Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 337: Emei's decline

Zhang Yi didn't wait for a while before he saw that Bai Snake and Ao Fei had returned.

Whether it was Ao Fei or White Snake, it was all relaxed at this time.

There was no suspense in this battle, and it was reasonable for the two to win easily.

Ao Fei first came toward Zhang Yi excitedly. When he saw his wife Su Xiangxiang pinching Zhang Yi's leg, he couldn't help but cast a approving look at Su Xiangxiang.

Now that Ao Fei and Su Xiangxiang have just joined Zhang Yi's command, it is the moment to show loyalty to Zhang Yi.

Before that, Ao Fei was still worried that her wife would not come, for fear that she would not be able to gain the trust of her master.

Seeing that Su Xiangxiang is so sensible at this time, he has been able to pinch his leg for the master, which is undoubtedly a good sign.

So Ao Fei looked at Su Xiangxiang in his eyes, full of approval.

After seeing Ao Fei's eyes, Su Xiangxiang suddenly felt aggrieved for some reason.

How could she not understand Ao Fei's eyes? She only felt that her husband was too incompetent, and she didn't want to build great achievements all day long, but the ability to drill down and beat horses, which really disappointed her.

Su Xiangxiang suddenly felt that if his man was a strong like Zhang Yi, it would be great.

"What am I thinking?"

With this thought, Su Xiangxiang himself was taken aback by himself, and hurriedly reduced his mind.

It's just that her beating heart can't calm down for a long time.

Fortunately, no one noticed Su Xiangxiang's abnormality.

Ao Fei had already come to Zhang Yi and knelt down, respectfully took out a spatial magic weapon and presented it, and said excitedly:

"Master, this time, Xiao Xiao lived up to his expectations and emptied all the objects in this secret treasure house of Longmen. These treasures are in this space magical device, there can be no good things in it! Please check the master!"

Zhang Yi has grasped the spatial artifacts, and put them away without taking a closer look.

He had seen countless treasures in the realm of cultivation in his previous life, and he was so impressed with this small treasure house in the Dragon Gate.

This time the looting of the Dragon Gate Treasury was only to weaken the Dragon Gate's peripheral strength.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi pushed away Su Xiangxiang, who was pinching his leg, and stood up from the wicker chair:

"Go back to Zhang's house first, I still have some things to take care of."

After getting up, Zhang Yi looked at the white snake again.

Bai Snake looked at Zhang Yi expectantly, but at the same time looked nervous.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yi couldn't help asking:

"Bai Zhenzhen, what are your plans in the future?"

The white snake hurriedly said aggrieved:

"I have no father or mother, no one loves no one. I am just a wild child no one wants. I, I just die!"

Zhang Yi was happy when he heard the words, thinking carefully about how he couldn't understand the words of White Snake.

Who said that the white snake was pure in mind? Is this clearly trying to sell miserables to arouse Yi Yi's position?

"Why don't you... follow me?" Zhang Yi deliberately probed.

"Okay! Okay!" White Snake immediately agreed happily.

She was alone in the depths of Mount Emei, with or without any friends, she was already extremely lonely.

However, she did not dare to go out of the mountain. After suffering many injuries from humans, Bai Zhenzhen was always vigilant towards humans.

Only Zhang Yi can make her feel at ease, and she only wants to follow Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi suddenly shook his head again:

"No, no, you grow so big, you must have a terrible appetite. If you follow me, you will eat me poorly."

The white snake almost jumped up anxiously, she hurriedly said:

"I'll cut down on food and clothing! I promise I won't eat too much! How can you go back on things that you have agreed to if you say something? "

After speaking, White Snake was almost anxious and about to cry again.

Zhang Yi laughed loudly:

"Okay, okay, I'll accept you. Become a human first, otherwise you will be too big to be noticeable."

The white snake yelled in excitement, and then suddenly turned into the appearance of that girl.

After becoming a girl, Bai Zhenzhen threw into Zhang Yi's arms excitedly, holding Zhang Yi tightly, not willing to let go.

Zhang Yi was taken aback, and then hurriedly said:

"Why don't you wear clothes?"

Bai Zhenzhen's spiritual wisdom has just begun, and there is no such a ridiculous scene in the world.

Ao Fei was so frightened that he turned around and did not dare to look.

Su Xiangxiang hesitated for a moment, and turned his head away following Ao Fei.

Bai Zhenzhen held Zhang Yi tightly, her delicate face raised:

"I want to wear clothes made by my elder brother. The clothes I make by myself are so ugly. Only clothes made by elder brother look good!"

Since the last time Bai Zhenzhen wore clothes made by Zhang Yi Fali, she has been thinking about it.

However, Bai Zhenzhen does not know fashion and tailoring at all, so whenever she makes her own clothes, they are very ugly.

"Okay, okay, let go first." Zhang Yi agreed.

Bai Zhenzhen immediately let go of Zhang Yi, leaped a step back and stood in front of Zhang Yi, waiting expectantly for Zhang Yi to make clothes for her.

She didn't know about men and women, and she didn't have the shame in the world, but she seemed casual and natural.

