulation and finally died.

And this Yue Zhongzhe actually existed for more than two hundred years than Zhang Yi, the result was incredible.

Zhang Yi immediately replied in a cold voice:


Zhang Yi's previous life was an unparalleled king in the world. A top powerhouse like him can naturally live for more than eight hundred years.

But Yue Zhongzhe can live up to a thousand years, and Zhang Yi thinks it is unlikely.

Yue Zhongzhe replied:

"I know that Zhang Sect Master doesn't believe it, but Zhang Sect Master should have listened to what I said in this world. Our Huashan Sect once received the Taoist inheritance left in Huashan after Chen Tuan's ancestor ascended to the immortal world, and thus made the Huashan Sect become one in one fell swoop. First-class school in the world."

Zhang Yi nodded slightly.

He had heard Yue Zhongzhe personally say about this fifty years ago.

Moreover, Yue Zhongzhe learned of the secrets of Jiuzhongtian from the traditions of Chen Tuan's ancestors.

Yue Zhongzhe continued:

"And the ancestor Chen Tuan's practice is very peculiar, that is sleeping. It is said that Chen Tuan's longest time, he slept for 800 years!"

Zhang Yi also heard about this when he met with Yue Zhongzhe fifty years ago.

The ancestor Chen Tuan's practice is very magical and is not known to outsiders. Until another great power named Lu Dongbin broke the secret, the world knew that the secret of the original Chen Tuan ancestor's magical technique was "fetal breath."

The practice of fetal breath has always existed in legends, and has long been lost in the human world.

It was not until the Huashan Sect obtained the fetal breath magic technique that this magical technique reappeared in the world.

Yue Zhongzhe followed:

"In those days, I practiced for hundreds of years by relying on the Divine Ability of Fetal Breath, and I finally lived to be as long as a thousand years."

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help but be convinced.

The mystery of fetal breath magic makes people sleep like animals hibernating for a long time, and the various functions of the human body are in a state of stagnation. And this kind of magical state is equivalent to using another method to extend the life span of a person dozens of times and hundreds of times.

Since Yue Zhongzhe can breathe magical skills, it is not surprising that he will live for a thousand years.

At this time, Zhang Yi asked:

"So what will the future world look like?"

Having said that, Yue Zhongzhe looked at Zhang Yi strangely:

"Why should Master Zhang ask knowingly?"

Zhang Yi's heart moved, what did Yue Zhongzhe say?

Could it be said that Yue Zhongzhe has seen through Zhang Yi himself as a person who has been reborn and lived again?

Then Zhang Yi denied this idea, the matter of his own rebirth is so mysterious, how can it be easily understood by outsiders?

Zhang Yi immediately asked:

"What does the head of Yue mean?"

Yue Zhongzhe's eyes were filled with a strange look at Zhang Yi, and then he said:

"I have always been very strange. In my world, I have never heard of the name of the Master Zhang Clan! The so-called Fuxing Clan does not exist at all. And the Zhang Family is just an ordinary ancient martial arts sect, and it is early It perished before the earth's aura was revived. 900 years after the earth's aura was revived, it was Ling Tianyi and his unreasonable world who led the earth into the world of cultivation!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help being slightly surprised when he heard this.

Could it be said that this is the development trajectory of another world earth?

After Zhang Yi entered the world of cultivation in his previous life, he had never heard of the earth, let alone how the earth was developing.

But he didn't expect that in another world, decades after Zhang Yidu's strongest catastrophe failed, the earth would actually enter the world of cultivation under the leadership of Ling Tianyi and Wuwangjie.

Just listen to Yue Zhongzhe continuing:

"It wasn't until after our earth completely entered the world of cultivation that we heard that there was a double king in the world of cultivation, called Zhang Yi, who crossed the starry sky. It's just that the Zhang Yi failed, and he was already dead. I always thought. Zhang Yi is a person in the world of comprehension, until Yue Zhongzhe of your world entered our world through the Nine Heavens, and was killed by me, and then took the memory of his soul and merged with his soul, I did not know that there is no double king Zhang Yi is you! "

Zhang Yi heard and knew.

It turned out that in the world of Yue Zhongzhe, he still took the same old path as his previous life.

And Zhang Yi also knew that Yue Zhongzhe, who was in his own world, had actually gone to another world and was eventually killed by Yue Zhongzhe of that world. His soul was also merged and his memory was absorbed.

Therefore, at this time, Yue Zhongzhe came here from another world. He already knew that killing himself in the Nine Heavens could fuse life and soul to shape immortal soul. I am afraid that he will only kill|kill more in the future.

Yue Zhongzhe then sneered:

"However, in this world, there is an extra Zhang Sect Master, and Zhang Sect Master has made the development of the earth tens or hundreds of times ahead of its own strength! Even Ling Tianyi has been defeated by you! So if I didn't guess If it’s wrong, you, Master Zhang, are like me. You came to this world from another parallel world ahead of time. It’s just that you seem to have come earlier, so you can tell the prophet, such a big movement in the heights of this world. !"

Zhang Yi heard this, but did not answer.

Yue Zhongzhe thought that Zhang Yi was the same person as him, but he did not know that Zhang Yi was a reborn person.

So Zhang Yi asked:

"I want to know what happened after the earth entered the world of cultivation?"

What Zhang Yi asked about was what happened after his death in his previous life.

In his previous life, Zhang Yi never heard from the earth until his death.

Since Yue Zhongzhe's parallel world, Earth, has entered the world of cultivation, Zhang Yi may be able to see some secrets from it.

Just listen to Yue Zhongzhe shaking his head and sighing:

"That is a world that makes people feel extremely desperate, otherwise I would not run into your world."

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