Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 181: The result is not what you can afford

It was the Sun family again. Zhang Junshan made a secret move a few years ago. It was also the Sun family who came forward. Now this Sun family has emerged again.

But it was a third-rate family of Yanjing. It stands to reason that the local second-rate giant family should be fearless, but this Sun family involved figures like the king of the Northwest, Lu Tianlong, which made Zhang Yi a little puzzled.

A big man like Lu Tianlong is at least a master-level powerhouse, and he is also a top powerhouse among the masters. Backed by the Lu family of the first family, the country can turn one eye and close one eye. It can be described as a monstrous background. .

But how could a third-rate family like the Sun family invite a big man like Lu Tianlong?

In this world, people gather in groups, and it is difficult for people of different levels to have friendship.

"Lu Tianlong said that our Xia family was good at advocating to change the pattern of Lingnan, and broke his rules, so he took my Xia family to operate. Now the family is occupied by the king of the Northwest..."

Xia Fenghuang clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said.

According to Xia Fenghuang, she managed to escape and tried to contact Zhang Yi all the time, but Zhang Yi’s mobile phone could not get through, so she could only quietly stay near the villa where Zhang Yi lived, waiting hard. .

Moreover, the king of the northwest, Lu Tianlong, also named Zhang Yi to pick up the crime, because he knew that Zhang Yi was behind the Xia family.

"It makes you implicated."

The chill in Zhang Yi's eyes was surging, but he did not expect that all of this was because he was too pushy, forcing the Xiao family to withdraw from Lingnan as a whole, and eventually provoked the king of the Northwest.

The Xia family naturally bears the brunt.

But things like this have happened before, but the king of the Northwest is aloof and never pays attention. This time it was an exception.


At this time, the door of the villa suddenly exploded and was directly blasted open by a brute force.

A few powerful people walked in from the outside, among them was a big bald man wearing camouflage uniforms. Besides, the surrounding area of ​​the villa was surrounded by groups of people at some point. Infrared rays came in, focusing on Zhang Yi’s. Whole body up and down.

In an instant, Zhang Yi has been locked by countless guns.

And those people are not holding ordinary guns, but the most sophisticated assault rifles, equipped with special armor-piercing bullets.

Not only that, there are some people carrying bazookas on their shoulders and aiming them at the villa.

"Huh? Master, they are Lu Tianlong's people."

Xia Fenghuang couldn't help exclaiming because of the sudden change, fully guarded.

"Haha, little girl from the Xia family, if we didn't release the water, do you think you could come out?"

The headed bald man wearing camouflage uniform laughed and looked at Xia Fenghuang's eyes with an extremely aggressive light.

"You..." Xia Fenghuang's expression couldn't help changing after hearing this.

"Hey, it's too late to know now, if it weren't for you to have some usefulness, I would have put you on it a long time ago."

The bald man grinned, his face was full of hideous sneers.

"You!" Xia Fenghuang flushed with anger when he felt the naked gaze of the bald man.

"Patriarch Zhao, I didn't expect you to come too!"

Zhang Yi's face was plain, and he ignored the clamoring bald man, but looked at Zhao Shimin who was following behind him.

With his perception ability, he knew that many people were ambushing outside this villa. Poor Xia Fenghuang, the girl who was seriously injured, was almost half-worn, and her ability was greatly reduced. He didn't know that he had been looked around by the wolves and had become a turtle in the urn.

"Mr. Zhang, I can't help it. No one can resist the power of the King of the Northwest!"

Feeling Zhang Yi's indifferent gaze, Zhao Shimin stood up with a wry smile.

In the beginning, he wanted to make good friends with Zhang Yi. After all, he was such a young master, but he never dreamed that the changes in the pattern of Lingnan would involve the lofty king of the northwest.

The king of the northwest has dominated the northwest region for so long, and even the country is afraid of three points. With one eye closed, such a monstrous power, if his Zhao family dared to resist even the slightest, he would immediately have to be turned into fly ash. Become a permanent past, forgotten by the world.

Originally, he was struggling because he was very optimistic about Zhang Yi's future. Unfortunately, time is waiting for no one. The king of the Northwest is here, and even the Xia family was taken down by two, let alone his Zhao family. NS.

In fact, it took only two days for the King of the Northwest to arrive, and only a small group of forces received the news, but without exception, they all ran to "visit", including the Zhao family.

At first, Zhao Shimin was hesitant in his heart, but the power of the King of the Northwest was too strong. Although Zhang Yi reached the realm of Grand Master at a young age, his future is limitless, but he was far behind Lu Tianlong.

Not only Lu Tianlong's strength, but more importantly, the monstrous background behind Lu Tianlong.

Coupled with the fact that almost all members of the family are biased towards Lu Tianlong, he no longer struggles.

The king of the northwest, Lu Tianlong and Zhang Yi, no matter how they look at them, they are not symmetrical, and the gap is too great.

"Fine, you have your position!"

