Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 329: Longmen was bombed

The extreme thermal weapon lifted into the air from the silo, and its tail was spewed with hot plasma, which rushed straight into the sky under the influence of the propelling force.

This is a strategic extreme thermal weapon. It will not be long before it will rise above the atmosphere and enter the earth's orbit. When it reaches the designated location, it will begin to descend, rushing directly to the ground with a destructive atmosphere.

After watching the ultimate hot weapon lift off, Zhang Yi asked the group of mortals:

"Will it be intercepted? Or, will it be manipulated by others?"

The mortal replied: "Shangxian can rest assured, this is the latest multi-warhead design, it can't be intercepted at all! And it has encryption settings, only our base can control it, and other bases cannot be remotely controlled at all."

Zhang Yi nodded, then grabbed the new dragon gate envoy and said:

"Go, go to the next stop."

The New Longmen Saint Envoy was forced to leave the base with Zhang Yi.

After leaving the base, Zhang Yi suddenly turned around and slashed towards the base with a sword.

The sword light fiercely slashed into the base, and the mountain was almost split in half by the terrifying sword light.

A huge explosion suddenly broke out in the base, hot flames swept through every passage of the base, and even went straight into the sky from the silo.

The rolling rocks fell rumblingly, and the mountain even collapsed.

"It's insured this time."

In order to avoid that after he left, this base modified the target of the extreme heat weapon, so Zhang Yi had to completely destroy it.

After all this, Zhang Yi left completely.

And the extremely hot weapon has already hit the target very quickly.


A loud and earth-shattering noise spread everywhere.

The whole world was dark, followed by blinding light but burst out, illuminating the surroundings.

The world-destroying fluctuations spread in an instant, destroying everything obstructed along the way.

Countless high-rise buildings were destroyed at this moment, the lush forest burned in a raging fire in an instant, and even the lakes and rivers were boiling at this moment.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, as if a dead demon had arrived in time.

This sudden wave of terror caused the world to shake.

"Fuck! What is this? What a terrifying wave! And how is this wave so familiar?"

"Nima, is this... the ultimate hot weapon again? And this power is still a strategic-level ultimate hot weapon!"

"My God! The ultimate heat weapon! The Dragon Gate actually used the ultimate heat weapon again? Where is this going to be hit? Is it better to hit the Zhang family again?"

"Didn't the Zhang family have just been hit by the extreme heat weapon? I wonder if the Zhang family can hold it this time?"

"Quick, quick! Quickly go online and check to see if any insiders broke the news. Longmen once again used extremely hot weapons. Where is this going to be hit?"


The entire network suddenly became a sensation, and the extreme thermal weapon exploded twice in a short period of time. This is something unheard of for many years.

Many people speculate endlessly, all kinds of rumors are flying in the sky, and the major forces are using their own power to explore the truth.

Soon, there was a real hammer on the Internet.

It's just that the truth this time has shocked countless people from ear to ear.

"Fuck Nima! Forbidden City! The bombed turned out to be the Forbidden City! The Forbidden City in Longmen!"

"No? I thought it was the Zhang Family who was bombed. How could it be the Forbidden City?"

"Impossible! Isn't the ultimate hot weapon controlled by Longmen? How could Longmen use the ultimate hot weapon to hit himself?"

"It's true! All kinds of pictures and videos have been uploaded! Even the cities near the Forbidden City have published reports that have been affected!"

"Really crazy! Longmen will definitely not use the ultimate hot weapon to hit his lair! This must be a madman using another ultimate hot weapon to fight the Forbidden City!"

"Who is it and why is he so courageous? Is he trying to destroy the world?"


The Forbidden City was bombed by ultra-hot weapons. This information is far more sensational than the original Zhang Family bombed by ultra-hot weapons.

Suddenly, the entire network seemed to be bombarded with extremely hot weapons. Numerous comments were refreshed frantically, and the platform server even crashed for a while.

Various forces began to use technology and the power of comprehension, trying to check the results from the Forbidden City at the core of the explosion.

The information and pictures obtained by these forces were also uploaded to the Internet for the first time. Any post about the Forbidden City will become the hottest post.

At this moment, countless people are guarding the screen, watching everything nervously. Any latest news will involve countless people's nerves.

At the moment of the explosion, the energy that could vaporize the steel enveloped the entire Forbidden City.

At this moment, a huge whirlpool suddenly expanded and unfolded, protecting the entire Forbidden City underneath.

At the same time, the vortex spun frantically, and at the same time produced an extremely terrifying suction.

This suction frantically absorbs the power generated by the explosion of the ultimate hot weapon. As long as the power of the ultimate hot weapon is swallowed, it can prevent the destruction of the Forbidden City.

However, the ultimate thermal weapon of the strategic level is too terrifying. Even though the vortex is already absorbing it crazily, some of the power still escapes to the side, destroying many buildings immediately.

At this time, there was an angry roar in the whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, the speed of the whirlpool's rotation increased again, and the suction power instantly increased.

