Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 334: Hidden treasure house

Zhang Yi killed the Longmen three people with one sword and one man!

This result left Ao Fei and Su Xiangxiang dumbfounded.

Although Ao Fei had played against Zhang Yi and knew that Zhang Yi was very powerful, now Zhang Yi's strength still shocked him once again.

In Ao Fei's heart, although Zhang Yi can easily defeat himself, how can Zhang Yi be at most one enemy two? After all, the strength of each of the three Longmen men who came here is almost the same as his own.

However, Zhang Yi not only killed all three with one enemy and three, which immediately made Ao Fei both frightened and grateful.

What fears is Zhang Yi's constantly refreshing strength, but fortunately, he was able to survive under Zhang Yi's hands.

"Fortunately, I took refuge in Zhang Yi at the beginning, otherwise I would end up like the three guys today."

After thinking about it, Ao Fei only felt afraid for a while.

Zhang Yi is not only powerful, but also takes his life as soon as he shoots. It is indeed not easy to survive under his hands.

Suddenly, Ao Fei felt more and more that he had gone to Zhang Yi to go to the right.

The beautiful woman Su Xiangxiang's strength is slightly weaker, and a powerful force like Zhang Yi that can kill the three men in Longmen in a row can only be shocked incomprehensibly in her eyes.

It can be said that Zhang Yi's impact on Su Xiangxiang was far greater than the impact on Ao Fei.

"Who is he? He looks so young, but he actually possesses power that is not commensurate with his age. Why does he want to save me and dare to be an enemy of Longmen?"

After all, Zhang Yi rescued Su Xiangxiang, so for Su Xiangxiang, Zhang Yi was full of favor and curiosity.

At this time, Zhang Yi had wiped off the blood on the sword, and stepped towards the two.

As Zhang Yi approached, Ao Fei and Su Xiangxiang couldn't help but breathe, and their heartbeat accelerated.

The appearance of Zhang Yi's murder just now was like a fierce madman. Even though he knew that Zhang Yi was not an enemy, he still made the two of them nervous.

After Zhang Yi approached, he looked at the two with a smile.

"Two, do you still have illusions about Longmen now?"

Longmen sent people to kill Ao Fei and Su Xiangxiang, but it was just enough to cut off the two original Longmen middlemen's thoughts about Longmen, thus completely taking refuge in Zhang Yi.

This is the result that Zhang Yi is happy to see.

Upon hearing this, Ao Fei gritted his teeth and said:

"I have worked for Longmen for a lifetime. I didn't expect that the thief prince who came to Longmen would not even let my wife go! I can move me, but I can't move my family! They are not kind, don't blame me for being unrighteous! From now on, young Just follow the master and swear to be indifferent to that dragon gate!"

The killer sent by Prince Longmen not only caused Ao Fei to suffer the humiliation of drinking urine, but also almost killed his wife, which made Ao Fei hate Longmen.

At the same time, Ao Fei also knew that if he was alone, let alone avenging Longmen, it would be hard to say whether he could survive Longmen's subsequent pursuit.

Therefore, this is the best choice to completely rely on Zhang Yi.

Under Zhang Yi's protection, not only could he survive, but he also had the opportunity to be ashamed.

Su Xiangxiang asked Ao Fei at this time:

"Ao Fei, you haven't told me who is the son who saved us?"

"Ouch! Look at my memory!"

Ao Fei patted his forehead, and then said to Su Xiangxiang solemnly:

"Wife, this is my new master! The famous Zhang Yi! I was deceived by the Dragon Gate before and became an enemy of the master and made a big mistake. But fortunately, the master did not care about the predecessors and still accepted me as Zhang's watch. Door dragon."

Su Xiangxiang was stunned:

"Master... the guardian..."

Although she knew that her husband had always been a flatterer, such a result still made her unacceptable for a while.

Ao Fei deserves to lower his voice and continue to explain:

"My wife, listen to me. In today's world, we can only survive by relying on the strong, otherwise it will be difficult to protect ourselves. Especially now that the thief prince of Longmen wants to kill us, we can only rely on Zhang Yi, who dared to fight against Longmen. You can save your life. You are my wife, so you can only follow me to recognize Zhang Yi as the master."

"But..." Su Xiangxiang still hesitated.

"It's nothing more!" Ao Fei said anxiously, "In the beginning, the prince of Longmen was not like a pig and dog, fighting and killing if we wanted to fight. Under the prince of thief, we had a harder life. And I Looking at this piece of Yi is tens of thousands of times better than the prince thief, we will definitely not be sadder than before when we recognize the Lord this time. Now, please follow me to see the Master soon!"

With that said, Ao Fei took Su Xiangxiang to visit Zhang Yi.

Although Su Xiangxiang felt a little reluctant in his heart, he also felt that Ao Fei's words made sense, so in the end he stopped resisting.

Ao Fei and Su Xiangxiang came to Zhang Yi and knelt down solemnly.

First, Ao Fei introduced:

"Master, this is my wife, with a bad name Su Xiangxiang. If there is only me, then it will definitely not be worthy of the Zhang family's high door. So after a little thought, my wife was also taken to rely on the master, so The guardian dragons are in pairs, so that the Zhang family looks magnificent!"

