Under the guidance of this disciple, Zhang Yi quickly came to the true core of the prison.

This is a wide hall, in which there is a huge elliptical sphere made of special metal that looks like a giant egg.

A hole was opened in the middle of the sphere, just enough to expose a human face.

The face that was exposed was exactly that of Leng Yan.

And on this huge sphere, there are countless cables and pipes connected. In those pipes, some liquids can be seen continuously being injected, and some liquids are constantly being drawn out.

This giant egg-like metal elliptical sphere is a personal prison designed by the mechanical emperor for Leng Yan to be able to hold it steadily.

In order to save Leng Yan's life, the poison in her body has been eliminated.

But Leng Yan's strength is too strong, it is not an easy task for this kind of Mahayana realm to be able to seal it.

With the recovery of Leng Yan's strength, even Zhang Yi's Golden Needle Secret Technique could not seal her.

In particular, once the strength of this level of power is restored, even if Zhang Yi is present, it will inevitably be a disaster for the Fuxing protégés.

Therefore, in order to seal Leng Yan, the Mechanical Sovereign used biochemical agents and some technological methods to keep Leng Yan’s weakness when Leng Yan was extremely high, and then used some cultivation techniques to make Leng Yan’s true energy in his body. Constantly dissipating without aura to replenish.

After continuous experimentation, the Mechanical Emperor finally successfully designed this special prison, which can keep Leng Yan’s strength at the level of the Golden Core Realm without recovery, and keep her sealed in this weak state. .

Regarding the life and death of Leng Yan, there are not too many different opinions among Fuxingmen.

As long as Leng Yan's strength can't be recovered, then using her life will undoubtedly play a key role in the real decisive battle with Hun Tianzong in the future.

But as to whether Leng Yan's strength was temporarily unable to recover, or permanently unable to recover, there was a big disagreement among Fuxingmen.

Some people think that Leng Yan's cultivation base should be completely abolished, otherwise she will become a huge hidden danger, and a little carelessness will threaten Fuxingmen.

Some people also think that Leng Yan is a powerful person in the Mahayana realm after all, and it is a pity that her cultivation base is completely abolished. Perhaps in the future, Leng Yan can seek refuge in Leng Yan.

But there are only a few people who retain the latter opinion.

Because Leng Yan is unlikely to take refuge in Fuxingmen, and her position is not easy to arrange after her strength takes refuge in Fuxingmen. After all, her strength, in addition to the sect master, overwhelmed the elders. And for this kind of enemy, it is obviously impossible to give her a high position.

Zhang Yi also disagrees with keeping Leng Yan's cultivation base, he also believes that Leng Yan should be completely turned into a waste.

But Zhang Yi was willing to give Lin Xin'er a chance.

Zhang Yi is not optimistic about Leng Yan, but he is optimistic about Lin Xin'er.

Leng Yan's personality is too extreme, she will kill her own daughter at every turn and commit suicide at every turn.

She could not care about the lives of her dear ones or her own. The weakness of this kind of person is so few that Zhang Yi is not sure that she can control her.

But Lin Xin'er is different. She places too much emphasis on feelings and even makes her prone to extremes, either love or hate, but love and hate entanglement.

In addition, she does not have any opinions that are easy to be swayed by others, and she has been reformed and trained by Fuxingmen, so Lin Xiner is easier to control and easier to use for Fuxingmen.

Zhang Yi believed that as long as Lin Xin'er used it well, it would definitely play an important role in the decisive battle against Huntianzong in the future.

When Zhang Yi came to the core of the prison, he happened to see Lin Xin'er talking to Leng Yan in front of the metal giant egg.

Immediately Zhang Yi stood in the distance, quietly listening to the conversation between the two.

The mechanical emperor who had heard the news also came to Zhang Yi's side and listened closely with Zhang Yi.

I saw Lin Xin'er carrying a bowl of Ginseng Soup and using a small spoon to scoop the soup to feed Leng Yan:

"Mother, drink more. This is the Ginseng soup made by my daughter. You will feel better after drinking it."

Lin Xiner had broken her hands and feet in Huntian School. When she returned to Fuxingmen, the disciples of the Tiangong Department had already installed new hands and feet for her, so she is now able to move freely.

Leng Yan, who was trapped in the giant metal egg with only one face, could not help but said coldly when he heard Lin Xin'er's words:

"Xin'er, since you were young, have you ever made soup yourself? Didn't Fuxingmen treat you kindly, and didn't even the servants arrange a few for you? Ask your doormen to come to see me, and I will ask him face to face. Why can't the majesty of Huntianzong get the courtesy she deserves!"

Although Leng Yan snorted coldly, he did not refuse Lin Xin'er's feeding.

She felt that her daughter started to grow up slowly after experiencing all this.

The former Lin Xineryi stretched out her hand to open her mouth, saying that she had been spoiled since she was a child.

Among the Hun Tianzong, only Leng Yan, who has always been strict and strong, can manage her, otherwise even her father will not be able to manage her well.

But now, Lin Xiner would actually make ginseng soup by herself, which surprised Leng Yan.

