Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 584: Visitors from the outside world are here again

Dong'an City.

This is a prosperous city occupied by human races. After successfully eradicating a group of monsters entrenched nearby, Dong'an City has relieved the threat of demons for decades, making this a paradise for human races.

Zhang Yi took the wind and purple smoke and entered this city.

Seeing so many people and so many man-made buildings all at once, Feng Ziyan's interest was mobilized again.

She opened her eyes wide without blinking, looking at everything around her curiously, and constantly asking Zhang Yiwen about everything she was interested in.

Zhang Yi quickly took her to a clothes shop to buy new clothes for her.

Feng Ziyan excitedly hugged a lot of clothes to try, and then kept asking Zhang Yi, "Is it beautiful? Is it good-looking?", asking endless questions.

With the help of Zhang Yi in the past two years, Feng Ziyan's aesthetics has been established.

In the past, Feng Ziyan only felt that people were ugly and strange, and they were simply indescribable creatures.

But now, she has already adapted to the human form, and is full of curiosity and freshness about everything in the human world, and she is about to regard herself as a person.

Feng Ziyan is naturally beautiful, and she is even more dazzling when she keeps changing clothes.

The shopkeeper of the clothes shop couldn't help but praised from the side:

"Girl, you look so beautiful, you look good in everything! I think the girl is so young, maybe she is only seventeen or eighteen years old?"

Feng Ziyan recalled the words, and replied seriously:

"It has been more than three million years since I remembered. If you count the time before I remembered and add the time I was too lazy to calculate afterwards, I might be 10 million years old!"

When the shopkeeper heard Feng Ziyan's words, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

10 million years old?

Even the emperor only dared to call long live, this little girl actually said that she was 10 million years old?

Isn't this a lunatic?

It's a shame that a young and beautiful girl is actually a lunatic...

The shopkeeper immediately shook his head and sighed, and walked away helplessly.

Feng Ziyan couldn't help but asked Zhang Yi suspiciously:

"Did I say something wrong?"

Feng Ziyan nowadays is no longer the person who doesn't understand anything. She has learned a little about observing people's emotional changes under Zhang Yi's training.

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"You said that you are young. I guess you are probably hundreds of millions of years old, but maybe you are only 10 million years old."

Even young planets like the Earth are 4.6 billion years old, and the age of gas giants like Feng Ziyan should be even longer.

Feng Ziyan thoughtfully after listening:

"It turns out that I am so old! Let me just say, I must have existed for a long time!"

Zhang Yi smiled without saying a word.

It is rare for ordinary monsters to become refined for thousands of years, and it is rare for human beings to have a thousand years of cultivation. However, in terms of the length of life, nothing can compare to the refined of dead things, especially the cultivation of such planets.

After Feng Ziyan bought her clothes, Zhang Yi took her to stroll around the street again.

So after walking down the road, Feng Ziyan bought a lot of things, and finally understood the concept of "currency".

The two went on for a short time, but they happened to meet a family to get married.

All of a sudden, the streets were bustling with gongs and drums, firecrackers sounded in unison, red and colorful, sedan chair safflower, it was so lively.

When Feng Ziyan saw this scene, he couldn't help but asked excitedly:

"What is this? It feels so interesting!"

Zhang Yi answered:

"This is marriage. The so-called marriage is the promise and ceremony of a man and a woman who know each other and love each other, and then join hands with each other. At this time, relatives and friends will celebrate, and everyone is happy..."

At the end, Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

If Song Yuyao hadn't left the earth back then, Zhang Yi and her would have been married long ago, and maybe the children could get soy sauce.

However, no one would have thought that such an accident would happen.

Thinking of Song Yuyao, who was far away in the heavens, who was not in danger, Zhang Yi couldn't help but become more worried.

Feng Ziyan suddenly stared at Zhang Yi with wide eyes:

"You seem sad?"

Feng Ziyan is not necessarily good at other skills, but he is very good at perceiving Zhang Yi's emotions.

This is mainly because she had always relied on divine consciousness to communicate with Zhang Yi before she learned human language, which also made her particularly sensitive to Zhang Yi's fluctuations in the sea of ​​knowledge.

When Zhang Yi has a certain emotion in her heart, she is often easy to detect it.

Zhang Yi immediately said with a straight face:

"I've already said, don't spy on others' hearts casually!"

Feng Ziyan hurriedly shook his head and said:

"I know, what you said! The so-called Baishan filial piety is the head, no matter what you do, no filial son is no matter what you do, and there is no filial son in all evils, no matter what you do, no one is perfect! "

Zhang Yi shook his head helplessly.

She couldn't remember this important matter of Feng Ziyan, but she remembered some of Zhang Yi's casual remarks clearly.

Hearing Feng Ziyan suddenly said again:

"Look, you are a man and I am a woman, so we just get married, okay? When we get married, you will be happy!"

Zhang Yi said helplessly:

"Getting married needs to be with the person you like, and you also need fate. After getting married, the two people will be together for life."

Feng Ziyan said:

"I like you so much! And I want to be with you all the time!"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly:

"You still don't understand what true love is, and you don't understand what it is called 爰情. You are just a **** who doesn't understand."

Feng Ziyan hates Zhang Yi the most for saying that he is ignorant, and also hates Zhang Yi for saying that she is a kid.

Feng Ziyan couldn't help but argued immediately.

However, at this time, I suddenly saw the other side of the street screaming, crying miserably, paper money flying, and a group of people wearing linen and filial piety, carrying a dark coffin, slowly came.