Finally, all the power of the ultimate hot weapon was absorbed by the vortex, and there was no more spillage.

After a long time, the smoke and dust that covered the sky gradually dissipated, and the sky became clear and clear.

The Forbidden City still stands tall, with only a few buildings destroyed.

The netizens all took a deep breath when they saw this scene.

"Resisted... The Forbidden City resisted the bombardment of extremely hot weapons!"

"What's going on in this world? The weapon that used to be the strongest in the world is now not so powerful. The Zhang Family, then the Forbidden City, actually resisted the extremely hot weapon!"

"No! It's not that the ultimate hot weapon is no longer good, but the Zhang Family and Longmen are too strong! Their strength has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people like us."

"I don't know what countermeasures will be taken after Longmen has been bombed this time?"


Forbidden City.

After the huge vortex, a young man in a luxurious robe stood with his hand in his hand. There was a golden dragon-shaped mark on the center of his eyebrows. The luxurious robe was embroidered with a five-claw golden dragon, which means the nine-five-five.

"who is it?"

The young man's face was originally handsome, but now it was full of gloom:

"Who is it that dares to bomb the Forbidden City with extremely hot weapons? This is not to put our dragon gate in the eyes, not the prince in his eyes!"

At the entrance of the vortex, many powerful people all stood here respectfully, exuding a breath of the gods. Some even have a higher breath.

Facing the young people in the whirlpool at this time, these powerful men did not dare to show up.

Only one old man in a Tang suit answered:

"Back to His Royal Highness, I just received news that an extreme thermal weapon launch base in the mountains has lost contact, and the extreme thermal weapon that bombed the Forbidden City came from there!"

The youth in the whirlpool grew gloomy when he heard the words:

"You mean, our ultimate hot weapon hit us?"

Isn't this the reason why the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family beat the family?

If this kind of thing is spread out, it is tantamount to a joke.

Longmen couldn't afford to lose this face, and the prince couldn't afford to lose it.

The old man in Tang suit continued to answer:

"Return to His Royal Highness, it is very likely that the whole launch base has rebelled. And I think it is more likely that the Longmen envoy we sent to the Zhang family to negotiate has rebelled! Now it has been spread on the Internet that he was crying to Zhang Yi. A video calling for mercy, and he also knows where the ultra-hot weapon launch base is."

The young man in the whirlpool snorted when he heard the words, and the killing intent all over his body suddenly radiated.

Under the strong killing intent, the faces of all the strong at the entrance of the whirlpool were like dust, and everyone hurriedly knelt down:

"His Royal Highness calm down!"

The young man waved his sleeves vigorously and said:

"Put the sage envoy and the whole family to death! Put the people in the base that lost contact to death as well! As for Zhang Yi and Zhang family...huh! Not knowing how to promote is to find your own way! When the prince really comes, it will be your end. !"

A group of strong men suddenly knelt and cheered:

"The crown prince is invincible, for thousands of years, the sun and the moon will shine together!"

The voices keep coming and going.


At this time, the New Longmen Saint Envoy had brought Zhang Yi to another launch base.

From the outside, this is a lake located deep in the mountains.

But according to the New Dragon Gate envoy, this lake is just a cover, in fact there is a base under the lake.

There are two extremely thermal weapons in this base, one is on standby in the launch silo, and the other is free to move in the launch vehicle.

After clarifying all this, Zhang Yi planned to continue to kill the base with the new Longmen envoy.

And this time the new Longmen envoy flattered and said:

"When dealing with a bunch of ordinary folks in there, why does Young Master Zhang have to do it himself? Just leave these trivial matters to the younger ones!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "How come you become so witty?"

The envoy of the new Dragon Gate hurriedly replied:

"Because Xiao Xiao suddenly discovered that Young Master Zhang is the destiny! The domineering spirit that emanated from the single leaflet, I was convinced, and he was willing to stand up for Zhang Young! "

Zhang Yi stared at the new Longmen envoy and said:

"Did you read the news on the Internet?"

After being seen through, the Saint Envoy of the New Dragon Gate coughed awkwardly:

"Everything can't be hidden from Young Master Zhang's eyes..."

It turned out that the news of the bombing of the Forbidden City spread all over the Internet, and the emissary of the new Dragon Gate naturally saw it on his mobile phone.

After learning that the Forbidden City was bombed, the new Longmen sage knew in his heart that he could not escape this responsibility.

Reminiscent of the cruel and **** methods of His Royal Highness, the last time he went to Zhangjiadi's Longmen Saint Envoy, he was only defeated, and when he returned, he was directly skinned and cramped to death.

And this time, the new Dragon Gate envoy directly bombed the Forbidden City with Zhang Yi's extremely hot weapon. If this new Dragon Gate envoy returns to Longmen, where will he have his life?

Therefore, the new Longmen sage was full of heart, not doing anything but endlessly, and simply turned to Zhang Yi.

In this way, maybe he can still have a way to survive.

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