Zhang Yi took a deep look at Zhao Shimin, his expression indifferent.

As the head of the family, Zhao Shimin had to consider issues from the standpoint of the family in everything. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, and Zhang Yi did not mind to blame the other party.

But soon, Zhao Shimin will probably know what his decision made him and the entire Zhao family miss.

Zhang Yi shook his head secretly, too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhao Shimin, looked directly at the big bald man in camouflage uniform and said, "Let's go, take me to see Lu Tianlong!"

It can be seen from these clothes that this Lu Tianlong is indeed not simple, and can actually mobilize the military's strength.

Although these fighters were not a threat to Zhang Yi, and the cultivators also paid attention to killing and decisiveness, these fighters were heroes who defended their homes and the country, and shouldn't lose their lives for Lu Tianlong's stupid actions.

Although Zhang Yi didn't blink his eyes in his previous life, he didn't want his hands to be stained with the blood of this predator.

"You can definitely see the King of the Northwest, but I heard that you are a master at a young age, I don't believe it! Let me weigh it first!"

Yu Wei glanced at Zhang Yi in surprise, his eyes eager to try.

He is forty-three years old this year, but he is already a strong man in the middle of the master, and now he is an instructor of a certain special forces, and the arrogance in his heart can be imagined.

Originally, he didn't want to do this kind of task, but I heard that the target was suspected to be a master, and he was only in his twenties. Although he didn't believe it very much, Yu Wei was still a little interested and wanted to come and have a look.

"It's been a long time since I saw Instructor Yu make a move. This time I can finally open my eyes!"

"This kid looks weak, he is really a young master like the rumors? I don't feel like it at all, like this, I can beat ten!"

"It must be a rumor. How can there be such a young master, this kid looks so tender, I'm afraid he's still studying!"


When the soldiers outside saw their instructors about to take action, their eyes lit up.

In the army, Yu Wei is a legendary instructor. Normally, you can't see him take action, because in their army, there is no one worthy of instructor Yu's action.

Looking at Zhang Yi again, these fighters couldn't help shaking their heads. How could such a stinky hairy boy deserve their instructor's action?

"Are you sure you want to weigh? Maybe the result is not something you can bear."

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed and said blankly.

"Oh? It's crazy! I have to see if you have this capital? As long as you can take my punch, I will count as Yu Wei losing!"

Yu Wei sneered and blasted his punches unceremoniously.

His arms are thick, with blue veins violently entwining them like an angry dragon, which looks quite bluffing.

After all, he is a strong master at the master level, even if he doesn't give his full strength, but with a random punch, the momentum is extraordinary. I am afraid that he is a cow, and he has to be beaten through his head on the spot.

You know, the forehead of the cow's head has horns and is very hard.

However, facing Yu Wei's fierce punch, Zhang Yi just lifted his palm and grabbed it.

Seeing Zhang Yi's action, the soldiers couldn't help but open their mouths, their eyes were like looking at idiots, so if they met their legendary instructors, were they looking for death or were they looking for death.

Only Zhao Shimin stared at him closely. Although he had seen Zhang Yi abolish the half-step Grandmaster Xiao Zhongtian, showing the power of the Grandmaster Realm, he didn't know the extent of the latter.

"To be able to reach the Grandmaster Realm at such a young age, it should be the lowest level of the Grandmaster Realm!"

Zhao Shimin secretly said in his heart that he had never seen Zhang Yi's shots except for that time in Dongsheng International, so he was not too clear about Zhang Yi's exact strength.

"Okay! Courageous!"

Yu Wei laughed in anger and felt humiliated.

Even if you are really a young grandmaster, you shouldn't be so big in the face of him who is also a grandmaster.

Unless it is the pinnacle master! But, could such a young and immature hairy boy be the pinnacle master? Even if Yu Wei's imagination was magnified a hundred times, he couldn't imagine it.


Yu Wei’s iron fist hit Zhang Yi’s palm firmly, and even a cruel smile appeared on his face, because at the last moment, he suddenly increased his strength and wanted to give this kid who dared to humiliate him a painful lesson.

Don't want this hand anymore, if you go to Lu Tianlong's place, the end will only be a hundred times more miserable than this! Yu Wei sneered in his heart.

Although he was an instructor, he was actually narrow-minded. Although the soldiers admired his strength, they did not agree with him.

Seeing this scene, those soldiers also secretly shook their heads sympathetically.

Only Zhao Shimin's eyelids suddenly twitched, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a touch of shock and horror suddenly expanded on his face.

Zhang Yiwen didn't move, and his face was flat, as if the iron fist hitting his palm was not from a strong master, but a weak baby.

This punch that was enough to penetrate the bull's head was actually grasped firmly by Zhang Yi.

"I said, you want to weigh me, maybe the result is not something you can bear."

Zhang Yi's face was indifferent, and then his palms slammed into force, and a burst of crisp bone fragmentation sounded, making the scalp numb and teeth sour in the audience.

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