After Lin Xiner fed her mother a bowl of ginseng soup, she couldn't help but say:

"Mother, would you surrender to Fuxingmen? Then we can be together, you can become a normal mother, and you don't have to worry about the affairs of Huntianzong, we can always live together in the future!"

Leng Yan said coldly when he heard this:

"What about your father?"

Lin Xin'er's father is the master of the dignified Huntianzong.

Upon hearing Leng Yan's words, Lin Xiner replied:

"We can also let Dad surrender together, so that our family of three can be reunited happily. We don't have to ask about the fights, we can live our lives!"

Leng Yan sneered:

"Xin'er, you are too naive! No matter what Zhang Yi promises you now, he is just using you. Once the Chaotic Heaven Sect is really destroyed, then you and we will have no use value. Wait Ours is only a dead end!"

Lin Xiner couldn't help becoming angry when she heard this.

She smashed the porcelain bowl in her hand and roared at Leng Yan:

"Then what can we do now? I am a knife and I am a fish, we can only let them kill! We listen to them, then there may be a chance. If we don't listen to them, they can kill us at any time!"

Leng Yan sighed faintly and said:

"Xin'er, what's to be afraid of when you die? Only when we die can the Sect Master be able to avenge us!"

Hearing this, Lin Xiner couldn't help crying:

"But I don't want to die, I just want to live! I want to live well with my mother and father's family! I'm afraid of death... I'm really afraid! When they turned me into this way, I almost thought I'm really going to die! I don't want to experience that kind of encounter again...I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Lin Xin'er was already crying.

In the distance, Zhang Yi and Mechanical Sovereign listened to all this.

After a long pause without hearing any useful information, Zhang Yi has lost his patience.

He ordered to a disciple:

"Bring Lin Xin'er here."

The disciple passed quickly and brought Lin Xin'er from in front of the giant egg.

When Lin Xiner saw Zhang Yi, she hurriedly bowed down and bowed respectfully:

"Xin'er pays homage to the master!"

"Get up." Zhang Yi said lightly.

Lin Xin'er just stood up from the ground.

But even after standing up, Lin Xiner did not dare to straighten her body to face Zhang Yi, and she kept rickets in front of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi said:

"Lin Xin'er, time is running out."

Lin Xin'er heard Zhang Yi's words and couldn't help looking at Zhang Yi in surprise.

Although she didn't understand what Zhang Yi said, she had a bad feeling.

Zhang Yi continued:

"I will give you one month at the end. Within one month, you must persuade Leng Yan to return to Fuxingmen, and you must be able to convince us that she really does. Otherwise..."

Lin Xin'er was trembling with fear when she heard this.

She tremblingly asked:

"Otherwise, will the sect master kill us?"

Zhang Yi shook his head:

"As long as you don't betray Fuxingmen, I won't kill you. As for Leng Yan..."

Lin Xiner could not help but let out a long sigh of relief when she heard that Zhang Yi would not kill herself.

And when he heard the second half of the sentence about Leng Yan, he couldn't help asking:

"What will happen to my mother?"

Zhang Yi said:

"I will not kill her either, I will just let Elder Tiangong make her like you."

For Leng Yan, a powerful person in the Mahayana realm, their bodies have entered a state of horror.

Even if their cultivation base is abolished, they may undergo some special exercises or pill to reshape and transform their physical bodies, thereby restoring their cultivation strength.

Only by completely destroying their bodies can they prevent them from regaining their strength.

Therefore, in order to eliminate Leng Yan's threat to Fuxingmen, Zhang Yi will make her become like Lin Xiner, completely dead and living in a mechanical way.

Only in this way can it be guaranteed that Leng Yan's cultivation base will be abolished and will not be restored.

When Lin Xin'er heard this, she couldn't help being stunned.

She knew very well that Leng Yan would encounter what she had encountered before, and that kind of thing was the most terrifying nightmare Lin Xiner had encountered in her life.

She will exist under the psychological shadow of that incident for her life, and she doesn't want her mother to have the same experience.

Immediately Lin Xiner knelt down:

"Sect master, Xin'er will definitely be able to make Leng Yan go!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand and motioned Lin Xin'er to retreat.

He didn't believe that Lin Xin'er could do what he said, even if Leng Yan really said he was going to submit, he would never believe it.

Therefore, in Zhang Yi's view, it is inevitable that Leng Yan's cultivation base will be abolished.

Lin Xiner could only retreat sadly, but she did not leave, but continued to return to the metal giant egg to persuade her to surrender.

After she knew the deadline given by Zhang Yi, she dared not let go of any more time.

At this time, a disciple came to Zhang Yi's side:

"Sect Master, Miss Feng Ziyan came to Yi Zexing from Wudi Star, and clamored to see you."

Zhang Yi couldn't help feeling a lot better when he heard the wind and purple smoke coming.

The innocent girl like Feng Ziyan can bring brightness to people like sunshine.

And war will only bring depression and heart congestion, and this prison is the same.

"Take me to see her now."

Zhang Yi said, and left the prison.

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