Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 245: Rumors of deep mountains and old forests

The parents are missing!

Zhang Yi visited around and said that he hadn't seen his parents recently and thought he was going to travel.

"Parents cannot disappear for no reason, it must be artificial."

Zhang Yi's face was gloomy, with a torrent of anger in his heart, thinking of all kinds of possibilities.

Immediately, he called Xia Guoxiong.

"My parents are missing. I suspect it was man-made. You immediately mobilize all your power to check for me!"

Zhang Yi said coldly.

"Yes! Mr. Zhang, I'll do it right away!"

Suddenly receiving a call from Zhang Yi, Xia Guoxiong had not had time to be happy, his heart was stunned, and he said quickly.

With the support of Zhang Yi in the Xia family, and the king of the Northwest was killed by Zhang Yi, the Xia family's power in Lingnan and even the entire Northwest is in full swing.

Although Xia Guoxiong himself is not the real master, the current power of the Xia family is that some first-rate families in the northwest dared not provoke them, all because behind the Xia family is Zhang Yi.

Even the king of the Northwest, Lu Tianlong, had been killed, so where did they dare to appear.

After finishing the conversation with Zhang Yi, Xia Guoxiong immediately made several important calls and ordered them to go down one by one.

Zhang Yi is now the backer of the Xia family. His parents are missing. This is definitely a big event for the entire Xia family.

The power of the entire Xia family was mobilized, and the area beside Luliu Lake and even the entire Anyang City were turned upside down.

The Xu family also got the news of Zhang Yi's parents' disappearance and participated in the investigation.

In less than half a day, both Xia Guoxiong and Old Man Xu stood in front of Zhang Yi respectfully, with respectful expressions.

"Mr. Zhang, the investigation came out. Your parents were forcibly taken away by a group of mysterious people. Although the group moved quickly, they were still taken by surveillance."

Mr. Xu took out a tablet himself and clicked on a surveillance video inside.

That was the monitoring by the Luliu Lake. Since the incident happened at night, the monitoring picture was not very clear.

Next is the monitoring on the road, showing that the group took Zhang Yi’s parents into a business car, and then all the way north out of Lingnan, they were gone. Obviously the other party was well prepared, and there was a response and energy. Very big.

After hearing the report of the two, Zhang Yi frowned deeply and fell into thought.

Except for the Zhang family, the parents should have no enemies. Could it be the Zhang family?

A trace of killing intent flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes. In fact, he didn't think about the Zhang family, but he was also very high-profile in the ancient martial arts during this period. The Patriarch of the Sun family has four elders.

So Zhang Yi couldn't be sure, which force took his parents away.

Just as Zhang Yi frowned and thought, his cell phone rang suddenly, an unfamiliar number.

"Who?" Zhang Yi quickly answered the phone and asked coldly.

"Mr. Zhang, this is Cheng Youshan!"

Replied over the phone.

"General Cheng? Why did you call me suddenly?"

Zhang Yi raised his brows and asked.

"I just got the news, so I called you quickly. I know where your parents are now?"

Cheng Youshan quickly explained.

Zhang Yi is now a figure in the upper-class society of China, and his every move has attracted the attention of countless people. The state attaches great importance to him, including those around him.

The energy of the country is still considerable. The disappearance of Zhang Chenhai and his wife can't even find the root causes of local forces like the Xia family and the Xu family, but Cheng Youshan has got the exact news.

"Sure enough, it's the Zhang family!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi stood up abruptly, with murderous intent boiling over his body.


Zhang family, as the fourth existence of the top ten ancient martial arts families, the family base camp is in the snow-capped mountains of Longjiang Province, which is the most northerly place. The temperature is low for many years, and the weather is cold in winter.

Autumn has already begun at this time. Because of its special geographical location, Longjiang Province has already entered winter early.

The north wind whizzed and the air was very dry.

In this biting cold wind, a young man in casual clothes stepped on this land, stepped out, and he was ten miles away.

"Fuck, I was dazzled just now, I just saw a person in front of me, why suddenly disappeared?"

Sitting on a jeep off-road vehicle were a few young people who came out to play. Suddenly, the young man who was driving suddenly stepped on the brakes, his face was pale, and he pointed to the front in horror and called out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! what are you

A girl in the passenger cabin nearly slammed her head on the glass, patted her beating chest in shock, and complained.

