Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1433: Build wood growth

It's finally dawn.

The servants of the Governor's Mansion soon discovered that both Zhang Wei and Zhang Yu's bedroom was messy, either with traces of burnt down or the door being shattered.

But this little problem is naturally not a big deal for the governor. After Xie Xuejun knew about it, he only ordered the servants to replace everything with new ones.

Early in the morning, Zhang Yi came to the Governor’s yard to bask in the sun.

On the other hand, Zhang Wei and Zhang Yu wandered around the Governor's Mansion. They ordered the servants to remove a certain flower pot from time to time, and from time to time they ordered the servants to dig out a certain piece of ground, and sometimes even asked the servants to remove a certain wall. Push it to.

It seemed that the two of them were looking for something.

But they also found some weird bugs. Those bugs are fierce and will jump up and attack when they see people. But these insects were quickly killed by Zhang Yu and Zhang Wei, and they had no chance to harm people.

The servants were terrified, and someone ran to inform Xie Xueyun.

Xie Xuejun didn't say anything after listening, but just explained that no matter what requirements Zhang Wei and others asked, they must complete their explanations regardless of financial resources and manpower.

So Zhang Wei and Zhang Yu continued to be busy near the Governor's Mansion.

After searching for a few laps, they suddenly moved away from the Governor's Mansion and entered Lingjiang City, seeming to be looking for something new.

Zhang Yi did not go with them.

Now that Zhang Yi's spiritual consciousness covers the area, it can already cover the entire Lingjiang City.

So even if Zhang Wei and Zhang Yu did something in the city, Zhang Yi could master it without leaving home.

The courtyard of the governor's residence was very wide, and Zhang Yi came into the garden.

"I don't know how Jianmu is growing, let's take a look."

So Zhang Yi waved his hand, and a huge object suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Yi's eyes.

It was a huge piece of soil, and the soil exuded purple light and looked gorgeous and colorful.

"Sirang has grown so big?"

The last time Zhang Yi saw Xi Rang was not very big, but now Xi Rang is two times bigger than before.

Continuous growth and expansion, this is the characteristics of the soil.

On Mars, because the soil was frozen and sealed, it never expanded.

Now that the soil was acquired by Zhang Yi, it quickly expanded to this extent. And the speed of this expansion is indeed amazing.

When the surrounding servants saw such a huge object suddenly appeared in the governor's mansion, they could only be so scared that they ran to Xie Xueyun to tell.

After Xie Xuejun saw it, he just told the servants to stay far away from Zhang Yi and Xiyang, and asked everyone to keep their mouths tight and not to say what they saw today.

But Zhang Yi stared at something above the soil.

I saw that it was a small tree.

It is Jianmu!

"Unexpectedly, the growth rate of this built wood is also incredibly fast."

The last time Zhang Yi planted Jianmu in the soil, Jianmu was only the size of a vine.

And now, Jianmu has the thickness of an adult's arm, and two paper branches have been extended, and two verdant leaves have grown.

The most peculiar thing is that the surrounding space of Jianmu keeps distorting, as if Jianmu has a certain power to deform the surrounding space.

"Let me water you."

Zhang Yi came to Jianmu's face, and then took out a bottle of colorful lake water obtained from the God Realm from the space artifact.

Then he poured these colorful lake water on Jianmu's roots.

Only seeing the colorful lake water drenched, it was absorbed, and the colorful rays of light extended upward from the roots of Jianmu and spread to the branches and leaves of Jianmu.

After the dim light of those colorful lights was absorbed, Jianmu actually grew up again.

And Jianmu, which has absorbed the colorful lake water, seems to be very happy. It stretches out a branch like a snake and gently wraps it around Zhang Yi's hand, as if grateful for Zhang Yi's watering.

Zhang Yi looked at all this, but he was slightly worried:

"If this continues, I am afraid that my spatial artifact will not be able to accommodate you. It seems that I have to find a place so that you can settle down in the future."

The soil can continue to expand, and the built wood is also growing rapidly.

Sooner or later, they will be filled with Zhang Yi's space magical artifacts.

At that time, Zhang Yi could only choose one place and settle the two.

"Huh? You like the sun?"

Zhang Yi soon discovered that Jianmu's blades were slightly reversed, facing the direction of the sun.

And as the sun shifts, Jianmu's blades also rotate.

"Do you also need photosynthesis? Or the growth of sunlight, which has other effects for you? Let me help you!"

Having said that, Zhang changed his hands.

A small spell was immediately displayed by Zhang Yi.

I saw the moisture in the surrounding air quickly condense above the governor's mansion.

Soon, I saw a large swath of clear water floating above the governor's mansion, looking like a small pond floating in the sky.

Zhang Yi's hand-changing tactics:


I saw that piece of clear water turned into a huge convex lens shape unexpectedly at this moment.

