Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 597: great influence

The earth can no longer withstand the toss.

If Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi had chosen to surrender to Xiexin Pavilion and landed to persuade the world to surrender, then the last hope of the earth would be completely destroyed.

The whole earth will fall into an unforgettable place.

Therefore, people can only pray that Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi will not surrender, but will triumphantly return.

But is this possible?

After all, the strength displayed by Xiexin Pavilion is so terrifying, and the opponent is even a Mahayana elder.

Nobody knows.

Everyone can only hold the last fluke and wait silently.

Soon, both Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi had already landed in the atmosphere, returned to the big pit left after the city was destroyed, and faced all the expectant reporters around them.

Zhang Yi looked down at everyone and finally spoke, and said to everyone:

"Great victory!!!"

Great victory.

A huge victory in the war is called a great victory!

Zhang Yi said these two words, does that mean...

Just listen to Zhang Yi continue to say:

"The people of Xiexin Pavilion have no humanity, and they have committed numerous crimes on the earth, and they are tragic! I, Zhang Yi, and Ling Tianyi, the master of the unwound realm, have already punished all the villains of Xiexin Pavilion!!!"

Zhang Yi's voice resounded across the sky, clearly reaching the ears of everyone present.

The scene was silent, only the sound of wind blowing.

After a while, people all reacted, and then there was a burst of cheers!

Won! ! !

In this battle, the earth won!

Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi joined forces to finally slay the invaders of Xiexin Pavilion and win the final victory!

The earth is saved!

The end of the world will not finally come!

At this moment, everyone on the earth could not help hissing with tears!

Their home planet, their homeland, their relatives and friends, their property and lives are finally saved!

At this moment, everyone's cheers are from the heart.

At this moment, it is also a happy event for all people on earth!

At this moment, the people of the rest of their lives couldn't help being filled with gratitude and tears!

People cheered for it, ecstatic for it, boiled for it, cried for it, moved for it...

Not only the billions of people on the planet, but even the billions of trillions of creatures on the planet are preserved at this moment!

The greatest catastrophe facing the earth was finally passed!

The reporters all reflected that they knew that they should not enjoy this joy for themselves, but should spread it all over the world!

Immediately countless cameras were aimed at the two people in the sky.

These two people, they are heroes, superheroes who saved the earth!

Countless shots were directed at them, spreading their heroism and everything that happened to the world.

Such a thing is like a storm, quickly sweeping the entire earth.

At this time, everyone knows who saved them and who protected the earth!

On the Internet, it was as if an atomic bomb broke out, and posts about this incident continued to swipe the screen.

Every netizen is frantically discussing this matter, after all, there is nothing more worth discussing than this matter now.

"Fuck! Won! Have you seen the news? Our planet has won!"

"My God! I cried! I had already thought of suicide just now. I would rather commit suicide than be destroyed with the earth in the end of the world! But fortunately I won! I can survive!"

"I'm crying too! I thought before that this time it was really going to be over! But who could have thought that Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi would join forces to overthrow the evil heart pavilion!"

"Thank God! The earth can finally be saved! Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi, you are so good! You are the heroes in our hearts!"

"It's incredible! Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi actually joined forces to kill the two combined realm powerhouses in Xiexin Pavilion, as well as a super powerhouse in Mahayana realm! I still can't believe this is true!"

"I was also surprised! It's a pity that their battle is in outer space, and we have no way of knowing their battle on the ground. But anyway, just win!"

"Yes! If we lose this time, my children and I will become slaves, and will eventually be destroyed with the earth! This time, my children and I can finally live a stable and stable life. !"

"Great God Zhang Yi is mighty! Ling Tianyi is also mighty! You are the one who saved the earth and all of us, and we will never forget your kindness for the rest of our lives!"

"Thank you! The two heroes who saved the earth! I will fund the construction of hero sculptures for both of you, so that you will always be remembered!"

"This battle can definitely be recorded in the annals of history! In the face of the crisis of the earth's extinction, we people on earth have finally come back!"


Countless netizens did not hesitate to praise Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi frantically at this moment.

Although some of them may be Zhang Yi's enemies and some are Ling Tianyi's enemies, no matter what kind of person they are, they have put aside their prejudices at this moment and sing crazy praises to the two.

After all, the two saved the earth, saved the world, and saved the future of countless people!

And when you are crazy about it on the Internet, the craziness in reality is also happening.

After the news of the earth's victory spread all over the world, the mobs who had been carrying out the apocalyptic madness were stunned.