"Fuck, Xiaocheng, what kind of plane are you doing!"

A pair of young men and women who got together in the back row was making out. The man's claws had already covered a place where it stood up. When he was so scared, he was out of interest.

"Where is there someone, why didn't we see? You are afraid that you have hit a ghost!"

The girl in the back row blushed and said with a grumbling expression on her face.

"It's a **** thing, it seems that I am dazzled! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you continue to do it, continue to do it!"

Zhou Xiaocheng cursed secretly, then gave a weird laugh.

"Fuck your sister!" The girl in the back seat suddenly blushed, even if she was bold enough, it wouldn't be good to continue to "fuck" with her boyfriend next to her at this time.

"Oh right, there is a deep mountain and old forest over there, have you seen it?"

The jeep continued to run on the road, when the girl in the co-driver's cab suddenly pointed to the distant mountains and exclaimed excitedly.

"Isn't it just a deep mountain and old forest? What are you excited about?"

Zhou Xiaocheng, who was driving, glanced at it and mumbled.

"Huh, what do you know? There was a local rumor recently that something strange happened in the old forest in the deep mountains."

The girl in the co-pilot snorted, glanced at Zhou Xiaocheng, and then pretended to be mysterious.

"Eh, what's the strange thing, Tingting?"

The girl in the back seat was curious and couldn't help asking.

"Yuqing, just listen to her. You don't know, Wang Tingting likes to talk about those ghosts and ghosts the most."

Beside, the girl's boyfriend bared her waist, curled his lips.

"Cut, what do you know, what I said is true, it has spread in the local villages."

Wang Tingting turned her head, glanced at the boy in the back row, and said.

"Then you just say Tingting, don't hang on to your taste."

Yuqing leaned forward, grabbed Wang Tingting's arm and pulled it a few times.

She usually likes to listen to Wang Tingting's ghost stories. Although the more she listens, the more she gets scared, but she can't help but want to listen.

Sometimes people are so contradictory.

"I heard that there is often blood flowing out of that deep mountain and old forest, and some mountains are leaking blood. It is rumored that there are cannibal demons living in it. They often come out to eat people at night. Those nearby villages have disappeared. Some people..."

Wang Tingting's voice was low and her expression was vivid, and she slowly told the rumors that she didn't know where she heard it.

"Cut! Wang Tingting, can you make up something more ridiculous? I wake up in the morning and find that my husband next to me has turned into a pile of bones, vulgar dog-blooded bridges. I hear more of this kind of ghost story."

After listening, the boy in the back could not help but sneered.

"Huh! I didn't make it up. It's true. I heard that the local department was alarmed, and all the villagers in the nearby area were taken out."

However, Wang Tingting said vowedly, with a serious expression.

"Ah? Really, Tingting, don't scare me!"

The girl in the back seat was a bit silly and sweet. Seeing Wang Tingting's serious expression, she subconsciously believed it a bit.

"Dying, Yu Qing, do you believe in the story made up by Wang Tingting?"

The boy in the back seat patted his forehead, his face speechless.

My girlfriend is good at everything, but her personality is a little simple, and she believes everything that others say.

People like Wang Tingting who often make up scary ghost stories are not blacklisted here in Yuqing, and they are bluffed every time.

"Hey, why don't we just go over and take a look?"

At this time, Zhou Xiaocheng, who was driving in front, suddenly suggested.

"Oh yes, it's not far away anyway, let's take a look and see how you Wang Tingting will make up at that time!"

The boy in the back seat patted his thigh, gave Wang Tingting a joke, and exclaimed.

"Hmph, just go, who is afraid of whom!"

Wang Tingting raised her chin proudly without showing any weakness, but the flickering light in her eyes showed her inner anxiety.

After all, it was only what she had heard from her hearsay, and it was okay to use it to brag, frighten people, and as for the authenticity, she didn't even believe it.


At this time, Zhang Yi came to a pristine mountain forest, which was exactly the old forest in the deep mountains just mentioned by Wang Tingting.

This is the destination of Zhang Yi's trip. The base camp of Zhang's family is located in this virgin forest.

The forest is very quiet, it can even be said to be dead.

Zhang Yi couldn't help frowning slightly, like this virgin forest, there should be a lot of beasts, why is there no movement at all?

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a mountain not far away.

Because that mountain was soaked with blood!

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