The sunlight shining on the convex lens-like water surface was immediately gathered to form a focal point and projected directly onto Jianmu's leaves.

In this way, the sunlight absorbed by Jianmu has increased several times.

Although the temperature at the focal point is high, Zhang Yi does not worry that Jianmu will be scorched. The dignified sacred tree, if it was scorched by this little sunlight, it would look absurd.

Sure enough, as the focus was on the Jianmu leaves, Jianmu seemed to become very comfortable.

Its branches stretched out, greedily absorbing the focused sunlight.

Zhang Yi looked at all this, thoughtfully:

"It seems that I will let you bask in the sun more in the future, which might speed up your growth."

Then Zhang Yi adjusted the moving speed of the huge convex lens in the sky, so that it can move with the sun, ensuring that the focus of the sun can always be cast on the Jianmu leaves.

After doing all this, Zhang Yi let the huge convex lens float automatically.

And he himself took out the "Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi" for research.

The "Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi" is so large that Zhang Yi folded it several times before allowing it to be read slowly in the courtyard.

Zhang Yi still couldn't fully recognize the divine text above.

However, Zhang Yi took out the "Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi" from time to time for viewing, and then combined it with the divine text on the bone whip. This made Zhang Yi, who has a deep research in linguistics and cryptography, deciphered several The general meaning of the divine text.

However, if you want to fully understand them, you must have the help of someone who really understands God.

"It seems that I have time to go back and ask Jiameng to see how she has been studying divine literature recently, and maybe we can get more information from her."

At present, the only people Zhang Yi knows who understand the divine literature are the descendants of the ancient gods.

And only Jiameng is willing to teach Zhang Yi the divine literary.

Jiameng taught Zhang Yi several divine texts last time, and Zhang Yi deciphered some other divine texts based on the meaning of those divine texts.

It's just a pity that Jiameng only knows the tip of the iceberg for divine texts. Her divine text learning comes from Ling Tianyi, and she doesn't only know whether she has learned new divine texts during this period.

"The Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi, the treasure that the ancient **** Lilith coveted, is there something mysterious about it?"

Zhang Yi has been studying the "Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi" for a long time, and now he has not been able to fully understand it.

He only found that this "Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi" had a magical place, that is, it was invulnerable to fire and water. And even if it is really broken, it can recover quickly and automatically.

Obviously this comes from the reason that the material used to make it is the leather of the ancient god, which makes the ancient god's terrifying self-healing ability also reflected in the leather.

Zhang Yi gently stroked|touched this layer of leather, and he could clearly feel the ancient and wild atmosphere on it.

As the sun sets over the horizon, Zhang Yi put away Jianmu, Xiang, and the Seven Chapters of Xuan Mi.

After dinner, Zhang Yi had invited Lu Ming to meet and chat at the Governor's Mansion.

With Lu Ming's arrival, the two began to chat happily.

This chat was again in the middle of the night, and the two reluctantly left.


In a corner of Lingjiang City, two boys and girls were moving and galloping quickly.

The two are Zhang Yu and Zhang Wei.

They soon came outside a house in a remote alley, and after patrolling the surrounding area, they kicked the door in.

A pungent rancid smell immediately hit the face, and in the gloomy room, the floor and walls had become moldy, and in a corner of the room there was a corpse that had been highly decomposed.

On the corpse, there were some weird bugs crawling around, getting in and out.

"Damn it! Another shot!"

Zhang Wei exclaimed angrily.

He raised his hand, and a ball of fire fell on the dead body, burning the dead body with all the poisonous insects.

"That **** scoundrel, deliberately released some smoke bombs in this city, causing us to go around!"

Zhang Wei felt very aggrieved.

He and Zhang Yu searched for the whereabouts of the defilers in the city based on the breath of the defilement ghosts and insects, but often found some corners where only the dead and poisonous insects were located, but they have not been able to find the whereabouts of the defilers.

The two were not stupid, they knew that this was the scoundrel who had noticed that they were following him, so they deliberately created some fake locations to attract the attention of the two, so that the scoundrel could avoid the end.

Zhang Yu also said angrily:

"If that **** dares to fight us face-to-face, I will definitely cut him off! But he always hides and makes small moves in the dark, which really annoys me!"

Zhang Yu's words were not completely unreasonable, the cruel master's own combat power was not too strong, and his strength was far weaker than that of Zhang Yu and Zhang Wei.

If they were fighting head-on, then the scoundrel might not be able to resist the full force of even one of the two.

The scoundrel also seems to know this truth, so he has been remotely controlling the scoundrel ghost to attack the two people in secret, but never shows up in front of them.

"Hey, keep looking, I don't believe I can't find him!"

After the two sighed, they could only continue to search for the whereabouts of the abusive master in the city.

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