Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1477: Horrible energy shock

While absorbing the spiritual energy of the asteroid belt, Zhang Yi began to isolate his six senses.

His senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing, perception, and vision all began to shut down. Only in this state can Zhang Yi be isolated from the world and meditate alone.

Only when he is attacked by an attack that will affect his breakthrough, or when the surrounding formation has some drastic changes, will he withdraw from this sensory closure.

Time slowly passed, and nine days passed.

At this time, all of the aura in this asteroid belt had been emptied by Zhang Yi.

Even the aura that was replenished from the outside world had all fallen into Zhang Yi's body, making the aura that was replenished from the outside world no longer sufficient.

At this time, in the universe where the aura itself is thin, the aura here is no longer easy to use.

In just nine days, the aura was absorbed by Zhang Yi.

At this time, Zhang Yi finally opened his eyes.

With his hand raised, the bronze dial suddenly flew out of the spatial magic weapon.

Qiqing's voice also uttered from the bronze dial:

"Master, are we going to start?"

Zhang Yi replied:

"Give you an hour to prepare. After an hour, we will officially start."

"Qiqing obeyed!"

Qiqing immediately began to prepare.

She is also equivalent to a certain degree of warm-up, making her body more adaptable, so that she can achieve her ability to play better.

Soon, Qiqing had already replied to Zhang Yi:

"Master, I am completely ready!"

Zhang Yi nodded:

"Then let's start."

"Yes! Master!"

Qiqing replied, and then began to act.

I saw the copper dial trembling slightly|shaking, as if a mysterious and strange power radiated from the copper dial and spread to the surroundings.

The scope of this mysterious power is very small, only confined to Zhang Yi's body.

This is the power of rules.

The effect of the power of this rule is to change time.

Zhang Yi soon felt the changes in the passage of time.

The time passing by half a meter around Zhang Yi was much faster than that of the outside world. Even the spread of light into the whole body accelerated, but everything in the outside world from Zhang Yi's perspective began to slow down.

With the acceleration of the vibration frequency of the copper dial, this time change becomes more and more obvious.

In the end, even in Zhang Yi's eyes, everything in the outside world has slowed to become static.

And Zhang Yi also knows that if someone looks at Zhang Yi from the outside world at this time, they will find that all of Zhang Yi's movements are so fast that people's sights can't be supplemented.

The vibration frequency of the bronze dial has also stabilized.

Zhang Yi felt his surroundings and made his own judgment:

"A hundred times slower time has been reached. From now on, a hundred years have passed through my body and only a mere year has passed by the outside world. Now, let me officially start to break through!"

Immediately Zhang Yi took out a pile of sacred stones from the space artifact and began to absorb the power of the fairy spirit inside.

This time in the retreat, Zhang Yi knew that he needed a lot of sacred stones, so he had already prepared all the sacred stones that had been mined in Fuxingmen in the space magical tools.

For this breakthrough, Zhang Yi was well prepared.

Zhang Yi absorbed the faerie power of a piece of divine stone.

In this way, the energy of the sacred stone one after another was quickly absorbed by Zhang Yi.

With the absorption of the power of the fairy spirit, Zhang Yi's cultivation level also soared rapidly.

He quickly rose from the early stage of the seventh level of the King of Kings Jue to the middle stage, and even continued to improve.

In the last breakthrough, Zhang Yi consumed a huge amount of sacred stones, and the energy needed this time was simply how many times that of the last time.

The energy consumption was so huge that Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel a little worried that the replenishment speed of the faerie power of the divine consciousness would appear to be slow when the impact was reached.

At that time, Zhang Yi would have to use Shang Hongmeng Purple Qi to assist.

In this life, Zhang Yi got the opportunities that he didn't get in the previous life. All of these made Zhang Yi's human king body more refined, so the energy needed for breakthroughs would be more.

In the same way, after such a breakthrough, Zhang Yi's human king body will be more refined than in the previous life, and his strength will inevitably be stronger than the same realm in the previous life.

Time passed in a hurry, and Zhang Yi had not known how many years he had been in retreat. He felt that it might have been seven or eighty years.

And such a long period of time, for the outside world, I am afraid it is only seven or eight months.

At this time, Zhang Yi's cultivation had reached the pinnacle of the seventh floor of Ren Wang Jue, and he could finally start to attack the eighth floor of Ren Wang Jue.

The huge energy began to hit the bottleneck of the level, and the huge shock also radiated from Zhang Yi's body towards the outside.

After this terrifying energy was transmitted, it caused the surrounding asteroid belt to suffer.

I saw countless asteroids torn apart in this terrifying impact, and then these fragments were again shaken into countless particles, and even in the end these particles were shaken to be smaller than powder.

