At the time of high school, the classmates basically knew that Zhang Yi's family was in bad condition, so Zhang Yi said that he came here to eat. He Tao and Fang Xu naturally doubted it.

After all, Zhang Yi is still studying now, even if he goes to Dongshan University, it is impossible for him to rise to the top.

After all, college students are all over the street, and it is hard to find a job.

In Yunsheng Hotel, a meal is worth tens of thousands of yuan.

With economic conditions like Zhang Yi's house, it is impossible to come here for dinner.

Therefore, He Tao sneered at Zhang Yi's remarks. Speaking of which, although He Tao and Zhang Yi were high school classmates, they had never dealt with it before. The reason was Song Yuyao.

After all, a beautiful girl like Song Yuyao always attracts attention, and is the goddess in the minds of many boys.

He Tao liked Song Yuyao at that time. He Tao is a rich second-generation. He has a mine in his family, and he has a wealth of tens of millions. In addition, this guy is also handsome, although he is not a colonel. But Bancao is still competent.

Originally, He Tao was full of confidence. After all, he was very good in all aspects, and his grades were in a mess, but that is nothing to him, because the society is rich is the last word, and academic performance can be regarded as a woolen thread. what.

So He Tao confessed to Song Yuyao, but was relentlessly rejected by the latter.

Moreover, Song Yuyao was very close to Zhang Yi, so he was jealous of this He Tao, and often troubled Zhang Yi.

However, Zhang Yi was an energetic student at the time. The teacher liked him and he had many friends. So this He Tao couldn't help him, but it was a fact that the two people had been hostile.

Therefore, when Zhang Yi said that he was here for dinner, He Tao would naturally not save face and "exposed" on the spot.

"Okay, okay! It’s a rare encounter here, Zhang Yi, let’s have a meal together. Today, we just organized a classmate gathering. I wanted to inform you, but I can’t contact you. Now everyone is running away, some I went to university in other places, and some went out to work hard as soon as they graduated. They didn't come back very much during these holidays, so we contacted some of our close classmates and got together!"

Fang Xu saw that something was wrong and hurriedly stood up to make a round, then put his arms around Zhang Yi's neck and said with a smile.

At the time of high school, Fang Xu and Zhang Yi had a good relationship, so even if they hadn't seen each other much in the past three years, they didn't see each other.

"Fang Xu is right. Since I met here, let's go and gather for a while, many classmates!"

He Tao's eyes flashed slightly, and he said with a smile.

Zhang Yi glanced at the luxurious presidential box not far away. He hesitated. After all, the Xu family were still waiting in it. Suddenly he left the table and ran away to let the family wait. It seemed a bit bad.

"What are you looking at? Zhang Yi, that is the top luxury presidential box in Yunsheng Hotel. Our box is over there."

Fang Xu followed Zhang Yi's gaze and couldn't help but smile, with envy in his eyes, and then pointed to the end of the corridor.

"A half of the classmates came to class today. It's rare to get together and go. Today we must have a few drinks!"

Finally, Fang Xu shook his head and forced Zhang Yi a few times.

Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, but couldn't hold back Fang Xu's affection. In his previous life, because of Song Yuyao's affairs, he had almost cut off contact with these classmates. Now that he has met, he should simply go and meet his former classmates.

As for Xu Anzhi's side, I will post a message later to explain the situation, but it will not be long before I have a meeting with my classmates for a few drinks.

After all, I have lived for hundreds of years in my previous life. To be honest, the relationship between classmates has become very vague, and I can say a few more words about those who have good relationships before.

In this life of rebirth, Zhang Yi only cares about the people around him. If some old people are in need, he can also help appropriately. As for other people who have nothing to do in the previous life, Zhang Yi can't bother to control.

"Come on! Everyone, see who is here!"

"Welcome to our schoolmaster!"

He Tao walked in the front and yelled as soon as he entered.

"Oh, isn't this Zhang Yi?"

"Damn, the monitor is here, I haven't seen you in the past few years!"

There were about two dozen classmates in the box. Seeing Zhang Yi walk in, they couldn't help but exclaimed one by one.

When he was in high school, Zhang Yi was the monitor.

I haven't seen each other for three years, so I naturally greeted him with a handshake one by one, and then Fang Xu called the waiter to give Zhang Yi a place.

"Squad leader, you seem to have changed so much. You don't wear glasses anymore. Did you have eye surgery?"

A slightly fat girl, wearing a pair of big black-rimmed glasses, looked at Zhang Yi. Her name was Zhang Yan and she was Zhang Yi's family.

The girl always needs to be more careful, and she also wears glasses, so she noticed that Zhang Yi did not wear glasses at first glance.

Zhang Yi has been studying since he was a child, but his eyes were also broken. At the time of high school, he was short-sighted at Liu Baidu.

"Well, it's done!"

Zhang Yi hesitated and nodded slightly.

After rebirth, Wang Jue, a cultivator of Hongmeng Purple Qi, made a breakthrough in one fell swoop, and his physique changed, and the previous myopia was naturally healed.

But this kind of thing cannot be explained to these students, so Zhang Yi can only follow Zhang Yan's words.

"Hey, I am also hesitant to do it? I heard they said that after eye surgery, there will be side effects in the future, Zhang Yi, how do you feel?"

Zhang Yan looked sad, and then asked curiously.

"Well, there may indeed be some side effects after the eye surgery, and after the surgery, you should also pay attention to using your eyes, otherwise it will rebound!"

Naturally, Zhang Yi could not have any experience, so he could only pick some fairly satisfactory suggestions.

"Squad leader, why have you disappeared all these years? You won't contact us old classmates after you were admitted to Dongshan University."