All of a sudden, the turmoil in the major cities dropped sharply.

Countless upright people began to summon up and take to the streets, attacking the mobs who took advantage of the chaos and robbery.

The various sects quickly recovered and began to quickly maintain order in all parts of the world.

Many people who fell into madness and became thugs in the panic of the doomsday have also begun to wake up one after another. While they stopped doing evil, they also began to prevent others from doing evil.

The order of the earth is rapidly stabilizing.

All kinds of atrocities and chaos are quickly subsiding.

With the resolution of this doomsday crisis, society is quickly returning to normal.


The news of the great victory not only spread on the earth, but also began to spread on Xuanli Star.

The earth office, which had been in a mess, became quiet at this time.

Everyone is looking at the big screen in the lobby of the Earth Office, which broadcasts news on Earth.

Since the signal from the earth cannot be directly received on Xuan Hyun, these news are stored in the memory after the broadcast on the earth and brought to the second broadcast on Xuan Hyun, which also led to Xuan Hyun. The star receives the relevant news one step later than on the ground.

Everyone was silent at this time, and there was no sound in the crowded lobby of the Earth Office.

It wasn't until the news that Zhang Yi declared victory to the world, the whole hall burst into madness!

The terrified people on Xuanyu Star finally cried with joy at this moment.

Their homes are still there, they no longer need to be abandoned on aliens, and they no longer need to worry about being bullied by aliens in the future.

The earth is behind, so people on earth have backbone everywhere they go!

While the entire Earth office was celebrating this great victory, the news was also transmitted to the receiving device of every earthling on the entire planet by the communication equipment installed on Xuan Li.

Countless people on Earth who were strangers in foreign land received this news through mobile phones, computers, radios and other devices, and they burst into tears and embraced each other.

The earth finally won!

The earth is finally saved!

Their hometown is still there, and they can go back in the future!

Suddenly, every place on Xuanwei Star, wherever people on the earth lived, held celebrations for this big victory.

This kind of celebration is not only to vent the joy of the people on the earth, but also to deter some restless Xuanxing people.

Before the earth was invaded by Xiexin Pavilion and faced a crisis of destruction, many Xuanli star people began to rebel and attacked the earth people living on this planet.

Some local cliques of Xuanfei star launched a large-scale rebellion, and some cliques even attempted to attack the earth office.

As the saying goes, falling rocks in the wells and walls falling down are what everyone is saying is this truth.

But fortunately, the people on Earth on Xuanfei star united and thwarted the attack on the Earth office by those rebels in Xuanfei star's local area, and preserved this space-time passage.

At the same time, the three main sects that formed the temporary committee: the Wugu Sect, the Eastern Alliance and the Emei Sect also sent troops to encircle and suppress the rebels, which severely damaged the forces of the rebels.

It was through their efforts that the people on Earth on Xuan Li star waited for the news of the big victory!

The news of this big victory is bound to shock the gang of Xiao Xiao who is in trouble, so that the rebellion on Xuanyu star can be quickly quelled.


Jinyang Temple.

When the news of the Earth's victory spread all over the planet Xuanyi, the lord of the Golden Sun Palace Lin Siliang also learned this information by relying on the tablet in his hand.

Such a message shocked Lin Siliang and the Great Elder.

"Fake! It must be fake!"

The elder first couldn't help but yelled:

"I heard that the people on Earth are good at synthesizing videos! This video is definitely made by people from the Earth Office or the Temporary Committee, in order to confuse our uprising sects and attack the morale of the uprising army! These people on earth are really cunning, they I want to rely on this method to deter us from an uprising!"

In the Great Elder, all this is definitely the smoke bombs released by the earthlings.

Nowadays, the uprisings launched by the local sects on Xuanfei star to resist the earth's colonists have become more and more fierce. Those earth colonists must have seen this kind of prairie fire, so they deliberately released fake news to attack the morale of the uprising army.

Lin Siliang pondered for a while and couldn't help saying:

"What if it's true?"

The Grand Elder immediately rejected:

"It is absolutely impossible to be true! Xiexin Pavilion has sent a powerful person in the Mahayana realm. A super strong person in the Mahayana realm has already mastered the power to destroy a planet! This kind of power is not just a mere Zhang Yi and Ling. People in the two combined realms of Tianyi, even those who have come to one hundred combined realms, can’t resist this power! In the cultivation realm, the gap between each realm becomes larger in the later stage, and it is even so large that it is no longer possible to rely on numbers. Make up!"

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