Such an impact does not know how long it lasted, and even caused a huge gap in the surrounding asteroid belt that was originally densely packed with asteroids.

The asteroids in this blank have been turned into powder, and this blank is still spreading in the asteroid belt.


Dalu star.

Huntianzong headquarters.

The magnificent buildings stretch for miles, and here is not so much a martial art as it is a city.

A city formed by the gathering of practitioners of a sect.

The number of people in the headquarters of Huntianzong is numerous, as many as tens of thousands. This is only a fixed population, and the floating population is even more terrifying.

With so many people gathered together, this school looks almost the same as the city.

In particular, the Chaotic Heaven Sect rules many planets, and the time and space channels of each planet are gathered in the headquarters, which also makes this a place where a large number of people from all major planets gather.

Although the Huntianzong headquarters has been very lively recently, the whole planet has not been peaceful recently.

A continuous and strange earthquake caused great damage to this planet.

This earthquake is very peculiar and has lasted as long as several months. Every day there is an earthquake at least once, and as many as a dozen earthquakes, each of which lasts more than a quarter of an hour.

And the intensity of earthquakes is getting bigger and bigger, and earthquakes are getting more and more ordinary.

For a martial art school like Huntian Sect, naturally they will not be afraid of earthquakes.

But this weird and continuous earthquake has hurt the ordinary people on Dalü Star.

In such a series of earthquakes, mountain peaks are constantly collapsing, the earth is constantly cracking, rivers are constantly changing paths, tsunamis are constantly emerging, and volcanoes are constantly erupting...In short, for Dalu Xing, it is already like a doomsday scene.

In the face of such terrible disasters, ordinary people have basically collapsed their houses, countless people have been killed by the earthquake, and the remaining people have also fallen into various disasters of homelessness.

Suddenly, the ordinary people of Dalüxing were downsizing very seriously.

This also led to a tragic scene on Dalü Xing, which was hungry everywhere, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it as bare bones in the wild, and no **** crowing for thousands of miles.

Faced with such a situation, Dalu Xing's ruler Hun Tianzong didn't care at all.

Yes, they don't care about the lives of ordinary people.

Because ordinary people are too much for them.

The Chaotic Heaven Sect controls many planets, and the number of ordinary people they control is as many as tens of billions.

And because there are no restrictions on fertility, these ordinary people reproduce extremely fast. They are like leeks, even if they cut a wave, they will quickly grow a new wave.

Therefore, even if the ordinary people on Dalu star die more, the Chaotic Heaven Sect does not want to pay too much attention to it. Because they know that it only takes ten years for new ordinary people to be born and multiply continuously, and the population will gradually increase.

The life span of ordinary people is only a few decades, which is not long for practitioners who have a long life span.

Their goal is the stars and the sea, and they won't be placed on ordinary people at all.

In addition to this, there is another point, that is, this strange and terrifying earthquake that can create disasters like the end of the world is still due to the Huntian Sect.

All this is because Huntian Sect's Sect Master Lin Chengzhi broke through in retreat.

And the place where he broke through in retreat is exactly in Da Lu Xing's inner chamber of the earth.

Lin Chengzhi was already a famous Mahayana powerhouse, and this time he wanted to break through into the Tribulation Realm in one fell swoop.

And for a terrifying master of his level, even the aftermath of the breakthrough would be extremely destructive to this planet.

It has been decades for Lin Chengzhi to break through, and it will be close to a hundred years.

Especially recently, when he broke through the final bottleneck, the energy collision generated when he broke through spread out from his body, and continued to sink into the bottom layer, which caused the entire Dalu Star to erupt with continuous terrifying earthquakes.

During this period, no one dared to disturb Lin Chengzhi's breakthrough.

However, after Yi Zexing's defeat, the elders of the Huntianzong had to follow the underground secret road directly to the underground.

The so-called underground secret road is actually a long spiral-like tunnel built at the bottom of the Huntian Sect. This tunnel can directly reach the point where Lin Chengzhi broke through in the center of the earth.

As the elders of the Huntianzong continued to penetrate into the heart of the earth, they could feel that the surrounding temperature was continuously increasing, the gravity was also rapidly decreasing, and the air was continuously thinning.

Of course, these circumstances are of no consequence to a master at the level of Elder Huntianzong.

They entered the magma in the center of the earth, sinking continuously in the magma.

When they sank to the center of the earth, they saw that a building made of metal was actually immersed here.

And the huge energy impact that can produce a terrifying earthquake is constantly impacting from this metal building.

The moment they saw this metal building, the elders couldn't help crying and shouting:

"Sect Master! Something has happened! A sect called Fuxingmen suddenly attacked the gate of Yi Zexing. Sect Master Leng and Miss Leng led their troops to expel but failed. As a result... Vice Sect Master Leng and Miss Leng have been captured by the enemy! "

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