It turned out that someone was doing a funeral.

On one side of the street there is a wedding, but the other side is a funeral.

In this way, one red and one white two things collide together, and it is inevitable that people on both sides will have disputes.

Feng Ziyan hurriedly asked:

"What's that again?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"That is a funeral, that is, after a person dies, his relatives hold a ceremony for the funeral and mourning. At this time, relatives and friends of the deceased will come over and grieve for the deceased's departure. "

Feng Ziyan couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard this:

"Yeah! How could this be? If no one died, no one went to the funeral, no one cried. But every day someone gets married and everyone is happy, that would be great!"

Zhang Yi smiled upon hearing this.

Feng Ziyan is kind, but life is impermanent, especially human beings with extremely short life spans, how can everything go well in this short life.

Zhang Yi immediately took the wind and purple smoke away from the street where funeral and ceremonial events were held at the same time, so as not to be involved in unnecessary trouble.

He continued to have fun in the city with Feng Ziyan, making Feng Ziyan continue to adapt to the human society.

The two played for more than ten days.

During this period, Feng Ziyan also gradually felt the ups and downs of the world, the joys and sorrows, making her more and more like a real person.

After the two had enjoyed themselves in the city, Zhang Yi also felt that he could bring the wind to the base of the Ziyan Club.

Now that Feng Ziyan has gradually adapted to human life, she can also control her own power, and she will not cause trouble because of her ignorance when she brings her back to the base.

It can be said that the time is ripe.

Immediately Zhang Yi took Feng Ziyan towards the base.

However, when Zhang Yicai came outside the base, the satellite phone rang.

Zhang Yi answered the phone, only to hear that it was from the Miao Fa elder Zuo Zhihua:

"The master! It's not good! Something big has happened on the earth!"

At this time, Zuo Zhihua wanted to be Zhang Yi and continued to travel, but he didn't know that Zhang Yi had already arrived at the mountain gate.

Zhang Yi said:

"Don't worry, I'm outside the base now, I'll come in right away and listen to you slowly."

Zhang Yi immediately entered the base with Feng Ziyan.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also warned Feng Ziyan that he should not touch anything after entering the base.

Zhang Yi's seriousness caused Feng Ziyan to follow Zhang Yi obediently.

Zhang Yi soon came to the monitoring department and found Zuo Zhihua here.

Zuo Zhihua glanced curiously at Feng Ziyan next to Zhang Yi, and then explained to Zhang Yi:

"Sect Master, we have the latest information! Another alien from above the earth has opened up the space-time channel to the earth, and there are already powerful aliens coming! The coming aliens will destroy the Zhenwu Sect and Fenglei at the place where they descended. Sword faction, according to live video analysis, this alien from outside may have the powerful strength of a fit!"

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, after the Dragon Gate, Dragon Palace, Shifang Palace and some other forces descended on the earth, there will be new forces descending on the earth.

For these alien visitors, what is the attraction of the earth to keep them coming.

Zhang Yi immediately said:

"Play the video and let me take a look."

Immediately, Zuo Zhihua immediately played a video of the arrival of foreign guests.

The big screen suddenly lit up, and a picture began to appear on it.

Feng Ziyan curiously wanted to ask questions when she saw this scene, and she hurriedly closed her mouth after being glared by Zhang Yi.

After two years of training by Zhang Yi to her, she has become accustomed to listening to Zhang Yi's words, which has made Zhang Yi a majesty in her heart.

While Zhang Yi continued to watch the video, only a city in the central region appeared first on the video.

The video was shot by a person on a tall building, and conversations between the photographer and surrounding family members can also be heard in the video.

At first, the camera for shooting the video was aimed at high altitude, but a round black sphere appeared in the blue sky.

With the appearance of this black sphere, the surrounding space seems to have undergone an inexplicable change.

When he saw this black sphere, Zhang Yi raised his brows:

"Wormhole! It's from Xiexin Pavilion!"

At the beginning of the world of cultivation, people did not realize the existence of time and space channels at first.

It wasn't until the birth of more and more powerful men who were able to navigate the interstellar world, that gradually aroused people's exploration of the vast universe.

During this period, various interstellar navigational instruments were continuously developed. The limitations of the aircraft at that time caused some knowledgeable and capable people to try to find some convenient interstellar navigation methods.

It is also true that many interstellar navigation methods such as curvature flight, space-time channels, etc. have been developed one by one.

Xiexin Pavilion is not only an ancient school in the world of comprehension, but also one of the pioneers in search of a convenient way of interstellar navigation.

For Xiexin Pavilion, their most adept technique is to use the wormhole in the universe to jump in time and space.

According to reports, Xiexinge's space jumping technology for wormholes has reached the point where it can jump to any destination in the universe.

The technology of wormhole jumping is very similar to the technology of time and space channels, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

This technology has always been the secret of Xiexin Pavilion, and even Zhang Yi is not too clear about the specific content of the technology.

When he saw this wormhole appearing on the earth, the first thing Zhang Yi thought of was Xiexin Pavilion.


Immediately afterwards, the picture on the video changed again.

The appearance of the black sphere in mid-air has already attracted the attention of many Earth monks.

I saw a lot of practitioners on Earth flying into the sky to observe and study around the black sphere.

At this moment, a person suddenly flew out of the black sphere floating in the air.

This is a mature man who looks like he is in his fifties. He is wearing the Xiexin Pavilion's martial art uniform.

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