After speaking, Ao Fei looked at Zhang Yi expectantly, hoping that Zhang Yi could agree.

In Ao Fei's heart, there is nothing more important than his wife. If his wife can't get Zhang Yi's asylum with him, then his wife will inevitably be pursued and killed by the Dragon Gate. Such a result is beyond Ao Fei's tolerance.

As long as his wife is safe, Ao Fei would dare to drink even pee, let alone knock a few heads and flatter.

Su Xiangxiang shook his teeth and bowed his head deeply:

"Su Xiangxiang, a cheap slave, begged his master to take him in."

Zhang Yi has no opinion on this.

It's just that if these two people want to get their own asylum, they have to at least express themselves.

So Zhang Yi touched his chin, pretending to hesitate and said:

"The reason I accepted Ao Fei was because Ao Fei helped me obtain the ultimate hot weapon and made great contributions. And Su Xiangxiang, you are not only impeccable, you also owe me a life-saving favor..."

Zhang Yi knew very well that the two of them had nowhere to go except to defect to themselves, so naturally they had to squeeze.

Hearing Zhang Yi hesitated, Ao Fei suddenly became anxious.

He really didn't know how to help his wife perform meritorious service in order to gain Zhang Yihuan's heart.

But Su Xiangxiang seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said:

"I know the location of a secret treasure house in Longmen, I don't know if it can be regarded as meritorious..."

Upon hearing the treasure house, Zhang Yi's eyes lit up:

"What treasure house, where is it?"

Su Xiangxiang replied:

"I used to post accounts in Longmen, and once I suddenly found that an account was not quite right. Then I used the account book to track down and found that this strange account came from a secret treasure house. It turned out that Longmen secretly controlled a lot of large sects. After that, I desperately searched for the treasures of these sects, first to weaken the strength of these sects so that they could not rebel; secondly, to rely on the treasures searched to strengthen myself. After finding all this, I also realized I found something I shouldn’t, so I didn’t dare to tell anyone.”

After listening to Zhang Yi's joy, he hurriedly helped Su Xiangxiang from the ground:

"Your news is very valuable! Now take me to the treasure house, if you are true, then even if you have done it!"

Su Xiangxiang nodded:

"I will lead the way for the master."

Then the three of them set off together and headed towards the secret treasure house Su Xiangxiang said.



At this time, the entire world focused on the dragon gate.

The aftermath of the event that Longmen was bombarded by four extreme thermal weapons, instead of calming down, continued to spread, making some forces that were almost out of breath under the huge pressure of Longmen began to move around.

In the dark, many bigwigs were whispering to each other:

"After the Forbidden City was blown up by the extremely hot weapon, Longmen still hasn't made any statement, nor has it taken revenge. This can only explain one thing, Longmen admits it."

"It's really hard to imagine that Longmen would actually admit it? When Longmen came out, it replaced the country's orders to the world, and everyone would dare not fail."

"Perhaps... the Dragon Gate is not as strong as we thought. If it is so, then maybe our chance to get rid of the Dragon Gate and stand up completely will come."

"In this era of resuscitation and awakening, everything has changed too fast. The majesty is only a moment, who can be majestic? Do you still remember the four super awakened people who shook the world? And then the famous new generation. The Awakened Wang An? They rose rapidly in a short time, but they were quickly abandoned by the times. I think the power and prestige of the Dragon Gate will be pushed forward by the waves behind and annihilated in this age."

"Perhaps, it's time for us to act. The ice emperor who walked out of the far north has already begun to come to the inland, and is bound to conflict with the Dragon Gate. The East China Sea Dragon Clan has always been at odds with the Yanhuang Dragon Clan of the Dragon Gate, and they also deliberately follow suit. The upper land occupies a place in the ocean. These are the forces we can connect with. As for the Zhang family..."

"Will the Zhang family look at us? Since the rapid rise of Zhang Yi, the Zhang family has now become a super power in the world who dared to openly challenge Longmen! Especially that Zhang Yi first killed the golden-winged **** Xia Jinpeng, and then defeated Longmen one after another. The two Dragon Gate ambassadors, new and old. Some people even speculate that the Forbidden City’s bombing of the Forbidden City is even more related to that Zhang Yi. Now that the Zhang family can compete with the Dragon Gate alone, what can we get Let the Zhang family be willing to unite with us?"

"And I am also worried, for fear that in the future, if the Longmen really cannot command the world, then the Zhang Family will most likely replace the Longmen to control the heroes. At that time, will the Zhang Family become the second Longmen, even more cruelly than the Longmen Oppress us? Who is right about this kind of thing?"

"Yes, we must be vigilant with the Zhang Family! The best thing is to let Zhang Family and Longmen fight both defeats, and it is best to withdraw from the stage of this great awakening era!"

"We firmly grasp this era full of miracles, then we will surely be able to stand on top of the world's power! Sooner or later, the Dragon Gate and Zhang Family will be abandoned by the times! Please unite and work together, and the future will be is ours!"

"I will do my best!!"

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