This made Zhang Yi a little embarrassed. He settled his mind:

"I will continue to make a suit of clothes for you first, and when we return to Zhang's house, I will buy you some beautiful clothes."

With that said, Zhang Yi pointed at the surrounding vegetation, condensing a few seals, and then a strange scene appeared.

Numerous plants and trees soared up, and then the light flashed, and a green dress appeared.

"It's as beautiful as last time!" Bai Zhenzhen happily put her clothes on her body, "Thank you, big brother!"

After Bai Zhenzhen got dressed, Zhang Yi nodded:

"Now it looks a little bit like now, well, let's go."

Afterwards, Zhang Yi stood up and walked away from the mountains.

Ao Fei, Su Xiangxiang and Bai Zhenzhen also immediately followed.

Along the way, Zhang Yi watched the scenery of the mountains.

Mount Emei has steep terrain and beautiful scenery, and is known as the "Emei World Show". Before the rejuvenation of spiritual energy, this place was a famous scenic spot in China.

It is a pity that after the aura recovers, the beasts here have mutated one after another.

There are terrifying giant snakes like Bai Zhenzhen, as well as that powerful group of monkeys, and even extremely powerful stone monkeys.

Whenever he thought of that stone monkey, Zhang Yi was reluctant to provoke him easily. When Zhang Yi left last time, he gave the stone monkey a different fruit, which is meant to resolve grievances. I think the stone monkey knows everyone and should understand it. .

Unconsciously, after a while, Zhang Yi found out that he and others just passed the main peak of Emei.

The main peak of Emei is where the sect of the Emei school is located.

Zhang Yi had some grievances with the Emei Sect at the beginning, but he did not expect to pass the Emei Sect now.

However, Zhang Yi did not intend to continue entanglement with the Emei faction, only wanted to continue on his way back to Zhang's house.

However, at this time, Zhang Yi's perception suddenly heard a painful cry from inside the Emei school.

This made Zhang Yi couldn't help but look closely at the Emei school.

From this look, I discovered that the Emei Sect, once one of the nine major sects, turned out to be desolate and abandoned today.

The mountain guarding formation of the martial art has long been broken, and almost all martial art buildings are reduced to ruins, with ruined walls everywhere, overgrown with weeds, and even a single figure cannot be seen in the huge martial art.

And that burst of crying came from the well-preserved hall.

This scene caused Zhang Yi to sigh:

"The era has changed so rapidly. In just a few years, has the once famous Emei school disappeared in the era?"

After thinking about it carefully, all this is not surprising, and there is even some connection with Zhang Yi.

Although the Emei School had many female streams at the beginning, it was able to rank among the nine martial arts schools.

All of this relied on the tough and decisive Master Master, and the ancestral divine sword. It was these two that supported the prestige of the Emei School.

In the original battle, Zhang Yi killed the Great Spirit Master and took away the Emei Excalibur, which instantly cut off the two pillars of the Emei Sect. So far, the decline of the Emei Sect is inevitable.

It is this unstoppable trend of the times that overwhelms the last straw of the Emei school.

The awakened people emerge in endlessly. The first few martial arts have been ravaged by the super awakened, and the once impossibly **** sword gate and the benlei gate were directly destroyed by the super awakened. It is even more difficult to support the declining Emei faction under this general trend.

In particular, the Emei Sect is located in Mount Emei, and the awakened beasts of Mount Emei are extremely powerful, which will cause a direct blow to the Emei Sect.

After sighing, Zhang Yi suddenly said to the three Ao Fei:

"The three of you are waiting for me here. I'll go over and take a look."

After speaking, Zhang Yi went straight to the Emei faction.

After entering the Emei School, Zhang Yi looked at the desolation and couldn't help feeling full of emotions.

Faint cries continued to come from the hall, as if a woman was crying.

Zhang Yiyi entered the hall.

At this time, the Emei Hall was inevitably decadent. A large hole was broken at the top of the hall, and a plaque was hung on the door obliquely. Cobwebs are densely covered on the beams and columns of the main hall, and dust is deposited.

What surprised Zhang Yi was that the altar table in the main hall was still intact, with the spiritual positions of the ancestors of the Emei school placed on it, and every piece was wiped clean.

A young woman was kneeling on the futon in front of the memorial tablet, crying and chanting at the memorial tablets:

"Emei ancestors and ancestors, disciples are not filial, can not persuade a group of senior sisters and sisters. Just yesterday, the last senior sister also left Emei and went down the mountain to go to the future. So far, only one disciple of the Emei faction remains. But please list the ancestors. Zong can rest assured that the disciple will never let Emei incense be cut off, and the disciple will desperately protect Emei's last inheritance!"

Zhang Yi already knew that the Emei School was miserable, but he didn't expect that there was only one disciple left.

Although he was only the last disciple, he was a rare and loyal man.

He was about to speak, but he heard the young woman continue to say:

"The disciple swears that sooner or later, the disciple will surely take back Zhang Yi's dog thief, take back the Excalibur from Emei Town, and promote Emei again!"

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