Another lean boy suddenly said with a smile.

This boy is called Zhou Hai. Although he is smiling on his face, the run on his tone is obvious.

"That's right, the squad leader is now a top student in a key university, we can't compare it!"

"Dongshan University, it is the top university in the country, second only to Yenching University. After graduation, the monitor will definitely be the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life!"

Zhou Hai said this, and several other boys on the table also followed suit.

Although Zhang Yi was very popular back then, he was also uncomfortable with him. After all, he was sometimes too dazzling and would be jealous. Especially when the colonel Hua Song Yuyao got close to him, it attracted a lot of hostility.

"Nothing, but something happened at home!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the few male students who ran on, and said without changing his face.

The original noisy atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Three years ago, Zhang Yi's incident was still quite disturbing. Some students in the class had also heard about it. Those who had a good relationship with Zhang Yi also carried things to the hospital. Came to visit Zhang Yi's father.

"Zhang Yi, is uncle okay now?"

Fang Xu hesitated and couldn't help asking.

At the beginning, he knew from the notification from the hospital. It was a lifelong disability. If the prosthesis was not installed, he could only spend his entire life in a wheelchair.

However, the cost of installing a prosthesis is very high, which is not something Zhang Yi's family can afford.

"It's completely cured, you can walk around!"

Zhang Yi nodded and told the truth.


As soon as this remark came out, the classmates present couldn't help but froze. They knew how serious Zhang Yi's father's condition was back then. With the current medical level, it may be difficult to cure it, and the cost is not small. .

Is it to install a prosthesis? Everyone couldn't help but guess, but the cost of installing a prosthesis is also not small. Is this something Zhang Yi's family can afford?

Haha, it's starting to brag again! Why didn't I find this Zhang Yi had such a good face before! He Tao couldn't help showing a sneer of contempt.

When I ran into it just now, I said I was eating here, and now I am bragging that my father's feet are healed.

He Tao thinks Zhang Yi loves face! I don't want to be short in front of my old classmates.

Indeed, for young people nowadays, having a disabled parent in the family is indeed very shameless, and it is difficult to find someone. After all, there is such a burden in the family that many girls are unwilling.

"Didn't I say you, Zhang Yi, you were too impulsive at the beginning to cause such a big disaster to your family. Now this society is very realistic and complicated. Can you be invincible with good academic performance? You still have to be rich and powerful. Upholding justice is a good thing, but you have no corresponding ability! Only bad things!"

Thinking of this, He Tao joked and couldn't help but say.

"Yes, we were too naive in the past. We don't know the darkness of this society. This is the world of rich and powerful people. No matter how many books we read, we are talking on paper. It's useless!"

"No matter how good it is to study, it’s really good. I’m not going to work for someone in the future. It’s better to have money! There are some rich second generations in our school who drove luxury cars and changed girlfriends in two days, sometimes even Play a few at the same time, those women don't mind, shit! What a fuck!"

"What's the matter here, play with rich people, people can buy you all kinds of luxury goods, what can you get if you don't have money?"

Many boys in the room nodded deeply and began to talk about their feelings.

They used to study hard day and night with the goal of getting a good university entrance examination, but when they arrived at the university, they saw a wider world, only to find that reading was a good use, not as good as others.

This world is so unfair. Some people live in Rome as soon as they are born, so you can't get to Rome even if you work hard all your life.

"It's still He Taoshuang. There is a mine at home, and he has a brain. Now he is the big boss!"

At this moment, Zhou Hai looked at He Tao with envy and smiled complimentarily.

"What kind of big boss, I can't compare to you high-achieving students. Now I will run some projects that the old man in the family doesn't look up to. With good luck, I will make hundreds of thousands of projects in one project. At the end of the year, I will only make four or five projects!"

He Tao smiled modestly. When talking about top students, he glanced at Zhang Yi intentionally or unintentionally.

"Fuck it, earning hundreds of thousands, only four or five projects a year, the second generation of mine speaks like an atmosphere!"

"Only, that is, these two words are the key points, so they have to be circled, and then the Social University will have to take the exam!"

"Hey, people are more popular than others. He Tao went out to do business after high school, and now he earns millions a year, not to mention there are mines at home, we can only look up in this life!"

Hearing He Tao's words, the students present all kinds of complaints, envy, and jealousy, especially those female classmates, their eyes lit up when they looked at He Tao.

You know, at the time of high school, these eyes were focused on Zhang Yi, but now I have come out to meet the world, only to know that rich society is the kingly way, no matter how good academic performance, no background, I will come out in the future. Only work for others.

In many companies now, the bosses actually only have an elementary school education, but they are all college students, graduate students, and even doctors.

But when these girls' fiery gaze caught a tall and beautiful beauty sitting next to He Tao, they all couldn't help falling down, with a hint of low self-esteem.

Zhang Yi also saw this beautiful woman. He knew him. She was a former high school classmate, but she was from a neighboring class named Ren Wanting.

In addition to my classmates, there are also several other classes here this year.

At the time when Ren Wanting was in high school, just like Song Yuyao, she was a goddess at the school level.

Zhang Yi still remembered that Ren Wanting had an enthusiastic and unrestrained personality. He chased him back then but was rejected by him.

Because at that time, although Song Yuyao had not pierced that layer of window paper, Zhang Yi liked Song Yuyao in his heart.

"Zhang Yi! I heard that you and Song Yuyao were both admitted to Dongshan University. How are you? Have you come together?"

Ren Wanting also noticed Zhang Yi's gaze and couldn't help but smile, but this smile carried a self-confident arrogance.

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